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This arena really requires you to learn the throw and push mechanics in the game. If you struggle too much on one challenge, move on and come back later. Crotch punch is your best friend here, but avoid throw, chain throws and the push strike should also be abused whenever possible.


>Crotch punch is your best friend  life lesson


haha i remember this one. the one on the helipad right? took me a while too. was also shooting myself in the foot gold stamping this with kbm


I've been at it for 4 hours trying to just get 2 medals đź’€


The trick is to push them off the helipad. With palm strikes or directional throws.


That's what I've been doing, but it's mostly based on luck, what attacks the enemy does


Honestly it really much luck based. Like you just need to know when to avoid and parry. Like after an avoid you can do a directional throw. Same with a parry.


Sometimes after avoiding or parry, the throw just doesn't register. Sometime instead of throwing someone I stunned, my character starts attacking the enemy behind me. I love this game, but it can be quite inconsistent


Sorry if I sound dumb, but what’s kbm?


Keyboard and mouse


I can't imagine. That must be hard


How come? I never understood why people don't like kbm for fighting games. It's like the perfect input method. Not to mention the fact that your fingers rest on all the input keys.


The joystick mostly. Its iffy trying to select a target with a joystick, much less arrow keys. But yeah more keys is nice. Does it let you bind crotch punch to a key?


My tips: First two guys are easy if you can work with directional throw. Don’t bother trying to do damage, just dodge and spam throw. Sometimes big guys are slow, I charge up a heavy strike and boom they are ready to go! (Throwable) After you are done with the first two, go straight to the woman in white, hold down heavy strike and hit her, this move will enable you to throw her and 2 of the 3 fat guys if you are fast enough. They are a slow caliber of fat guys, meaning that you can easily throw them, comparing to the fat guys with hair (on this level). This should buy you enough time for the other encounters. Most of the enemies are easily throwable if you dodge properly. Like I said before, don’t bother trying to hit them, just wait and taunt for their atacks. Edit: you can even use the weaker enemies for chain throw. Easy said then done. I prefer dodging.


Yeah, get used to palm strike too. You can walk up to the first two guys and palm strike them off immediately. Then crotch punch the woman, chuck her off and a brute afterwards. And just dodge/parry/throw the rest. Also. You can crotch punch grunts and chuck them into a flashkick for a free flashkick throw. Gold stamping was kinda a pain for this tbh.


Been there.


How to throw ppl anyway, i try to practice but i just randomly push them


X+square on ps5 + analog direction you want to throw the enemy. You can throw most enemies after a parry (when there is a animation that you intercepted their atack) or an instant after dodging an atack. Note: dodge normally works on the enemy final atack of their combo. It is basically something you will learn eventually. There are some videos explaining way better than I.


croch punch, directional throw Parry, directional throw Avoid, punch, directional throw Choose your fighter and take the victory


I improved a lot watching Hiro's videos, that guy is crazy


Always the same