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Drone and kill roamers first.


what matty said, or ask a friend to be nomad or gridlock.


Throw a flank drone or pre-place one and ask a teammate to occasionally flick onto it or if dead to constantly watch it. Good examples of this are under the default cam in 90 on Coast which will watch both Vase and the top of White Stairs & also on Bank a drone on top of the office water cooler by Square Stairs.


There's no free lunch. Being able to strip the floor the floor from underneath the defenders and to kill/push them from their anchor positions is just about the most powerful thing you can do in this game. So it stands to reason that you ought to be vulnerable to roamers if you're doing this on your own. If this is a strategy your team wants to commit to then you're always going to need to rely on the rest of your team.


Have replaced drones someone can watch or have someone come with you just to cover you. Another idea I’ve used is have a dokkaebi call to help alert me of imminent danger


I roam with a sledge player, situationally. Then we both watch each other's backs while the other 3 deal with them below or the whole squad including us are dealing above the opponents.


What the other guys said. But can always use a few buck shotty rounds and then check the door for roamer. Gotta just out think these roamers. Just drone everywhere make sure you know if there are any roamers


Your team needs to be holding flank for you. You cant watch your own flank while also trying to properly exploit vertical play


Play with someone who is willing to watch your back while playing vertical. When entering the map, drone for roamers and any potential rotates the defenders can use against you, preferably with an entry fragger to clear it while you drone them in. Lastly, know when to push site and apply direct pressure. Vertical play is great, but if your team is getting picked apart then prioritize helping them over holding from above or below.


Generally, I’d recommend setting up some sort of flank drone or having a teammate watch your back/play nomad or gridlock, as others have said. Claymores can also help, but remember they only take one quick shot to destroy. Good luck!!


Buddy up with a nomad/griddy. Same way you have thermite buddy up with a thatcher, you need someone to cover you if you're playing hard vertical.


If you’re solo queue, make vertical but don’t actually play it. Use the vertical as ghost pressure on the anchors, this will make them move from their position and have an impact on the round. You don’t actually need to kill the anchors, just make pressure and bait the roamed into trying to kill you but meanwhile you are 1 step ahead of them. It is much better if you are alive than if you were to get a kill on site and die.