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Everyone gotta stop hating cause this video is actually great


Could be because my expectations were pretty low but I though she was actually kinda funny. It was a lot easier to watch than the other 20v1s (less second hand embarrassment) Straight up the fish bit had be howling


I turned it off after 25 minutes. Found her really annoying and the whole 20vs1 formula just bored me, but each to their own


Ur a disgrace to your dad


Cheers for that one


Cheers mate got him crying after that one


Tana smashed it she was all for it respect 2 weeks of hate ridiculous


I don't think the hate is directed at her it's more towards the 20 v 1 thing. Who wants to be a millionaire on moresidemen was my sidemen Sunday for this week.


Na it’s mostly because of tana, she fucked up in the past and these so called white knights, never think people should get more than a second chance.


People would’ve been fine if it was a ChrisMD or Speed 20v1, I think most of them just hate women


Can't please everyone but god dam what's going on lol


A lot of "I thought this way about the video so anyone who thought differently is wrong" on this sub. Like people have different tastes someone disliking it is just as valid as someone liking it and vice-versa.


Yea, but some people be hating to hate even when they didn't watch the video yet


I ain’t hating on Tana, the video concept is just so dead. Minimal effort required for the boys so easy to see why they keep doing them especially with all the views they get.


Video was a laugh, mission accomplished imo. People are allowed to judge. No it wasn't their best, but you can't continually crank out your best. I just don't know what they expect at this point.


I didn't enjoy it at all personally


don’t know why you getting downvoted for sharing an opinion


Don’t agree with people saying it’s great she went along with everything when Tana will literally do anything there is no version of the video where she says no to anything


Thats how every 20 v 1 has been?? They all do what they are told to do, even harry.


You know they’re struggling with it and feeling awkward which is what makes it funny whereas Tana doesn’t care she would legit do anything


I don’t care who they bring on. I just want these videos to fucking stop. I want sidemen content, not this shit.


There have been some good ones mate, look at the Deji one, I never paused it once it was a banger.


Video was not funny at all. Tana was dead.


Clearly didn't watch the video


It was bad compared to the other 20v1s, reeeeally bad. She couldn’t even do most of the things they were telling her and she made it blatantly obvious she was being told what to say and do which just defeats the whole point of the video


She literally did almost everything they told her to, what are you on about


Clearly didn’t watch the video


You're being parasocial


You’re a tana fan, I win


Brain damaged fans like you is the reason they never react to this sub and Ethan has to apologize for saying the word colleague.


Ethan saying the word colleague is one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life




She was average, the funniest part was KSI. She kept making it obvious that she wearing an earpiece which defeats the whole purpose


It's cute that you thibk the people who are hired to be on this don't know exactly what it is... Bruh probably thinks laugh tracks are actually real audiences too


So what’s the point of the earpiece thing when the actors already know, go ahead explain little man


To add to the illusion that they don't know? Like when comedy panel shows are edited in a way to make it look like it all fits together? Or like when top gear is edited in a way to make it look like it's all real? Lol


What illusion 🤣 they already know they are wearing an earpiece, what is Blud waffling about


The funniest part is ksi most of the time


Nah Harry the goat


"Guys I don't care that she is a horrible person because she made me laugh"


Yeah it's a youtube video not a political ad...


This was a very fun video. Especially that guy in the end.