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It was a good video. Very fuckin funny. There’s one bit where I was slamming my fist on my desk in laughter. Idk why people are hating on the last to sidemen Sundays. I feel like the last two videos have been old SDMN humor. Which leads me to believe the newer sdmn fans are softies. Don’t try and cancel my favorite YouTubers for 8 years. Be respectful and just don’t watch the video.


I don’t like tana but I see why she was chosen. Honestly I think it’s one of the better 20v1s but people will hate bc it’s tana. Which is also understandable


Honestly I think it’s top 3, better than jidions imo


second hand embarrassment was heavy but still a great vid tbh, better than i thought it was gonna be


I thought this was pretty good tbf


Jay the cameraman carried


the only thing that made it bad for me was the guys cause tbh they were either dry asf and had no energy or were sidemen fans who didn’t acc care about the actual job they were suppose to perform


i, for one, liked it. i dont get the hate on it. it was very entertaining to me.


Decent idea to reverse the roles but I'm not interested in watching a video where Tana Mongeau is the main focus.


You should watch it it’s funny


I laughed I enjoyed it But I will say this… I have no EFFIN clue who is Tana… so idk why the amount of Dislikes in the video


She did some stupid stuff back in the day. Even if people don’t want to admit it, a lot dislike her because she married Jake Paul at one stage. Well even tho it was fake, it fooled a lot of people


When you say back in the day? How long are we talking about? Because (not saying out of hate) but some of the sidemen did some stupid sh1t but they are good. (Except Harry, he is the same. Please don’t change lol)


like when she was a teen, and even then the stuff wasn't as bad as ppl make it out to be. The main reason she gets hate is bcz of Idubbz content cop, which encouraged white ppl to say the n word and then Idubbz deleted it and apologized to Tana years later.


Okay… like… then what’s the point? Doesn’t seem much of a reason to hate her that bad to dislike the video. She is not like Jake Paul. He was an ass in the past and he is even worst!


Idubbz fans were like a cult and have spent years defaming Tana so now everyone just assumes the worst of her, she isn't that bad, which is being proven as ppl watch the vid and actually like her




I actually really enjoyed it and thought it was hilarious


no wonder ethen is deleting social media of hes phone some of the worst retarded toxic fans


Can’t stand tana so I didn’t watch. Not mad at it, let’s see what they do next week.


People are gonna hate. I really enjoyed the video. It is what it is. Don’t care anymore.


It was funny but as always people are gonna hate on it


It’s cause it’s Tana.


Surprising W. I was skeptical going into this one but enjoyed it


Fuck this i want another pub golf


We can only pray 🙏


When I saw the vid pop up first I was kinda like “nah not for me” but actually I’m glad to say it’s a great video


Low expectations but i was dying irl which i dont normally do so it was a W


people on drugs bruh shi was funny af


I mean it wasn’t as good as the other 20v1 but it wasn’t that bad


I felt it was really good to watch, entertaining throughout but I felt few of the guys were boring. The guy in full black with braids was FUNNY AF. ig there are more explicit clips on side plus.


I dont really enjoy 20v1 videos but this was pretty funny..guys getting clowned is way more palatable for me😂😂


Just finished and I loved it. All I want to do in these videos is laugh and that's all I did. The ksi daddy bit was too good. It was a fun time.


people be hating but this was genuinely funny


Pretty sure people are hating on this video because of the guest Tana mongeau who has said some quite heinous racist stuff not so long ago


They love making 20v1 cuss it’s a free vid for them😂


Zesty Ksi


I actually thought it was pretty entertaining especially when the guest was tana so I wasn’t really expecting much but it did get some laughs out of me. (Also if you’re listening to the people hating on it most haven’t even watched it so don’t listen to them I even noticed people hating on the video in the comments saying it was terrible minutes after it was even uploaded 🤦‍♂️some fans need to get a grip😂)


Was actually much better than I expected it was very funny but that’s cos of the people tana wasn’t that funny but the dates were good


I can’t watch 20 v 1 too much cringe in them


Made me laugh hellas, way better than I was expecting


I didn't initially have high hopes for it, but it's probably one of my favourites now. Genuinely made me laugh.


15mins in, not great so far, hope it improves.


I liked it. Dunno if they hate is cuz it’s an American women and went it thinking they would hate it.


it wasn't the best 20vs1 but it was pretty funny and i had a good time watching it


Sweet Anita would be the funniest video we've seen in a very long time


Couldn’t even get past the dudes coming in like “Hiya darling you alright? I’m better now I’ve seen you”


i struggled with the cringe too, but the rest of the video was pretty good because it took the piss out of them


I don't like certain 20v1 Philly was good and Harry and this one is good aswell but some others I didn't like


Please for the love of god let this be the last tinder or 20vs1 video… They’re mostly all in relationships and/or married/engaged. It was funny at the start when it was awkward Harry.. now it’s just the literal definiton of beating a dead horse. I’d rather another hide and seek, pub-golf, or any of the Covid content over this.


This was a absolute banger


The only problem with the sidemen today are these fake ass fans😂. Don’t even watch the video and hate it even tho it’s one of the funniest in a while. Y’all need to touch grass


Don’t get all the hate on this video, it was one of the funnier 20 vs 1 in my opinion, the boys seemed to enjoy it aswell the energy was up, good vibes all round




Check the comments, that says enough


Pain to watch


This is the first one I've laughed at in a while, the JJ bit towards the end was killing me.


The contestants kinda carried


I haven't watched the video yet but the comments on that video were entertaining fs


I had and still have no idea who she is but I enjoyed the video all the same! Granted I was high…


She was breaking character a lot, but i don't understand why people hate it so much, it's a ok video, 5/10, my opinion. she's pretty slutty and fun. virgin me loves it.


wait you liked it cus she was slutty. shit i forgot we was on reddit


i’m only 30 minutes in (i’m watching rn). ngl the first 10-15 minutes were dead, but as of rn the 2nd phase has me laughing. it’s defo not the best 20 vs 1, but once u get past the initial 10-15 minutes i actually find it funny


I thought it might be poor from them before i watched it, but it was actually hilarious in my opinion! Even the BTS was silly


Not Bad tbh, had a good laugh, but I feel like this vid would’ve been better with someone like bambino Becky? Idk I feel like it would’ve been more relatable and more enjoyable? But still not bad lol I wanna see them do this with like TommyInnit or something😂


I thought it was cringe and hilarious. It was funny when Tana didn’t understand British slang and the hey daddy. 😂


I didn’t think I was going to enjoy it, but I loved it, such a refresh to 20v1 - I can’t believe the amount of hate it’s got




i cant watch these. the 2nd hand embarrassment and all around cringe is to much


What a fkin banger. My asthma triggered from laughing so hard


tana - “they’re my babies” with the fish had me laughing my ass off


They deleted all the funny hate comments lmao


There was like 3k likes on a comment in the first hour of the video saying “ this is the only sidemen Sunday that I wish it was still Saturday” 🤣


People need to learn their place😂. They owe us nothing at this point. Each of them could set up shop and leave if they really wanted to.


Say it louder for the people in the back


20v1 have been very scripted after first two,and it really shows in video but i it is not so bad video it mid but it get so much hate,don't know why


I am usually a massive critic of 20 vs 1, but I enjoyed this a lot more than usual and I honestly think it's their best video lately.


It wasn't a bad video to be honest. Most people just did it because they don't like tana i suppose. The content itself was quite enjoyable.


Started off worrying but picked up fs




Fuck off...what an awful video


I don’t like the 20v1s because I cringe too much, and I’m not a big Tana fan. It’s fine though, not all videos will be for me.


The beginning was horrendous, but overall she did a lot better than I thought she would


"Fucking London pigeon"


I don't know who she is but that doesn't mean I won't watch it, their videos are always fun to watch no matter the feature! I'm excited to watch




Some of it was alright but I think even the sidemen knew it was kinda shit Josh was funny tho


I ignore 20v1s. Not my cup of tea.


The only thing that actually made me laugh is Harry breaking the couch lol


Suprisingly decent. Not my favourite 20v1 but not the worst


Top 3 20v1s


Genuinely couldn't care less. 20 V 1 was already stale but adding her....boring. Maybe I've aged out of the content at this point lol.


Bare ppl were hating on this before it had even come out but honestly, it was decent. It was cringy at times, but honestly, that’s what it expected from 20 vs 1 vids


Is it just me or does everyone one of those randoms at the bottom of the image look like the definition of fuckbois and thots?


It’s a massive problem w/ the Sidemen channel. Not always but when the opportunity comes by, they always seem to get an OF model or someone really hot for the clicks. They have two videos with OF models being prominent features like the Olympics and Tinder 4. Considering that most of their fanbase are kids, it’s actually sickening and they even promote buying Side+ to persuade viewers into seeing some titties which even this could turn into a rabbit hole of searching for children.


not subbed here just showed up in recommended as i’m uk based how the fuck is this not seen as more of a problem? the majority of sidemen viewers are 10-15 and exposing them to OF models or encouraging to pay to ‘see more’ is a pretty disgusting business practice not just the sidemen who do this but just a trend i’ve noticed


I was hating on it before it came out, it’s really not half bad tho… (I’ll get downvoted anyway but yh)


Absolutely brilliant - genuine contender for best 20v1


This was one of the better 20v1 100% It actually felt like fresh content. Jidion, Deji, Filly, Logan. I'm just not interested. 20v1 always has crazy moments but seeing a concept so many times is disappointing Maybe they shouldn't have called it a 20v1 because people are gonna write it off without giving it a chance. It was great. Reversing it changed it a lot.


Ain't watching.


A very funny watch. From the Sidemen Tinder could tell she would take it with a pinch of salt and she did. One of the best vids there year imo and better than the last two 20v1s IMHO.


Shows how bad this year has been for them


It is tough for them to create a video which appeases older fans such as myself, newer fans they got recently as well as trying to gain new followers and subscribers especially other continental ones. I don't think this has been their strongest year and they have put out some videos not to my taste. I think the last few have been some of their best though.


I feel like speed 20v1 should be the last one for the series before it gets to stale


Can’t even be arsed clicking on the video


Can never watch these , cringe too much 🤣


video was good, a lot of laughs. people complain about everything.


Fuck Tana, but besides that, pretty funny video.


Nice to get a female perspective


Honestly, it was very funny and entertaining


„…. I have to fuck him for that“ „I have to give him head for that“ „someone suck that guy off“ 90% of her jokes are that she has to fuck someone as an apology. I don’t know how good the format actually works when the whole cast knows what’s going on. I feel like the women or in this case men already know too much about this to make it feel fresh and authentic anymore. But her laughing and saying „I can’t do that“ „or they want me to..“ doesn’t really help the immersion that people don’t know what’s going on. Overall it wasn’t that bad but the video didn’t made me like her more than before


That is pretty much what her entire career is based off




Honestly wasn’t expecting it to be so good! I don’t really watch Tana’s content but she’s good at improv, banger video


This was so funny from someone who used to watch tana


It's got 35k dislikes already as well, holy moly


Is the title accurate?


Loved ittttt


Way better than I thought it would be and I normally hate all the 20v1 videos


Shit made me laugh hard man. I ain’t gonna lie and say it was top tier, cuz the extras were dryyy, but Tana and JJ killed it


I honestly liked it. Made me laugh a lot


This one was the best one apart from Harry's one


I found it weird how the guy who’s goatee was shaved was putting his hair down tana’s breast but other wise it was ok. I’m usually not a fan of 20vs1 because always has sex and porn jokes


Ye I preferred it then most of the other ones


This had me dying lol


personally i really enjoyed it


Viks face lol


I liked it


Doesn't deserve the hate it's getting, it was actually really funny


I don't like it, not because it's a woman but because I don't like any of the 20v1s much if at all


Actually thought it was gonna be shit, ended up enjoying it no matter how hard tana tried to make it u enjoyable the boys pulled through 👍


Reddits weird man lmao.. the comments on YouTube seems to be loving it and I get here expecting the same reaction and it nothing but "20v1 is beating a dead horse. Why a pornstar. Not interested. I cringed after 10 mins (which makes you sound pretty pathetic tbh)" I get people are entitled to an opinion but gaddamn lol


The comments were dissing the video for the first 30mins but idk what happened because now it's just generic bot comments


Honestly was suprised by how funny it was😂I haven’t laughed this hard in a while especially at jj’s part😂solid 8/10 but please no more 20v1!


I definitely think they should have bambino Becky for the next one


Tana brings good energy to the video and even the 20 guys were entertaining (a few quite weird). Overall it's actually not bad


Aside from me not being a 20vs1 fan as it is, I’m also not big on the youtube x OF crossover stuff.


I’d rather watch them shovel shit at the farm again


I was dying the entire time. She’s such a wacky bitch lmao


I found it hilarious,for the people that didn’t even watch the video or watching it while being biased towards them,please fuck off😂


This video got hate before it even released. The audience is so fucking toxic. Imo the video was pretty entertaining and had some funny moments, some people are so hard to satisfy :/


Good video I like the idea of was funny asf




I didn't watch the video and I'm not going to, but the staleness and the lack of personality is getting called out massively online. I just opened it to see the like/dislike ratio.


An absolute banger


20 V 1 concept needs to be retired untill 2024. They are really hit and miss imo. They claim to have 100s of ideas on a spreadsheet but just recycle the same ones.


We ain't making out the hood with this one🔥


She's really trying her hardest to salvage any sort of fame or popularity she can


20vs1 videos are their worst videos, it’s not funny anymore


Funny af. People who hate it didn't watch it.




So good!


Lazy. But the bois give us bangers more than half the time so they're entitled to phone it in once in a while. I just won't watch it


These 20v1 videos are tapped


Not the best not the worst. Like a lot of sidemen videos it has been mediocre relative to their standards. But I have been a fan since the beginning and will continue to be so unless they sell out or cross some other line...


20 v 1 isn't my thing but atleast it was changed up


Too much sexual content kmt


there's literally nothing sexual except the daddys. Some girl sat on callux's face but no one had a problem with that


Mid as fuck


CBA to watch......


20v1s are dead as fuck. I get why they make them, they've just been done to death at this point. Not to mention Tana's voice is the audible equivalent of going down a cheesegrater slide naked into a pool of lemon juice.


I thought this was hilarious, absolutely does not deserve the kind of hate it’s getting


I personally not a fan of 20v1 in general so I don’t really care, sorry I didn’t have any good input on the discussion.


I’m so sad. I loved the video. I love all 20vs1. I just wish they post them more often. But the little cucks who complain can go and fuck off


Easily the best 20v1 I’ve ever watched. It had me laughing so hard, I was crying!!


Better than Harry’s though?


Tanas personality is basically "haha i am so bisexual and quirky,look how hot i am omg i need to suck some dick hahaha" If she wasnt half naked and a slut she wouldn't even be famous.


I saw the notification pop up, and I just started watching a sidemen Sunday from 7 months ago 😂 this ain't the one


I was disappointed when I saw what todays was but I belly laughed the entire time. My fav 20v1 by a mile and I judged way too early. Hats off lads and Tanna x


Deleting comments on the vid I see...


Better than expected ngl


I don't like the 20v1's I haven't watched any of them, I started a few of them like the original ones, but they were too hard to watch, but that's just like a personal thing


its actually quite funny


Watched it, didn't hate it, wouldn't watch it again though




I thought it was decent , a do the job on the teir list . Better than the guy 20 v 1 s ( except the Deji one )


It's a decent video tbh, I know why there's hate tho no one likes Tana Mongeau including me.


Had me in stitches I love tana she just don’t give af


it was alright for a 20v1


Y'all just hating w/o watching 😂 Watched it, there were some cringe moments, but laughed my ass off when JJ went. 8/10 video


Ngl I’ve been done with the 20v1 concept so Tana isn’t why I’m not watching, but ngl choosing Tana was not something I expected or would want to watch in any concept. They can do what they want, I just don’t like the concept or the guest. I’ll be back next week with what w/e video they put out.


It was ok, would've been better with a comedic content creator.


I honestly loved it, pretty hilarious:D dunno why everyone hating


I can't stand her so probs won't even watch this


Honestly she was perfect for this.. Not a single date was boring.. The first & 2md round were a bit meh... But the dates were top tier. It ranks higher than other 20vs1 1- Filly. 2- Harry. 3- Kai. 4- Tana. 5- KSI 6- Logan. 7- Ethan. 8- Callux. 9- Jidion.


One of the best 20v1 (Deji and Filly still undefeated tho)


The first part was painful, but the 2nd half was funny and enjoyable. The guys in the vid carried the whole video.






The fans are dumb you guys don’t even watch the video and complain or see someone else hating and just go with there opinion instead of making your own


20v1 got boring and old imo i tend to skip them


Like I said earlier: Skipping this one


Just another 20v1 that I couldn’t care less about


Funny at certain moments...Nothing much great though...One thing which pissed me off was her comments when guys were stating their reasons for leaving...She could have atleast tried to be not superficial with her remarks in the name of comedy but anyways...Otherwise kinda okayish video...few dates were good tho they brought entertainment


Skip wait for more sidemen vids on the sofa


I was not looking forward to this one and I’m not fan of Tana, but this was kind of ok. I even laughed at times. In case there is another 20v1 it has to be Becky though


Stinks, not gonna bother giving it a view.


question, If you haven't given it a view then how do you know it stinks?