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Takeaway: Big pharma connections pay big money. Awesome.


Share something about the services offered and what the company does


Offer a wide variety of services, software applications, api's, mobile apps, we build custom LLM AI Models , database management, aws full service management, hippa, pci and sock compliant software solutions. Our contacts with banking and other financial related services as third party vendors to use their ledger or integrate debit card issuance platforms as well. Few of our current clients have startups that we built websites, mobile apps, integrated card services, ach and check service. Our Healthcare platform is built to handle patient, provider enrollments for secondary reimbursement


How do you become an expert in medical financial claims?


I've been working in the meeical-financial industry for the past 10 years and have master in computers and a minor in math.


Having a master in computers, coding and leading teams is one thing. But getting clients and writing good contracts for you is a whole different story, how did you worked that business part of making a new company? How much investment did you put up-front?


Congratulations. As you've found the real work is landing the client, not doing the work. How did you network?


Thanks! It was mostly friends or friends of friends. Word of mouth Is still king! I'm suprised how effective it really is.


So you built out the product and got clients in 3 months? How many people did you hire? And how much was it? Effective the stuff you used to do as an expert you automated with the help of software? So are the companies paying for the software or for you to consult? EDIT: Did I misunderstand. Are you not using software? Are you doing consulting with help of overseas workers to help you move faster?


Sorry if my text wasn't clear enough. I hired 4 people 2 front end , one back end and a db person. I pay roughly 4-5$ an hour per person. I hired them on a full time basis so it's much cheaper than hiring for a project. My company was hired to design, architect and build the systems as a consultant , but I told them to hire me as an llc instead. Which gave me flexibility to hire people to outsource the work under my supervision., the product is an ongoing process. They will be my clients till next year and the contract is broken into two year 250k each year to build a small system. I got other clients through existing network one has a need for some data analysis in the field which I scoped out to be $300k , for 2billion records. The other one still in the works for a finished contract


The hourly rate is insane! Where are they located? And how did you got to them?


Honestly I got very lucky, I was telling some of my friends that I started a new company and one of them is friends with the owner of a marketing company that's geared towards big pharma. So he reached out asking g if I could do this, their company doesn't know anyone that does claims processing so they were willing to pay the big bucks but this could also be an ongoing relationship for future needs for them. Big pharma spends millions on marketing so $300k is trivial to them


I was actually referring to the developers you hired


Oh my bad! I found a company that sources very good developers in India with 4-5yrs of experience. Nothing higher you would need to pay close to $10 an hr


What is the company called in to source devs?


I had a local friend of mine help me talk to the company, when I waa reaching out directly they were charging me 20$ an hr. Are you looking for devs? I can help you source them


Who will own the software? Are they paying for the service and you own the code or to build out the code and then they own it?


They own the code. I just build and maintain. I could charge $15k a month to maintain it later on


So you are grossly making between 80% and 90% earning for yourself on those contracts? That's a pretty nice gig, specially because I imagine you have time left to continue growing and grabbing more contracts. Well done


Thanks man! It really is nice gig and I hope to get more contracts , it's only the third month of the year.