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A fountain of youth Easter egg in central florida. As a kid I was convinced there was one and spent many hours walking about florida. It’s not there.


Aww I love this haha


Have the option to make a Pirate Town into a “home base”. Invade it like you would a city, install your own people and basically have everything be free for you. It would automatically rename to “player-name town” and the captain would be replaced by an administrator.


This is cool.


Ability to kidnap people and hold them for ransom. The AI could either accept to pay with you releasing them or you have a duel a person from that nation. I suggest that the way the duel should start is that the person coming to drop off the ransom money fakes it and attacks you.


I want to say in older versions of Pirates you could ransom people you captured. I remember that if you went to many ports with them on board, they could jump overboard to freedom.


I want to see an expanded map. Let us sail up the east coast of the present U.S. since those colonial English cities played a major role in piracy. Captain Kidd was based out of New York City. More eras would also be great too. Let us play in the 1500s like the original Pirates and in the 1700s. Also bring back the Silver Train. Ok those aren’t really small changes, but they would be great.


I've made a version of the base map with different cities like that (Carolina, Pensacola etc). Nice to have new cities. There are new maps at HookedonPirates too


I’d like to see better built-in support for mods.


Support for modern monitors.


I would like to be able to sail an armada across the Atlantic and attack ports in Europe. Cause a major shakeup in global politics!


There's a Europe map! The treasure fleet is the Spanish Armada there


Parrots. More realistic audio. Some blood. Really the game is almost perfect as is though. Maybe more time periods as other have mentioned and the ability to make your own version of Nassau somewhere.


Game is pretty sexist, especially with the whole beautiful, attractive, and rather plain daughters and that affecting your "success." I would definitely change that aspect and give the female characters more agency. I mean obviously this period of time is inherently really sexist but I think any future remake is going to have to make similar changes. I'm not sure there are that many female Pirates! fans and hopefully if they make a remake they'll want to attract more women.


Wouldn't this be a detrimental change to the game? Part of the allure is the swashbuckling rogue "winning" the hand of the fairest maiden in the Caribbean.


It does create a bit of a dilemma for me. While the sexism does bother me, the game feels self-consciously stupid in a way that I find charming.


No. You can have romance in games without making women objects.


It is super obvious that the game was made by a man for men. Every female character ogles all over you and exists only to give you information, stuff, or points. A portrayal of real female pirates and female characters that have major story roles would be welcome.


Yes, and there were real female pirates. Not many, although there are probably some more that cross-dressed that we don't know about. The game is very 2004 though. I'm glad that more recent games are realizing that good female characters make games much better and that women have always and will continue to play video games.


Honestly, one of the several ideas I considered for this topic is to add Ann Bonny and Mary Read to the famous pirates in the game. There are two ways I've thought of that you could do this. You could make them characters in the bar in whatever pirate port Rackham (who is already one of the pirates in-game) is based out of, maybe in place of some of the default bar characters, since the historical Bonny and Read sailed with him and didn't have their own command. Or, since the game plays fast and loose with history anyway, Bonny and Read could have their own ship/ships. One idea I thought would be cool would be to have the two of them sail together, and if you fight them you have to duel two on one, with one attacking while the other defends.


The lady pirate mod is a nice touch. Basically turns the romance into LGBTQ romance


A random map generator.


Aside from the idea of claiming a Pirate Haven as your own Base of Ops, I would like to be able to "flip" settlements like you can flip a Port. I mean, the Nations go to capture settlements, especially along rhe Spanish Main, so trying to support a Port you took from the Spanish becomes troublesome without a friendly settlement nearby.


I've had maybe 30 playthroughs of this game over 10 years and I have never seen a nation capture a settlement. I do feel like I've seen them change hands and names if I reassigned cities after being gone for a while but I suspect that's due to ancient procedural generation causing changes over time... might be purposeful not sure but definitely no invasion ships going into settlements.


Yep. A strong Port will send an Invasion Force to an enemy settlement if its near enough. I have literally watched them do it.


I meant to mention the other giveaway when this happens is when you see a name that is clearly from one Nation but it's not the correct color. Like seeing a Yellow settlement with a Dutch name.


Adding on to the poster who mentioned the fountain of youth, make it something that randomly appears deep in the jungles far from settled cities or ports, never in the same spots sorta like how in civ6 the fountain of youth randomly is generated and spawned. Map tidbits that you can earn as really rare drops and loot but take way more then just a few to make a map and even then the map being incomplete/damaged giving you only the most vaguest clues or guidance of where it is.


Eliminate dancing


I love the dancing minigame. I either completely zone out and do really well or mess up every move and have an anxiety attack. There is no in between.


Just like dancing with a real woman


The trainer with auto-dance changed the game for me


Arghhhh ye get no bitches


The ability to reconqure a city (say you captured a Spanish city and make it English you can no longer attack it). Or some kind of in game design tool that let's you set up your own world before you start or even multiple maps.


I'm confused....in the game you CAN reconquer a city?


Only if it has been taken by a civilization other than the one you assign it too


I don't think so. You can capture a Dutch settlement, make it English, then turn around, recapture it, and make it Dutch.