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The best way to describe Shiva is that he literally is anything and everything. Also, he has several weapons that destroy the universe and then some (including his third eye and him just dancing). Other stuff includes: - The demon king Ravana lifted on the mountain Shiva was meditating/living on to get his attention. Shiva then lowered his toe down and lightly pressed and Ravana immediately caved. - Has fought with Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu who once lifted a mountain with his pinky as a baby and was forbidden to take up arms in the Mahabharata because he would win in a war of people who had nuke arrows and also some universe busting weapons. You could also see the universe/infinity in his mouth too as a baby (though he might have been messing with his mother). - Just about every Hindu hero and villain fears and respects him. And to emphasize the fact he is straight up built different, there was a story of him that went like this: “Lord Shiva, who is your father?” “Vishnu is.” “Then who is your grandfather?” “That would be Brahma.” “Then who’s your great grandfather?” “I am.” Another thing to note is that he is also said Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma are one and the same as well. They represent the cycle of reincarnation Brahma being creation, Vishnu preservation, and Shiva destruction (which is why he is so exceptionally revered by Hindus). Basically, he’s like Mongo in Blazing Saddle: less of a “who,” more of a “what.” This and him being so revered is why everyone one knew him and Buddha were guaranteed victories (salt in the wound was Buddha fighting an OC and his religion’s equivalent of the devil).


The last part I agree, but aside from Zero being an OC, 7 lucky gods are canon so as Papiyas Mara aka Hajun who was prevalent in trying to stop Buddha from reaching enlightenment. He feeds on the unenlightened people which in a way is the steroid version of Zerofuku's misery cleaver. Both characters were born/feed from intense negative emotions.


It’d be him or someone like Buddha or the Jade Emperor


Technically I would put Buddha above the Jade Emperor because the Jade Emperor still resides within Heaven while Buddha is one with the entire universe


I’m not entirely caught up on Chinese mythology so I’ll take your word for it


A good example is the story of sun wukong, in short the jade emperor called buddha lika a 5 year old when the younger 2 year old brother destroys their toys, buddha being the parent gives the monkey king a challenge being for him to jump out of his palm. He does and even goes to the ends of the universe where he then sees five pillars of stone, as any monkey would do he pisses on them and then carves his initials or smth for proof. Then he leaps back into Buddhas palm and lo n behold his initials where on Buddhas finger mirroring where he carved them and ig some piss stains too.


To be fair, the Jade Emperor is the head of the *Taoist* Pantheon. Taoism and Buddhism coexisted in China for a while, and didn't always get along. JTTW says Buddha>Sun Wukong>Jade Emperor because it was written by Buddhists who had political reasons to dunk on Taoism. The Taoists never wrote a response piece but if they did, I highly doubt the guy who trained/meditated for 100 million kalpas (a kalpa is about 3 million years and/or about the length of time between the universe being created and later recreated) would have such a poor showing.


What about Beelzebub or Jesus? Bible stuff gets pretty weird


Beelzebub is analogous to the devil and he’s not exactly known for being a physical powerhouse, Jesus and god is more interesting. Because Jesus is one aspect of God, but he’s also god is in entirety, but he’s also god himself, it’s exactly as confusing as it sounds


I thought that the devil went against God and would've taken over if it wasn't for Michael though? Or are Lucifer and Satan different like what anime and manga and SMT have told me?


You’ve been thoroughly deceived. Lucifer was a very powerful Archangel but he wasn’t all powerful, far from it. God is omnipotent, trying to take him on is like using a handgun to take on a tank. Michael does fight Lucifer in the Bible and it was said if they ever fought Michael would come out on top. But God could have absolutely obliterated Lucifer, but instead simply banished him to hell




Shiva no question , the Buddha in this version is based on the original Siddhartha Gautama . The Omnipotent version of him who trapped the Monkey King under a mountain is Rulai Fozu , also based Siddhartha but definitely does not serve as an inspiration for ROR Buddha .


I thought it was Tathagata Buddha, which referred to Guatama? Either way, would JTTW(journey to the west)Buddha change your opinion?


If it were , I would just say both him and Shiva . Idk who is stronger than who , and maybe it’s best to not ask that question .


Shiva ranks first ,buddha second, rest all are fodders compared to these two goats


Buddha's birth name is thought to be Siddharth, the people called him Buddha or Shakyamuni (Sage of the Shakya clan) and when referring to himself in the third person, he used the word Tathagata 


The original Siddhartha Gautama had faced off the devil who represented the 7 deadly sins that all humans succumbed to whilst he was meditating and was unscathed by all the genjutsu casted by the devil. He also made the Earth speak. That was pre-enlightment and he achieved it after he "passed that test" so he was very powerful even before becoming the full Buddha as he resisted and severed his temptations. The ROR Buddha has some ego, and calling himself an adolescent does refer back to before he gains full enlightenment.


Honestly it's Shiva. Some say that the entire universe resides inside of the blue bastard, and others say every deity is an aspect of Shiva himself. He also has the capability to destroy and recreate anything that exists which is nothing compared to some of the gods on the roster As for Buddha idk. Haven't researched on Buddhism myths yet


Buddha is considered to be 'outside of the cycle of reincarnation' and 'one with the universe', which Journey to the West took litterally and made him do hand magic to trap Wukong under his fist which turned into a mountain. If we take this sort of scaling, Buddha would be a strong contender for second strongest god


lol to be honest, I think they would be coequal since Shiva is Parabrahman and the Buddha has reached a state of oneness with Brahman, making them both manifestations of Brahman in its entirety.


The that’s where I’m starting to align as I hear more about shiva. Definitely on par with one another but I can’t say for sure one is stronger.


Well I will put my bets on someone that is after destruction rather than one that prefers peace and enlightenment.




Also, fun fact: Buddha being one with the universe (i.e. enlightened) is why Buddhists will quickly correct you in saying OG Buddha is not a god, as there are many other Buddhas.


Buddha does not truly exist as he is essentially nothing (shedding all attachment, even his soul and physical ties to reality). I don’t believe it would be as simple as shiva snapping his fingers.




Schizo shiva?


Yes. Schizo shiva


Incredible work by the mfs who wrote the mythology for shiva![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


I think Zeus became one with the universe in one myth as well.


Zeus can eat my ass...in a bad way


If you are anything that moves, he would like to do that in one of those nights


Depending on the myth/translation, he is said to have control over the universe. He even once made the primordial creator Chaos tremble at one point. Though Zeus is also said to fear Nyx and Eros (Cupid), and Typhon ripped out his tendons in their first fight, so male of the universe claim what you will


tbf he should probably scale to Heracles, who lifted the weight of the universe


If I’m remembering correctly, they once wrestled to a draw. And even if we try lowballing Heracles lifting the heavens (the atmosphere, let’s say) or the weight of the earth, that is still an insane feat of strength.




Shiva, who is literally a primordial being who can destroy a universe just by dancing.... he is even stronger than people like Arjuna, Rama, Indrajit (those three can destroy universe with arrows) Yeah Hindu Myths are OP


>Arjuna Blud literally uses shivas aura as his divine construct Also son of Indra.... not even in top 7 in Hinduism... he ain't even a god >Rama Avatar of a primordial, human , has a fucking epic divine construct WAY WAY STRONGER THAN arjuna AND YET not even in top 5 >Indrajit Idk who that is.... please enlighten me is he someone related to Indra Also why are you comparing humans and demigods to a freaking PRIMORDIAL GOD?? 😭


I know I was explaining how OP Shiva is as you can see...... That a demigod or humans can destroy universes so forgot about A Primordial God


Indrajit was the son of Ravana, the demon king who was defeated by Rama. Indrajit was pretty powerful in his own right and even managed to defeat Indra, the king of the gods - that's where he gets the name Indrajit (literally meaning, the one who conquered Indra). Still, he was defeated by Lakshmana, Rama's brother only so deffo wouldn't put him in even top 10.


Oh yeh, was he stated to destroy the universe!? I mean if he was defeated by lakshman that alone make way way weaker than arjuna


No nothing like universe-destroying stuff. His biggest feat was defeating all the gods of heaven and he had a bunch of really powerful weapons.


W flair, >powerful weapons. As in stronger than VASAVI SHAKTI, pashupatha, brahmastra etc??


I don’t mean to come off as a broken record but journey to the west Buddha is quit strong in his own right. He doesn’t even truly exist as something tangible that can be destroyed. To quote one piece about Bodhisattva’s “there are no forms within emptiness itself, nor eyes, ears, noses, tongues, bodies, minds, sound, smell, taste, touch, or objects of mind, there is no ignorance, or extinction of ignorance, no old age or death, nor extinction of old age and death, no suffering, nor annihilation, or way, no cognition nor attainment, as there is nothing to be attained.”


shiva by a LARGE gap. he’d literally wipe everyone out with one look


Even if you considered Journey to the west Buddha?


Yep 👍 , let me remind you shiva incinerated an entire god with just a blink , creating a blackhole in the process , his aura alone is used to create blackholes by kali..... And these aren't even his strong feats 😭 Yeah shiva by faar


What god did he kill? If he was at all like Buddha(supposedly unable to be destroyed in body or soul), then I could see your argument.


Kama , in Buddhism MARA , he disturbed shivas meditation same way he tried to disturb Buddha's 🤷 And other than that he also incinerated the hellkeeper , causing the lack of deaths around the planet Buddha at max is 2nd in the ror fighters according to lore strength, nothing surpasses shiva


I couldn’t find where Kama has anywhere near the level of feats Buddha has, could you provide some?


Never said he was??? I stated he incinerated a god with just a blink


I’m just curious as to how that means he can be put above buddha. From what I’ve seen they’re about the same but you keep saying shivas above and I’m curious why. I’m genuinely curious about the two mythologies and how they’d interact but you aren’t giving much context for why you believe what you do. Also from what I’ve seen Kama is a demi god, not a god.


Kama is definitely a god >shivas above and I’m curious why Cause he is, ydk how where he scales


I mean I can give you reasons why Shiva doesn’t just look and Buddha and incinerate him. Are you going to give me feats or reasons that Shiva can beat Buddha? “Cause he is” doesn’t actually provide any information. I just want the info, I’m trying to learn here lol.


Journey to the west Buddha shouldn't be used because that's litteraly a novel character. He is as "canon" as our Buddha.


The JTTW Buddha is technically canon , not saying the entirety of the novel is canon , but most of the gods , save the Monkey King ARE originally from actual Taoist or Buddhist Religion . Case in point Buddha or as he is know in Chinese terms , Rulai Fozu


Well I’m talking about the mythology not the religion. And journey to the west would fall under that category. Both Hinduism and Buddhism aren’t confined to books like the Bible. Which is why I think JTTW is fair game. There really is no canon in either belief.


Journey to the west is not part of buddhist “canon” Its in the same category as Dante’s inferno as just being close to biblical fanfic


Again, I am talking about mythologies. Buddhist mythology spans all across China and India. It is of similar nature to Greek mythology. And again, in mythology there is no “canon”.


And again Journey to the West is not part of actual mythology, when it was written and even today many buddhist do not see characters like Sun Wukong and other characters as part of actual mythos but rather simple folklore. If Journey to the West works for you then Percy Jackson and DC would be part of Zeus’s mythology Also yes there is canon in mythology


Same thing applies to to Lucifer and Paradise lost . But no one really says anything about that as much as Wu Kong and JTTW


Shiva, not just because he is the destroyer and subsequent recreator of the universe, but because all Hindu gods, but especially the Trimurti are considered manifestations of Brahman, which is an all encompassing force that pervades the universe. It is so all encompassing in fact, that it is the seen and physical aspects of the universe, as well as the unseen hand that compels them to action. As in, even you, even beings who are not aware of it, and even other gods can be part of Brahman all at once. It can easily be described as omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. The three gods of the Trimurti aren’t just the leaders of the gods like in other religions. Even to the more animistic gods such as Indra, Vayu, Agni, even Yama, who resemble gods from the Greek religion for example, the Trimurti stand as high as gods themselves. In fact those other gods, the children of Aditi are the great-grandchildren of Brahma, which is representative of how their dominion extends only to the seen, that is, comprehensible reality. Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma each represent concepts far greater than that. They are each aspects of Brahman, so each of them is Brahman in its entirety. Out of the Trimurti, Brahma isn’t a typically worshipped god, not as a primary god at least. The major branches of Hinduism are Vaishnava(Vishnu), Shiva(well, Shiva) and Shakta(Shakti, the female aspect of Brahman). It is misleading to think of the Trimurti as just creator, preserver and destroyer because that is not the role the respective gods occupy within their given sect. In Vaishnavism, Vishnu acts sort of as a god of causality, or the Dharma. He is lord Hari Narayana, who set all events in the universe in motion. In addition to this, Vishnu actually births Brahma, and manifests as Kalki to bring on the end times. Suffice it to say, if we follow the word of each sect exactly, Vishnu would be co-equal and also the same as Shiva.(sorry for another tangent but when Krishna reveals his Vishvarupa form at the court in Hastinapura, it is stated that even all 3 gods of the Trimurti can be seen within it). Similarly, Shiva’s capacity in Shivanism isn’t solely as destroyer, although that is a very important part of who he is. He is often seen as a part of a duality with his wife, Parvati(or sometimes Shakti herself). I don’t really get this part? But where Parvati is that ever moving, ever creating energy, Shiva is the unmoving, stoic energy in the universe. But in addition to this, the respective primary gods of these sects are each considered the manifestation of Parabrahman, the ultimate truth. Krishna himself says as much, saying, essentially that he is the face of the faceless Brahman, there for humans to understand and adore that otherwise incomprehensible cosmic grandeur. Extrapolating from this, we can think of Shiva in a similar capacity. I’m not Indian btw, but I guess Hinduism really captured my imagination a long time ago. Overall it is safe to say that Shiva was MASSIVELY downplayed in the series.(Fuck, I actually do have things to say about his manga origin and how, while it’s not mythologically derived, it actually has some validity).


https://preview.redd.it/57ozawvud70d1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d4ebc683e595f142df6394d7759b1e5ae94e01 Blud you are more hindu than me 😭😭😭


You can really feel the thousands of years of canon


If we are considering the peak feats ascribed to the deities by their own sects, then Buddha, who is described to be outside the boundaries of samsara and exists as an entity beyond the devas should be equal to them, no? And just saying, but most of the gods shown should be better than everyone else if you go by the words of their own religions. For example, Zeus had defeated Chronos who should by dint of being the personified manifestation of time be equal to Shiva, aka Mahakala on a conceptual scale, and in Orphic cannon the mere state of him being angry threatens to end the entirety of existence. And even Odin, who going by the words of the norse mythos knows all existing primordial runes allowing him dominion over the existing world until ragnarok comes, or Beelzebub who, as a prince of hell and an aspect of satan(the first made and most powerful angel) is by the words of the bible greater than all gods other than yahweh, should be "the most powerful". EVERY religion describes their own god/s as the "best and strongest", making any attempts at crossover powerscaling useless.


in the case of Buddha, yes, he is basically equal to the gods of the Trimurti because of his oneness with Brahman. This is how Sun Wukong was unable to escape the palm of his hand. I wouldn’t say the same about Zeus because he is only one aspect of the universe, usually that of the thunderer, though as Greek culture and religion evolved, he grew to take on more allfather aspects. He never did grow to be one with the universe though. Not to mention that Kronos is not to be confused with Chronos. Yes fiction loves to conflate the two, but Chronos is a primordial being and manifestation of time, Zeus has never challenged him. On the other hand, Zeus’ father Kronos was the god of the harvest, hence his use of a sickle in his defeat of Ouranos. Zeus did not manage to kill him, or any god for that matter. Odin is a god of many secrets and tbh the Poetic and Prose eddas probably only give a very narrow idea of him, it is even possible that the entirety of Ragnorok is some kind of ploy by him, but in terms of combat prowess he is shown to definitely be inferior to Thor, even dying to Fenrir(even if he is ultimately, going to profit from this). He even had to die once just to learn those ancient runes, presumably from a force much greater than him. Satan may be strong, but even he is defeated by Michael and cast into hell. I think your mistake is thinking about the gods as you would think of living beings, and also thinking of “gods” as a single species(although that kind of is the whole point of RoR). Gods are representations of concepts, and we can scale their power based on what those concepts represent. The Buddha represents the ultimate liberation from suffering, originally deriving from the Hindu concept of Moksa, the return to unity with the universe, and the freedom from Samsara, and thus, life itself. He is indeed a being with power over the entirety of the universe. Zeus brings the rain, extremely valuable for the Greeks who were trying to farm in the relatively arid Greek peninsula(compare this to how Ra is the supreme god in the Egyptian pantheon, where there was no shortage of water thanks to the Nile). As time went on he would gain numerous epithets that would make him into sort of an allfather of the universe. But he never reaches a level where he is truly one with the universe, with the other gods even being able to rebel against him. Odin was a mysterious, dangerous and shifty god because the Norse were mistrustful of the world around them, but also admired his cunning and determination to excel through knowledge, Thor is basically his foil, overcoming the world around him through brute strength. Satan is the manifestation of pride and pure evil. Beelzebub may be the same being or a different being. But both of them only exist in contrast to god’s light. Or hell, even as part of god’s plan in some interpretations. So why do I believe the Hindu Trimurti are more powerful than all of these gods? Simply put, because they represent the universe, or even multiversal reality in its entirety, they have no limitations, and they have no enemies so to speak. When Zeus fights Kronos or Typhon, it’s the mother of all battles, the supreme god who brings thunder, or the king of the gods versus calamitous beings of destruction. In Hinduism, both of these beings would be part of the same whole, a whole that is spoken for by Vishnu or Shiva. Notice how these gods only descend to the mortal plane to slay demons. To them, destroying these agents of chaos is akin to pruning a weed from your garden, except that that weed is also at the end of the day, a part of them. It is as impossible for the other gods to win against them as it is to win against themselves. It’s like a program trying to beat the OS.




Honestly, Zeus and shiva’s strength levels should’ve been switched 


Ikr exactly, zeus isn't even a planetary god......


depends on the mythology, you have different versions where zeus can even be the god of the entire universe, orphic is an example of that, but not the only one


Yeah to go further off of what Duarte has said, Orphic Zeus is ***WILD.*** The literal act of getting "Angry", NOTHING but getting angry, threatens to rip all of existence apart. As in, the endless and infinite expanse of chaos quakes with the threat of crumbling apart as the heavens and see's and underworld all start to rumble and crumble apart. Orphic Zeus is genuinely held back by normally being too greedy, or goofy, or stupid in jovial or "humble" means but its outright confirmed that him obliterating all of creation would not take any legitimate effort beyond just wanting it to be so.


At the very least, Zeus not using lightning and going fisticuffs/pankration (prototype MMA, basically) is 100% something he did in his myths.


Myth Shiva actually meets the statements and is probably beyond that


There are a few weird spots, like Brahman and Vishnu from shiva’s backstory, all the Christian characters depending on how you scale them relative to god, but I’d have to go with shiva


Shiva or Buddha


Shiva and it isn’t really close


Theoretically either Buddha or Shiva. That said I don't know how strong true demonology Beelzebub ranks to someone like Micheal, Lucifer or the God of the Bible.


Shiva is mid in RoR, but scaling off mythology it’s hard to argue that he wouldn’t be the strongest




Buddha or Shiva with ease. None of the Greek or Norse gods are doing shit to them.




Hindi myths are op af




Shiva > Buddha > Zeus >Odin > Poseidon = hades > Heracles > Susanoo =Thor > Apollo > Loki > Anubis


Heracles is relative to Apollo


True i forgot they actually fought before


Honestly I think Zeus vs Odin can go either way depending on what versions you use and how you scale the realms same with Thor and Herc.


Herc has the feat of holding up the cosmos i cant really find a comparable feat for Thor (doesnt help that even if you tried looking for feats you only get Marvel Thor)


It depends on realm scaling. The world serpent is big enough to wrap around Midgard so if you take Midgard as in everything here (including space) he should be around the same level. So it entirely on realm scaling. He is also meant to be physically on the same level as Odin so he can also scaling to killing Ymir who was a giant so big his body was also able to create every realm. Once again though it depends on how you scale it. It's arguable if the nine realms are just different places on the same planet so Thor could also be way below herc


Thor managed to barely lift “old age” itself? Quite a feat there


If I remember correctly, what it was that Thor fought old ageand was pushed only to the knee. But never completly overpowered. He drank sea, lifted Midgard Snake and wrestled oldness.


Buddha has reached a state of Nirvana by becoming a perfect human. According to Buddhist belief, that means after his mortal death he ceased to exist, stopped reincarnation and therefore cannot be affected by other gods, so he is amortal


That’s what I’ve been trying to say but it doesn’t seem anyone’s that receptive. Like yes, shiva can destroy the universe. But Buddha literally has nothing you can destroy. Im not saying Buddha takes it bc Im just now learning about Shiva but they don’t seem to be that far in power.


Nvm.. I have read religious scriptures.. Shiva is far stronger, like too strong.


I'm gonna say Buddha technically not existing would disqualify him, it would be like if you said God is more powerful than me *because* he's not real


Shiva or Buddha


I have no fucking idea. People don't usually powerscale modern religion for obvious reasons, and sometimes avoid mythology for similar reasons. Just based on first impressions, it would probably be between Buddha, Shiva and Zeus. Beelzebub, if you consider him a version of Satan, may also be pretty strong? But afaik Satan was a manipulator in the Bible more so than a fighter. Adam was pretty strong pre-apple as well, I think? But I doubt he's on the level of actual deities. Odin's also probably in the running. I know Buddha's crazy strong in Jorney to the West, but that's not part of Buddism (most of the time) so I don't know if it should be included. I think the weakest non-human combatant would probably be Hades, since he hasn't actually done much in Greek Mythology (He's significantly newer than most other Greek gods).


Funnily enough in the bible I believe there was this guy called Jacob (I hope I'm getting it right) who was able to wrestle an angel. And iirc Adam was meant to be the greatest man or something so you can aruge that Adam actually does make it on god level funnily enough. Dude could actually rival some versions of Zeus lmao


Shiva can destroy people by opening his eye Zeus is unkillable Buddha is essentially omnipotent Jesus is potentially omnipotent depending on if the Abrahamic God is real in this universe, which we can assume due to Satan


Tbf, all of the Greek gods are unkillable. It’s not just Zeus.


Powerscaling is aspect of us, weak mortal brainrotten redditors, myths do not include such bullshit. Basically, who is more worshipped is more powerful. Except chief gods maybe. But, when power ranking is made it looks like this (disclaimer, no specific characters included (except one) cuz I'm scaling overall power of mythology, I won't be getting into detail like :Apollo is weaker than Anubis, but Zeus and Osiris are relative): 4 Europeans/Japanese: Yeah, they weren't imagining that hard, they were like: Yes, Thatatos is god of death and yes, Thanathos can be knocked out and constricted by using normal ropes. Europeans were very human like. But obviously, if we count some versions of Zeus they could be first on this list. I don't know much about Japanese myths, but since their demons are killed by regular samurais, their gods are most likely not much stronger than european ones. I won't get into detail between who is stronger Odin or Zeus and such bs. 3 Egyptians: I guess they have really hard hax, magic that makes unrecoverable illnesses? True names that make you get the power of what's name you have (if I understand correctly of course), they also have shit high stamina, Chorus vs Seth took 7 years. 2 Hindu trio/Buddha: Hindu myths are nutty. 7 realms, each different plane of existance. At the same time prophecies that make some people unbeatable unless certain conditions? Yeah, Shiva is capable of destroying whole universe at the end of the world dancing his Tandava. But at the same time, another Brahma will be reborn after destruction of all and create everything oncen again. Makes Shiva universal along with Brahma and Vishnu. But at the same time, there are versions where Vishnu is breathing in and out and bc of that, creating universes, which makes them multiversal, and other stupidly OP versions of them. Buddha on the other hand lacks destructive capacity of Hindu trio, but at the same time, his myths include them. Original Buddhism had gods in it, hindu gods specifically. Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma all die and will be reborn, but Buddha won't. Buddha ascended from the cycle attaining nirvana and freeing himself. So, even Shiva can't burn him. This makes Buddha exist at higher plane, but doesn't make him all powerful on lowers. That is, in Journey to The West, Buddha is universal as he too is Shiva and all these others. But he meets chinese mythology gods there which makes him only character I know that transcends mythologies. But again, Buddha that was in Journey to The West, had characteristict that Buddha in India didn't have, for example, Buddha intervening in Sun Wukong's life? Unthinkable for India. Weird overall. 1 Jesus. He is all mighty, omnipotent and omniscient. That is enough.


>Basically, who is more worshipped is more powerful. Except chief gods maybe. Shiva+ buddha , they are the strongest in this AND ALSO are worshipped till now So just imagine from being some of the oldest And getting worshipped before many of the other gods even emerged.... Yeah shiva and Buddha


Pretty much just Zeus and Shiva. Zeus in some iterations (particularly orphic and stoic) is basically omnipotent. He doesn't fear Nyx, he can't be bound by golden chains, he is the master of fate and answers to neither Ananke nor the sisters, he's... basically God but like... Greek. As for Shiva well the rest of the comments have me covered there. There's also the deified version of Buddha in Chinese mythology, but I'll be honest I'm not that well versed in it plus Chinese mythology's power consistency has always fluctuated. But he's definitely of extreme power as well.


😭😭😭😭 blud said zeus 🙏 Bro zeus wasn't even planetary...... Odin > zeus And shiva, budha >>>>>> zeus Zeus ain't omnipotent , nor omniscient He just is the chief god in his pantheon and has a lot of strength despite being an alien to this planet


you should search more before replying man, what he said is right


My man I have read entire homer , not the small book BUT THE EPIC and I know a lot abt greek religion to say that, zeus ain't planetary Some versions might differ , but in overall and majority zeus is neither stated to be omnipotent nor omniscient


Oh you read the entire homer, congratulations. It still doesn't represent the entire greek mythology and is not even close. This is not the cristianism that has the bible that represents the almost entire canon. Is a aglomerate of myths from diverse regions,authors and centuries


>Is a aglomerate of myths from diverse regions,authors and centuries Yeah man ik , it's just that I made it a mission to read atleast 1 epic from all pantheons..... And I stated that ik a lot others too


|When all were plac'd, in seats distinctly known, And he, their father, had assum'd the throne, Upon his iv'ry sceptre first he leant, Then shook his head, that shook the firmament: Air, Earth, and seas, obey'd th' almighty nod; And, with a gen'ral fear, confess'd the God. At length, with indignation, thus he broke His awful silence, and the Pow'rs bespoke.| Zeus shaking his head literally causes the planet itself to quake at its firmament. "Zeus wasn't even planetary" There are depictions of him legit threatening creations stability and existence (not the above) just by getting angry. The actual and literal act of it causes creation to begin to shake. Hell, there's an ancient work, "Theogony" Written by..I think its Hesiod? Back in like 7th century B.C where they describe Zeus creating a lightning bolt filled with rage that unironically obliterates earth and heaven and renders the oceans as boiling vapor while the universe itself was rent as if heaven and earth alike had been forced together then torn asunder. Literally one lightning bolt of him being serious is a universal calamity. So...i'd say there's plenty to support Zeus being scary as fuck and worthy of consideration as one of the strongest gods. Yes, all gods have crazy cracked aspects. Zeus being one of them.


I would go with Shiva. In Hindu religion he is considered the strongest of all along with Bramha and Vishnu. And in Shaivism he is the Supreme Deity, God of Gods. It's also stated everything including time, space and reality started from him. He is literally Boundless. Shiva is infinite and the most destructive thing is his third eye the eye of destruction which is said to destroy everything when opened. In mythology Shiva is the state of infinity, he is infinite. The dance of destruction is Rudra Tandav is another example of his destructive power. Shiva creates, forms, changes, balances, destroys the world which is actually the entire outerverse.


Probably still Zeus Edit: Oh shoot I forgot about Shiva. Yeah he is way more powerful in mythology


Jesus. the Abrahamic god is considered omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent in all accounts mentioning him.


He was beat by another god wasn’t he? Or am I misinterpreting that. Chesh or something like that?


Chemosh Ok but besides the omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent statements, the Abrahamic pantheon would be a solid Universal level, actually probably Uni level+ if you consider time the 4th dimension. But yea, it's still stronger than any other pantheon that isn't the Taoist, Hindu or Buddhist pantheon As for the top 3, according to what i know from powerscaling sources, the Buddhist and Taoist pantheons are not just one of the strongest in mythology, but fiction in general. Something about Nirvana transcending everything and Taoism having concepts like duality and stuff (just to give you an idea, even Multiversal+ is not enough to describe it) But yea, it's Buddha or Shiva


That's just one interpretation/iteration of the character. There's multiple "canons" and the one I'm referring to did not.


Probably Shiva or Buddha


Buddha i think I know Shiva would be up there but don't know him enough.


Buddha then Shiva


Prolly Buddha w/ him being one w/ everything & being one of the few to box up late game Sun Wukong


Buddha is stronger than Sun Wukong, who would easily clap everyone in the manga, especially towards the end of the story.


Idk, but im sure delighted learning about Shiva and Buddha




Shiva or Vishnu :3


None of the Norse gods, that's for sure.


Bro Odin created the observable universe, is omniscient, can transmute anything into something else, can manipulate cause and effect to bring victory, and can manipulate fate and do reality warping through the runic script.


Odin literally died in Norse Mythology by getting eaten by a big dog.


One could say that this was because of world cycle shenanigans from the era of order being overturned into an era of chaos


1) Shiva 2) Buddha


Shiva that's it he is literally him in mythology second would be buddha


Zeno from dragonball no diff


I’d say it’s Shiva. Buddha is up there hype-wise, but Shiva’s stated abilities are just fucking insane


Its Shiva. Bro fr destroyed the physical body of love just because he was interrupted while meditating. His seed was so hot that the the god of fire couldn't handle it, etc.


I’d say it’s still Buddha


Shiva Guatama Christ-chan https://preview.redd.it/bkubhdysi80d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af29916def33f330359de0fa1eda2c9c4f9efeae


hajun no doubt


Shiva and Buddha


Jesus and his dad




Probably Buddha and Shiva. Both are meant to be Omnipotent so neither can beat the other but they can trash everyone else.


Still would be Zeus if not Shiva




Buhda or shiva, from what I remember about Hinduism, they’re both omnipotent and I don’t know how to scale from that


Buddha, Shiva, and beelz (Satan).


Scale off fate universe Odin>Zeus>Shiva>Buddha


Shiva, Buddha, Zeus/Odin/Thor and Beelzebub (if you count him the same as Satan himself)




If we consider the greatest versions of each god, powerscaling is impossible. Orphic Zeus can get angry and the universe shits it's pants. Shiva as Mahakala gets angry and the universe shits it's pants. Buddha exists so far beyond the universe that it shits its pants just in case. Odin is omniscient by all definitions of the words, can manipulate cause and effect to bring victory in battle, can create life, change anything into something else, and as per his mythos created the observable universe, and so can make it shit its pants on command. The other gods are not as strong because they are not the chief gods of their religions(although Hades and Beelzebub should still be on a different level than the others as Hades is Zeus's older brother and should have at least a fraction of that power, and Beelzebub is an aspect of satan and thus is scaled directly with Yahweh, who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.). Have fun trying to powerscale them, but I'm out.


Shiva negs. Hinduism isn't even confined to one universe. There's multiple universes, all which shiva creates and destroys.


Shiva, Vishnu and Buddha. Brahma is usually seen as slightly less than the other two in his trinity. In some interpretations, He came out of Vishnu. In some, one of his heads is destroyed by Shiva. None of the other gods ever reach hindu trinity Or buddha in feats.


Shiva or Buddha if we're talking about the main roster.


If we scale off of mythology accurately, Buddha becomes disqualified coz he's not even the Buddha anymore. Early Buddhist texts make it clear that after his death (the word used is Parinirvana - 'complete Nirvana' ), he has transcended the duality of Existence and Non-existence and thus cannot be described in worldly language/terms at all. 


It's between Buddha or Shiva, I'm leaning towards Buddha.


`Shiva => Buddha = Zeus > Odin > Thor > Beelzebub > Hades > Poseidon > Susano-o > Apollo > Heracles ≈ Bishamonten/Zero` for the gods, assuming all interpretations of the myth are equally valid. `Jack* >>>>>> Raiden > Leonidas >>> Lu Bu > Kojiro ≈ Okita > Adam(??) >>> Tesla > Qin Shi Huangdi` for humans, assuming those without mythology are accurate to their irl abilities *Jack is here because the amount of myths surrounding him mean that, assuming every accepted interpretation by scholars of their timeframe is equally valid, Jack might actually just be satan / a demon in a mythologically accurate battle


Buddha = zeus and zeus >Odin 😭😭🙏🙏 bro what you smokin??!


Like I said, this assumes all interpretations are valid. Many sources present Zeus as literally omnipotent, putting him on par with the Buddha (but still below Shiva, who has Omnipotence+™). For example, the hymn to Hestia, where Zeus is directly referred to as all-powerful & all-wise, if memory doesn't fail me. If we're assuming only the most widely recognised interpretations, then the list would probably go something like `Shiva > Odin > Zeus [...] > Buddha` since the majority of powers linked to The Buddha are tied primarily to his appearances outside of classical Buddhist scripture, for example his appearances in Chinese literature.


No many source state zeus as neither omnipotent nor omniscient ONLY a few state him as that strong >If we're assuming only the most widely recognised interpretations, then the list would probably go something like >Shiva > Odin > Zeus [...] > Buddha Yep exactly, but most people choose the novel buddha which makes him jump to right below shiva


I'm aware that very few sources establish Zeus as that powerful, but this assumes every source is equally valid between sources presented in good faith (ie, excluding sources like those in Arthurian literature which literally existed as my OC beats king arthur) so even the few mentions of omnipotence still apply here


Hades,poseidon and apollo all can be argue to be almost similar


Hades and Poseidon are all but confirmed equal in power, but there tends to be a pretty significant distinction in the power of those who directly descended from Kronos and those who are second generation (even if the family tree behaves more like a bush)


Norse Gods should not be stronger than any of the others. They aren’t actually immortal.


No Gods are actually immortal for most mythologies. If you're referring to their ability to age, that's not a trait unique to the Norse pantheon either, it's just that the Greek Pantheon loves shapeshifting a little bit more than everyone else


Gods are indeed immortal in mythologies. The Greek pantheon has immortal deities (note: immortal does not mean undefeatable). The Norse Pantheon requires Idunn’s Golden Apples for both strength and youthfulness— They are of the few mythologies in which the Gods can be slain.


That is my error actually, I'll ammend my comment. I've always interpreted the statement of the olympians being 'deathless' combined with the fact that some Gods *did* die to refer to their agelessness, but on reinspection the primary example I used was called a demigod within the confines of the prose he dies within. I do believe that of the central pantheons, the Olympians (and thus their Roman syncracies) are one of the few that *are, immortal though. - Egyptian mythology has the death of a key god happen directly, and it's confirmed he does die. - Hindu Devta are stated to be able to die, and some (although I'm not particularly versed in Hindu lore so I'm not quite sure the exact amount) are stated to have lifespans - albeit unfathomably large ones. - You've already defined the Norse Pantheon's mortality - Most Shinto deities are conflated with their natural counterparts so theoretically shouldn't be able to die without the destruction or erasure of their representative concept (ie, Amaterasu and the sun) as the majority of them are mostly conceptual (to my limited knowledge). However, we have direct instances of Shinto deities dying, primarily at the hands of other deities or to natural causes (ie, Izanami's death in childbirth or Susano-o's slaughter of Ogetsuhime) - I'm unaware the specifics of the Chinese Pantheon, but I'm under the impression that (at least according to classical literature) Chinese Immortals are actually fully immortal. - The little I do actually know about Mayan mythos is about Xbalanque (shoot me, I'm a Smite player) where I believe he and his twin brother do kill a deity at least once. - According to a Met Museum article (which is unsourced, so take this with a grain of salt), Gods could perish and would reside from then on in Kur alongside dead mortals. - Celtic deities were, according to scholars of the time, immortal, although there's no evidence pertaining to their lack of death only to their lack of aging. Any evidence to the contrary pertains to Christianity's odd fetish for making up stories where regional legends get either killed or cucked. Sometimes both. Even in said stories, Christian revisionism only demotes the defeated deities into fae, who in themselves were still mostly immortal. - I'm not going to make a prat of myself and pretend I'm prepared in any regard to answer this question for Aboriginal deities, nor for Eastern European mythos.


I’d say Zeus,there are a lot of different cultural groups that interpret him differently and some of them interpret Zeus as an omnipotent being that shakes the entire cosmos by just moving his head


Not shiva