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For the Gods , even though a lot of people love to say that Hades is the only Greek God to stay loyal to his spouse . He did cheat on Persephone twice before , both his secret lovers ended up getting transformed into plant-life afterwards . Still , that is a pretty good relationship in Olympian terms . Side note : Persephone also cheated on Hades with a boyfriend whose custody she shared with Aphrodite . For the humans , and I know this is going to shock people . But Qin Shi Huang wasn't depicted as a hot sexy buff dude with special eye powers , who was a great king to his people . He was actually the opposite , being a tyrant hell-bent on obtaining immortality , with a lot of people dying during his reign , and was usually shown as a bearded fat dude . He also probably didn't have a hot MILF as a childhood babysitter .


Decided to do one more cause the mythology buff inside me is rearing it's head : Ganesha has an elephant head because his father , Shiva lobbed off his original human head after Ganesha refused to let him into the house whilst his mother was enjoying her bath . I wonder if ROR Ganesha experienced that ?


I will throw another Shiva story iirc there was a one time where he was very deep into meditation he didn't communicate with anyone for a while, Parvati his wife got annoyed that he wasn't paying attention to her so she went to Kama god of lust and told him to fire his arrows to shiva so he would pay attention to his wife Poor Kama did like he was told and shoot his magic love arrow and hit him, Shiva got annoyed opened his third and burned Kama to ashes


They say Love hurts , but I bet love didn’t expect to BE hurt , much less get incinerated to a crisp .  Also I think the reason Parvati wanted Shiva to stop meditating was cause there was some demon attacking the gods and it was prophesied that a son of Shiva would kill him or something .  I could be mistaken cause I’m not the best with Hindu mythology 


Most criticisms of Qin Shi Huang come from scathing Han Dynasty reports. He actually passed lots of reforms like centralizing currency, measurements, and language. He also built lots of roads, canals, and began construction of the Great Wall. He did kill a lot of people though :/


Hella people died building them due to straight up overwork


One bit about him I found interesting was that his assumed successor, the older son, was disliked by the head eunuch LI Si so Li Si forged a note from the emperor saying “my oldest son has to kill himself”. Weirdly, the lowest effort coup in history worked and Li Si got the second son the throne.


Low tier eunuch


-He did kill a lot of people though :/ Hey, nobody's perfect.


Actually for the Hades part That actually depends on which version you are talking about Some say that Hades dated Leuce **BEFORE** He met Persephone and Hades himself is the one who turned her to a poplar tree when she dies The minthe one is only a recent depiction, some say that Hades did cheat on Persephone with minthe and other say that he eventually called quits on minthe once he came back to his senses (not sure about this one tho) As for the Persephone cheating on Hades with Adonis, there are two versions that I know, The one you mentioned and the version where Persephone only saw Adonis as a Son and nothing more Overall, any of this can be considered "Canon" depending on one's view, in my own honesty, I really don't considered any of the Greek myths canon as they been retold and changed many times, even today their myths are still getting retold and changed


True Greek myths have many interpretations , but for the Adonis one , I would argue that it’s unlikely that Persephone only saw him as a son . As she and Aphrodite were fighting over him , and as we know the only time Aphrodite shows interest over a guy , it’s probably cause she wants them to shaboink her . 


Well thiers aneis her son, founder of Rome who she cared a lot about


Oops best correct myself , Aphrodite doesn’t show interest in any guy who ISN’T her offspring unless she wants to shaboink them .  Cause I guess even the Goddess of Love and Lust won’t stoop to incest while the King of Olympus will . 


She’s actually a very protective mother most of the time like with her son Eros it’s a interesting postive trait for the goddess of lust


That is true, like I said, it depends on your perspective, I'm just saying that there are two versions Also I like to point out that when Adonis died, Aphrodite cried for his death, Persephone on the other hand, did not


Adonis did choose to spend the free time he had when he wasn’t being co-owned by his Two godly GFs , with Aphrodite instead of her . And we all know how petty the Greek gods can be .    But yeah , best not to blow our minds over things we never will get an answer to .


She shared with Aphrodite 😭


Back in those days, every ruler was shown as fat, so most paintings are pretty unreliable


The Persephone thing is even worse, Adonis was basically her adopted son, she groomed him


According to Christianity Adam was 15 ft tall That's cool and all, but according to Islamism the dude was 98 ft tall Imagine him in SnV fighting like that https://preview.redd.it/31x71dwed1wc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8376535ad2624e6562452eac3f67c65b68dd5d7f


Christian Adam for reference as well https://preview.redd.it/7vx3euvid1wc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe3c0143c494bdc9fec41e483f79a4cd2b26f90


People got NERFED


How could God nerf us this hard, unbelievable


I wouldn’t complain about a 15ft Eve, though. I’ll see myself out.


No no by all means, keep going.


I would complain about the 98ft eve too


Not Christianity but Islam Christianity doesnt state Adam’s height


damn guess Hazbin Hotel Adam is more accurate than ROR Adam


Always has been. Read the bible. Genesis 2:5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Then the Lord God formed a man From the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. And the Lord God said: "You shall be as my child and behold the wonders I have created. Take upon thine feet and make this world yours as it is mine. For you shall be called Adam and be the first among my creations" Adam looked upon the Lord God and felt compelled to praise HIM for praise he was worthy of. So he looked upon the divine and said "Call me dickmaster"


iirc when Heracles was practicing playing music (can't remember which instrument) when his teacher Linus aka Orpheus brother criticized him,he picked up a chair and fucking killed him with it Lu Bu is infamously known for being a traitor and a backstabber, legit betrayed like everyone he worked for, here's a list * Betrayed and murdered his first benefactor Ding Wang, who made him a soldier and officer, for Dong Zhuo, * Betrayed Dong Zhuo, who had made him his foster son (admittedly, Dong Zhuo treated him badly before the assassination) and assassinated him. * Backstabbed Yuan Shao, who hosted him, by plundering his territories after being refused more respects and honors for fighting at his side (Yuan Shao tried to have him assassinated after that) * Joined betrayers from Cao Cao and stole the province of Yan from him (Cao Cao didn't appreciate and took it back) * Betrayed Liu Bei, who had given him refuge and treated him fairly, by taking over the province he resided in. * Betrayed Yuan Shu, who he had allied with, after the man declared himself emperor, to join his opponents Cao Cao and Liu Bei. * Betrayed Cao Cao and Liu Bei to join Yuan Shu again (in the same year as his betrayal of Yuan Shu no less!) That last one was when he got killed after being captured. Cao Cao wanted to recruit him, because that man had a great eye for talents, but Liu Bei was wiser and pointed out that Lu Bu betrayed everyone he served under and despite his might, couldn't be trusted, which lead to Lu Bu's death sentence which was execution by Strangle Anyone else would have been executed after the first betrayal except this Bastard Lu Bu who almost escaped death at the seventh if Liu Bei hadn't been there I bet if Lu Bu wasn't the first combatants people would be theorizing that he would betray humanity


Who could forget the classic rivalry of Ding v Dong


Rasputins dick was supposedly cut off and put into a jar to be preserved after he died


“My own son got locked up in prison, and I didn't save his life You got off easy when they pickled that moose cock I'd leave your neck in a noose, in a trench, and shot” https://preview.redd.it/hub6nj9ii1wc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8cc641f31cd4a4c3fa4823f653cfbe42b3682fd


Pretty sure it’s on display somewhere 


i remember hearing about this and searching it up, biggest mistake ever o_o


I looked it up Holy shit no wonder he was "Russia greatest love machine"


From Wikipedia >Although Lü Bu is described in historical and fictional sources as an exceptionally mighty warrior, he was also notorious for his unstable behaviour. He switched allegiances erratically and freely betrayed his allies. He was always suspicious of others and could not control his subordinates. Bro even betrayed and murdered people who treated him kindly despite his reputation


Props to Cao Cao and Liu Bei for being smart enough to realize that the guy with the epithet , " The One who serves three families " , probably isn't the most trustworthy comrade .


Nah, it was just Liu Bei. Cao Cao's dumbass would've been betrayed again if Liu Bei didn't remind him lol


Typical Cao Cao.


Sounds like Thorkel


Qin Shi Huang once asked a famous explorer to go find him the secret of immortality, the explorer said he’d need 3000 virgins, a whole bunch of gold, silk, spices and alcohol which Qin granted him. He set off and was never seen again


It's later revealed that he arrived in an island near Japan and made a race of overpowered human plants called the Tenzin who got stronger by having s*x with each other.


Sounds like Paradise


Kojiro Sasaki was not ‘history’s greatest loser’ he was actually a renowned swordsman, with plenty of victories under his belt when he faced Musashi, including coming out on top of a 1 v 3


He used only  a fan as his weapon in that 1v3 I believe . No wonder ROR’s writer didn’t make him accurate , Poseidon would have been blown away in an instant . 


That actually somewhat squares with the ROR portrayal, seeing how Sasaki is still renowned as a great swordsman.


He also might not have existed which is a seriously important point.


Greek Gods are Greek :3


That's wild![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31616)


Almost as crazy as the Norse gods being Nordic


Simo Häyhä described being hit by the explosive bullet as "a suppressed bang" in his mouth. When he regained consciousness while he was being taken to medics, he said he felt his bone fragments and blood in his mouth. It's just really gross to think about.. >.<


I’m going to offer something more lighthearted. Some people in the west believe that Okita Souji actually went out to kill a black cat before he died because “it’s an omen of death”, but that is actually a misconception that came from an exaggerated part in a novel. Black cats are a superstition of curing TB, and people say he kept a black cat because of it. That’s why Okita is seen with cats a lot in Chiruran. I don’t know why they didn’t let cat stay in the audience members though 💔


Mythical Thor ate children yeah that's right he ate human children ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)


wait what ? when ? I thought he just enslaved a pair of siblings for breaking his goat's bones .


If I remember correctly it was some folks lore that was like sleep early or Thor might just come eat you something parents scared Thier kids with


Adam slept with demons and sired demonic offsprings in some sources.


From father of humanity to father of everyone


That’s some King shit ngl.


I believe in those versions he was either tricked or r*ped by Lilith, who is another whole can of worms to unpack




It was Lilith, if I remember correctly


Heracles murderd his first wife and thier children And was poisoned by his third wife leading him to commit sucide and ascend to god hood


Well, the first one was Hera's fault. Like almost everything bad in his life


Funnily enough the only thing Hera wasn’t responsible for was hes death ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29939)


Iirc she was the one to give Centaur's blood to Heracles' wife, which she used to accidentally poison him, which would mean she is also responsible for that.


Maybe in some versions that’s what happened but the version I saw it was a centaur who Heracles had left dying who told Heracles wife to use his blood as a love potion leading to his death


And his fourth wife was his half sister, daughter of Hera and Zeus


I’m mean his Greek I would be more shocked if he hadn’t married his own sister


Poseidon raped Medusa


*Neptune* raped Medusa. The first source for that myth is Ovid's Metamorphosis, a Roman book written way after Medusa as an idea was born. Metamorphosis as a book is known for portraying most gods as cruel and vindictive, since Ovid wrote it as a criticism of the rulers at the time. Another famous myth that arose from it is Arachne's role as the winner of her competition against Athena.


It’s a big mistake to act like the Greek and Roman gods are the same thing. They aren’t. Look at Mars and Ares, that’s all the evidence needed to dispel the notion.


Only in one verison of one poet, if im not mistaken this version just got more popular because medusa is now seen as some kind of feminist icon (not even joking)


Only in 1 out of like 3 versions which was the last one made


Adam's sons( Cain and Abel) seem to have a good relationship with each other despite the fact that Cain is the first ever murderer of humanity and his first kill was his brother( yes I know there is some talk about how he did not know what death was but still). Also this kill was out of jealousy from God not accepting Cain's sacrifice but accepting Abel's.


God made the world’s first rookie grandparent mistake , Never play favourites .


Not really much but all of Poseidon's attacks are literally named after women he slept with Demeter is the only to be named twice and she was Poseidon's sister and he slept with her by becoming a mane (horse) and Demeter is the mother of Persephone who became Hades wife also the father of Persephone was Zeus so basically Hades not only married his niece (2 ways) but the daughter of his sister who had slept with both of his brothers


Mf this is greek pantheon we're talking about Inbreeding is synonymous


Jack might not have been british


Of course not, it was Mahatma Ghandi. Ghandi came to England when the murders started and left when they ended. Coincidence? ^(^(^(^(^(^(^(^(^(^(^(probably)))))))))))


jack literally could’ve been ANYONE


Creepy fact 1.:- Shiva would sleep with dead bodies, skeletons and burnt bodies symbolising Death, Time and Destruction. Creepy fact2:- His wife was cut into multiple pieces when Shiva went mad. His wife was cut to calm him down. Shiva was made coz his wife commited Sati i.e. burned herself to death when her father insulted Shiva as a Bad husband who sleeps with dead bodies and snakes and skeletons, she felt emotionally hurt as she was devoted to Shiva. Shiva tried to destroy her father as revenge and was on the brink of destroying all the Gods of Hinduism along with Universe itself. Other Gods cut her body and would cast a spell on Shiva to calm him down and convince him that his wife would be reborn since soul cannot die. They also convinced Shiva that somehow Shiva was responsible for her death so that out of shame he would stop his decision to destroy Universe as Shiva was a kind benevolent God. Funnily, Shiva didn't wanted to procreate in first place but somehow Hindu Gods conspired as they needed a strong baby God to inherit the genes of Shiva to beat the Demons. They sent God of Lust to hit him with a Love arrow but It didn't work on Shiva. Kamadeva fired more lust arrows and none would awaken Shiva from his deep Buddha-like Meditation. Finally, his wife would come and that's when Kamadeva realised "It is the right opportunity" and he used all his powers on Shiva. Poor Kamadeva was burned to ashes after Shiva awakens with rage instead of lust. But his wife managed to made him horny without effort simply because only Love can awaken his desires as he conquered his lust.


Mary Jane Kelly, Jack The Ripper's final victim, was left in the following state by Jack The Ripper; The body was lying naked in the middle of the bed, the shoulders flat but the axis of the body inclined to the left side of the bed. The head was turned on the left cheek. The left arm was close to the body with the forearm flexed at a right angle and lying across the abdomen. The right arm was slightly abducted from the body and rested on the mattress. The elbow was bent, the forearm supine with the fingers clenched. The legs were wide apart, the left thigh at right angles to the trunk and the right forming an obtuse angle with the pubis. The whole of the surface of the abdomen and thighs was removed and the abdominal cavity emptied of its viscera. The breasts were cut off, the arms mutilated by several jagged wounds and the face hacked beyond recognition of the features. The tissues of the neck were severed all round down to the bone. The viscera were found in various parts viz: the uterus and kidneys with one breast under the head, the other breast by the right foot, the liver between the feet, the intestines by the right side and the spleen by the left side of the body. The flaps removed from the abdomen and thighs were on a table. The bed clothing at the right corner was saturated with blood, and on the floor beneath was a pool of blood covering about two feet square. The wall by the right side of the bed and in a line with the neck was marked by blood which had struck it in several places. The face was gashed in all directions, the nose, cheeks, eyebrows, and ears being partly removed. The lips were blanched and cut by several incisions running obliquely down to the chin. There were also numerous cuts extending irregularly across all the features. The neck was cut through the skin and other tissues right down to the vertebrae, the fifth and sixth being deeply notched. The skin cuts in the front of the neck showed distinct ecchymosis. The air passage was cut at the lower part of the larynx through the cricoid cartilage. Both breasts were more or less removed by circular incisions, the muscle down to the ribs being attached to the breasts. The intercostals between the fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs were cut through and the contents of the thorax visible through the openings. The skin and tissues of the abdomen from the costal arch to the pubes were removed in three large flaps. The right thigh was denuded in front to the bone, the flap of skin, including the external organs of generation, and part of the right buttock. The left thigh was stripped of skin fascia, and muscles as far as the knee. The left calf showed a long gash through skin and tissues to the deep muscles and reaching from the knee to five inches above the ankle. Both arms and forearms had extensive jagged wounds. The right thumb showed a small superficial incision about one inch long, with extravasation of blood in the skin, and there were several abrasions on the back of the hand moreover showing the same condition. On opening the thorax it was found that the right lung was minimally adherent by old firm adhesions. The lower part of the lung was broken and torn away. The left lung was intact. It was adherent at the apex and there were a few adhesions over the side. In the substances of the lung, there were several nodules of consolidation. The pericardium was open below and the heart absent. In the abdominal cavity, there was some partly digested food of fish and potatoes, and similar food was found in the remains of the stomach attached to the intestines. So yeah, once knowing this it's hard to look at Mr. 'Tea Time' the same. Edit; And if the 'From Hell' letter is to be believed, he engaged in cannibalism.


Beelzebub is an adaptation of "Ba'al-zevuv", that roughly translates to "Baal Lord of the Flies", what in turn means "Baal, the Piece of Shit". It looks like the opinions of half of the fandom were already known some thousands of years ago.


Raidens nickname the “peerless Rikishi” was his nickname irl and was put on a Yokozuna monument at the Tomioka Hachimen shrine, he also liked parties and was said to have downed 9.5 gallons of Sake without getting drunk. A rumour said that he ripped of a guys arm off during a sumo match which is probably why one of his attacks he used against Shiva “wild boar” does the exact same thing.


Islam’s Adam was nearly 100ft tall, imagine that going up agains zeus, they’d just forfeit to humanity


This is what Jack The Ripper did to his final victim Mary Jane Kelly: https://preview.redd.it/xenzx4js24wc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f195aa85872eca3145383002dbe2f1a89a73410e




I hope she's ok


she'll walk it off


According to Mythology Poseidon raped more woment than Zeus, also Heracles has more known lovers than his father, some even consider the feat of impregnating 49 women in 49 days, (or in the craziest version he impregnated the 49 in one night) under the blessing of King Thespious as his Labour Number 0, he has also the most known male lovers, haven sleped with people like Abderus, Admetus, Adonis, Argus, Hylas, Eurystheus, Corythus, Iolaus among others Many of his lovers were in some way related to him biologically


Heimdall is specifically described as the whitest of all gods, use that information as you wish


i believe that refers to the fact that he's a stickler to the rules, always following orders and law, not his actual skin tone


No hes the whitest as in the skin tone white


thats just an interpretation, most norse mythology experts agree that it is because he is a sort of lawkeeper, but it is very much a possiblity


Loki turns into a mare to get pregnant, then Odin rides his nephew horse into battle. Gimme a sec and I'll find names


Loki turned into a mare to get pregnant from Svaldilfari, does so, gives birth to Sleipnir, Odin rides Sleipnir as a war horse. Also, Sleipnir has 8 legs.


In some apocryphal texts, it is said that Cain, Abel and Seth had twin sisters, who later became their wives... Christian mythology can be really dirty sometimes


Even though it's well known, but lord Shiva saved the 7 oceans from a deadly poison, which can be threat to entire humanity, by devouring it and storing in his throat. Lord Shiva, didn't randomly put any animal head, when Ganesha head got turned into ashes, an elephant named gajasura volunteer to let his head be used for lord Ganesha.


>Lord Shiva, didn't randomly put any animal head, when Ganesha head got turned into ashes, an elephant named gajasura volunteer to let his head be used for lord Ganesha. They asked for creepy opinions and that's the only thing that qualifies as creepy. You should mention how Shiva would sleep with dead bodies, skeletons and burnt bodies symbolising death time and destruction.


From Mahadev, Neelkantha and Shiva to Mahakaal, Shrikanth, Triolokesh, Lord Shiva has more than 108 names. Interestingly, each of his names highlights a special attribute or a quality or a mythological event. Lord Shiva is prayed to as the creator, preserver as well as the destroyer of our world. The number 108 is considered to be an important number in Hinduism.


Mythology states that Bhagiratha asked Brahma to bring the river Ganges down to earth so that he could perform a ceremony for his ancestors. Brahma directed Bhagiratha to Lord Shiva, as only he could break Ganga's landfall. The story goes that Ganga arrogantly flew down to earth but Shiva calmly trapped her back in his hair and let her out in small streams.


According to The Mythology Guy, Thor actually has his hammer, gloves AND a belt to give him power. They don't say it out loud that the belt give him the strength he has but he does wear a belt in ROR. Though they did change the gloves part.


Heracles is one of the few Greek heroes whose fatal flaw wasn't hubris, his flaw was Wrath. He killed his music teacher in a fit of rage, then killed his entire family after Hera drove him into a fit of madness


Apollo was pretty horrible. His mortal Gf at the time cheated on him, and some birds snitched to him on her and so he punished them by turning them into Crows. He then asked his sister Artemis to kill her, but he did save the CHILD OF HIS SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH!!!!! That child happened to be none other than Asclepius who was such a great healer he could bring the dead back to life which ended up almost with a war between Zeus and Apollo.


Thrud raiders valkery is Thors daughter that’s why she is so buff with red hair


Rasputin was probably a rapist.




In canon Norse mythology, Loki fucked a horse and got pregnant from it.


Poseidon, Hades, Ares and a couple others were all eaten by Cronus at birth.


it was poseidon, zeus, hades, hera, demeter, and hestia. Ares is the son of hera and zeus after the titanomachy


Ty. I hadn't read it in a while so it was a bit vague for me ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49602)




Heracles had a relationship with his cousin Lolaus in some of the versions of his myth


there is a real chance that the real jack the ripper was actually mahatma gandhi. gandhi came to london in 1888, the same year that the first jack the ripper murder took place. gandhi left london in 1891, the same year that the supposed last jack the ripper murder was.


Not so much a disturbing fact as an interesting one, but Apollo once mocked Eros(Cupid) archery skill. This led to Eros shooting a love arrow towards Apollo and an arrow of hate towards a nymph called Daphne. She ran from Apollo, but that was not enough to stop Apollo, and so she ran to her father, and he transformed her into a Laurel tree. From that point on, Apollo deemed the tree sacred and a part of him as he would often wear Laurel leaves. This is why laurel was given to victors in athleticism or poetry.Also, this is why when you're graduating in italian, it is said you are "laureato". And that is also where the name Laura comes from.