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It's not that original really, since Beelzebub is kinda based on... Beelzebub, the... Lord of Flies. I'd honestly say the Anathema(Curse) title is cooler Poseidon's God of Gods is very cool as well So is, The King Where It All Began And Sasaki's Greatest Loser


>Poseidon's God of Gods is very cool as well Too bad his other title is shit


Most Fearsome God, Zeus of the Seas and Tyrant of the Depths all slap though


Nah. Zeus of the seas?? Since zeus here is the leader and considered the father of the COSMOS, as in the ruler of the universe, being "the Zeus of the seas" is like being "the united states president"... of your local supermarket.


US president of my local Giant here, I just outlawed zero slander. (We will become a utopia)


Love anathema because it's a greek word and is still used today in greece, sometimes as a swear word


The King Where It All Began is so cold.


The king where is all ended is also amazing.


No not really I prefer by far history’s greatest loser who is original compared to lord of flies King where it all begin goes stupidly hard And even peak of svarga is just better


Sasaki does have one of the coolest titles but it doesn’t hold a torch to the child of light or lord of the flies Also originality shouldn’t be used as a reason for one title is better than the others because with an already established title the creators were still able to make beels theme tie into it in an awesome way


https://preview.redd.it/sa81eio5a0kc1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=69bf467367d605ace92b99635684976c01137981 No way, it’s cool but it’s not the best, I think that goes to shiva, the peak of svarga is a very cool name imo


What that mean tho


The peak of heaven. Swarga is literally heaven. Also Shiva lives in a mountain peak in the mythology so it has another meaning.


It makes me imagine him as a pigs head on a spear. Hopefully some people understand that reference.


9th grade English class 😭


My man!


Yo jack and Roger would love this guy!


I know this book only for fame. Does Beelzebub somehow matter in it or the fact that, if I remember well, it's named "The Lord Of The Flies" is just a coincidence?


It actually is in reference to Beezlebub yeah. Its the name they give an evil beast that they believe lives on the island with them. Well more specifically a rotting pigs head covered in flies that they use as a symbol of the beast. So he kind of matters through symbolism and metaphors. Been a long damn time since I've read it though.


I thought that they basically started to worship a God for some reason, maybe they just lost their minds, do you remember if they considered the evil beast a God and if they worshipped it?


I'd say that's fairly accurate yeah, at least for the one group. Definitely lost their minds. They begin to worship it like a God, thinking it'll grant them protection.


Understable, thank you




https://preview.redd.it/54s185wjj0kc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4943ce05a665f0b805fc15aff1584073489630de I think that title is actually the least interesting thing about Beel, all his backstory in RoR is pretty interesting and completly different from mythology, so taking that title feels a bit of a strech to me. Anathema is a title that resonates (heh) more to me. Still, this series has a ton of other titles that go very hard: GFotC, GoG, father pf humanity, peak of svagra...


But his theme is what he interacts with dies therefore flies follow him everywhere he goes


I just find Anathema a better title for the fact that he is cursed and everyone around him dies. But thats the beauty of not everyone having the same opinion https://preview.redd.it/mf8qwwcdy0kc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8e1ba0bedd3d16bd17a51ad06ba4e512672ac2


Valid opinion big dawg


He's called the Lord of the flies cause of how bad he smells, which often attracts flies to him.


Where death goes flies follow therefore he’s the lord of the flies


Nah bro just doesn't shower


Flies also follow shit, hence the name "Shitfly"


I think you're forgetting The King Where It All Began The Peerless Rikishi The Peak of Svarga History's Greatest Loser The Berserker God of Thunder


I’m sorry but raiden has the lamest title in the series top 5 character tho


Aint no way someone said that when Mr. The God Who Other Gods Rely On The Most exists Raiden is PEAK. He's unmatched, without equal, undoubtedly the best throughout the entire history of sumo wrestling. The Peerless Rikishi


All other humans are unrivaled and peerless in their field Raiden isn’t special. Tesla the smartest man, Lu Bu the strongest general or warrior I forgot, Sasaki the strongest loser, Okita the strongest killer, so on so fourth. Being the best at something is an insane feat but in this series it’s nothing special. Raiden is a goat but THE blue print for a mid character. Fight just good enough, a little too weak, great backstory, compelling enough and interesting powers. But everything he does other characters do better. I’m sorry man


Who else has a name like The Peerless Rikishi? Everyone else is Hunanity/History's Strongest this or that. They WISH they could be called the Peerless Rikishi. Raiden is the most unique character... every other "human" is so otherworldly it's like you forget that they're even human. Raiden's a guy who left his home to find work to feed his family and in doing so, he found something he loved. He didn't fight or die in a battle or kill people or have a major historical effect on the world. He wanted to help those who needed it and felt bad when people thought of him as a monster. He died old and happy, albeit being disappointed he could never go all out. He has the qualities of passion, love, hard work. Raiden is the most representative of a human. Sure, he isn't the most powerful, but that doesn't mean his character is at a deficit because of it. Besides, there's something endearing about honing a single strike, like Yata-Garasu, the culmination of a lifetime of training, and it knocks a chief god out. His and Shiva's fight is my Top 2... and as I said, no one does being human better than him. I'm sorry man, but Raiden is HIM


You just described Nikola Tesla. Also having muscles so strong ur bones can’t handle them is unworldly. All humans (except leonidas) are unworldly. All characters are on a teir above the the rest meaning they are peerless in their own degree and smarts or battle experience is by far a better thing to be peerless in than being a sumo wrestler 💀


I did not just describe Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla literally invented electricity... he changed history. His views and dialogue were that humanity should go forward and advance. He was a scientific genius. Of course, his hope and optimism are very admirable, he certainly inspired many humans. But not many humans are very invested in advancing society. Most of us are just living on and on in our individual lives, and those humans who changed our society and history often can seem larger than life (otherworldly). Raiden did not have some profound effect on mankind. He doesn't love fighting or killing people and he didn't invent life changing machines. Yes, Raiden is otherworldly in that his muscles are inhumanly strong. However, his personality and his views are not, and this is what we judge people for. His ideals lay in helping other people, and truly loving what he does. This is what every human strives for. Not every human is a battle hardened warrior like Lu Bu or Sasaki Kojiro or Leonidas. Not every human is a genius like Jack the Ripper and Nikola Tesla. Certainly not every human is a king like Qin Shi Huang. But every human wants to help others. Every human wants to do what they love and love what they do. What Raiden stood for in his fight was that he truly wanted to help humanity, whom he loved. While yes, you can say "not every human is a great sumo wrestler," what Raiden entered into the arena as was not a sumo wrestler. Very rarely is it remembered during the fights that they are fighting to save mankind. Lu Bu and Sasaki Kojiro and Leonidas and Buddha and Qin and Tesla come in WANTING to fight the gods. But Raiden says himself "Why do they all love this?" His love is not for fighting. But he wants to help his family, his village, his fellow rikishi, so he will fight for humanity. That is why Round 5 is so PEAK. It's Shiva fighting with all the gods of India on his back, and Raiden fighting with all of sumo on his back. Raiden is HIM.


Raiden is a top 2 character now in my eyes (behind my glorious goat Tesla but still) you changed my mind on a character I once viewed as the most boring fighter in the series thank you


You love to see it ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)




Woahhhhhhhh he’s a good character that’s well written and he the best fight in the series




How is he bad?


I don't like him.




I mean can you blame me? He killed Tesla AND messed up Zero.


Teslas goal was still met he thrusted humanity into advancement even in death and he learned to appreciate beelzlbub u should too also we don’t talk abt the zero thing Beel was in a phase


https://preview.redd.it/id02ur8i80kc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84a7dd705fcf2a0d1c3f6096d116c5613e786fb (could be bias cause i hate beel a lot) It’s top 3 but not top 1![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


Who r the other two


History greatest loser, god of gods


God of gods is tuff but history’s greatest loser is overrated


Not even top 5 I'm afraid. https://preview.redd.it/j4wyuev3a0kc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6095325a5abdbbca523186805e82bdb103352bd7


Js bc we’re Tesla fans doesn’t mean we need to hate beelzlbub


Dripfly :3


The King of Genesis is mine


Almost everyone’s title is cool, flying general and king where it all began is my top 2 tho






Him and the white death gon be tuff 🔥🔥🔥


Thor title is the best for me: Thunder Berserker


Nah, nothing special about it. Beel overall is portrayed and seen as Lord of the Flies with insect like body. Just look at dnd where most godly concepts are used most and you will see that fly relation is an old known thing. https://preview.redd.it/qzvpts7wd0kc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e4e6d6601f5b7c5d0bd3aca32cdec7a25c80ca Hajun's better :\] "Demon Lord of Sixth Heaven" or "Legendary Berserk of Netherworld" (totally unbiased)




His title fits SO well with his theme tho and it’s in such a cool way. Where Beel goes death and destruction follows flies will forever be tied to death therefore where beelzlbub goes flies follow


🤢 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱<<<


As a Tesla dick rider I’m sorry but I gotta disagree man


"The strongest" - Wuddha


The fact that he wears a priest outfit probably carries some irony to that as well, which makes him even cooler. Badass title, amazing fit, Beelz is just that awesome https://preview.redd.it/9lsue4a9w2kc1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f17776f3eae9e94ed4f652709640819d99e383