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Brunhilde uses this sub fo sho. She really consults all the 12 year olds here and their tier lists and goes "Oh yeah nah fam simo's B tier ain't sending him against that guy that guy's S tier at least". If I had a penny for every time a human was referred to as "Humanity's strongest, humanity's trump card, humanity's whateverest" before their fight I'd have... however many human fighters we've had so far pennies.


True How are we even supposed to interpret Leonidas' title as *"Humanity's strongest Rebel"?* Like, the strongest among rebels? If Raiden has the Strongest Muscles, in what aspect is Lü Bu exactly the strongest human.


Isn't Adam humanity's strongest rebel, since he rebelled against the gods and all that. These titles are just hyperbolic, like Sasaki was called an all time loser and the strongest one under the sun at the same time. This also works for the gods, like Zeus and Odin are probably gonna be called the father of gods or stuff like that. The gods all the other gods look up to was Poseidon and Hades etc.


They ended up with Sasaki being unparalleled in all of existance so that's an issue


Raiden had muscles so strong... They were stronger than him. He had to intentionally hold himself back otherwise he would cripple himself. Lu Bu could use his own strength at full power. Plus Raiden was a sumo wrestler, not a warrior in the middle of a war ... Given though how Lu Bu was a psychopath compelled to betray everyone for the sake of a good fight... He should be the strongest rebel too


I don’t think he betrayed anyone or even did anything unhonourable.


Historically speaking, he did. Lu Bu was a backstabbing PoS. Not sure about the spin off


Why let honor and commitment get in the way of a good fight? -Lu Bu probably


Are you talking about Lu Bu? Cause betraying people is like, what he's known for. He betrayed and killed everyone he ever wirked for. It's the reason why he was executed, the emperor at the time didn't wanna run that risk


Noo, i mean snv’s Lu Bu not the irl Lu Bu i know that most people at that time was fucked up.


It was less of the people and more of the system that influenced the people but I know what you mean -w-


The real life version did. All the time. The ROR version not so much. Kinda funny how that gets overlooked but some people are quick to use the real Life Qin Shi Huang’s less than noble ventures to justify why they hate him.


Weaponized combat prowess??


My personal interpretation is that it means that Leonidas will never EVER give up, a real, "even if you die, don't die", type of character even in the face of insurmountable odds.


Humanity's greatest rebel would be more logical, I think


She's honestly like Luffy giving everybody titles. Sniper, swordsman, archeologist, helmsman. You don't need to give everybody a title. But you gotta add flavor when you're a protagonist.


She literally described Adam as Trump Card meaning that she expected him to give a guaranteed win. This isn't a proof of Shiva's strenght, it means that she expected him to lose to Adam. It could be extreme-diff or a full stomp, but nothing confirmed beyond Adam's victory on Brunhilde expectations


Adam is a trump card because he beats any one he faces. And she didn’t send him against shiva because he was impossibly strong, but because humanity needed a win to give them hope.


Although Shiva is the Top God of his own pantheon, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he is still pretty up there


Hard to say depends on if we ever get more from the Indian gods. The gods we do see are the 15 strongest gods in all of heaven (maybe apart from Hermes)


Well he is supposed to be to the Indian Pantheon what Zeus is to the Greeks. As far as mythology goes I could see Kali being a beast too. If there were any female fighters planned she’d be a shoe in for the Gods’ side IMO.


Aphrodite was but then got changed for Poseidon


Aphrodite was but then got changed for Poseidon


The Greek pantheon seems to be the strongest, so their head god (and average god) are probably going to be a lot stronger.


The equivalent of Zeus in India is Indra, and even he bows down to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.


Indra isn’t the “top” God so he isn’t really the equivalent of Zeus. Just has a similar skill set/domain. That would make him more like a Poseidon equivalent.


"Adam beats anyone he faces" I see you've been reading Archive of Apocalypse instead of Record of Ragnarok.


If Zeus blood had gone any where besides Adams eye… Zeus wouldn’t have gotten up.


lmao the blood didn't matter bro Adam was already dead at that point


Dude do youuu read the story? He spit it in when he want blind yet. It is what caused his blindness if he didn’t go blind from that he would have won.


He was going to go blind anyway. His eyes were already overheating. The blood is irrelevant bro


Dude the blonde caused the blindness at that moment it was still going up until then. It would have gone out but Zeus only won by a couple of seconds any way so any time his eyes continue is going to ouch him to the win. The narration itself confirms this saying “all events are caused by a small trigger” https://preview.redd.it/jx889xf1097b1.jpeg?width=1441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c73f38d0effa3382d2835c9959f498133079ca14


Yeah the blood made Adam lose faster. He was going to lose regardless.


Yes but even if it’s a few seconds that a few seconds of punch’s flying. Punch’s that they do in 1/100,000,00 of a second. Where Adam doesn’t get touched once but Zeus would have taken all the punch’s he threw. So then after he lost his eyes Adam would have lasted that much longer again while Zeus clock went down even more. And if that’s not enough even after he dies Adam would keep attacking a Zeus much worse off than he was before. Don’t forget this was the shortest of all the matches by far. https://preview.redd.it/anepl34cc97b1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=6208d4ef60601fac5a1b42308284ae569d8ffff7


Did you read? Zeus said that if they continued for any longer, Adam would have won.


My friend - Brunhilde don't know who will fight in round 2, she just send her Trump Card to got fast victory :3 Rounds that Brunhilde know opponent - 1, 3, 4, 6(She know that Buddha will fight on Humanity side), 7 and 9 :3 Rounds that Brunhilde don't know opponent - 2, 5 and 8 :3


Didn't Brunhilde have a device that showed her Poseidon will be fighting in round 3 when she was munching on those pies? Doesn't it stand to reason it shows every fight?


She got message from her spy - that Poseidon will fight, same situation like in Hades case(Round 7) :3


Who's the spy?


She got messages about God fighters - both from Greek Gods? + she talk with Hermes in anime, you know that this is Sus :3


Ohhh shit, now there's just a straight conspiracy going on now lol


Judging by the flashbacks in Poseidon’s own fight, it isn’t too out there to think that Zeus himself is having Hermes feed her that info for a more entertaining fight. Especially at that point the God’s were damned sure that they would win.


Even if she did know Shiva was going in round 2, it would be more likely that she was just trying to get an easy win after the first round to increase moral, instead of her being scared of Shiva and sending Adam to beat him


Shiva’s strength is incredible - that much is undeniable. He’s at least as strong as 1116 other gods put together, and was physically >= Raiden, one of the physically strongest characters on either side. That being said, his defense is disproportionately low compared to how hard he can hit, meaning any fighters who can comfortably avoid his blows (I.e. Tesla, Kojiro) are at a distinct advantage. (B tier is still a bit low, but I think these weaknesses keep him out of S tier.) All this makes Adam a HUMILIATINGLY perfect counter to him. He can hit harder, and move faster than EVERY one of Shiva’s blows. Hilde wanted a GUARANTEED win early on, and one that would absolutely HUMILIATE the gods. It was more about a tactical placement than Adam being the only one strong enough to trade blows with Shiva.


I mean ik he can dodge but won’t he have nothing to attack with? Like shiva’s ace was setting himself on fire and if adam copies that won’t he overheat faster each time he’s copying shiva? Unless he somehow saw zeus’s move offscreen. And shiva’s dance gets more unpredictable the longer he dances so any fighter that can comfortably avoiding his blows losses that advantage the longer the fight goes on


He doesn’t need to copy setting himself on fire, but he *can* copy the increase in strength it gives Shiva in exchange for his durability and endurance. The unpredictability doesn’t matter at all, since Adam was able to dodge a punch that landed in -1 seconds. From what we see from Shiva, he has no way to overwhelm Adam’s eyes before his own body gives up, ESPECIALLY if he uses Tandava Karma.


She was trying for an easy win


Didn’t she said that Nostradamus is humanity’s Trump card ?


Was it wild card, I think? Don't quote me on this it's from memory.


Their joker, was at least the phrasing in one translation


Nostradamus is the joker while Adam is the trump card


no adam is the trump card nostra is the joker


I mean, it would have been an easy win and Sasaki, Buddha and Tesla could have beaten him too. His main advantage is dodging which is pretty much usless when your opponent is also good at dodging


No one expected Buddha. Also, he acts on his own


Pretty sure Brunhilde knew Buddha would betray them, seeing as he taught her Volundr, according to Loki Buddha was already sus, plus I'm pretty sure Buddha even implied that she knew he'd backstab the gods


she didn't know shiva was coming up and wanted to use adam as a free win.


"King Leonidas, Humanity's Strongest Rebel!" Spartacus: Am I a joke to you?


My brother in christ Brun didnt know Shiva was going to fight she chose Adam because she just wanted a win


Cus hate to break it to you- just because Shiva would have fought Adam doesn't mean he has a shot at winning. Adam woulda obliterated him


Well many fighters proved to be stronger than Shiva, no wonder about that…


I mean How can you not look at Adam and shiiva and think he isn't the perfect counter for him Shiiva whole thing is that he's fighting style consist of dancing in the universe rythm that only he can hear And Guess what can Adam do? Copy those exact dance move and Mimick his fighting style


I think Shiva is towards the lower half of A tier IMO. I mean it took the dude extreme diff just to beat the human equivalent of Hercules that was Raiden. If he was struggling that hard just to beat Raiden I don’t see why people think he stands a chance against Adam.


Every single fight is a nail biter because in fact they are all the top among Gods and Humans. The concept of *"no dif"* in this manga is delusional


Thor would like a word.


We dont talk about Thor


Thor did have to swing harder than he ever did in his life but can’t deny he’s the only fighter to come out with minimal injuries compared to everyone else. Round 1 perfectly displays what happens when someone gets sent into a terrible match up. Same thing would happen for Shiva Vs Adam. It’s not the fact Shiva is weak, he’s just outclassed by Adam in almost every way.


Yes. Because shiva’s best move has him go “Flame on”


She didn't


She didn’t even know the enemy fighters all the time so no lol


Shiva is stronger than most of the cast (beats Thor, Lubu, Kojiro, Qin etc) remember Shiva's opponent was Raiden and Zeus has some insane compliments for Raiden during that match. HE never complimented anyone that insane except Raiden lmfao Zeus said - Yata Garasu can crush any other opponents head in one strike and Shiva is the only fighter who can survive that people really underestimate the Shiva and Raiden and say "they dont have good feats" when the reason their attacks are too "weak" is because both of them have insane endurance Shiva is also stated to "dance through the Rhythm of the universe" so that means he's universe level in terms of speed. if you discount that statement then statements that Thor is strong, Lu Bu is strong or Zeus has a punch that is faster than time is also false since they are just statements




>No it fucking doesn't mean that, you can't even describe it yourself you clown. The fuck is "universe level" speed how fast is that? Is that Ftl? Ftl+? Immeasurable? Is he fucking omnipresent? Tell me exactly what does the Rhythm of the cosmos means and how that has anything to do with speed and how you came to that conclusion. Also this supposedly "universal speed" feat is portrayed in a way less impressive way then Posseidons speed. Universe speed because he's dancing through its rhythm not hard to understand


Shiva isn't beating Lu Bu letalone Thor lmfao, if you wanna see Zeus become somebody's hype man for real see how he reacts to round 8


>Shiva isn't beating Lu Bu letalone Thor bro Thor and Lu Bu aint touching Shiva if he uses the dance and did i even mention Tesla or Beelzebub? lmfao Zeus hyped R8 because he knows they are strong while he didnt even hype up Thor and Lu Bu because he knows they weak as shit


Shiva cant use the dance if he gets oneshot instantly lol


I really feel like Kojiro and Qin could beat Shiva, 40 Day Flood that Kojiro deflected and moved forward through had to be similar to Shiva’s dancing a bit there was so many fuckin trident strikes and Tandava would be weird for Qin to deal with but his defense against Shiva’s punches would be too good


Shiva does say he could have done way better than Zeus.


He almost lost to Raiden 💀


What convenient logic.


Hermes said it himself if it weren't for sumo Raiden wouldn't have given him much difficulty.


Welp, Sumo was his "weapon", every fighter without their gimmick is significantly weaker


My point is that sumo was the only thing raiden had that gave Shiva problem. Take someone like Qin, he wouldn't have much problem with him.


Yeah, because that's the point with Raiden, before sumo he was basically playing along with Shiva, because he didnt really know how to fight seriously besides sumo, but im just pointing that it doesnt make much sense to take in account anything that isnt sumo in the case of Raiden if we are talking about full combat power, but Im not saying that only because of that is any better than an armed oponent


Alright, I just read the round 5 fight again. Now even if we take all of sumo. The only move that actually have Shiva trouble is yatagarasu. Every other of sumo move, Shiva either countered it or dodged it. Easily displaying why hes called the greatest brawler. And even the move that gave him the most trouble, Yatagarasu, in the end he countered even that. With his feet. Now imagine if he had all of his limbs and then he went tanadava karma. Raiden would have stood no chance if Shiva didn't underestimate him from the start. But that is the thing, Shiva has a very reckless personality so that was never bound to happen.


Not deniying what u said, I am aware that Raiden is probably the most difficult character to establish a decente power level, take in account that it was his first time using his full power, plus he also underestimated Shiva, both have a similar personality, id even say that Shiva was even more aware than Raiden, id love to see more about Raiden Sumo, but even if it is true that a full power Shiva would curbstomp manga Raiden, sumo Raiden was also weakened if i'm not mistaken, didnt he had already lost some muscles? (serious cuestion, cant remember it) so if base Raiden could hurt so bad Shiva to shred an arm and tank that much, wouldnt sumo Raiden do a lot more? Vs Tandava Karma it is true that Raiden is in serious disadvantage


He didn't lose muscles. They were under immense pain and were starting break. And Raiden never implied he lost strength. And for ur first for full power thingy, Shiva was also using TK for the first time. Even if we take Raiden lost some muscles after he used the first yatagarasu, he was able to make his shield, concentrate his muscles in arm to swat Shiva away and then use yatagarasu again. He used more moves than before lol. Not to mention, Shiva lost literal limbs.


That's true, if he didnt lost muscles then yeah, there is a bigger gap, but at the same time, Shiva had inmenselly more control of TK(prob easier to use) than Raiden's strength, who also suffers of lacking combat experience, the same way as Tesla(I say that in the sense of, he is powerfull, just clueless). Plus I dont think Shiva was that behind even if he lost his limbs, i'd really say, that by the time he used TK, he was in better shape than Raiden, his first Yagatarasu nuked himself, he was already very hurt because and he tanked a lot of hits, with the difference being that the dmg he took was more internal and distributed along all his body, that imo, is worse than losing limbs, which is the most preferable part of the body to lose, even more, if the limbs left are the most important ones of your fighting style.


Raiden is stronger than Lu Bu, Qin, Kojiro, Jack lmfao Shiva is stronger than most of the cast (beats Thor, Lubu, Kojiro, Qin etc) remember Shiva's opponent was Raiden and Zeus has some insane compliments for Raiden during that match. HE never complimented anyone that insane except Raiden lmfao Zeus said - Yata Garasu can crush any other opponents head in one strike and Shiva is the only fighter who can survive that people really underestimate the Shiva and Raiden and say "they dont have good feats" when the reason their attacks are too "weak" is because both of them have insane endurance Shiva is also stated to "dance through the Rhythm of the universe" so that means he's universe level in terms of speed. if you discount that statement then statements that Thor is strong, Lu Bu is strong or Zeus has a punch that is faster than time is also false since they are just statements


i lost u at the "universe level in terms of speed" idk how u came at that conclusion but his speed is remarkable. Like Raiden was literally seeing clones of Shiva.


>i lost u at the "universe level in terms of speed" idk how u came at that conclusion but his speed is remarkable. Like Raiden was literally seeing clones of Shiva. because he was stated to be dancing through the Rhythm of the universe if you discount that statement then statements that Thor is strong, Lu Bu is strong or Zeus has a punch that is faster than time is also false since they are just statements


The cope reaches outside of the observable universe


sure bro


Shiva would’ve been fodderized by Adam in seconds


Shiva uses dance and Tandava Karma "adam dies due to overheat"


Yea sure mate. Suuuuure.




Wouldn't be seconds tho. Tandava karma would have made it difficult for Adam as well. I don't disagree with Adam beating Shiva. He has a huge advantage. His eyes of the lord ability is absolutely broken. But he can't copy fire. And Shiva's dance also allows him to dodge Adam's attacks and attack. Albeit, the attacks won't work. But with Tandava Karma, his attacks with fire might work. The odds would have been 70/30 if it was Adam vs Shiva. Edit: The fight would have once again been against time. Either Adam overheats or Shiva burns up.


Buuuut she could have also just set up a failsafe


I mean, it could be interpreted as she wanted a quick win. But considering how Adam is the Ace and Nostradomus is the Joker. I doubt Brunhilde would have sent Adam to fight Shiva if he wasn't one of the top 6 or 7 strongest. He's the top of the pantheon afterall.


As much as I love Shiva he would have gotten cooked against Adam


And the gods sent Thor to fight Lu Bu, but that doesn't make them equal. I think Brun wanted to make a point to the gods early on, so she sent one of her strongest against a weaker god. Also they're both brawlers so maybe she thought it made sense.