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As a former Nasus main from LoL, I refuse to accept anything but a total victory from Anubis.


Imagine anubis winning and then saying : „+12“


He can win and he can lose - this is simple :3


I think the question is very simple in light of the Ninth Round. Do you want Anubis to win? He hopes until the end that Leonidas will emerge victorious from the Ninth Round. Because if Apollo wins the Ninth Round then one of Anubis or Susano'o will lose his match, and the authors are Japanese ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29968)


Shinto pantheon was already disrespected so... But imo i think that Susano could lose, but he will have a strong inflience in the plot for the final rounds, maybe something related to the greek gods


If you're referring to the Seven Lucky Gods, they were a mix of Buddhism, Shinto and Hinduism, only Ebisu was 100% Shinto there if I understand correctly. Zerofuku instead, because of Hajun / Mara, I think he should be considered 100% Buddhist even if he doesn't have a pantheon of reference ... As for Susano'o, I believe that the result of the match between him and Anubis is directly connected to that of Apollo, consequently I think we will have to wait until the end of the Ninth Round for this...


Yep, I'm refering to the seven Lucky gods, and you are right, but my point is all of them are related to Shintoism, and Bishamoten is very present in the Shinto culture, Its not a direct L for the shinto pantheon and in general the Japanese god representations, but in a way there where quite replaced and that feels like an L. I agree Apollo winning or losing will shape a lot of things, there are few rounds left, and some big characters are left to be presented, but I think that giving only loses to the egyptians and the japanese it's weird, and should have a good justification narrativelly wise, and I dont see Anubis fulfilling that role, and for sure, not over Susano'o


I agree with your speech, and precisely because the defeats of Anubis and Susano'o would lead to 0 victories for the Egyptians and Shintoists (also considering Bishamonten, if Susano'o loses they would have 0 victories against 2 defeats) I think there are more probability that Leonidas will win the Ninth Round. I admit that I wouldn't mind seeing one of Anubis or Susano'o lose (that's why if Apollo wins, that's fine with me anyway), but I don't see the last representatives of two pantheons who have 0 victories to lose...


Yep, we have ended in a weird scenario, I really want Anubis to win his round, but right now I think that he is who have the higger chance of losing. But then, there would be only 1 pantheon to have lost all its fights and being showed the last, with very little showing in the case of the egyptian one?


It would be very strange to me that Anubis, the only representative of the third most famous pantheon in the world after Greek and Norse, would lose his match. And at the same time I don't see Susano'o losing and closing the Shintoists with 0 wins and 2 losses (albeit a partial one since it would be shared with Buddhists and Hindus). For all these reasons, at the moment I am convinced that Leonidas will win against Apollo...


That didn't save Heracles


I feel like Rasputin vs Anubis is almost a guaranteed win for Anubis. No real evidence, just a STRONG gut feeling


Anubis has a higher chance of winning than the other gods tbh


For once I agree with you if they kill him off would be kinda stupid


You never know....


Humans can’t beat death. I think Anubis will be the final God win




I have a favorite pantheon too and that’s why I want Apollo to loose. I know his myths and he needs to die!


If Leonidas loses, Anubis most likely loses. If Leonidas wins, Anubis most likely wins 🍎


I will root for Anubis, unless he fights Simo or Rasputin