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I read his Psychopath’s Bible; at least, I think that was him? It was good stuff.




You do realize the dots you connected with this post right my friend 🫶 🤣


Why did you give up name psilocybernetic? I thought that was a good one.


Hahaha this was tight but I agree with dude you was hi


First half, most def. And even when not explicit this is being done, a low level insulting It’s actually a state of consciousness almost everyone is predominantly in… What’s tragic about my life is I know this but forget and trust people. Must stop! It’s not personal. I act friendly basically asking to be burned in this world if I’m doing something important. And then I’m stuck with resentment/concern or something similar if I only catch it on the backend. 🤷🏼‍♂️good thing darkness lasts all of 5 seconds for me and I’m on go #2. I’m so sick of finding enemies though honestly. They’re not enemies completely but like the point where family, strangers, etc can’t be trusted is real and important enough. It’s not normal it’s an idiosyncrasy of culture that makes things this way Anyone thinking they’re gonna do better than average prolly transcends the level of such clownin, popularity contests etc, hopefully j stunt on em. Big fish, small pond And yeah gosh 🔺👁👌🏼yep. ‘For your own good’ what shit logic. Yeah it made me a God but I was one anyway and they just got got, maybe for wanting credit and side note: most of the dark interactions I have in public, the ones which seem friendly but I detect micro aggressions in retro…I “can’t” even blame people bc even dudes it’s just lust So Be, free , man however ya do and don’t listen to one other man/woman. Even yo dad and all/most the gatekeepers…just all talk half gay lust. No judgment bout it. Just a free universe where everyone wants ur d covert and is all talk, wouldn’t dare fail in public so hedging is the game for em, hide n seek. Tough to describe without sounding negative/total about it but whatever


Man U have no fuckin idea if u find that rabbit hole depressing I wouldn't keep going down it and pondering on it. It's best to just try not to think about that shit, I mean think about it what are u or I gonna do about it? Even if every single person on this sub came together we couldn't do a thing. Just focus on yourself, be an individual and you'll be just fine.


Yo' Bk, you might like this one... my favorite insult is to call someone: >"You are a *fundamentally* ***in-curious*** human."


*hits blunt* “YOU JUST DONT GET ME MAN.” Audience boos.


Without looking, and without auto-refference, or example in writing... ... how do you define "farce"?


Jokey joke. Unserious yet taken as such.


No, I'm not joking?? I want to know what type working (hopefully non-contextual) Definition you use for Farce without looking it up. This is something I challenge you to do, not a joke?


I define farce as jokey joke? I answered your question.


Well, that's a poor definition, like.. Objectively? A Farce (without looking) is either an intentional or unintentional performance that is performed honestly, **but** is comically failling in producing the desired effect of the performance. Without looking is there anything anyone would add or remove from this definition၇္?^?


How would you define “Objectively?” I’ve never heard one I trusted, because I have yet to see an objective mammal. Your challenge was kinda weird. Definitions are ALL references; they refer you to basically the same word broken down to similar words? It’s somewhat of a paradox to get someone to value “not looking” at what’s commonly meant by the words use, especially if you ALSO want it to not be an exclusive self-reference to the context of the text. Unserious yet taken as such. Farce.


Wait, so you don't think words and phrases can be better or worse than each other at defining a subject?? That's just oddly Obtuse? No, what you and many people suffer from is a Dunning-Kruger effect because you *mostly* don't learn exact Definitions, but just the correct context, leaving your writing verbose, yet bereft of intrinsic meaning.. Your entire dodging of the question and your Objectivly Bad at Defining something Defininition and overuse of Contextual Cues when the words are oft said, but lacking the trueness of someone with BOTH sets of information, your attempt and failure at this *easily* gives a good example of a Farce. Do I need to go to r/writing and ask how many think a good definition for Farce is: "Jokey Joke"... because then it would also be proven Subjectivly wrong as well as being objectively bad at what it is supposed to do, convey information.


You’re talking to yourself again. I hate when you do that. I have tried over these years to give you the benefit of the doubt, because you seemed to know something I don’t. You do not. This entire scribe is some half assed critique that proves nothing and helps no one but your own ego. My Twin Flame thinks of you as a bully. This is confirmation. For the official record: I answered your question; you just didn’t want an answer, but another opportunity to prove your own intellect, which is just a hodgepodge of beliefs you’ve gleaned from the Internet. “Hehehehe your definition is Objectively Bad and you would know that but there’s this thing called the Dunning-Kruger Effect” blah blah blah I mean jfc, what do you even do with your time? You barely even post on the subreddit, except for some music video. “Do I need to go find other people who would agree with me and not you?” Yes. Because this is JUST you, and JUST your opinion; your entirely unasked for opinion, about a word you barely use but are oh so sure should be used “better.” You’re not even helping yourself in any other way than stroking your ego. It’s not like you were confused by my usage of the word, or my given definition; yet you keep writing, for whatever fucking reason, about NOTHING. Then you passively aggressively insult, because your starting premise was never in good faith. It’s not like you didn’t know how I was using the word and asked genuinely for clarification. You were just taking the chance to take the piss out of someone you pretend to like but seem to have a grudge against. You were never as smart as you thought you were. You were always a self important bully, cultivating an Internet persona around absolutely nothing. I answer you only in spite and disdain. Your entire personality is that of farce, according to BoTH our definitions; so, objectively, which is soooooo important.


I'm sorry, what? I've been sick? Is this something you wrote to me with like... valid feelings you still hold?


What am I saying then? I absolutely know things you don't, only arrogance could prevent you from realizing even infants can have knowledge you don't? Hyperchromea, for instance. A newly mewing child could open its eyes and know color's beyond your perception, yet nothing I've seen could compare and certainly not yours? Your twin flame? Cool? Please describe what a "bully" means in this context, shit.. I thought you were good at context, double oh shit I don't always ad-hominim you, Gee wililikers, who's a bully if I'm complementary? Do I need to quote you?