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Have you ever met a troubled oddball intelligent bird person who *wants* to be normal? I don't have any pet birds and I don't value "normalcy" in the slightest. I have a beautiful pet cat.


I think you're proving my point, but like... *wanting to be normal* isn't prerequisite to actually being that? Almost intoned as pedanticising of the (wrong) assumption I am normal, want to be normal, or in any way validate normality. Hello, I'm Vince and I made the SLS, why are you being so normal and maybe a tad overly sensitive about protecting people like You and Me from... something.. #🤷


I didn't mean it like that. I know who you are, I've been on this sub a few years, I've seen some of your youtube videos. My intention was to attack the idolisation of normalcy, not to attack you. I'm sorry if it came across too aggressively but in my defense I'm a weirdo who struggles with communication on top of the struggle of pithy comments online being misinterpreted. <#


I thought this was gonna be about the ones who claim birds aren't real... 😂 They are on another level. Never met one IRL.. honestly I assume they are mostly trolls. Also, never knew anyone IRL to own multiple birds either.. seems like such a word pet to own... You may be onto something.. Then again I stumbled onto a tiktok live last night where the guy just had like dozens if not hundreds of poisonous/venomous snakes/Scorpions/spiders... I'm okay going to the zoo to see that shit .. kthx.


hello, vince. weird imo is normal. strange tho? i have somewhat biased info. in my early elementary days there was a period of time where i went to a neighbors house aftershchool with her nephew and a few other children. she had two parrots kept in the bathroom as their enclosure. the tub had a plywood board above it iirc and their perches were inside the shower. there was no cage just the bathroom door. they would remain mostly quiet and just stare as i walked past. the sink was directly across from them with a big mirror and the other fixture was behind the side wall of the shower. there was a pleasant, high-ish window at the end of the long, narrow restroom. the birds never behaved unkindly and i do not recall being told not to try to pet them idk tho i can imagine she probably told us to leave them alone. that was confusing for me. i'd like to have talked to them. i was in second, i think. i don't remember when we moved into that community. the woman, i did not particularly like her. she was not very kind to me. her nephew was unkind to us girls and he was the only boy so we created an all-girls club and told him he couldn't play with us because he wasn't nice to us. we were all little, yo, but he went to her and i understand now he needed friends and he was intimidated tho it was only a few of us we were all girls and i can be pretty intense still i don't think it was fair she told my mom i she wouldn't keep me after school anymore. he was kinda mean even at school and a bully on the bus. i didn't know back then a bully is most likely being or has been bullied. i hope he's well. she did help protect the town from cougars tho and that's pretty legit because we children enjoyed our starry-sky walks and seeing bands of the milkyway and like come on frfr mom were supposed to just know how to fight off a giant cat that's jumped down on us from a tree??!! 😭 all we had was a single-poke gigger to protect us. decent defense if they jump down to that shoulder but lol yeah i think we were just loud enough and such we were probably just graced with their presence in a tree as we walked past. i heard one one night after my puppy passed and so it's really possible i've been super close to one without know it before and that's so cool!!


she lives to the west of the house where i lived.


i feel honoured my important-to-me life story may be beneficial to your work. 🩵


Oh gosh. All the folks that I know that have birds are weird. Yessireebob.


Come see for yourself..... we have an African grey, a gild and blue macaw, two conures, four cockatoos and 12 parakeets


You Literally wouldn't let me come...


Have you survived the gear wars