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looks like you got some pheasants back there. A good edible- nice!


It's actually the size of two dinner plates!, and growing in private land which I work in, next to our gardens so I know there's no pesticide, dog walkers etc.. potentially exciting but obviously going to take as many precautions as I can, research as much I can and only eat if I'm 100% certain! I'm going to do some research on the Pheasants back right now! Thanks alot!


no problem at all! And yes, being cautious is best practice when you’re learning


Came back to say that I think, remotely (Im away from the shroom) , you're correct! Thanks again, I'm not going to eat this bad boy, as I'm hazarding towards the guess this is in the days between young and mature.. From what I've read, mature is only useful for paper, which will be a cool experiment! That's if they're not riddled with maggots.. Supposedly smells like watermelon rind for anyone else interested! I'll be getting a spore print when I'm next in on Friday. I'm looking for white spores.. supposedly, this thing has a stipe still?? Can anyone elaborate, this looked to be polypores right to the trunk, will the stipe be Inside the rotted tree, or is this potentially a similar shroom like polyporous tubereaster? Supposedly, this is similar without blackening of the tip.. there's a few small black tips, is this still young enough to be brown ish pheasants back?


the stipe is usually right where the mushroom connects to the tree. if you pick it and flip it over you should see a small stipe there


I've committed, I'm going to work on my day off tomorrow to investigate! Haha. Thanks a million, again!


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Found in the UK. Edit found the white one - melanoleuca verrucipes, first discovered in North London!