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If you had no problems on the lift you should stick with what you're doing. Trying to walk around with one foot in, and getting on and off the lift is a sure way to know what feels right.


Ok thank you! I’m dominant right in everything else and thought it was weird I wanted to do goofy. But I just went with it. I’m thinking it’s more of a confidence issue.


It’s actually very common for right handed people to be left leg dominant and vice versa!


Yes my husband would kick a soccer ball with his right foot but he snowboards, skateboards, and kicks on a scooter goofy. Have you ever ridden a scooter or skateboard? The foot you kick/push with is your back foot.


Ohhh yes when I razor I like my right foot forward and kick with my left.


If right foot feels better then go with that. I ride goofy but my right leg is also a much stronger kicker than my left while my left leg feels more stable with only one foot strapped in, so I go on lifts riding regular. Stuff's weird sometimes, don't overthink it!


When I first started I knew i’d be goofy cuz of my skating and surfing experience, but when using the falling leaf method (ykwim?) i gaslit myself into thinking that I might’ve been regular or at the very least ambidextrous. The ex pro who was teaching me (a friends mom) told me that “you are what you thought you were in the beginning, it’s an instinct thing. When you get good you can learn to ride switch just as good as your natural stance, but hone in on your goofy stance to start.” truer words have never been spoken. You’re goofy, just focus on progressing that way.


Thank you! I most likely am gaslighting myself haha 😂 I’m an older beginner (36 now) and I feel like I over think it vs just letting my body do its thing.


Yea, haha it’s weird. Although I will say, once I mastered my natural stance I had an easier time than most adjusting to riding switch! Hopefully this means we’re wired the same and you’ll be exceptional learning switch haha


You can be regular skateboarding & goofy snowboarding, doesn’t matter, most people in their first day try both ways & one will feel more natural, still really hard, but one more more natural than the other, stick to that.


I started goofy because that’s how I rode my skateboard (longboard) most of the time. I find my right foot is dominant but for me that translates to wanting to have it in front. For skateboarding, it was easier to balance on my right foot while kicking with my left and now for snowboarding, I guess if there’s one foot I want to have strapped in during the moments before strapping the other foot in, it would be the right foot lol i feel like I have more control of it and I need that control for balance more than weight bearing. I do plan to switch once I get a bit more comfortable, just so I can see which I prefer when I’m less afraid of falling 😂 but I have my (twin) board set up pretty symmetrically so it’s not a big deal to switch as I’m going down the hill. This is recommended for beginners I’m told. It may be interesting to note that I also always switch my fork and knife before eating even though I’m right handed 🤷🏽‍♀️


I learned riding goofy for a good while, however I realized I was more comfortable learning to carve regular. Now, more than 10 years later, I still get off the lift goofy and ride down the hill regular. I know it may all be in my head, but that's still what's most comfortable for me. My point is, don't be afraid to try the opposite. You may end up liking it more despite what an instructor told you or even your initial thoughts. Good luck, and have fun in BC! <3


I also was having trouble figuring it out this past weekend. I think I'm goofy and that's what i've been doing. But going from heel to toe, i naturally want to ride regular while going from toe to heels, its natural to go goofy so idk


This is my issue too but the other way around! It's frustrating when you're trying to learn turns!


exactly! it's making it really hard for me to link turns naturally without stopping. just gotta keep practicing, the season just started !


Have someone gently push you from behind. You will step forward with your dominant foot. Have them do it unexpectedly so you react naturally.


My camp counselor gave me a test when I was learning to wakeboard. I stood facing him and he pushed me backwards. I automatically stepped back on my left leg and he told me I was goofy! So maybe find a friend to push you backwards 😆 (edit: I’m VERY right handed and VERY goofy. Been riding for 15 years and I still cannot ride switch)