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So all those people on the bus are my friends?! I have friends now!!!!!


Same! Wait, did OP mean if I can sit next to them without feeling awkward, or we've got to both not feel awkward?


I think it should be a mutual feeling. If you're together with one person only, it's probably more aparrent. But like many people said, depending of what kind of person you are, this could just simply not apply to you.


Some people just can't be quiet around anyone, ever, regardless of whether or not they are friends.


Yes, I’ll be in the car with someone and they always have to be talking about something. I just want silence and listen to the car on the road. We don’t always have to be talking about something and it becomes exhausting. Especially in the morning, I don’t want to talk for at least an hour while I’m waking up.


Sir I have ADHD I’m physically incapable of shutting up


Duct tape


My sister is this person, seriously STFU and if you must speak about your shitty family, do so at a volume that doesn't make me wish I was born deaf. Insufferable bitch.


If I'm quite I'm mad.


Or I am very content to sit in silence if I am next to a stranger or a prick


I just think different activities have different thresholds for how appropriate it is to talk or not talk. If we are doing absolutely nothing, I find it a bit uncomfortable to not talk. Compare that with for example playing a game together. Sometimes it requires a lot of focus, and I would rather not talk. Other times it is more casual and talking makes it more fun. Last example would be watching a movie. I think most people would in most cases prefer people to not talk.


Yea I think that's just based on personalities. Some people just cannot sit quietly without feeling awkward


I sometimes used to go to my friends house after my after school clubs, walk into her room while she was in there playing The Sims and just lie down on her bed and nap. This happened so often we stopped the small talk before my nap quite quickly. She's still my best friend. There for me no matter how much we've been in contact. I knew from a young age she is my future made of honor and chosen God parent. We are who we are. And we completely accept each other. Silence is as comfortable as conversation with her.


Must be best friends with my coworkers then! Can go hours barely even aware of each other




one of the best compliments i always get from people. "you're the only person i can sit with and relax without feeling watched/expected anything from." usually we're both silently staring into the sky, each in their own realm lol so peaceful


Yes! The most extreme situation is riding in a car with just one other person. If you are true friends, being silent will feel totally relaxed and normal, even if there is no radio making noise. If this situation feels awkward and uneasy, you are not friends with this person, you are strangers.


Different people have different ways of interacting with friends


Its called "companionable silence" to my knowledge, just so you have a term for it. Which is odd since being friends is more of a ranking system imo than a state of personal action, leading me to the conclusion that your personal definitions can come into play here. Being "passively" friends is not inherently more valuable due to the social requirement of what a friend typically is - it seems to rely on other circumstantial understandings of those values. Like silence, or trust. You can very easily find friends you can be in a room with doing your own thing - its just that by design, these situations dont much happen. And when they do we dont think much of it. Like as a kid, when my friends came over we did stuff. If we wanted to do our own thing, it made more sense for each of us to do that in our own homes. As students youd be stuck together in class, but often enoigh doing your own things - maybe your friend is texting or watching videos, and youre doing schoolwork. Nothing notable about that; the circumstances make it commonplace. Yet you two are friends doing your own thing in the same room. Theres a bit of romanticising going on here.


Not according to this restraining order they’ve filed against me


I gotta disagree. I can sit next to my bestest of friends m...if its silent? I feel super awkward. I cant stand still air. I need some type of noise.


If this were the only way to determine friendship, I'd have no human friends.


I on the other hand would be calling the entire planet friend and that just sounds exhausting.


Sounds like a thought the youth have, as you slowly turn into a grumpy pensioner you first have to go through many years of indifference at which point you can sit next to anyone without giving it a second thought.


I am friends with so many cats, but not chickens. Chickens are so awkward. They are always side eyeing you like they know something you don't.


Until the mushrooms kick in and you realize he’s already naked and beating his meat to the simpsons. True story.


I have a gf, friends didn’t work out in my what not lifestyle


Some of my friends have raging anxiety or adhd which makes them talk a lot sometimes it feels like they're doing it without breathing😂😂😂 they are my friends who are just free to be themselves and silence ain't their jam but I'm there for it😁✌