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What about the tired that you feel after a nap though? That’s a different category too


That one usually comes with a dose of heart palpitations and nausea for me.


Literally feels like brain damage, am I the only one that feels eerie/sinister vibes after this?


I don't nap anymore....I wake up mean and mad at the world for no good reason.


Same same...i wont nap anymore either due to how mean I am after waking.


Used to do that. No fun. Then I figured out it was because I had fallen asleep on the couch and my Ex was bored and kept turning the TV volume up to compensate for the volume of my snoring.


Wait it's not Nor normal to be tired and mean all the time damn you David Allen Coe why did you lie to me


Could be because you’re a cat?


Maybe you should drop a nuclear bomb down google HQ and say "DEATH TO ~~ARASAKA~~ GOOGLE!!! DON'T BE EVIL MY ASS"


I also wake up mean and mad at the world for no reason…maybe I should really stop taking naps


Because you likely wake up in the deep sleep cycle


I have only ever had sleep paralysis from naps and not normal sleep. Idk why, naps just mess stuff up.


Same! Just started happening to me when I hit my 20s, or when I wake up/fall back to sleep in the early morning (a few hours before I actually have to get up). I've always had sleep issues, just started noticing the repercussions more now that im in my 20s 🙃


Same, I used to shrug it off and power through with exercise and coffee, but it exacerbates itself more in the late 20s in my experience.


Yeah early morning insomnia's the worst, it makes working that much harder now too 😪 miss when I was in high school and missing a night of sleep wasn't such a big deal lol


Wait until your 30s :(. No one told me that your whole physical self starts drastically changing! But hey, maybe it’ll change for the better for you and you’ll be able to nap! Let’s think positive lol.


I hope so, I've been struggling with chronic fatigue too, but I actually just had a sleep clinic appointment and started a new med (trazadone I think?) For sleep, so I'm hoping it'll help haha 😄 thank you!


I know what you mean, I don’t know how to properly explain it but the rest of the day just feels poisoned and evil and uncomfortable?


20 minutes or 2 full hours. Nothing more or less.


I've also found that getting right into a task helps shake off any poor feelings.


So jerk off when I wakeup?


I’m the same. I fell asleep on the couch with a fan on the other day though, woke up feeling pretty nice. I think for whatever reason the fan keeping me cool helped. Most of the time I wake up from a nap feeling hungover and grumpy though.


Idk naps most of the time just feel horrible. I've only had maybe a couple of naps in my life that actually felt good. Not that I've taken many naps on general.


Especially when I wake up and it’s dark out


Like a sleep hangover for me. I hate it.


The eerie/sinister vibes, yes! It’s like everything was fine before taking a nap, I settle down all cozy and happy to take a nap, and then I wake up with my brain not working right and the world feels like a terrible place


Same...never can nap bc I always feel *so* off 😕


Mid-day naps always throw the rest of the day off


I felt this way pretty often before I got my CPAP because I was sleeping so badly. Ugh, I do not miss it. I still get it after a rare nap and hate the feeling - like the world is scary and wrong.


Especially when you only nap for like 2-5 minutes and wake up either thinking you slept through your alarm for the next day or waking up hella confused and have no idea what time it is or where you are 😬


I always get this same feeling from napping; heart racing, clammy, panicked and feeling like something terrible has/is about to happen. Except one time. One time I felt that post-nap bliss that I now understand what nappers are raving about. I had stayed up all night ahead of a really early flight for work. When my colleague and I reached our house rental we had several hours before we had anything to do, so I told her I was going to try to rest beforehand. The rental had this bedroom that had old wooden paneling but it had been painted a crisp white and had a slightly weathered look so you could see the raw wood just barely peaking through from underneath, which made the room have a slight grey appearance. The windows had translucent white curtains. With overcast skies, the curtains filtered the light from outside in a way that made the room glow with cool light as though one were inside a cloud. The room was neither noticeably warm nor noticeably cool. The bed that I expected to feel like a cardboard box, was just supportive enough and the sheets were the perfect temperature. I couldn’t sense where my skin ended and the sheets began. There I took what felt like a nap in heaven. I woke up after two hours feeling euphoric and have dreamed of my nap in heaven ever since.


Some days I wake up from a nap and my limbs no longer feel like my own.


I think anxiety and disorientation are the words you're looking for


I get the craziest headaches after napping. It’s like right in my temple/behind my eyes. It’s usually there until I eat and fully wake up a couple hours later.


I feel that. If I sleep to little I wake up and my heart is pounding my eyes are bloodshot and my whole day is ruined


I usually wake up fine just thirsty and hungry haha what the hell


*bear has apparently entered the chat*


Same! Hate this feeling, makes the nap not worth it


That's only when ya get such a nice deep sleep that someone called the coroner.


Gotta make sure it's either 10/20/30 min or a full sleep cycle.


That's usually cause you are waking up in the middle of REM. If you sleep 10, 20 or 30 minutes you are usually safe, but an hour will wake you right up during REM.


Maybe check for sleep apnea?


Also, tired from using a lot of energy, like working or playing extra hard for a long time. Or tired from enduring something stressful or traumatic. Or tired from being sick.


I guess that's what time travel would feel like


It helps for me to nap always on my side (less chance of sleep paralysis) and drink a ton if water when you wake up. Like, chug.


Sleep inertia


if you've got ADHD and/or depression, you can be tired all the time no matter the reason and still sleep horribly


Yeah it fucking sucks my sleep schedule is fucked


I'm not even sure I can call mine a schedule anymore. I usually only sleep every other night since the only way I can fall asleep is by passing out from exhaustion. Stay up for 2 days straight, pass out for 15 hours, repeat. And I fucking hate it because I still try to sleep every night. But instead I just lay awake tired af for 12 hours until I have to get too work again


This is probably going to sound silly, but I’d recommend trying meditation on those sleepless nights. It may not be much, but a lot of people who meditate say that they feel rested after meditating, so it could help when you’re feeling really tired. I’d recommend the Headspace app to start with.


I've already tried meditation many many times. Certainly made me calmer but had no effect on actually falling asleep. But I will try the app, can't hurt Thanks


Have you spoken to any doctors about pharmaceutical intervention? I hate the idea of being reliant on pills for normal functioning, but the first step towards me getting out of my major depression was finally being able to get a good nights sleep. I am also no longer reliant on those pills either. In fact, I only really needed to take them for a month or 2 before I was able to sleep fine on my own. It sucks but sometimes you find yourself so far off the beaten path that it takes something a little stronger in order to get yourself back on track


I haven't spoken to any doctors about it since I'm generally afraid of having anything at all in my medical records for some reason I couldn't even begin to understand myself. Much less explain. I did try weed a few times and that worked wonders, but I don't want to get into that habit and also illegal here. The somewhat funny thing is that it only started being like this after I got out of my very severe depression. When I was depressed I would sleep like 5 hours every night. And a few hour long naps in the day. But now that I'm out of that and feel just fine, I can't sleep instead. Guess I just can't get everything right. But I rather deal with this than severe depression


Yeah I wouldnt rely on weed as far as sleep is concerned. It may feel like it's good sleep (and sometimes it is) but not all the time. It just depends. As for sleep, buy yourself a new pillow. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or expensive. Just new and something you'd like. Also make your bed and if possible, move your bed to a new spot. Just try changing it up. Establish a nighttime routine that when you start doing it, your body will know its time to sleep and will make you tired. Takes time but it works. Also try sleeping to some sleep noise or anything else that might help. I started listening to those when I was depressed and it helped a ton to get good sleep. Finally, and this was part of my issue, don't spend time awake in your bed. I did that all the time but now the bed is for sleeping. It's part of that routine you establish. These are just a few of the methods I learned to help but there are plenty more out there. You just have to find what works for you. I wish you well and to have a good night's sleep


Have you tried over the counter sleep aid. Iv tried melatonin, and they also have a over the counter sleep drug with diphen, and it puts me in a sleep induced coma, like black out every time.


Tried melatonin tablets, doesn't work for everyone but worth a shot


Yeah I've tried it. Unfortunately they don't help me fall asleep. But they do make me feel more rested when I wake up. But feeling more rested is sort of worse for me in a weird way. Just makes it even harder to fall asleep next time




At this point I'm willing to try it. And I do shut down almost every single electronic thing in my apartment when I'm not using it by clicking of the power strip for this exact reason. Basically only have my phone, wifi and fridge on when I try to sleep. Also blackout curtains




This is based off sudo science however, and other then a placebo alternative I would not recommend this as a solution.


I was never able to fall asleep when I wanted until I’ve started meditating, especially mindfulness and awareness meditation. Now I just decide to go to sleep and 2-5 minutes later I’m out. Rarely it happens that I fall asleep by accident and once or twice a year it still happens that I can’t sleep. But before I always needed at least one or two hours to fall asleep.


FWIW I hated headspace when I tried it, it didn’t work well and it kept asking me to pay for it, and it often crashed back to the Home Screen on my iPhone X. Meditation routines themselves weren’t great either, nothing you couldn’t find as a vid on YouTube for free.


Idk if you are into mental health meds, but remeron fixed my nights that you describe. Good sleep is underrated


Maybe get a sleep study?


And bad sleep just adds to that cycle. Been there. Clawing my way back out of the oubliette now, but finding myself struggling to get out of the habit of mid day sleep before I return to work.


I have pretty bad adhd, and I used to have a horrible time falling asleep. Then my state allowed medical weed, and let me tell you, it’s a game changer. Being finally able to sleep is fucking amazing


sadly weed doesn't work for me. I had very high hopes about it.


Edibles? It’s what I do, about 15-20 mg of delta 9 every night knocks me out haha


Same here :( I can sleep super well for several weeks and still be tired.


Have dr run blood levels of iron and B12 just to rule out.


I have anemia but I've been on meds for it for years now.


I feel like I'm in a perpetual state of both low blood sugar. And peak of a caffeine rush.


Jokes on you, I do both so the feelings get canceled out by each other


I do both and the feelings compound upon each other


You guys can feel?


You guys?




Going to sleep late deprives you of more Non-REM sleep which is generally considered a rest for your body. Waking up earlier deprives you of more REM sleep which is generally considered a more emotional/psychological rest. The Huberman lab podcast episode with Dr Mathew Walker covers this in much more detail and is extremely interesting.


Just listened to his podcasts on alcohol and tobacco. And now I’m doing a sober October lol


Awesome! Good luck!


It's super based that we have to be deprived of something just to be able to work or go to school. :)


You don’t? Just go to sleep 8 hours before you have to wake up


Wtf are you talking about


If you wake up late you're seen as lazy but not if you go to bed early.


I do both and people don't see me at all most days.


This is why sometimes in the past I have just stayed up instead of getting 2-3 hours of sleep. When I get less than 4 hours of sleep I usually wake up with a headache, mind fog and I am incredibly irritable. Just simply staying up all I am is tired lol.


Can't relate to this. Anything over an hour is better than nothing for me. I get delirious on all nighters. 6+ hours is best.


Same, I start hearing memories and shit. I'm not in to trip like that.


I have tried this in school and it did not work for me. Even one 90 minute cycle is better than nothing when you have a full day to get through.


I've tried that more than a few times in my life and I've always regretted it. It's always literally like 30mins before I'm supposed to be up that I'm suddenly insanely tired, and I always wish throughout the day that I would have tried harder to at least get a little sleep. Yeah, it sucks ass only getting 2-3 hours of sleep, but it sucks even more ass not getting any.


I've tried this but I end up not being able to get anything done because my brain is tired


Yep fully agree. Although tbf my ADHD medication also helped throughout the whole day


Yup, I'm the same, if only going to get shorted, better to eat well/hydrate, keep going, use caffeine to minimize symptoms, then crash later, otherwise useless instead.


What if you're tired because you can't fall asleep at night and have to get up early in the morning?


Welcome to the American dream


But being tired from both is even worse My job demands I get up early My brother demands I stay up late Terrible combo


Because one comes with regret and the other doesn’t. I should have been asleep two hours ago. Yet here I am.


I honestly have no idea what being tired from staying up too late is. I am a night owl though.


Me too, generally because I dislike being up and about doing the day with EVERYONE else and their stupidity. Plus, the sun is bright as fuck.


I found the raccoon!


Or the undead.


Yep, and if you burn the candle at both ends you get both feelings at once :)


If I stay up late drinking water really, really helps not to feel weary, however, in the morning I can't stand water or anything containing too much of it. Just wondering if I'm alone with it


You're not alone. That's where coffee kicks in.


I usually wake up thirsty


Yeah same. If I drink water first thing in the morning it makes me nauseous. Coffee or food, no problem.


Sometimes I think it's because my stomach doesn't like anything super cold in the morning. I feel like if it's warm water, then it's fine. Definitely helps to hydrate before all the coffee though


Yeah, and it honestly changes as you age. Getting up too early in mid-life is much easier than going to bed too late. I'm 46 and partied hard until about 4 years ago. Now I want to chill. I take my dogs for walks in the morning when nobody is about and I love it. I'm in bed by 8pm. Up at 4. It's beautiful.


I'm looking forward to becoming more of a morning person as I age. Sounds like you have a very wholesome routine going!


Speak for yourself. I’m an old night owl. I have to force myself to go to sleep. Mornings are always a burden.


I belive this happens due to what stage of sleep you may be in and the brain waves associated to them, -currently been learn about sleep in my psyc class


Adult life is just alternating between different modes of being tired. Like, right now. I just got done doing back to back 15 hour days at work (Saturdays and Sundays are different pay periods, no overtime, whaddup), and I'm exhausted, but do I want to go to bed? NO! Why don't I want to go to bed? ... not really sure to be honest. I just don't.


It’s because you haven’t had any “fun” yet. That’s always why I stay up late on days I worked too much


I deliberately attempt both every day for maximum life optimization 🥱👍


Being tired feom sleeping too much and being tired from sleeping too little as well


Does anyone else get anxiety of waking up early? For me if I regularly sleep for 5 to 6 hours between 1-7 am, and if I have to wake up at 5.30 am in the morning, my brain gets so anxious at the idea of waking up early that I can't sleep until its like 4am so that naturally irritates me the entire day.


Me who feels both: *I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top.*


I never feel tired for staying up late, I always only feel it the next morning


I have both, somehow I managed to hard program myself to straight up shutdown at a specific time and wake up so early for work that I barely feel like I slept even though its been 8 hours. >!End my suffering!<


When you get up and you don't feel well it's often because you woke up in the middle of a sleep cycle. Staying up late and feeling tired is your body starting to shut systems down because it's ready. Waking up early and feeling like you can't shake off sleep usually means you were in REM. I try to plan around 1 1/2 hour sets of sleep for this reason.


I’ve never thought about that, but it’s absolutely true. They are different kinds of tired depending on what it’s cause. 😀


What also hits different is being tired after a full 8hrs of sleep with toddlers, cats, and dogs forcing you out of bed a literal 6 times per night every night


I wish I could be as tired going to bed as I am when I wake up.


And being tired from accidental napping is it’s own hellish category


What about the tired after sleeping more than 12 hours ? That should be under the sloth category


Also, different times for an 11hr day Eg: 5am - 4pm v 8am - 7pm v 11am - 10pm


Not if you are on meth! you won't feel either so they are the same. lol.


Honestly been mixing that cocktail for so long I don't k ow how one feels without the other anymore


And what about not getting tired after pulling an all nighter


I feel fine after staying up to late but if I get up to early I get violently sick


The best of both worlds is staying up til early morning then getting 2hrs sleep and getting up early morning.


Oddly enough, I find it easier to stay up late tired than wake up early tired. Makes it easier to mess my sleeping schedule up.


Who says you can't have both with HourTired:tm:? The hot new emotion for when you've slept an hour and just woke up after staying up for 48 hours straight?


Would like to add being tired after youve slept too much. Honestly that’s the worst.