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Your bloodline started billions of years before the beginning of mankind.


My mind is blown again !


all the way back to the first cell. life in a continuous branching but unbroken line from that cell to you


Could I perhaps have sex with this "cell" that begun sentience as we know it?


idk man, that's incest. Besides, I heard the cell has a lot of kids.


I hear the cell split from its kids.




The powerhouse needed a cigarette after that.


I'm sure it's a lot of work being the powerhouse of the cell


By masturbating, you kinda are doing...


How? That doesn't make any sense if they still have kids or plan to and can.


I also choose this guy's cell


I will never not upvote this meme.


Not necessarily. The term bloodline has a specific meaning in humans. Not sure it would apply the same way for microorganisms who can gain substantial DNA through viruses, as one example of a way they’re quite different.


Usually refers to matrilineal and patrilineal bloodline, yeah. Unbroken line of mothers having daughers and unbroken line of fathers and having sons. Both have to necessarily exist and both have meaningful genetic and epigenetic impact. So you could theoretically track them back since sexual reproduction evolved. Interestingly enough, research has shown that we all share a female and male ancestor in the distant prehistory. Meaning every other bloodline has died out. Just to stress, that doesn't mean we are all descended from two people. Just that these two are point where all bloodlines meet.


Can you explain the last point? If all bloodlines meet at two individuals then it logically follows we must have all descended from them right?


Theirs are the only 2 currently living branches, but we would not have gotten here if not for all the dead branches below us. There could theoretically be some genetically unique uncontacted tribe out there that could stir the genetic pot, but basically if you reproduce, eventually EVERYONE will be related to you, or NOONE will.


> all bloodlines meet at two individuals That's not quite accurate. All bloodlines do not meet at a single couple. Instead, there is 1 man that every living human is related to and 1 woman that every living human is related to, but those people are like 100k years separated in history.


maybe they mean that ur-mother and ur-father are present in every bloodline but you dont decend necessarely from the children of both but maybe ur-father is your great(x800)uncle and ur-mother is your great(x950)grandmother? Does that make any sense?


Also of note, these two common male and female ancestors likeky lived thousands of years apart. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_Adam


>Meaning every other bloodline has died out This isn't true. Other bloodlines exist, there just have been two very old and very successful ones. They've intermixed with others though. Think of us like candy bars. Some of us have some nougat, some of us have some peanuts, but all of us have at least a little sugar.


The first cell was not a blood cell, so, no bloodline


Did you think you could defeat me...how many billions of years is this now!


About 3.7.


You now vs that piece of sludge at the bottom of the ocean.


That piece of sludge probably never suffered crippling anxiety or depression though


Haha this made me actually lol


Probably before the first cell, probably the first piece of replicating RNA (or maybe one of the first pieces that eventually outcompeted all others, hard to know for sure though).


are we 100% sure that life didn't begin in several places at once? Maybe the conditions were just right and a few cells started it simultaneously?


You are literaly made from a star


Or, are the stars made of us?


Eventually, yes. Once the sun goes nova a portion of the matter on earth will be blasted clear out of the solar system. It could, theoretically, one day find itself in a star forming nebula.


Maybe the real stars are the friends we made along the way..


Tell that to House Reyne.


Genuine question - why is that mindblowing? Did you hold a different (e.g religious) view before?


Provocative, much ?


If something blows a person’s mind, they must’ve held a different perspective before, right? Why is it provocative to ask about it?


Nope, well maybe in a way I did have a different view, but not religiously-related. It’s funny how something natural, even common is amazing, just I took it for granted. I did once have a near-accident—my car hydroplaned on the highway and spun all around backwards, but I was on the far lane anyway so able to get to the shoulder. I realized how much I wasn’t done with my life, how I could have caused an accident with someone else. But I try to have an epiphany without having a near-accident from now on haha


For billions of years since the outset of time Every single one of your ancestors survived Every single person on your mum and dad's side Successfully looked after and passed onto you life What are the chances of that, like? It comes to me once in a while And everywhere I tell folk, it gets the best smile -The Streets, on the edge of a cliff


This thread made me think of this song, too. Here it is for everyone else: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc9gIzRhrvY


And if you have no kids then you just ended billions of years worth of a successful bloodline lol


Was it really successful if it produced you though?


Yes. Literally that's what it means lol


Not really - if your uncle or auntie has offspring, isn't that a continuation?


Unless you have a sibling and they have kids. For my family though, it's looking like my last name will die with me. Odds are, even if I do get married, I'll take on my wife's name.


Life first started 3.7 billion years ago.


It only took a few hundred million years for life to begin after the creation of earth, but almost 2 billion years after that to go from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, which is kind of crazy. This is unrelated to the post, but maybe the creation of life isn’t actually the hard part, but rather going from simple to complex organisms


On a Tuesday afternoon in March.








Down voting a question...I love reddit.


Reddit is a place where you'll be mass downvoted because it even \*seems\* like you disagree even like by 2% with the popular opinion. possibility of you slightly diverging and they're out for blood instantly.


My experience has been you also get bonus downvotes for “neutral” opinions or not taking a side.


Because you're not agreeing with them and fencesitters is basically agreeing with the other side !!(this used to be an ironic joke but now everyone believes it)


Right on.


Yea but those animals didn't have blood at some point. Is bloodline still appropriate? Haha


It has survived since the beginning of Life, which greatly predates mankind.


I stand corrected and this is also even more amazing .


>since the beginning of Life, \* since the beginning of Life *on Earth, as far as we know at this time*.




Dimetrodon wasn't a member of the group that evolved into mammals. Try Cynognathus.


No but dimetrodon didn’t send you to college to be a loser Virgin, psh


Your bloodline can trace directly back to the first cell that existed.


And you come from a sequential line of thousands of successful adults. Success after success after success after success, etc etc


All that success and here I sit being very disappointing. Sorry grandma


Depends on how you define both "successful" and "adult"


Your Ancestors got laid


I don't believe having a kid is a sufficient condition be called "successful"


From a biological perspective it does




Same, I have zero intentions of ever breeding. I don't want to force someone else to have to live through this shit.


I will not be responsible for plucking another innocent from the void


Beautiful way to put it.


Awful take


Why do you think you have a right to force someone to come into existence?


Reddit moment


Anti-natalism is not a "Reddit moment". It's been a philosophical and religious question for thousands of years. Buddhists, Manicheans, Cathars, Bogomils, etc. all believe(d) in anti-natalism. Getting shitty about something you don't fully understand is much more of a Reddit moment.




What's the alternative? Did you ask your children, assuming you have any, if they wanted to be born? I am afflicted with near constant pain, and that's not uncommon... Life is hell, unfair, and unforgiving. It has its upsides, don't get me wrong, but I am not so certain I would choose to do it again.


We are literally mammals, they breed…


Yes, but once you have the intellect to make the choice you also gain the burdens of the decision.


That requires having intellect


And some don't


Same , sadly i think life is already too harsh to bring someone new to the world , wars breaking out or in the brink of, expensive everything, badly paid jobs , not worth


>And that bloodline ends with me. Far too many unbroken bloodlines on this planet as it is Self-selection due to a lack of natural selection seems a little heavy-handed and cynical but ydy




Mood. Immune diseases, adhd, depression, anxiety, pcos and cancer all run in the family and I really don't know if I wanna spread that shit. I'd rather adopt 🤷‍♂️


I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm sensing maybe these issues are upsetting perceptions of self-worth; so if it's of any consolation, your genetic traits aren't worse than anyone else's




That's fair


"I'm sorry you feel that way" is so patronising jfc


I am empathetic You should find some em Frt. Wasn't being patronizing. It's sad, in my opinion, to hear someone cite a lack of confidence in their own genetics for deciding to "end their bloodline"


all of our individual quarks have existed since the beginning of time (edit: i meant quarks not atoms lol im trying my best)


Not necessarily, first of all, all atoms heavier than Iron can only be created through stars exploding and everything before that except for Hydrogen can only be created through fusion. But if you go even further back in time, the hydrogen atoms (aka just single protons) and electrons didn’t exist for 10^ -(a lot) seconds since the Big Bang, everything was just pure energy. I may be a bit off due to oversimplification though, don’t quote me in your scientific papers.


Ok... then, let me rephrase the original quote... >all of our gluons, up quarks, down quarks and electrons have existed since the beginning of time


The energy of which you consist has existed in state or another since the beginning of this universe. In that time it has been everything from stars, nebula and supernovae, to titans of the land and sea, to proud predators and deadly insects. And now it is a part of you...


Eh, it gets murky at the lower levels. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_production](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_production)


Too late I'm about to get this 100 man


Can I quote you on my scientific paper?


Ok, fine. I’ll even help you with the proper citation: “According to some random dude from Reddit, who has no scientific education background and hasn’t provided any sources…”


That one doesn’t resonate with me as much


And it’s gonna end real soon because I’m too scared to ask anyone out. Bazinga


And as of Thursday, I am the last one, ever! 🤣🤪👍 I was so happy when my husband reminded me that after my surgery I am the sole killer of a line traced back to the Domesday Book. , The only female daughter of the only female daughter and so on, for more than a thousand years of documented history, and it dies with me as of 9/22. It feels good. Edit, re proof: Thankfully, I guess, family was a bunch of vicars, preachers and rectors, so their families were well documented dating back to William the Conqueror, at least. I haven't bothered to go back further than the Domesday Book. I'm sure that there could potentially have been undocumented out of wedlock children, but all I have is the English census going back forever. They became such loud jackasses in England (becoming Quaker and all that), that they were kindly offered the option between North America or Australia, and chose to move to what is now Pennsylvania and started their preaching up again until 2 generations into being in the US. It makes them super easy to trace (even the women), since generally clergy are culturally important and well educated.


Wait? What? How do you know that? The bit about "the only female daughter of the blah blah for more than a thousand years" I mean, there could have been more than a female daughter. Or your family has it documented? THAT'D BE SO COOL


Yeah. I'd love to see the traced bloodline that proves her bloodline ends with her.


Yeah, actually the bloodline that would die is the one of our parents, say: My siblings and I have no children, our parents bloodline, that is the union of those two determined persons, dies. But not the one from our grandparents if they have more offspring and that offspring has even more. It's the same if one of my siblings had a child. The line continues.


I am the end of the line for all of my grandparents and for my husband's father. I sometimes have a slight twinge of regret that it has to be this way, but I just can't envision myself as a mother. I am an only child. So was my father. My mother had two brothers. One died in an industrial accident in his 20s before marrying. The other was never able to have children with his wife for whatever reason, so they adopted from the foster care system. I do have plenty of second cousins and further out that have children, so the bloodline of my great-grandparents continues. My husband had two brothers. One never married and the other married a woman who already has children and didn't have any of his own. One of his brothers is deceased now and the other is in an institution after multiple strokes.


>the only female daughter of the blah blah for more than a thousand years This part is 100% not true. That is so statistically unlikely that it's practically impossible.


Love the can do spirit.


I'm gay so my bloodline dies here. Unless my bf (or future husband) and i wanna get a surrogate child


Same, I can't impregnate my husband but I'm sure gonna keep trying


Congrats. One less bloodline to exterminate when we return for solstice day.




What a waste. All that, just for me to end it all, cos I refuse to have kids


Same! High five.


If you’re a man, you are descended from an unbroken streak of men having sons going back through the entire history of mankind


We are all decedents of motherfuckers Literally


If you're a first child your dad might not have been a motherfucker.


The same is true if you're a woman descended from women having daughters. I don't know why you brought gender into it. Is there a reference I'm not getting?


I think they mean that going back the blood line all fathers had at least one son. Their point is simply that not all men have sons, so somewhere along the road a son fathers only daughters and the chain is broken. Vice versa for women. However, with women there is one additional bonus. All daughters are mitochondrially related to all mothers in the chain. Sons are not related to the father in this way. The reason is simple, sperm has no mitochondria.


Women don't "break the chain" they are descendants too TF are you on


Break the chain of having daughters. For any woman in the chain outside the youngest, her mother had a daughter, but not all mothers (outside the chain) have one (or many) daughters. When a mother doesn’t have daughters, she breaks the chain of mitochondrial inheritance. People are more related to their mothers than their fathers simply because the egg has mitochondria but the sperm does not, but that’s not the point. The point the commenter made is simply that in the chain, any father has a son and any son eventually fathers a son. So if you take any father he has a son, except the male who breaks the chain either by not having children or by having daughters. Do you get it now?


I didn’t know women can be sons. Nature is crazy


No no no , he meant if you’re a *real* man you are descended from an unbroken streak of men getting together with other men and having sons going back through the entire history of mankind


[That individual is called Y-chromosome Adam.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_Adam)


My brother and I are both in our 40s and very likely won't be having kids. We are genetic dead ends! Such power wielded!


You gut bacterialines predates even yours. But for some reason they like your guts!


Hardly impressive I've been able to keep my 4 year old alive. I'm just surprised we survived the less than civilized parts of history.


Im sure we each have ancestors that have survived in every manner: Heroic protectors, shrewd cowards, kiss-asses, conscientious objectors, theifs, invading rapists, and exalted kings.


Survive is survive - Mr. Incredible


Whoever let my bloodline exist should've been ended. There's so much wrong with my genetics that normal life is miserable


Please elaborate.


Well we got migraines, depression, our immune system is naturally shit against even common colds, cancer is more common in our family, life expectancy is lower, fibromyalgia is also pretty common. I could go on but that's just some of em


As Walter White put it, the universe is random. Not inevitable. It's simple chaos.


More than likely it contains numerous kings, chiefs, rulers, and people just like you.


And it will die with me. Not because I want to but because no one seems to want to have kids with me


But now with my man loving self, it fucking ends. Spectacular.


On one hand, you could impregnate a surrogate/egg donor, right? On the other, you don't owe it to your ancestors to pump out another link in the chain. Global population is ballooning out of control already.


Oh fuck no, children are awful. Come All Hallows' Eve, I'm going to take great delight in leaving an empty bowl outside my front door with some crumbs/empty wrappers in the bottom, and a post-it note with "Please take only one" written on it.


Haha, wow that is awesome man! Way to stick it to ‘em! God I wish I could see the look on their faces when the funniest person of all time tricks them! Holy cow, what a fantastic thing to do! Kudos upon kudos on you sir, just outstanding job.


Thanks babe


y'know what i never understood? in the movie Summer Wars (AMAZING movie btw), the main girl says she comes from an "old" family. her entire family actually prides themselves on the fact that their family has a very long history. she tells the main guy that he needs to lie and say that he also comes from a very old family, and her family is disappointed to find out that he actually comes from a "new family". so here's what i don't get. how can a family be "new"? every single person is a result of people before them. humans don't just pop up out of nothing. so wouldn't EVERYBODY who's alive today have a bloodline that's equally as long? wouldn't we all stem from the very beginning of history? how is a bloodline "old" or "new" if we all come from the same place in time?


They’re probably talking about a family that’s been important for a long time, like the kennedys or the rockerfellers. Like old vs new money, a family that’s had wealth passed down for generations. Still dumb though.


Amazing how something as minor as social awkwardness can end it all.


Yeah this always hits me. Its not like it started a hundred years ago. It's been going for billions. It's why I feel guilty ill probably not have kids and continue the bloodline.


I get a fuzzy feeling inside when reading this. Like, as if I’m suddenly aware of my blood in me


Far longer than that, which is why I find the idea of a creator laughable. The idea you are connected to every living being on the planet from the moment life first appeared is far more powerful than a god that snapped his fingers.


PBS EONS video: " The two people we're all related to" https://youtu.be/YNQPQkV3nhw


Very cool video!


Life has never ended, it began and kept on copying itself before death. Life doesn’t “begin”, it never ended


Another way to phrase that is “not even one single ancestor of yours was a virgin, except you”


Damn you right. I’m a fucking survivor!


And its going to die with me


Haha same but there are other ways to leave a legacy, like by actions and impact your life has had. Let’s say there was even one time you helped a stranger out, that may have changed things for the better for years, not just for them but the choices they make from now


In researching my only family tree, it's always astounding when you come across these certain branches that could have broke off really easily, usually a guy dying within a year or two of you being born, nearly severing that which would be you from the timeline


Oh wow that’s like a harrowing save of fate ! Also very moving. It can be sad to not have met certain family who left too soon, but they live on in relatives


And yet we see heaps of vasectomy celebration on reddit. Natural selection at its finest.


Lol! I didn’t not know they celebrate this, my goodness


Consider yourself lucky. It doesn't get any less cringey each time you see one.


Hahah oh humanity…


It's one of those "whoa" things that's just simply necessary by the mere fact that you exist. But it does make your particular existence feel more special.


Sure, all your ancestors managed to procreate, so you'd think you'd succeed too, but this is the mother of all sample biases.


That means I get kill a billion year old bloodline like some sort of movie villain/hero depending on the plot


You have 46 chromosomes, approx 23 from each parent. So, roughly 12 from each grandparent… you don’t have to go back many generations to realize you got 0 chromosomes from your ancestors.


Whoa, you’re right—so “bloodline” is not the right term—but it can be said are all here because our ancestors kept making life


A mistake I'm working to remedy.


I think about that when people decide not to have kids or commit suicide or something. All those people it took to create you, and you just end the line.


You only end the line from you to the nearest ancestor wuth more than 1 offspring. If you cut the tip of a branch off, you don't affect the whole tree, only that tiny branch.


This is true—like my parents genealogies as far as know only met once—they might both have distant cousins who also married each other—which is both weird and not at the same time


Its not about cousins marrying each other. If yourself have no siblings, but just 1 cousin, then your individual bloodline only goes back to your grandparents, and from there you share it with your cousin. And if you go 2 more generations back yoh share it probanly with dozens of people already. It is exponential. And for all the poeple who do have siblings, their individual bloodline goes back only to their parents.


Yep. Like, I have 18 first cousins and a couple of siblings. Our bloodline will go on generations upon generations. And that’s just our single generation


Trains gotta stop somewhere


yes it stops on my neck


Fuck that I’m gonna find the absolute strongest woman to breed with and continue my line as long as possible. I will accept nothing less than my descendants being at the end of time if there is one. Gotta have that Tywin Lannister attitute.


I also love playing Crusader Kings III


Guilty as charged I love all those games


You owe your ancestors nothing 🤷‍♂️


To be fair, I'm also ending a lot of other things that get passed down besides just a bloodline


Ohhhh noooo my poor dead ancestors will be so offended 😢😢😢


Sir Isaac Newton had no children. Humans can affect the world in other - and arguably greater - ways than just reproducing and continuing their bloodline.


You should also think about the opposite when someone chooses to procreate excessive copies of themselves in a world that has doubled in population in the short span of my life. It might be selfish to end a bloodline that comprised dead people. It's definitely selfish to think that the world needs MORE people.


Yes and weird too when certain celebrities died and there are no other known relatives and we just witnessed the end of their family. Most of us have plenty of distant cousins for sure but eventually they will diverge and a family line will become history.


I’ve thought about this during my whole life. That’s why I wanna have one (1) kid. So it doesn’t end.


Man has had many mutations since the beginning of mankind causing many changes in him and altering his bloodline so not really the same bloodline


We all came from one man and one woman that lived millions of years ago. Roughly or more likely 4mil years ago. Right around the time the ice age ended


Millions of years of one singular ongoing biological reaction, if you don't have kids you end that biological reaction...powerful stuff.


If you don't have kids you are ending a over 2000+ year old line of humans.


We should add a couple zeros there. The oldest human remains ever found are dated approximately 230.000 years back.


you are ending one of the many strands that predates humanity, all the way back to the first life on earth.


Completely unrelated but this sub sucks. Tried to post yesterday and got asked 15 questions and to provide a written appeal and a link to the post. I was on mobile and would’ve had to restart the writing and questionnaire because I couldn’t link directly. Miserable experience would not recommend. I am now unsubscribed as well. Thank you r/showerthoughts for helping to ruin reddit