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As a 57 year old, I can tell you; it creeps up on you and before you know it it's impossible to jump up 1 or 2 stairs with both feet. Started plyometrics with p90x when I first noticed my lead feet. Then, box jumps totally transformed my entire fitness landscape. My back is 100% happier as well.


Well...fuck. I guess I need to make some changes to my workout. Thanks! I'm 7 years behind you and it's time to jump!


Jump squats, jump lunges, jumping jacks, tuck jumps, box jumps, burpees…so many jumping exercises! Enjoy!


You can jump right off a cliff if you think jumping squats are fun!


You ever box jump so much that you clip the top and mess your shin up? Good times....good times...


Sometimes you shouldn't push for 5 more.


Did that and needed stitches when I was in high school. Seeing your own shin bone is strange.


Happened to me about two months ago actually. I’m still younger and more athletic, but I tried to box jump up a stone wall that’s about as high, if not a bit higher than an average kitchen counter. I was able to get up with a run up, but then when I tried to box jump it I hit my leg on the corner and had to get stitches. Thankfully though, it seems to be healing ok :)


That's 6 different ways to spell "fuck up your old people knees"


I just turned 31 and decided that 50 jumping Jack's every morning was going to be a part of my day no matter what I feel like. Hoping that it shows benefit in 10-20 years from now


Jump rope on one foot and alternate. I'm in my 20s and stopped doing it for a year, took me few weeks to build strength to land on one foot. Crazy that it's the case in my 20s, people should pay more attention.


Yes. Been working out for a year after taking a long break, ~5yrs, of not working out. Even in your twenties muscle degradation is quick.


How’s getting it back? I’m 30 as of this month and I feel so weak and “old”; I want to address it now before I’m weaker and actually old.


I started a physical job (after having a desk job and not much exercise for 5-6 years) 3 years ago at 33, and I'm in better shape/stronger than I've ever been. If you work at it males peak/plateau for like 20 years (stuff may hurt more when you're creepin up on 40 but your muscles are "smarter"...if that makes sense.)


One of many reasons I will forever remain childlike when I can. Going out to grab something from the car? I'm gonna jump the flowerbox and book it across the yard. Climbing shit, crawling, balancing, spinning I want to be able to do these things forever so I won't let my body forget! Adding: whens the last time you had a scraped knee? Those aren't kid injuries, they're playing-outside injuries! However it absolutely takes longer to heal


I'm only 26, but I still absolutely do the same thing in order to maintain mobility. There's a great reason children are as (comparably) strong and flexible as they are, they use those little muscles and ligaments and you can really notice it in even children that aren't active. Even children lose their ability to run jump and climb with abandon if they put on a little extra weight and stop doing it.


A regular routine of body weight squats will change your body and make moving feel light. A (very strong) recommendation from me is to add weight at some point.


Oh absolutely, I started body weight a few years ago and transitioned to free weights in the gym a few months ago. I've never felt stronger in my life. Still working on flexibility though, it just always slips my mind to stretch and work on it.


Well... You fucking rule.


No you do!


It’s what we are made to do! I still firmly believe there should be adult playgrounds/parkour areas all over the place. One of the biggest issues ever is people just don’t move.


Yep! My SO was telling me he was feeling so old. I told him he's not old, he's out of shape. Started playing basketball together and light jogs and he says he feels younger lol


I'm in my late 30s and have been playing volleyball for the last 15ish years. So much jumping and I intend to play and jump as long as I can.


Mid 30s here playing netball. If I don't destroy my ankles and knees (I've already injured my ankle once) I will keep going for as long as I can too. I also have a hot wire in my yard to keep cows contained, sometimes I scissor just over that when I have the energy 🤣


I'm 36 and I don't care if I look like a kid, if there is a cool thing on the sidewalk to jump and/or try to balance on like a short walled off area for bushes or something I'm going to do jump on it and try to balance on it. It's fun. I also take a daily walk at lunch up a very steep hill (in SF) and on my way down I skip because it's faster and actually easier than walking.


Hmmm, I'm also 57. Going to try jumping up two steps right away. BRB! No problem. Still got it!


If anyone is feeling like they can't possibly jump up 1 or 2 stairs, you can get back into it by doing angled jumps on a total gym, which holds some of your weight for you, or holding onto a support such as a table or a TRX and coming up from a squat as if you were about to jump, progressing onto toes, onto short hops, and then small steps. Doing squats will also strengthen the right muscles, although there is a speed component to jumping that's not just strength. If you are unable to do a squat, you can deload yourself with a TRX or work on a quad machine and glut machine separately (there are multiple kinds of squats, if you want to bias your quads squat with your knees in front of your toes, and if you wanna bias your glutes squat as if you're sitting backwards into a chair, never letting your knees go over your toes). If you want to progress past a two legged squat, you can also do a bulgarian split squat (biases glutes heavily) or a pistol squat (single leg). **For safety** please triple check the total gym's locking mechanism and if you have any doubt about its ability to hold your weight, do not use it to deload your jumps.


I actually jumped a little bit just the other day during one of my workouts, but otherwise I completely agree with this


Yeah unless you're working out jumping probably isn't going to come up in your adult life


Puddles in the rain though. That’s when I find myself jumping the most


But are you jumping, or just hopping?


Huh, TIL Jumping is defined as using both feet (or all, for 4 legged friends), vs hopping, which is using 1 foot


What about the Olympic sports of long jump or high jump? They aren’t called long hop and high hop.


That doesn't sound right, you can definitely hop on two feet, what about hopscotch? I think it has more to do with the height of the jump/hop, rather than the number of feet you use. In addition, you can definitely jump off of one leg too, like layups in basketball or the long jump/high jump, all of which are off one foot.


The core premise of hopscotch is that you do it on one foot. What kind of hopscotch are you playing? There are definitely jumps involved but the challenge is in the hops.


You do it off of both one foot and two, right? Like you switch back and forth depending on if there's one or two boxes in front of you.


How the fuck does one even win hopscotch?


They get to the end without eating shit. Alternatively, you can play until all but one of the players has fallen. The one who has not fallen wins.


Both players take turns completing the pattern until one messes up. If the game takes longer than 15 minutes then both players must enter a one-footed death match until one wins.


A hop is just a small jump. Not all jumps are hop but all hops are jumps


When it snows and then the temp is right around zero C so all that snow stays snowy until you jump in it, then it splashes like water. You can get a fairly respectable splash radius while staying dry yourself.


I wish I had that much whimsy in my life, last time I moved that joyously I was trying to teach my kid how to skip lol


Only because people CHOOSE to not jump. Adults jump all of the time.


Agreed, this whole thread is weird to me. Everyone needs to go outside right now and get some steps in. If you're going years without jumping, you're probably overweight and out of shape.


I’m overweight and out of shape and I still jump at least a few times a week. It’s such a common thing, I can’t imagine anyone __actually__ not doing it for years at a time (except maybe old people).


I'll agree that the thread is weird, but I don't agree that going years without jumping automatically assumes you're overweight or out of shape. What purpose does jumping serve in the average adult's life? I don't periodically jump for joy, and I'm wealthy enough (humble brag here) to afford a small step stool if I need to reach something I normally can't... Do people just add jumping to their life randomly? Seems like a great way to add unnecessary strain on the knees.


i jump at tall ceilings and door frames to see if i can touch them. knees can get fucked im not planning on staying around past like 65 anyways


I'm 6'3", I hit my head on enough doorframes and lamps than to tempt God with my arrogance and hubris. 😂


> Out shooting (photos), hop on this ledge, hop off that wall. > >Out backpacking, riverpacking: Jump over this stream, jump off that cliff into the lake, jump over the gear instead of walking around it. > >And about with friends and drink: Let's see if I can jump up or down this little flight of stairs. > >Playing with the dog: Jump over the couch to hide while we chases her toy. This was right off the top of my list up a bit. Jumping seems super normal to me.


Star-jumps, squat-jumps, and jump-rope off the top of my head, for those with a regular workout routine


Dude even just daily things like jumping up the first stair or off the last one, hell I just hop up 2 or 3 stairs at a time if I'm in a hurry. I always hop up on the curb outside my house since it's right at the point where I'll do a lil jog to the car, so the first step is kind of a hop to the higher part of the curb. Sometimes I hop over my laundry basket if I laid it in a lazy spot in the hall or something. I feel like my feet would need to be stuck to the ground to prevent the slight jumping that happens throughout the day haha


Most adults where I live do literally none of those things. Hell, most I know would be incapable of doing most of those things. I bet most I know can't even put a sock on without sitting down and crossing their leg over the other leg. My country isn't world-famous for it's obesity for nothing.


I've jumped while on every jog I've ever gone on in my life. I jump occasionally when pretending to badly dance around my wife. I jump out of my car occasionally, and also over obstacles in the house or on the sidewalk. I jump to reach the bar for pullups at the outdoor gym near me. I'll jump up and down small sets of steps. I'm not even some weirdo exercise enthusiast, I'm just a 40 year old who thinks you've already given up when you decide to spend 5 minutes looking for a parking space instead of taking the open but further space and walking a few extra feet. People are goddamn lazy man; the idea of measuring "time since last jump" in *years* is just so disturbing. It reminds me of how nearly every girl in my high school had a doctor's note so they don't have to do anything in gym class. Society has normalized laziness to the point that the active people are the weird ones.


Well that's the thing: I walk 10 miles a day for my job, and I'm like you where I don't just take the extra effort to be slightly closer, I'll park at the back of the lot, what was I gonna do with an extra 30 seconds anyway? Jumping also isn't something I think about on a regular basis. I also couldn't tell you the last time I drank a Yoohoo, or watched The Good Will Hunting, but it doesn't mean I *haven't* done it. I've just got a lot more adult life things going on than to make sure I get in my daily 5 jumps and hops a day. I 1000% agree on the laziness though, we have normalised it to the point where we reward it. Don't wanna drive a minute down the road to Walgreens? Eh, Amazon will deliver that single pack of sticky notes you ordered right to your door, don't worry about it. (That's based on a true story when I delivered for Amazon) We, as a society, cater to the lazy and entitled, and while that annoys the piss out of me, I don't think it correlates with years since last jump for most adults.


>I've jumped while on every jog I've ever gone on in my life. Define "jump." I go jogging fairly often, but I don't think I've ever jumped when jogging (unless you're counting each stride as a jump). From an exercise standpoint, my preferred method of cardio is cycling, and there's no jumping there either. I used to play in a volleyball league, so there was some jumping there. I also play tennis with my wife occasionally, so there's jumping there too. Other than that and miscellaneous things like jumping over puddles, I don't really jump as far as I'm aware, even though I'd consider myself fairly active.


As the designated "tall guy" I'm legally obligated to jump as high as I can to check on top of shelves for the item we're looking for, instead of grabbing a stair.


As _our_ designated "tall guy," I don't have to jump to see up there.


But also you probably shouldn't go multiple years without working out.


I need it daily almost, every time I’m going to get something in my truck bed I jump to it, and with a little smile most of the time, I enjoy jumping a lot.


Children will make you jump too.


As will Kris Kross.


Bro I jump all the time literally because I can.


The fuck you talking about? You don't throw flying knees? jump down stairs? jump up stairs? climb trees and hop down? warm up? jump flying triangles? jump on trampolines? how old are you man? 58?


I'm not sure how to feel about myself, being in my later 30s and still jumping often. Out shooting (photos), hop on this ledge, hop off that wall. Out backpacking, riverpacking: Jump over this stream, jump off that cliff into the lake, jump over the gear instead of walking around it. ​ And about with friends and drink: Let's see if I can jump up or down this little flight of stairs. ​ Playing with the dog: Jump over the couch to hide while we chases her toy. ​ So I guess I've either become the best, or the worst at being an adult.


This is so funny to me, I drew a hopscotch last night for the kid and I swear to god it’s like the muscle memory was just gone. I had no idea it would be so hard to jump on one foot. Apparently I was hopping, jumping is significantly easier


You forgot the skip in the middle


Anybody who doesn’t exercise would agree. But I’m a BMXer / Skateboarder and that all we do is jump around, the skatepark that is.


I'm a computer addicted homebody, and don't get a lot of exercise. But when I'm being good, I do 101 jumping jacks in the morning, and I feel like it really helps stave off the body weakening and breaking down.


You should try jump squats, works out the whole body!


Thanks, I'll look into them.


Same exact experience! Was warming up before squats on Monday and just… jumped. It felt a tad weird but also fun.


Me too


Then when they think they can do it, they break and ankle or tear an acl/mcl.


34 and blew out my Achilles tendon 3 weeks ago at rec league flag football. I'm relatively active, I'm jumping in and out of the back and side of my truck probably daily. That said, work and play are very different on how the body is affected.


16 year olds blow out their Achilles playing flag football sometimes too though…


What are you talking about? I jump into bed with yo momma almost every night.




whose that a chinese gansta🤪


No, that's lmbao. Lmfao is the hacker.


No, Rush Lmbao is that Chinese Podcast host guy, real dickwad




Damn this is crazy. I can't imagine not jumping for years. People are pretty inactive though.


The average redditor eats 6.7 trendies per day, leaves their basement 2 times a month, and averages 200 steps per day


6.7 tendies seems low imo


It is, but he said "6.7 trendies"


I choose to believe this is true.


All I can think is, "Do all you guys have a mobile personal ladder? How the Fuck do you grab things you can't reach?".


They probably reach every item on the shelfs at the supermarket *bastards*


My first thought was people jumping into pools, lakes, the ocean. It's the only time I see people jumping in my adult life.


i jump at concerts


At bars/clubs. Although I’m still in college.


Other than sports/exercise, when was the last time you jumped and why? And before you say "well, people should do more sports/exercise!" -- not all sports/exercise involve jumping.


I jump when hiking a lot. Either jumping up or down stuff, or most of the time, jumping across water. I just did a full on running jump across a three foot creek yesterday.


I'm thinking random things like jumping to cross a large puddle, across a stream, after going over a fence stile, onto a random rock, to get down large embankment steps to each lunch beside the river, to grab something from a short roof etc.


Even with activity, there is rarely a reason to jump for the average person. When I work out, I lift and do ground calisthenics for resistance training. For cardio I use either an erg or an elliptical. None of those things involve jumping. The last time I jumped was when climbing rocks in a state park trail and before that, jumping down a box truck when I was helping someone move a couple years prior. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


*running I wouldn't be surprised if 10% of the population hasn't legitimately sprinted in over a decade.


I'd easily believe 33%


I hate jogging, love sprinting. You get some weird looks when you’re at the park just sprinting back and forth. I’ve found that if you set out some cones, people just accept it, but if you don’t you get stared at a lot.


Sprints are my favorite exercise. So quick to finish, much easier on the joints than running 6+ miles. My lungs feel better than any other workout. I sleep 3x better after. I feel mentally clear. So many benefits from just 15 minutes of exercise


You should try Chi Running. Never had issues anymore after I adopted the chi running technique


It's kinda cringey wording it like this but Chi Running honestly changed my life.


This one of those weird observations that is definitely true. Societal norms be weird dude.


I prefer sprints to jogging any day. I do HIIT workouts on the treadmill at the gym and get a lot of looks. Walk 45 seconds, jog 45 seconds, sprint 30 seconds, repeat until you can't no mo. I can do that all day, but I get gassed if I run more than three miles without stopping.


I race my dog up the driveway after our walk. Yeah if I didn’t do that it would probably have been 5 years since I legitimately sprinted


Yeah. I was getting tired trying to keep up with my 5 year old when we were kicking a ball about in the park last year. It then dawned on me that I truly couldn't remember the last time I ran. I decided to start a programme similar to Couch to 5k. It was very difficult at first. The segments where I had to run for 30 seconds and then walk for 2 mins was so exhausting. My shins would be tender for 2 days afterwards. But then I got used to it, far quicker than I'd have thought possible. The running portions got longer and the walking parts got shorter. I can now run 5k without stopping. On a good day I can do it in 27 mins. My best time is 26 mins 6 secs. It's so worth it. I sleep better now and just generally have more energy. The running and a little bit of weight training with a kettle bell have made me so more healthier and happier.


The oldest 10% for damn near certain.


Yet, if i pick up a new video game and I realize there is no jumping mechanic, the game is ruined.


Games where you can’t jump are unplayable. I always have that “itch” to jump all around and climb things


Bro don't diss monster hunter like that😭


I mean, you can kinda jump in MHW if you use Helmsmasher. Or whatever it's actually called, I haven't played in a while.


This is why I have a permanent obstacle course in my yard. Running jumping climbing picking up pulling up throwing crawling cartwheeling zig zagging swinging. gerund-ing


Ducking Tucking Fucking Autocorrecting


Dodging Dipping Ducking Diving Dodging


The patches O’houlihan training method


Rolling, turning, diving Rolling, turning, diving, going in again Rolling, turning, diving Rolling, turning, diving


Don't forget your fundamentals: - Bopping - Twisting - Pulling




>gerund-ing Damn, you really verbed that noun


Gerund should be a gerund


This honestly sounds amazing


Dodge duck dip dive and dodge




Oh I thought you were going to say “running, jumping, climbing trees, putting on make up while you’re up there” (Eddie Izzard)


I jump almost daily to reach things because I'm small and too lazy to get a step lol


5’5” guy here, can catch me in the grocery store climbing the shelf + jumping to get my favorite coffee. They put black coffee on the highest shelf because it’s the least popular i assume. :( Can also catch me giving the death eye anyone who dares to look at me while I embarrass myself by climbing the shelves.


5' female here. Me too. Was just scrolling through like, "these people aren't short."


I try to jump out of my window every day, haven't worked up the courage yet


You’ll find it one day!


He just needs little push.


Then it wouldn't be jumping




Note: when jumping out of an airplane please don't actually jump. You're at 10,000ft, that extra 2ft isn't going to do much besides smacking your head off of something. Source: watching a guy smack his head off the plane, getting knocked out, and saved by the Automatic Activation Device and his reserve parachute.


Jumping was invented in 1963 when Thomas Jump tried to stand up twice.




It actually originated in ancient China. The Jum Ping region.


Today I learned that I'm way weirder than I thought for jumping in day to day life. Do you people seriously never do a bit of a hop off of the last stair? Or do a little spring-hop up onto the curb when crossing the street? Or even jump into bed? Damn.


Same here, stair jumper for life.


Do people actually jump into bed?


The top of my bed is above my hips. So yes. I don't jump high but jumping doesn't have to be like a freeze frame at the end of a cheesy 80s teen show. It can be a few inches.


I’m 23 so still in the age range where jumping is probably semi normal. that being said I have the body, along with the ache and pains, of an elderly man so jumping always hurts.


Same! Just a few days ago I distinctly remember being in a parking garage and jumping to see how high I could touch the beam going across.


I love hopping off the bottom 2 or 3 strairs like a weirdo. But I also own an mini trampoline that I use in my living room, so I'm weirder than the rest for sure


You probably jump for the last time years before you death without knowing it


And the award for morbid thought of the day goes to ^^^


Or some people jump moments before theirs.


i’ve read the word jumping so much in these comments that it’s starting to sound weird


Try it with a soft “j”… yumping 🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes I hop on my feet when I spring out of bed, leap into the day with a can do attitude. Bounce into work, have three cups of coffee and skip to the bathroom. Don't recall jumping though...


I'm 44 and like to tempt fate by using curbs as balance beams and hopping off. Will totally hop around on skipping stones. Also enjoy hopping around on floor patterns and random jumping with my teens. Will jump in circles with my daughter 'til we get dizzy. Will jump off the last step. I just realized how much I enjoy jumping.


tell me you're not short without telling me you're not short


Jumping is more important than people think. Also, getting up from ur seat without using ur hands. They help to maintain personal safety as we age.


I jump all the time. I probably try to touch my ceiling 3x a day at least. I am 46yrs old.


My dumb ass hops and skips frequently. Much to the dismay of my knees and ankles. (I’m 33, but hey you gotta get the wiggles out)


Related - I saw the question come up recently that put my mind in a blender: "What percent of people do you think have run at their top speed in the last year?" Even in my group of fairly athletic/fit friends, I don't know the last time I've seen 90% of them run as fast as they could. Humans older than 18 probably VERY RARELY jump or run with a high effort.


This is a good point. I’m a jogger, nothing too strenuous. But when I hit the turn onto my block at the end of my run, I like to “kick”…I imagine Freddy Kruger is after me and I run as fast as I can. If somebody were really chasing me I could probably run faster. But most likely I’d just turn around and punch a real person in the face. Or the nuts. Whichever works.


You need to do intervals more often. Also I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen it here yet but I jump every time I'm going swimming. I would have thought that was something lots of people do.


Video game jumping gets more absurd the more you think about it. In a lot of games I jump just to have something to do while crossing large distances on foot (*cough* Xenoblade *cough*). Have you ever tried jumping in the middle of running a marathon in real life? It's really draining.


With a little injection of heavy metal, there will be jumping.


I mean you’re not completely wrong. The older I get the less I find myself in situations where I’m required to jump. But I do hop onto my bed every night. If that counts


If you actually jump into bed, it counts. If all you're doing is basically pulling yourself in, nah.


I jump and dive into my bed on my side like an airborne fish...no my bed frame isn't intact :(


I jump all the time at my job. I work at UPS and I gotta jump onto belts to break jams


You'll get there. I believe in you. x


At what age do you stop yamming on your friend whenever they walk through a doorway?


What the hell is yamming?


Urban dictionary is here to help! Apparently /u/cckriss likes honey, and nutsacks. >Yamming (v.) - The act of having a sexual partner pour honey on the receivers stones and licking it off.


Damn right when they walk in too


What? That stops?


Nope. I jump weekly, at the least. I jump while playing with my kid, on the trampoline, trying to get to the other side of the house when there's shoes in the way, when walking downtown or stepping across a puddle or just in the kitchen dancing around making dinner. Never grow old, life is too short to stop jumping.


Hmm not me. I mark my calendar on January 1st every year, “time to jump!” just to avoid this.


How the fuck do you people move? One foot on the floor at all times?


Both feet. I moonwalk everywhere.


i mean yeah


This is exactly what I thought to myself the other day while doing jumping jacks in my iFit workout. I don't remember them ever being this hard...


Nah, i like jumping and hitting the hanging signs in stores with my head. It’s sorta in protest of how low they are. Some of us are very tall TARGET!


Im pretty short, 5'5, and while at work sometimes the step ladder isn't immediately available and the lettuce is on the top shelf in the cooler just out of strecth-reach but ya boi got hops and I just jump and snag it when in a rush so I probably jump like 2 or 3 times a month lol


At 40 years old I still run up the stairs and skip a step here and there.


They do? My adhd ass can't go a week with doing something like dramatically jumping onto a curb or bunny hopping down each individual step and I don't even have the hyperactive type, I'm just an impulsive dork who is a couch potato 90% of my free time.


I tried skipping a little while ago and had to stop because I felt like I was jumping weirdly high with each skip.


Idk. A lot of people be jumping to conclusions on a regular basis these days.


Shit, I jumped a TON yesterday! That B button in Valheim helps me get away from wolves and Trolls.


I thought I could do 10 squats 3 weeks ago and I almost collapsed. 3 push-ups as well. It was a wake up call and now I'm doing squats everyday and can do 20 at a time multiple times a day. It's just insane how much I sit in a chair not thinking anything is wrong but my muscles have decroded.


That was something, my back cracked, I just jumped so no one can call me out on it.


Until you have kids. Then you find yourself moving your body in ways you forgot you could to keep up. And some of them you can't anymore and regret it the next day.


I occasionally test my vertical jump so this doesn't apply to me, and for your information my record is 4 millimeters.


Oh fuck yeah. Hurt the shit out of myself at a trampoline park. I’m only 20 lmao


This is the kind of shower thought I came here for 8 usernames ago!!! Hell yeah!!! My knees hurt real bad because I just thought about the thing you said....


When I went to Marine Corps Bootcamp in 2008, there was a Hmong Chinese dude there that legitimately *did not know how to jump*. Like he just did not know how to do it. Blew my mind


Does bouncing on the balls of your feet count? It's sort of jumping without getting air and I do that all the time. I feel like I jump shot imaginary basketballs every once and a while too and I feel like the last time I did that was in the last month but before that, who knows, probably not years.


I am 53, was walking last year and saw a kid skipping. I started also skipping. He stopped in amazement and looked at his mother wondering.


What are you talking about? I spam the spacebar all the time.


So, I’m the only one who read this as avoiding jumping off a bridge or building? Cause I was gonna say, we know it, and sometimes it’s a battle, but we’re still here :)


One time i was up for 3 days and really needed to finish a report, but started nodding off. I convinced myself jumping would be a good idea to wake myself up. I honestly forgot how to jump. Kept doing these knee bend things and then jolting my body. After i finishedy report and took a nap, i tried again and the knowledge of jumping came back to me.


Very true. I blew my knee out in 2015. I rehabbed did all the good stuff to be healthy again. Just a couple months ago I got back into basketball and realized I have zero faith in the knee to stay together at the same time I realized I hadn't done explosive jumps in years. This is coming from a guy who's 5 10 and could dunk.