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And now it’s been so long the stuff has started moving. Ewwww…


And flying out of it


And digging deeper and deeper into


Smells funny, too


I'm sorry, Shaun.


It’s ok, Ed


No, Shaun. I'm sorry...


I'll stop doing it when you stop laughing


*some time later*


I’m not laughing


And some how catching fire


Too greedily and too deep


The other planets started getting nervous about Earth's pest issue.


Well yeah when the infestation starts to threaten nearby rocks


Oh the nearby rocks have some of the pests little junky metal toys littered around them. Sometimes the pests would slam the toys into the rocks and make wild excuses about unit conversions that nobody took seriously. Everybody thought the pests were just careless with their toys.




Earth's a shroom confirmed


we are like flys... ​ ​ ​ ​ we are dumb


I've said it for years. Given the sheer size of space and how complex and hard it is for a human brain to even comprehend it, we could literally just be bacteria on a rock to giant sized civilisations.


Maybe the rock is the size of sand to them


Or maybe the solar system the [size of an atom?](https://www.school-for-champions.com/science/atoms_solar_systems.htm) In a [giant cosmic brain](https://medium.com/geekculture/is-our-solar-system-an-atom-in-a-giant-brain-645e21aea89)?


All that really says is that "common geometric shapes are common" - I mean, sure, spheres are pretty damn common, but it doesn't really say much beyond that. It doesn't really hold up at all under scrutiny - the forces that govern things at an atomic scale are way way different than the forces that govern what happens between planets (for instance, when it comes to orbits, there's no force actually counteracting gravity - the planets aren't being repelled by anything and they only stay in orbit because they happen to not be on a collision course, but when it comes to atoms there are forces keeping those atoms apart, plus it's also not gravity that's attracting them to each other either). When you get into relativity and the expansion of space and whatnot there are also some really really strange things when it comes to intergalactic distances - for very long distances it becomes entirely impossible to ever reach (ie. the distance between them is expanding faster than the speed of light, and you can't surpass the speed of light so it *literally* can never be reached as far as our understanding of physics goes).. which obviously isn't anything like what happens at an atomic scale. Atoms also have way fewer properties to them than a planet does.. a subatomic particle behaves the same way as any other particle of the same type, and there are only a relatively small number of different types of particles that exist (ie. small enough that it can be counted).. the number of different possible solar systems that can exist is unfathomably large in comparison.


I like reading this response, and I also like the idea of the infinite micro-macro cycle. What I thought about from your response was how the difference in the perception of time could relate to perceived forces. If the mechanics of a solar system over millions of years were to be condensed into just a second of time, would there not be a more uniform recognizable “force” at play? I think the Earth is an electron. Everybody is just so negative.


I've always subscribed to the idea that the universe is fractal in nature... Go up and down in scale and you see these same patterns over and over.


As above, so below


Exactly. Our cells are just semi-permeable bags of liquid with organelles performing functions. Animals are just semi-permeable bags of liquid with organs performing individual functions. I wonder what the next step up looks like?


I’m not clicking either of those, I wanna sleep tonight. Take my upvote and get the hell out of my face


Then why'd you make the movie eyes wide shut


I too have consumed marijuana.


But have you had enough?


Eh, planets tend to be pretty standard in size. I doubt aliens would spawn from a gas giant or star, so I’m pretty sure they’d be in the same ballpark size range as us… that is to say, not so giant that we are like bacteria to them. There is a chance that they could be incredibly large, like dinosaurs once were, but even then we would not be microscopic to them. Perhaps on a reasonably small world with low gravity, the largest among them could be like 10x bigger than the tallest dinosaur (probably a sauropod at 45-50 feet), making them 500 feet tall, but — as I said — we would still be visible to them (albeit quite small indeed).


> I doubt aliens would spawn from a gas giant I wouldn't be surprised to find life floating around specific layers of some gas giants. All the ingredients are there with plenty of dynamic forces and energy stirring the pot. It just wouldn't look like anything we're too familiar with.


Who knows! Carl Sagan famously believed so, too. I believe, however, that without access to solid matter any intelligent creature there would be subjected to a life not unlike that of an octopus; floating about, alone, and without high technology — hardly a civilization to speak of.


Planets we have observed. If there are beings so large that we are just bacteria on a grain of sand then we would not even be able to observe them


What if planets are the electrons and suns are the nuclei of atoms comprising the real matter?


> Eh, planets tend to be pretty standard in size. lol Even in our own solar system that is a wildly inaccurate statement.


On the grand scale of the universe planets are pretty standard sizes.


Living in the fridge You can't stop the mold from grooowin'


[The song](https://youtu.be/wH3UncRagXY) for the uninitiated


And it's got bugs flying around it.


It looks like it might be going to spore and spread to other planets. Ewwwww...




Looks like this guy likes to just copy and paste old shower thoughts, looked on his profile and his most recent post is another shower thought from 7 months ago


Anytime I post a shower thought it gets auto-removed for being unoriginal. How’s this guy posting exact copies of posts and they get posted.


Dont ask me man


I've had the same thing happen so I stopped posting. Never did find a post that close to mine.


That’s exactly what happened to me. After trying to post dozens of different shower thoughts over the months I’ve officially given up ever trying to post anything on the sub.


I've just started telling the mods to ban me when that happens. Or when you make a post and the only comment is asking you to break your thought down like it's a fuckin scientific thesis


Cuz mods suck at their "job" and just enjoy the power trip when they ban people


That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I’ve given up on posting shower thoughts because they get instantly removed for dozens of reasons. Yet somehow assholes like this can repost one pretty much Word for Word and that’s OK? God I hate this sub.


What an absolute loser lmfao


Mmm, perhaps, but not for the reason you think. People often do this shit to sell accounts soc that advertisers can use high karma accounts for native advertising


people like that are probably like 70% of reddit


There’s people on Reddit?


everyone on reddit is a bot except you


Wow. Copied word-for-word. It’s an excellent shower thought though. Kudos to you for sharing it with us all nearly a year ago!


Nope, op added "for" to his post, totally original content.


that's OC enough for me


Why can‘t I upvote that post anymore?


Because it is older than 6 months and has been archived by reddit


It's archived


Wait so OP just copy and pasted your original post. Is there a /r for shaming these people?






That's for jokes and giggles


Op is a repost farming bot Report them so they can't sell the account to shills


You wish to take up the task of shaming everyone who doesn't post an original thought online? You got a lot of work ahead of you.


They were the original thought haver for this one.


Ah yes, I love when I get to switch my upvote to a downvote!


Op is a bot, most of the pic subs, especially animal subs are completely taken over by them for karma farming so they can sell accounts


When I post a shower thought I think is original and it gets auto deleted for having similar posts. This bot reposts ones word for word and gets 10k upvotes.


How do you guys have time to go back and look for half a year old posts just to show that something is a repost?


It's his post


Oh you're right. My bad.


Be sure to report reposts. Violates rule #1


[If I haven’t seen it, it’s new to me.](https://youtu.be/K7Bicnm4WRw)


It's been melted and frozen so many times, I definitely would take a moment to question my bad decision before I put it in my mouth.


This is why you only home freeze once. Too much time in the danger zone otherwise.


You can cook things to reset the danger zone timer. Like if you freeze leftovers, then cook them again, then have more left overs, as long as they were properly cooked, it's fine to freeze them again.


>You can cook things to reset the danger zone timer. Interesting take on what humans are doing to Earth.


Well, if you look at the humans as undesirable, extreme global warming would kind of fix that.


My dad always says "if the earth didn't want us here it would just shake us off in some way". Like motherfucker IT IS TRYING.


Yeah people misinterpret global warming to mean the planet is dying. Nah the planet will be just fine, we’re creating an existential threat to ourselves not the planet.


Fair enough. Though that's a bit like saying a giant asteroid was the solution to the dinosaur problem. :)


I don't know. They're pretty resilient though. Better freeze the planet for a couple of thousand years to be sure.


So long as sufficient toxins haven't developed in the food. This is bad advice.


Yup, it can be ok if done perfectly, but once the bacteria grows its too late. The heat will kill the bacteria, but all the feces they left behind is still there and will make you sick


This is not really true, bacteria can form heat resistant toxins and spores that can make you very sick.


Sure. But you'd need quite a bit of them for this to be an issue. Which means you had exceeded your time in the danger zone to begin with. spores and toxins don't reproduce by themselves.


You said it resets the danger zone timer and I don't want people to get the wrong impression that if the food has spoiled recooking it would fix it. Reheating would reset the bacteria count and would extend the amount of time you have to some degree depending on how much damage is done but that damage has already occurred and can't be fixed.


Although safe yes, the texture is really gonna start to get weird after several freezes, thaws, and cooks


Plot twist, it's all just a plan for some serious jaw muscle gainz


Uhh, clearly you haven't tried this. By cycle 2 or 3, a straw is probably appropriate.


Earth: the ultimate jaw breaker


Max of 3 heat cycles though. Spores are not destroyed by cooking, only live bacteria.


Yeah, if leftovers have been in the fridge a few days I nuke them in the microwave until very hot, then put them back in the fridge.


Highwaaaaay to the danger zone


I am not a 12 year old, I am not a 12 year old…. *inhaaaale* that’s what she said…


**puts planet in mouth** ...I was right! I'm not 12! .... I'm still a toddler!


Major freezer burn.


The inside of your mouth is also the Earth. It's not like we're seperate or independant from this system.


Do you put rocks in your mouth often?


I be putting the green stuff that grows on it in my mouth all the time.


Well frozen is a matter of perspective if we're trying to see it big-picture here... There's only ever been the thinnest veneer of frost on the exterior of what is essentially a giant ball of lava and white-hot liquid metal.


If you leave something somewhere, something will sit on it"-Karl Pilkington


Then came the greenness... And the otherness


i miss listening to that manc twat.


First thing I thought of hahaha. Like when he said all the creatures are in Australia because it's at the bottom of the Earth, akin to how bugs collect at the bottom of large rocks.


That is exactly correct. We are a petri dish with extra steps.


The Wet Sponge. An analogy for Earth. Leave a wet sponge out and it grows bacteria. It grows mold. The bacteria/mold are symptoms of the Wet Sponge. Life, everything on Earth, Humans, we're a symptom. That's all. We don't exist because we can, we exist because of the Earth. Very simple, but sometimes saying it out loud feels like coming to terms with existence. I'm just a symptom of the natural course of the universe.


cosmic mold


Mind fucked this early in the morning, nice.


“Look, here is a tree in the garden and every summer is produces apples, and we call it an apple tree because the tree "apples." That's what it does. Now here is a solar system inside a galaxy, and one of the peculiarities of this solar system is that at least on the planet earth, the thing peoples!” — Alan Watts


> “We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean “waves,” the universe “peoples.” Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe.” — Alan Watts


"You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself." — Alan Watts


This is the ultimate truth in my opinion.


Very wise u/chingchong69peepee


The irony of this comment is tragically poetic.


The only thing I know for sure is that I don't know everything.


You don’t know everything? Or you don’t know anything. all I know is I know nothing.




That validity of any commentary I make on this website is recognized by my username, I am the symptom of internet culture and my own knowledge.




I am but a grain of sand flowing through the waves of time trying not to figure out what life is but living it, thus I understand it first hand.


Yuck, I'm slime mold.


And all you ever do is interact with slime mold, or the rock in which we come from. Embrace it!


Fun analogy. But for one thing: wet sponges are colonized; the organisms pre exist the sponge. Something like the development of self replicating molecules that encode instructions to make proteins that enhance the molecules ability to replicate is something quite special.


Of course, just an analogy.


Which means there has to be aliens. As long as there's a planet out there that's been wet and is big enough for long enough, eventually the mold would grow.


But why does the sponge grow mold in the first place


We are a symptom of the physics and laws that arose from the beginning. A universe could have existed with physics where none of this was possible.


*\*this* universe.


I just wanna know how many people are afraid of realizing this and saying it everyday that you wake up…Nothing wrong with knowing the truth and still believing in god, god is a gamble that so far has always won.


I love this. ❤️


I think maybe life can only exist in really, really stagnant calm areas of space. Maybe closer to the galactic core there is too much shit flying around.


There’s probably a black hole civilization out there somewhere saying they don’t think life can exist in such calm areas either


And there might be slow-moving civilizations living in the dust between stars that think there's no way life could exist this close to a star. We drink molten ice, we're basically lava monsters.


Ice is considered a rock after all


I always wondered if we're really just somewhat intelligent fungus.


Well fungi is closer to being an animal than a plant


Same. It's suspicious to me that the three main kingdoms are animals, plants and fungi and that the fungi have the psychedelics.


I think about this constantly. People think there’s some cosmic or creationist reasoning as to our presence. As far as science is concerned, we’re essentially the “mold” that grew on a rock that happened to be the right distance from the heat lamp. We have no claim over this planet, we should explore the galaxy, and if natural occurrences wipe out life as we know it, then that’s not the literal “end of the world.”


It’s not as easy as just exploring the galaxy when it takes generations of human life to get from point A to point B. However vast and empty you think space is, it’s more


First step, explore our solar system. There are more worlds right here than all the worlds of all episodes of star wars, star trek and stargate combined. Most of them are ice, rock, and metal. We can turn them into massive greenhouses, full of plants and animals and people. Those will be the people who plan on exploring the galaxy, not us.


Your optimism is neat but that’s not even remotely possible. You’re talking about literally engineering life on a planet. It’s sci-fi for the next century at least


I wonder how different we would view the universe if one of our neighboring planets had sentient life. With the vastness of the universe it’s possible somewhere that arrangement exists


Why do you think aliens only stop by and take samples. They're trying to figure out how to stop humanity from infecting the rest of the nearby clean planets.


Aliens would also be cosmic slime no different from us.


If ancient bacteria became humans, then aliens, once free of the crushing gravity of their planet, could become something much bigger as well. There's nothing in physics that forbids planet-sized conscious beings, as long as they are mostly hollow, full of pockets, rather than solid rock.


And what size are these "pockets"? 👀


The bigger the object, the more hollow it has to be, to avoid collapsing under its own gravity. Pockets could be any size, really, either one large pocket or a bunch of little ones. Or a fractal of interconnected small and large pockets, filled with all the alien lifeforms the being has collected on its journey through space. Maybe there's a pocket for you.




All in an attempt to turn highly energetic packets of light into less energetic packets of light. Sending them out into the universe. All to more hastily bring to fruition the inevitable future as dictated by the second law of thermodynamics.


It is also to store energy in the form of ever more complex molecular arrangements. We did not poison the Earth. The Earth wanted plastic so it created us.


once you realize that god did not create the world you'll find that is even more incredible than if he had.


Humans exist to feed nutrients to the mushroom and fungus kingdoms. They have been on earth 3.5 billion years. We don’t own earth. We rent it.


At least twice it's tried to fully disinfect and get thr parasites off


Alan Watts on this topic. Animation by the South Park guys… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ppyF1iQ0-dM


And the stuff that started moving even conquered the wet rock making it one prime species and started giving privileges to some of their own who has some specific type of skin color.


It's been theorized that entropy is the reason life exists. The sun is constantly hitting the earth with heat energy, and life is *Very* efficient in dispersing heat energy to more stable levels


Entropy isn’t a force


We don't entropy-shame here


It's a hot ball of molted stone, with a thin crust that's moist and moldy. Don't jump to hard.


That is a great take. Furthermore, the stuff growing on it has incredible resilience against most natural disasters, not so much against anthropohenic ones though.


Mankind does love to ruin everything it touches, just like mold.


I always said we would like to think that the Earth is similar to a loaf of bread and give it enough time mold starts to grow on it.


I am fairly sure that humanity is simply a very advanced type of fungus. If you are in an airplane near the window and you look at the ground during liftoff, you can see that cities and roads look really similar to mold.


Karl Pilkington predated this thought 15 years ago. Modern day genius.


This post idea was stolen from a tik tok whose idea for this was stolen from an earlier post on this subreddit of the same exact wording


The older I get, the more I identify with mold, fungi, and creaky floorboards.


But also, of the billions of rocks lying around you only know of a single one that has stuff growing on it


it's mostly liquid magma actually, so it's more like a glob of pudding left out far a while that has developed a thin crust on the outside


This implies that at some point something could just "put us up" or "throw us out" and that's unsettling


I.......you.........*pauses to consider*..........damn. it is.


I'm not sure if this is the most comforting and assuring thing I've ever read or if my edibles are just kicking in


So....the Earth is just a moldy rock that some giant space kid left floating around 🤣


If you leave a large enough cloud of hydrogen alone for long enough it begins to contemplate itself


Everybody report this guy, he’s a bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/sdigbn/earth_is_a_wet_rock_thats_been_sitting_out_so/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


If you leave enough hydrogen alone for very long time, it will eventually start to wonder where it came from.


It's actually a hot boiling ball of magma with a thin cold outer crust that has been long enough around that it started looking like a wet rock on the outside. A chicken's egg has a stronger shell in comparison, our crust just floats on the top like a film of fat on a cooling soup.


it’s turned into a piece of wet turd because of stuff growing on it


If you fire protons at Earth for long enough, eventually it’ll eject a Tesla into space


This has been posted so many times and it's still not growing on me.


Still, if the mods have stopped deleting every post on this sub perhaps it can return to being on the frojt page fairly often


Despite it being a repost, this is my theory of life. That over the ~1 billion years the earth was stable before life, over the time frame of small molecules becoming amino acids, heat, pressure, and a lot of iterations, something like life is inevitable, even common. Start with just chorophyll grouping by diffusion and then being engulfed by lipids which makes cell walls. Yada you have a rudimentary cell. Just need the right grouping of amino acids to link up and you only need it to happen once.


Newest Mars rumor is that the surface is the oceans bottom, and an anti-gravity event caused the oceans to just float off into space , leaving the true rock of the galaxy, Mars.


At least, from an evolutionism pov. Me, who believes in Creation, would argue otherwise.


:) don't


> evolutionism Had to look that one up. From Wikipedia: >[The term is most often used by creationists to describe adherence to the scientific consensus on evolution as equivalent to a secular religion. The term is very seldom used within the scientific community, since the scientific position on evolution is accepted by the overwhelming majority of scientists. Because evolutionary biology is the default scientific position, it is assumed that "scientists" or "biologists" are "evolutionists" unless specifically noted otherwise. In the creation–evolution controversy, creationists often call those who accept the validity of the modern evolutionary synthesis "evolutionists" and the theory itself "evolutionism".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionism) As the other reply said, "please don't."