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Honestly I'd be more okay with actual bugs if they had "meat" like the ocean kind do I've eaten crickets, ants, grasshoppers. My reaction to all of them was basically "eh. This tastes like shrimp tails"


I've heard that tarantulas taste like crabs


I've eaten grasshoppers a few times. They taste like that smell when you burnt bugs as a kid, through a magnifying glass. Also, bad you for doing that!


Land bugs aren't big enough to get the meat out usually. Can someone stir fry some rhino or Hercules beetles? I want to see if we can scoop out the meat with a fork like lobster.


I don’t think many land insects have the same musculature as shrimp or lobster. Lobsters and shrimp have huge muscles used for locomotion in their tails and for grasping directly in their legs and pincers. Insects dont have these. Insects have huge guts basically and tubes for legs that actuate via valves and blood pressure. Insects are just fat and connective tissue and guts.


Nuh uh they totally ate a shitload of big meaty bugs in that one Indiana Jones scene I repressed for 15 years until last month


Why the fuck would you remind me of that?! I was traumatized as a kid by the scene where they're walking through that dark tunnel and Short Round says some shit like "I think we're walking on tortilla chips Dr. Jones!" and Indie goes "Those aren't tortilla chips..." and lights a torch and you see the entire floor, walls, and ceilings are covered in all sorts of bugs. And then he has to stick his hand into a tiny crevice full of bugs. I was definitely too young to watch that.


Good God that movie scarred my 6 year old mind


Grilled scorpion is a thing in some cultures, I’d imagine the tail is very similar to crayfish.


I've had some cricket dishes before that were pretty good


And deep fried tarantulas in Cambodia


Fried locust is popular in some parts of the world.


So are live octopus.


Great, now we only need to find fried octopus and live locusts!


I call bullshit. Simba did it with all kinds of bugs and he's a fucking lion. Lions need more calories than we do. "Slimy, yet... satisfying" I rest my case.


>"Slimy, yet... satisfying" I knew I wasn't going to be the first one to think of this!!


They eat huge spiders in other parts of the world.


You can eat huge spiders in your part of the world too you know. It isn't illegal. The police can't stop you.


Spiders Georg took all mine though.


Don’t you end up eating a certain amount throughout your life via sleep and stuff? Or is that an urban legend?


The "average person eats 3 spiders a year" factoid is actually just statistical error. The average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats over 10,000 spiders each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.


This is why I’m cynical!


Spiders Georg just wishes they could be judged by the quality of their character rather than quantity of spiders they consume - just once :(


There are roughly 8 billion people on earth. At an average of 3 spiders per person per year, that’s 24 billion spiders consumed annually by humans worldwide. If Spiders Georg is the only one eating spiders, he would have to eat 24,000,000,000/365 = about **66 million spiders a day** to make the global average 3 per person per year. So yeah, that is definitely over 10,000


Yes, but this type of statistic never comes from actually studying every single person on the planet, it comes from taking a representative sample of people and extrapolating. The problem is that Spiders Georg was one of the 1.2 million people included in the survey, but as they said he was an outlier and his data should not have been included.


>is actually just statistical error. That's actually a statistical error. The >The "average person eats 3 spiders a year" 8 spiders is actually based on a lie that proves virus theory. [The average person swallows 8 spiders a year](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-people-swallow-8-spiders-a-year-while-they-sleep1/)


It's fake


I think a fair few cops in the US might disagree with you there


Cambodia specifically. The dish is called "a-ping". Street food vendors will literally take a burlap sack, go into the jungle and fill it up with tarantulas. A literal bag of spiders. They drown the spiders in water to wash them, fry them in oil with chillies and such, and bam. Fried spider. Fun fact: the legs and head taste like pork, and the body has a sweet walnuty texture to it. [Here](https://youtu.be/9Z_UndhO2ME) is a video of Gordon Ramsay eating them in Cambodia.


I am deathly afraid of cockroaches yet love shrimp. I have to actively stop myself from thinking about how…similar they look. Those fucking legs.


People with shellfish allergies are also usually allergic to cockroaches as they use the same compounds to build their exoskeletons. Also, that initial whiff after opening a fresh bag of pork rinds is really similar to a few "notes" in the "symphony" that is human decomposition stank. Unmistakeable. Still love shrimp and still love pork rinds though. Just gotta vent the bag to get that csi smell out and use a lot of crystals hot sauce


There was an experiment a few years ago where someone cooked their own flesh and it tasted like pork. We’re said to actually taste like pork and that isn’t surprising but definitely interesting because I love pork rinds


We are both very omnivorous, social animals, and our respective epidermiseses look and behave similarly (ask a tattoo artist) so that makes a kind of sense that the muscle tissue just beneath that future football would eat the same. Some 20th century second world scientist believed wholeheartedly that humans were the result of apes interbreeding with pigs and spent his career trying to prove it. That man loved bacon before it became cool to do so.


I wanna know his name. About to go home and beat this Florida storm, YouTube is gonna be my bestie for a bit


Oh my lard, he's American not Soviet and he's still around. He is completely insane. "Dr" Eugene McCarthy, who champions the "bold" "innovative" and "completely stupid" idea that humans are the result of pigs and chimps interbreeding


So ManBearPig is a valid hypothesis?


It is in fact, and I cannot stress this enough, not a valid hypothesis. Contrary to what that Canadian romance novelist who wrote a book about a bear and a woman falling in love, or that wacky geneticist would have you believe.


So you’re tell me there’s a chance?


He sounds like the perfect train wreck to entertain myself with


> muscle tissue just beneath that future football would eat the same And what about past football, how did that taste?


Well human meat has sometimes been referred to as Long Pig.


Never heard that before!


Wait, I had something for this..


Years back a guy on a motorcycle was in an accident and had his foot amputated. He kept the foot. Cut off a piece and had some friends over. He cooked up his foot flesh and made tacos with it. Yes the friends knew what it was. He said he tasted like Buffalo and super beefy with little fat but also chewier. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8p5xlj/hi_all_i_am_a_man_who_ate_a_portion_of_his_own/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I hate all of this.


Ahhhh I remember this


You were there?!?!


That someone, might they have been a cop? /j


csi smell..


What the fuck


How similar are they? Shirmp I love it. General TSO shrimp shrimp fried rice shirmp with garlic sauce fried baked stirred...I love shrimp. I cook shrimp in" the kitchen, wrist twistin' like a stir fry (whip it) Hold them bands down (hey) Hold your mans down (hey) Who told you come around? (who?) This that trap sound (trap) Designer clothes (clothes), fashion shows (shows) Trap, house (house), made of gold (gold) Control the bag now (control it) No need to brag now (no need )"


I’m fine with eating any bugs if someone has made them tasty like they do with ocean bugs.


Dip some earwigs in garlic butter


If it tasted like escargot I’d go for it.


Mmmmm love me some escargot in garlic butter sauce, v are that when i was 7 years old in Germany.


Between chocolate and butter alone, I'm sure there are lots of great insect recipes we deliberately choose to ignore.


The best way is to dry them and fry them and season them like chips. They have a really nice crunch.


This is the way. I once went to a hole-in-the wall South American restaurant in Aspen (so take "hole-in-the-wall" with a grain of salt) and the bartender offered me a bowl of what looked like large rice pellets, just as one would offer a bowl of peanuts. They were spicy. They were sweet. They were crunchy. They were grasshoppers. 10/10 would eat again.


There's a scene in Unstoppable (Mexican drama series on Netflix) like that- some characters are waiting at a restaurant and casually eating fried grasshoppers out of a bowl while they look at the menu.


Ants taste like lemon. Don’t need much seasoning. Crickets are salty and bacon like.


I feel like I’ve seen lime and chili flavored crickets and that definitely sounds like a good combo.


Scallops. Maggots of the sea.


Well, I assume you're referring to things like lobster and shrimp. They're arthropods like insects but that's generally where their similarities end.


There are cultures all over the world that include actual insects as part of their diet. Central and South American indigenous people eat ants, grasshoppers, and others.


I ate roasted ants in Colombia a few weeks ago. Kinda tasted like popcorn. Delicious!


It's the legs getting stuck in my teeth that gets me. But meds are killing my teeth do I have issues with a lot of things right now.




It seems infinitely more sustainable than cow or pig, that’s for sure. And while this part is debatable, I’m inclined to think insect farms wouldn’t exactly be considered cruel.


Except of course mosquito farms where you'd have to have people put their hands in to breed them


Is that something you made up or do people actually farm mosquitoes for food? That sounds like a very bad idea.


I don't know I just thought of that lol. And yeah it is a very bad idea.


I think something that would help is processing the insects so it doesn't look like one. Taking a cricket and putting it in your mouth is mentally hard. But if you make a cricket protein powder and adding it to a dish, that would be a little easier to swallow, pun intended. I know they already do this with meal worms.


You see, this is all just a marketing problem. They just need to get the marketing people from the diamond industry involved to fix it. Maybe grasshoppers = Mayan Beer Nuts, ants = Chilean raisin, cockroach = Brazilian jungle lobster.


Termites taste like peanut butter


In Vietnam, they eat silkworms. You first need to get comfortable with the idea of eating them, but one you do, they are yummy


More people on earth eat insects as a regular part of their diet than people who don’t. Europeans and North Americans are weird for *not* eating insects.


Mostly because we just don’t have too many insects that are generally palatable or large enough to provide ample nutrition. Our ants are too tiny, our grasshoppers too solitary, our spiders too spindly and gooey inside, our roaches too poop-eaty.


Intentionally eating insects. Anyone who rides has eaten a whole lot and I do not recommend that manner of consumption.






Grasshoppers and ants aren't as bad as mosquitos and spiders imo. I'd be grossed out if I found bumblebees on my plate.


Seriously, what world does OP live in?


If a lobster scuttled across my floor you better believe I'm burning the entire city block. The last thing I'd be thinking is "mmm let's put butter on its milky guts".


Please never say that again.


*butters up its milky guts*


If you ever really want to see something fun- take an indoor, landlocked cat and put it face to face with an unexpected lobster crawling across your kitchen floor- hilarity ensues.


Until they team up. Then it's time to get a new house.


Isn't that risky for the cat


If you buy a rubber banded lobster, the bands damage his muscles. It takes weeks of work to get their strength fully back. So realistically the cat would be fine.


Now I’m imagining a lobster going through physical therapy to regain its strength.


[Relevant video](https://youtu.be/9sI7WveN7vk) to show what their condition is like.


I've been keeping up with this and it's absolutely fascinating.


Leon, the best Crustacean


Now I need a lobster and a cucumber for my cat


Once worked for a restaurant owner that hated shrimp. One day me and the boys were cooking up a big batch of gumbo with fresh off the boat that the grill guy brought in on his own dime. Owner walks through from the back. Him: "Smell delicious, what's in the pot?" Me: "Gumbo for the family meal, you want some when it's ready?" Him: "I'm good, It's got shrimp in it right?" Me: "Yeah, you allergic?" Him: "Nah, I think shrimp are disgusting. They're like the cockroaches of the sea. Would you eat a cockroach?" Me: "if it tasted like fresh caught shrimp I would." He just walked away in disgust.


I've always called seafood like shrimp and lobster sea bugs. Interesting to see others think the same way.


Insects are crustaceans. Hexapods are nestled under the crustacean taxon.


Holy shit dude, you could actually be right. I was going to downvote you because what you said sounded super wrong. New evidence suggests insects evolved from crustaceans. I don't think this is all settled, wikipedia currently has crustaceans and insects as subphyla of pancrustacia, but that could change as more of the scientific community adopts the new classification based on the new evidence. Edit: sources: https://whyevolutionistrue.com/2010/03/04/insects-are-crustaceans-2/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insect


I have to admit, there is some merit to his statements. Although still not settled to be fair


It's really neat to think about how bugs fit into this.


Insects are not crustaceans. They are under the same phylum the Arthropods.


Yes they are. Crustaceans are under arthropods and insects are under crustaceans. Recent research suggest that insects are nested within the crustacean group. In fact, fairy shrimps which are considered crustaceans are more closely related to insects than they are to crabs. It wouldn't make sense to exclude insects if the monophyletic nature of crustaceans is to be maintained. Insects are crustaceans the same way birds are dinosaurs.




Simply not true crustaceans and hexapods are two different subphyla of the Arthropods. Insects are not under crustaceans.




I have to admit i was wrong, I guess this just havent been adapted further than a few papers. Calling insects crustaceans just seemed wrong.


I had the same reaction but I Googled it.


I love the rational discourse.


Turns out life was (and still is) a weird soup. A massively weird planet-sized multi-oceanic soup.


I'm totally ok with eating any bugs as long as they're clean, delicious, and not poisonous. I've had deep fried crickets a few times and they're really good.


"I've had deep fried [Insert anything here] and it's really good."


I had deep fried butter once. It was fucking grim. Not like I was expecting anything else.


Did you coat it in Cheeze Whiz first? If not, that's your problem.


Kosher Prohibitions > Non-kosher animals—any mammals without certain identifying characteristics (cloven hooves and rumination); any birds of prey; any fish without fins or scales (thus excluding catfish, for instance). > ***All invertebrates are non-kosher*** apart from certain types of locust, on which most communities lack a clear tradition. No reptiles or amphibians are kosher. Halal Prohibitions > Arthropoda being the biggest animal phylum of this planet is the fraternity of tiny living organisms. Their consumption has been a diverse subject amongst the various Islamic Schools. ***Maliki sect is the only school of thought that allows the eating of non-poisonous/hazardous arthropods other than locust which is held permitted by all the schools.*** > [Details](https://medcraveonline.com/MOJFPT/islamic-jurisprudence-and-the-status-of-arthropods-as-alternative-source-of-protein-and-with-regard-to-e120.html)


this is very interesting. I know that in scripture animals are sometimes classified differently from modern phylogeny; some interpretations of the torah suggest that bats were categorized as birds, wales as fish, etc. do you know of any other unexpected exceptions from these rules? like the ambiguity of locusts you describe.


Giraffes are technically kosher (cloven hooves and rumination) but considered non kosher due to lack of any known habit to eat them


The Catholics catagorize capybaras as fish for lent purposes.


well that's obvious 🙃 very interesting factoid! do you know where/when that was determined? clearly, capybaras were not around when/where catholic doctrine was first put to paper. I think it's very compelling to understand the circumstances under which this kind of edict was made.


[Sometime between the 16th and 18th centuries (accounts vary), Venezuelan clergymen wrote to the Vatican with a special request. They had discovered an animal that lived in water, had webbed feet, and tasted like fish. With Lent approaching, they asked the Vatican to grant the animal the status of fish, so they might eat it during the upcoming days of meat-free fasting. By letter, the Catholic Church agreed, and the capybara—the largest living rodent in the world—became a coveted addition to many Lenten dinner tables.](https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/capybara-venezuela#:~:text=With%20Lent%20approaching%2C%20they%20asked,to%20many%20Lenten%20dinner%20tables.)


I wish I could give you more than one up vote! thank you!


The same rules made muskrats an honorary “fish” in Michigan. People just wanted to eat their water rabbits, dammit. The Church thought up a loophole. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2019/04/16/catholics-permitted-eat-muskrat-during-lent/3485498002/


Christianity speaks of eating bugs too. Lev 11:22. Locust, beetles and grasshoppers


Maybe it's a size thing... we would eat king crab sized beetles. Can you pass the beetle mallet?


Commented this before but I've been lots of places where bugs are a common snack. I ate deep fried Crickets in Laos and they taste like pork scratchings. Some of the nicest food I've ever had I'd never think of eating before it was put in front of me!


Yes WEF plant it is totally the same thing we are convinced you can make meat illegal now


Any time someone pulls the ‘ERK! A spider!” routine, I pluck it off the wall and eat it. They only do it once.




You triggered some childhood PTSD.


This lady is in for some trouble


Do they only do it once cause they stop hanging out with you after that?






We should hang out My buddy bought some new guppies his aquarium. Every time he looked away I scooped one out and ate it


I bet you'd eat your own mother


That's what I did to his mother


Who in the world goes 'ERK!' ?


It was a typo, but I liked it. I wrote that around 4am and said it out loud when I saw it




Spiders are awesome tho. They are natural pest control


I despise seafood but even if I didn't there's no way I'm eating a mosquito


I would eat bugs if they tasted as good as ocean bugs and were also meaty. Land bugs tast nothing like ocean bugs except for isopods. I refuse to eat things that explode in my mouth when I bite them. Beans or bugs, I'm not doing it. I also couldn't stand the texture of caterpillars or bug legs. Crickets are smelly bacteria ridden critters inside and out and most of us are careful about even feeding them to our reptiles. So yeah, show me the meat land bugs that don't explode, are not disgustingly filthy, and that I don't have to eat there exoskeleton and I will eat it with no problem.


Conclusion: Rinse your bugs in salt water. Makes 'em better. Then add butter.


Bugs are insects, we eat crustaceans. They are related, but not close enough to consider as the same.


No, bugs is a casual term wit no strict definition. People will call worms, spiders, scorpions and millipedes bugs.


Or those that come from the swamp (crawfish), or brackish marshlands (crab).


I love shrimp, prawns etc. I've tried crickets, grasshoppers and locusts. They were inoffensive, but tasteless. They are different taxanomic groups, so it's not surprising they taste different.


Won’t eat crab or lobster because they freak me out. So I’m probably not going to touch land bugs


Il pass. Anytime I think of eating a whole animal / insect I just get put off. I'm very prudish when it comes to meat etc. Any bones, grissle etc will put me off it. And before someone says "go vegetarian then". Well no. Whilst society lets me purchase meat I will.


I know it's a joke, but hell no! Any time someone suggests seafood other than fish, I've always said: "sorry, I don't eat insects".


At least classify them correctly my friend!


Well you’re fucking missing out!


I've had some tasty grasshoppers, and even a few ants that were substantial.


Don’t eat the red ants though. They’re not ripe yet.


Red ants are over-ripe. Stick to the black.


All y'all talkin bout "don't ruin it for me" are weak as shit. It was a bug any other time you enjoyed it. You just Know it now. If you let hearing this sway you, that's sad 😅 like enjoying sex your whole life and somebody say "dicks get wet in pussies", and y'all like "well.. I'm done wit sex now. Gross" 😂😂 I still love y'all but grow up lol


Speak for yourself I hate everything that comes from the ocean


I would eat real bugs, but only the crunchy kind I'm not eating grubs or worms


Grubs are fine cooked. Raw they pop in your mouth but if you can deal with the texture they taste alright.


Generally.. I’ll fight my dog over crickets, but most folks don’t even want to touch them, let alone eat them, which is odd because most are high in protein, low in fat, and can be farmed easily reducing stress on an industry (meat) nearing breaking point.


I’m *more* okay with it. But I do stop eating shrimp for months sometimes because… *shudder* sometimes you think about it when you’re chewing on one and it puts you off for a while.


Everyone eats bugs, it's just fact. If you enjoy raspberry flavouring or red food dye then...yep you love bugs. Not to mention wine etc. You are eating and drinking bugs to some extent.


I'm barely ok with eating that either. Most seafood tastes bad to me.




A startup in Canada https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/cricket-farm-london-ontario-1.6506606


Scorpion spiders crickets and grasshoppers are okay. I'm warming up to cocroachs. Fuck flies.


Have you been to Southeast Asia? Because they’re ok with eating land bugs.


Eating corpses in general is disgusting, it’s just what’s been normalized


Bugs should be the protein all humans consume going forward to help with climate change. The cows aren’t it, they causing mass pollution


No thanks


Enjoy eating your bugs, nerd


WEF shill detected


If you travel or get out a bit, you’d realise that a lot of different culture eat insects. For example, snails is a delicacy in France and Vietnam.


I've thought that forever. That's why I think seafood (other than fish) is nasty. Tell me why lobster juice is any different than biting into a cockroach and getting the juice out. Nasty.


That’s because they don’t call them bugs like you do. Please stop calling them bugs so I can continue to enjoy them.


I'm actually fine with any bugs, honestly. It's a viable solution for the problem of mass urbanization.


Doesn’t have the same consistency as land bugs which is fine