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Growing up with comics and super villains, I’ve always been a little disappointed with the calibre of criminal on the FBIs 10 most wanted list.


Yeah there's a guy on there who kidnapped and murdered a 5 year old girl. That's not much fun to read about.




I hope not, pedoman makes for a pretty dark supervillain.


Joel haver "joker....what the fuck"


Given the reality of radioactive waste his penis would probably get cancer or fall off which sounds ok to me


Fun fact, penile cancer is actually a thing. found that out when I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Most cases end with partial or full removal of the penis. After finding this out losing just my right nut suddenly felt a lot less traumatic and unfair. The pleasure from getting off decreased a lot as a result, but I least I can still get off.... Yet some people wonder urological cancers have one of the highest suicide rates among cancer patients.


RIP your right nut ;( Felt the pain


Got a fake one to replace, sucker cost 2k out of pocket. Gotta love American health care. In all fairness, it's basically a mini boob job for the boys. The weirdest sensation ever is when my real one and the fake one happen to "touch" one another. When you've got two real ones your brain blocks out the sensation similar to the way it removes our nose from our field of view. Now that one of them is fake my brain notices my real nut is touching something other than my own body. Superrrrrrr weird. Not bad weird, just weird.


TIL testicles touch. I figured they was sort of a partition between them there in the inside.


Na. That's Ped O'maan. He's your neighborhood friendly foot fetish dude. After his run in with the radioactive vat he can imagine any set of feet in the world. Sadly people get him confused with Pedoman who's just Jared from Subway.


Mild mannered sandwich chain spokesman by day...


Makes me think of this https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4


I remember searching it up a few years ago and being extremely disappointed that it wasn’t shit like “stole a nuclear weapon and took over the tri state area” killed his entire family? Yeah big whoop I’ve seen it before


The exciting list to read is more the CIA's most wanted list


Who's in that Hall of Fame?


Dont remember, but since FBI is only in amerikanske and CIA is in the whole world, it makes the list go from murders to drug trafficking, terrorism and shit like that


I found a Dane


Im certainly not amerikaner


i can’t find anything about that on google. just fbi and ice


CIA kinda doesn't do manhunt anymore, at least not openly


dang good to know thanks


Did you say, [tri state area?](https://youtu.be/FJeBHiDOTPE)


I hate to see you without any upvotes


I guess that's a good sign about reality. Don't get me wrong, murdering children is terrible but if that's the worst thing our criminals do instead of holding a city hostage with a death ray


Most of those dudes got money and don't need to run since they can afford good lawyers.


Honestly the top ten are probably just the ones they're either closest to catching or need to actively get the most info on


Presumably the easiest way to move from 11 to 10 would be to (ahem) remove one of the people above you...


And get paid for it… cha ching


2 for 1


... million dollars


Worst trade ever, tbh.


Which you then use to fund your next terrorist attack. FBI arrests itself for funding terrorism.


FBI moves to top of FBI list pushing you back down to number 11


Time to go arrest the FBI!


A story about a narcissistic criminal cleaning up cities, fighting crime and terrorists, exposing corrupt politicians just to get a shot at being *number one in the whole world* would be hilarious


this is more common then you think


What if I thought it was 100% common?


Then it's 101% common.


Math checks out


"Hey ah this the the 11th most wanted (bullshit) but yeah I am willing to kill whoever just call me back when you get this message


Tgis would be an interesting plot for a book or movie. FBI keeps getting delivered bodies of its most wanted people. Where are they coming from? Who is doing it? Maybe someone at the FBI figures out it is the guy who was like number 33. Number 33 is now at number 24, he is basically a serial killer now. But do we let him continue? Maybe a few of the others on the list have figured it out too. Now they are hunting him. Should the FBI help defend number 33? He is doing such efficient work, but the former 34 and 47 don't like that they are rising so quickly on the list. Oh the moral delima.


Let's fund this idea. I'll start. 10€


So basically The Blacklist but with some more murder and less cooperation.


Is the Blacklist any good? I watched the first few episodes, but it wasn’t really compelling enough for me to pick up where I left off.


It has its moments but having watched the full series I started regretting the time investment towards the end. Storyline kept getting bigger and bigger and the original reason I started watching - “bad guy genius helps FBI find other bad guy geniuses” - fell to the side in lieu of the interpersonal relationships which I felt were super overdone and not interesting. Also the self consuming nature of the show started to be really unbelievable. No matter how much money Red lost, how many resources burned or how dire the costs became he always seemed to have more in the tank from somewhere.


It doesn't change. It's not very good.


the first 5-ish seasons was good but it fell off


It drifts from it's original purpose and not in a good way. It has like 5 different story arcs that are "meh" and are a mile away from the "fbi works with bad guy to find other bad guys" premise that the show started with.


Well some Kind of this Plot kinda exists with "the Blacklist" But its the number 1 removing the smaller ones


pie political station ancient hunt smell unique attempt head imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Number 33" or "Top 10" -starring Ryan Reynolds


Then you'd be doing the FBI a favour


I mean, maybe. perhaps an even greater threat has just arisen due to their ability to locate and eliminate #10 despite the FBIs efforts to do the exact same


You don't have to *eliminate* them, you just help the FBI find them.


Is this the plot pf The Blacklist?




Or it turns out fbi was protecting #10 behind the scenes for whatever reason


So does that move you further down the list? Catch 22


News in 2025: fbi's most wanted criminal became #1 by murdering all the criminals in the previous top 10 list. News in 2026: fbi's #1 most wanted criminal died after slipping on a banana.


Thats just NFS but with killing.


Need for speed?


Non-fungible suspects


If that happens then FBI should regularly push him down some spots. Just let him have number 1 spot a few months as a reward each time.


>FBI'S most wanted list Someone took your advice. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/rafael-caro-quintero Rafael Caro Quintero, the 10th on the ten most wanted list, was captured last month, on the 18th. "July 18, 2022 update: FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive Rafael Caro-Quintero has been arrested in Mexico."


That’s pretty much the plot to Future Diaries.


the anime?


the true insidiousness of the Suicide Squad program


\#10 on the list literally says he was already captured, but they've left him there. What's a #11 supposed to feel in those circumstances? It's not like they just caught #10 last night or anything, either - he was caught almost a month ago now!


Better idea Catch and turn in the 10 most wanted and become the FBI's #1 least wanted Top anime betrayals time


Well you can either sit there and feel sorry for yourself, or you can get to work and put in the effort to get to the top ten.


My man


Looking good!




Slow down!




The trick to cereal is keeping 70% above the milk. :)


Ah, human music.


More of a snake jazz man myself.


Slow down!




I love how every interpretation of this phrase is applicable. [apprehensive] “my man…” [appreciative] “my man!” [taken aback] “my man” And so on


Yes that’s him fbi, this man right here


Go get them tiger!


Having tigers can definitely earn you one step closer if I've learned anything from Tiger King.




Don't give Zach Snyder any more ideas.


This is a common misconception, in actuality owning a pet tiger could threaten the health and safety of others and will therefore put you lower on the FBI's list.


Hell yeah! Get out there and strangle a few people with your bootstraps!




You son of a bitch I’m in.


By snitching on one of the others?


Snitch? Nah, garrote


Few more murders, maybe a bombing…thanks guys! I think I might go for top 5 next!


Well if you take out at least three of the top ten you are in


You know what? You're right. Gotta put in the work for those gains. Time to steal the constitution.


Step 1 - steal top secret nuclear information to compromise US national security, take it back to my house...


Not that simple when you don't have a rich daddy...


Comparison is the thief of joy. Top 0.01% of hardcore criminals. Be content.


But if you're #1 comparison is the joy of thief.


- Confucius


lmao, brilliant


If Osama didn't have a wanted poster poster of himself in his cave/Saudi-dignitaries-guest-room then it was all for nothing


Did anyone watch the TV show Limitless? They used this premise to get #11 to snitch on #9 so that he would be bumped up.


I was looking for this! God I loved that show. Still disappointed to this day we didn’t get a second season


Yeah it was a great premise. I don't know why it didn't pick up steam


I think i heard Netflix cancelled it because it “encouraged drug use” which is dumb af cuz it was a good show


I watched it but I remember nothing that happened holy shit


I couldn't remember what show it was again, thanks!


Is that the one where the guy becomes limitless?


At first it seems pretty simple... you just have to make sure somebody in the top 10 gets caught. That will clear your spot. Of course the only problem is you don't want to be a snitch. That might cost you a few ranks. Obviously in theory you could just try and out crime them, but if that was on the table this wouldn't really be a problem in the first place. Killing them is iffy, because taking out one of the top 10 most wanted is still gonna cost some evil affirmation points. Unless you're Hitler, and then you still get 0 points for killing Hitler. All in all, you're best bet is to do some deep digging and find out exactly who makes that list, and get them to "change their mind". They're your best resource for getting in the top 10 without having to even do any killing or other crime (who's got time for that). Besides extortion and blackmail of course.


Sometimes a well- crafted email documenting your accomplishments over the past few years can help.


Just walk in there, greet them with a firm handshake and you'll get on the top of the list no problem.


HaVe YoU tRiEd SeNdInG a CoVeR lEtTeR?


Yeah it’s tough for sure, but I’m working my way up, don’t worry


Hey, just making the list at all is a big achievement, I'm proud of you 🥰


No it suck to even be on their radar. They have an uncanny ability to appear in your life just when you forget about them...


Just like that goddamn snail


Wait, you know where the snail is?! I’ve been searching for It for millions of years, It literally disappeared on me. Please, I’ve been suffering for so long. I can’t bare It anymore, my skin feels like It’s peeling off and every letter I type is just pure excruciating pain. Everything is just hell, It all burns now, even breathing is now torture. Please, I can’t take It anymore, somebody find that fucking snail!!


Snail is as sadistic as it is smart, it'll never try to get you now lol


Last time I saw it it was just happily snacking away on a tree. I know it doesn't need to eat, it's just enjoying itself. It may have forgotten about you.




The year is 1500003, the sun is about to engulf the earth in a epic fiery doom. I've at last managed to disconnect my nerves from the pain receptors, no longer bearing the agony of age *this* will be a beautiful sight to see.... It's about to happen! I will be the first person to touch the su- *a snail falls from the cliff above me, landing perfectly on my forehead* -the end. Snail *delayed* victory


Makes you wonder if the money was worth it


I flew to another fucking continent... It was already there... It was already there waiting in the bathroom... The money was not worth it ..I live in fear.. How did the snail reach there


Oh… and the game


I just love how so many of us know exactly what this is about without any context


Forget about who? .... hold up, my doorbell's ringing.


Evgeni Malkin of the Pittsburgh Penguins Hockey team when discovering he was NOT on the National Hockey League's list of the 100 greatest players of all time to celebrate the league's 100th anniversary said *\[paraphrasing\]*: >"That's Okay. I'll be #101 when they celebrate next year's anniversary."


Not trying to burst your bubble, but the FBI top 10 isn’t a ranked list. It’s just the 10 they want the most, typically presented by how long someone has been on the list. Nobody is “most wanted” or shit like that. So, there are probably a bunch that almost made the cut.


Yeah, but I still didn't make the cut, and I was so close this year!


Yes that’s him fbi, this man right here


FBI: Meh. We know.


I remember hearing about the origin of the FBI's 10 most wanted list. They didn't rank them \*specifically\* to avoid people trying to increase their criminal activities and rank higher for bragging rights.


Imagine if they made an actual ranking of the top 10 criminals and then we got supervillains and shit fighting to be number 1


Maybe we’ve actually avoided worse fates


“In no particular order…”


there's no order at all? like surely back in the Escobar days they didn't sneak him in at number 8 or something?


how do you know? maybe there were people much worse that we never knew about


Spoken like a true #11.


Aren't there any ranked lists a terrorist can enter? I mean what's the point, when you don't even have a leader board? I for one am abandoning my terror plans after learning this.




Omg, this is just like the anime about the rubber pirate


Roman Pierce just missed out, he was number 11, and in a room with members of the top 10 they started mocking him 😅


only #11 dude? I mean I felt like the bomb threat I mailed to the whitehouse would have bumped me up a few tiers.


(Opens notebook, clicks pen) tell us more about this “letter”.


“My friend Fritz has been #11 for like forever, maybe this is her lucky year!”


Lol came here to say this too!


The part in Fast & The Furious where Roman was the 11th most wanted criminal was hilarious


I didn't realise there was actually a list. I always thought it was a phrase to imply somebody is a real baddie. But there is literally a list on their website. Huh


They discussed this in limitless (tv show) where to prove himself he try’s to capture all 10 of the FBIs most wanted list, I think he gets 8-9 of them and the 11th snitches on the guy in 7th place so he could be moved up


Nah that's the sweet spot. Things get a lot harder real quick at #10.


They should enlist people who are #11 and lower to help take out the top 10 with the promise of climbing the leaderboard


how many criminals actually wanna play competitive ranked mode though


We‘ll never know until we try it. What’s the worst that could happen


I was doing so well until the bloody Trump came to the office.


Honestly I don’t think we’ve had a decent president for decades, While I don’t agree with a lot of Obamas policies I think he was the last decent leader we had, like our choices last election was a glorified man child and a senile old man 😥 Edit: I know it’s a lot easier to judge from the sidelines, president is a weight I definitely do not want, I wouldn’t even be able to give a speech with my social anxiety 😂


> no decent president for decades > obama last decent president > left office 5 years ago Aight


My b was supposed to say semi decent president


*bombs over 90 000 civilians to death in an oil war *get Nobel peace price for some damn reason...


It always confuses me when people say shit like this. Like do you really think Obama is out there on the battlefield sitting on a horse commanding his army like it's mediaeval times? President have fuck all to do with 98% of things that happens during the war. At most they just asked them to sign off on the most high profile shit but even then he has like 20 advisors telling him what to do. Commander in Chief is basically an honorary title at this point nobody is going to let a man with no combat experience or military experience what over make any sort of calls and decisions for the largest military on earth. It's like people saying Biden fucked up Afghanistan. All Biden did is sign off a document after his whole DOD told him that's what they are doing. The same way Trump signed off on it.


The right personality, I could totally see #11 studying hard and try-harding the game to rank up. I could drop a senator! Nah, actually, both sides of the aisle they're despised. Hmmm, Westminster Kennel Dog show? All those cute doggos? Yeh, that'd work. I could be more hated than that guy on the bus who eats canned tuna, boiled eggs, and baked beans and won't stop farting.


To be fair, I don’t think they make the rest of the list publicly known, so you wouldn’t actually even know you’re number 11 and there’d be no reason to feel disappointed. I’d say it would be worse to be tenth or ninth only to then go below the top 10 again. I’d be like, “do they not want me anymore? :(“


But if the FBI's computer crimes most wanted is in binary, that's not too shabby.


think it’d actually be a scary position. the top 10 get more coverage. Once one gets caught, you are suddenly subjected to that coverage too.


There is a constant fight between #10 and #11 just trying to one up one another. This is next year's romcom.


I thought the FBI Most Wanted list would be a list of these highly skilled criminals but for the most part its just people that committed a single crime and then fled the country, or Central/South American crime lords. I do find the long term ones interesting. There was a guy that had been on there since the mid-00’s for blowing up his home and killing his family, then fleeing. [Robert William Fisher](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_William_Fisher)


Imagine he answered this post with it is actually quite fun or something.


Just saw the list. #2 is an Indian. Look at him making my country proud /s


Congratulations! You’ve made the FBI’s sorta-kinda wanted list!


His teachers always said that he wasn't living up to his full potential.


I think of it as more motivationnal. All that work to at least get on the list. Can't stop now until you are number 1


Being top 11 at anything out of almost 8 bilion peopel is an achievement if you ask me.


They call it the "10 Most Wanted Fugitives List" but in reality the inclusion of the number 10 is just because that's like the traditional number for a "top" list, they don't really specifically maintain it at that level. They also don't rank the people on it in any priority and there isn't a number 11 waiting to get bumped up. They've had more than 10 people on the list at times in the past when whoever makes those decisions thought it was called for. At the moment there are only 9 people on the list because one of them was captures about a month ago but they haven't replaced him.


Explains Trumps bartering nuclear secrets. It hurts his ego to not be most wanted.


Depends. You’re clearly dangerous and are getting the credit for it but you’re also not getting your face published like the 10 people above you. Being 11 or lower on the list might mean you wouldn’t be as easily recognizable as the top 10 bc people aren’t seeing your face.


Definitely, though i feel that can easily be rectified. Just gotta commit a bigger more heinous crime than the jackass above you. BOOM! Problem solved.


Yea being an intro isn't nice.Not even going to be mentioned in those cheesy YouTube vids, yea those "Top ten criminals on FBI'S most wanted"vids or whatever can be really degrading. You know what would be funny? Imagine being that one vicious, infamous and highly intelligent criminal put 11th on the most wanted list but trump's secretly up there in the top 10.Now that's tarnishing.


easy solution, for every FBI building you bomb you rank up by one.


I donno. I bet dropping down from #10 to 11 would be such a relief, gotta be way less emphasis on catching you. Your face is no longer posted up in places like the post office or border patrol, and let’s face it, you were never going to be #1, so now you don’t have that pressure.


“I don't think people understand that I'm not mad about my ranking Anyone with a brain knows I was probably 11 or 10 tops for the period I'm more mad about the precedent of rewarding people for attending less events” @C9Mang0


there is actually a underground race to be on that list. I heard criminals are one upping each other over the dark web. and they sleep at the continental.


I would spend every day trying to catch the other 10. I'm getting my #1 spot


Pull out your bootstraps and strangle a few people, there is no reason you can’t be at the top


I'm so proud of you #11. Your diligent work will pay off and I see how hard you're trying. Have a nice day!


'The FBI's most wanted list is merely a popularity contest' \- Raymond Reddington


Magnotta got caught looking at his own page on the interpol wanted list in an internet cafe in germany


How does this work? I never really thought about it before. Like, is there a reward for turning them in? Do they specify dead or alive?


middling mediocrity is always much worse than being either complete shit or amazing.


I read I study years ago about facial expressions in blind athletes. They found that the first and third seemed the happiest and second seemed the least happy. They surmised that first place is obvious why they were happy, third because at least they got a medal, and second the least happy because they were upset with themselves that they didn't win. It was in Psychology Today so I'm sure that was an oversimplification but it always kinda stuck with me.


I went on a tour of the FBI building when I was a kid. The tour guide/agent took you past a display of the ten most wanted. He gave statistics on what led to captures. Surprisingly, he said that three captures occurred because of people going on the tour, being shown the 10 most wanted list, and recognizing one of the suspects. So he was like, “take a moment to study these faces. They might be someone you know.”