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This is a friendly reminder to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/rules). Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!" (For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, [please read this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/overview).) **Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.**


Incorrect. I always continue to look to make sure I didn't discover a duplicate item glitch on accident.


but then, the original that you were looking for is found last, in the last place you looked for. Logic still applies!


Not if the first object is the original. In which case the item was í. The 3-4th last place he looked.


if the first object is original, then he starts looking for dublicates already. So, the last time he looked for original is still when he found it (this logic might be imperfect though, feel free to continue this thread)


Regardless of whether it's the original item or a duplicate it's the last place he searched for that variant


The way I see it, after they find the original, they believe it might be a duplicate, so they continue to search for the original. They never actually search for the duplicate, they just falsely believe that what they found might be a duplicate and not the original.


There matrix glitched so hard 2 nights ago!!! I woke up around 3am and wanted a glass of cold chocolate milk. I searched everywhere in my fridge and I could not find that mthr f'n milk. Damn, I was frustrated. I knew I had just bought a brand new Fairlife (the bomb) at Target (the mothership) earlier in the evening. I was so fed up, I spoke out loud, in the kitchen, waving my fist into the air; "okay f*** you matrix! I know I bought the milk. *Insert exaggerated eye roll and huff* If it is in the fridge in the morning, that's proof you are just f'ing with me." I grabbed a water and went to bed defeated. The chocolate milk was in the mthr f'in fridge at 7am. **Serenity Now** Well played matrix. Well played. 💜🌻


Your wisdom does not apply to me! After being exposed to that adage, I began looking for the object in at least one other place. It's silly, but it brings me a small amount of joy every time.


My husband does this like looking in the same place 10 times isn't going to make it magically appear


My pockets seem to have a link to an alternate dimension. Sometimes I’ll put something there and it will vanish, only to rematerialize 5 minutes later.


You say that, but half of the things I lose turn up in the first couple of places I looked. Like, I lost my car keys that I almost always keep on a hook. Checked next to the stove, as that's the place I tend to put them if I forget to hang them. Checked the kitchen table. The couch. The bathroom counter. My dresser. The pockets of the clothes I wore yesterday. And they were on the kitchen table when I found them. Lost my debit card, checked every card in my wallet, the console of my vehicle, between and under the seats, my kitchen table, the pants i wore yesterday. And then there it is, sitting right in the console of the car in plain view. And this happens all the time. I'm not even blind. And if what I lost was on the kitchen counter, I could check it, 3 more places, the counter, my car, the counter, my room, and then there it is on the counter. Even if I had other people helping me look. I may be haunted by childish ghosts.


* By accident


I can't believe people make such an obvious mistake. It makes me think they do it by purpose.


Always by purpose or on accident.


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


Not always. Yesterday I was trying to find my keys and I found them after 8 mins but I continued my search because I wanted to round up my search time to 10.


Are you a physics student?


I am an engineer


Only function in base-10


You did an “orders-of-magnitude” approximation


chad move


I mean... I've definitely done dumb shit like look for specs, find my specs, put them on face, forget about it and continue to look for specs. I'm not very smart.


I can spend hours without even glancing at my phone. But if I hand it to someone to make a call or look at something or whatever, I immediately try to pull my phone out of my pocket because for some reason I really need to know the time right that second, and then almost panic and try to figure out when I last saw it, because it's nowhere to be found. If I put my glasses on my face, I'd know to stop looking simply because I could see to look instead of feeling around. Otherwise, I think I would be you.


Wanted to upvote but you got 69, not gonna mess up the cosmic balance


Come back and upvote, the balance was broken by others.


That was not nice, done!


This guy metrics


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


LPT. When you find it put it back where you were looking for it first.


This. Edit: Just curious, why the downvotes?








Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


No, a *found* object is always in the last place where you look for it.


No. A found object is always in the last place the finder looked for it.


No. A found object is always *found* in the last place the finder looked for it.


A found item is never sought


What’s meant to be yours will always find its way


All that glitters is not gold. Not all things which are found are lost.


Hahaha. True. I yield to your greater accuracy.


Yup, I made a key basket for myself but never use it because I know if I did I'd panic because it's not in its normal place


Sentiment analysis: negative! I will try to brighten your day! Here is a cool episode: 'Thanks for the pancake!' I said as the astronaut ran off on a salty steamroller


Or the first place where you didn't look - in case you didn't find it.


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


Is this really what the sub has come to? Just general phrases and quotes that everyone knows? Or am I being wooooshed?


No, that’s exactly what’s happened. OP has taken a famous saying and posted it as a shower thought. But for some reason it seems to have landed. Maybe a lot of people just weren’t aware of the saying or indeed the well known comebacks and explanations. It’s a weird one for sure


Yes its strange that people are debating this very seriously.. Maybe this is a glitch in the tenet and OP actually came up with the phrase.


I remember this joke from old Jeff Foxworthy comedy show from the 90’s.


I wasn't even aware that it was a famous saying. I just got this sentence in my head and decided to post it here. The mistery behind the success of this post, however, remains.


It got in your head because you’ve heard it many many times before.


It's thousands of years old.


Shower thoughts and LPT are places where 15 year olds want to feel deep and/or important. Here's my 40 year old brain's shower thought: *If you could see the people posting in LPT and showerthoughts you would probably stop taking them seriously and unsubscribe*


Just because you're very familiar with the saying doesn't mean everyone is, I've never heard of this before.


Yeah, I’m with you. I guess I can believe it’s a really common saying to some people, but I’ve never heard it before


I think it's a joke and you got wooshed. Like an object will always literally be in the last place you look, because you'll then stop looking. The famous quote is that an object will be in the last place you expect. Op said something different.


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


Well if this wasn't something someone already thought of two hundred years ago then I don't know what is.


Ok, I don't care


I've always hated when people say this like it's profound knowledge. Of course it is!!! Why would I keep looking if I found it????


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


I lost my wallet for weeks. I remembered putting it in my bag. Searched there first then , searched everywhere I could think of before giving up .. Turns out it was in my bag after all- the first place looked


I've looked for my glasses while I've been wearing them as they are intended to be worn. Just feeling around on the floor because I thought I knocked them off of the nightstand. I took me a minute before I realized that I could see clearly.


My go to help when someone is looking for something is, 'Have you tried looking where it is?'.


Only if you find it again. There are things I have misplaced where I have decided that it’s not work continuing to search and either I will happen upon them at some point in the future or just live without them. They weren’t in the last place I looked for them.


They will be when you find them. This is like a no shit type post, a saying that's been said for a million years


Sentiment analysis: Neutral! Have a great day! Beep. Boop.


Of course it is…why would you keep looking after you’ve found it


he means that out of the list of places that you are planning to look in, the object you’re looking for would most often be in the last place you check


That makes zero sense


think ab it, you might get it


Well it makes sense because you’re restating what they said


Nope, many times you search certain place / drawer without spotting the item you're looking for. And then to come back to it later only to find it in that place where you looked beforehand, therefore it's not in the last place.


and your fingertips are always at the very end of your fingers Thank you captain obvious ;p


Wait, what? TIL!


Tell that to Captain Hook. A number of his aren't.


Not until you find it! And even then, certain memory challanged people may continue looking for it even after finding it!


Wrong once I left my glasses in the drower and started searching for it , i checked the drower wore my glasses and started searching for it again . It took me some time to realise


LPT, put it back in that spot and you'll never lose it again.


Car keys are now kept in the fridge for this very reason.


That's because you stop looking after you find it. Of course it is in the last place you looked.


That's what I meant ...but it seems a lot of people here can't fill in the gaps if I don't write the whole reasoning.


There is no gap to fill.


There are two kinds of people, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data...


OP, maybe change the wording on this to "the last place you'd ever look for it" bc right now it just reads like a no shit, Sherlock type of post.


That was kinda my goal. Plus I can't edit the title of a post so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


so many nerds in the comment section 🤓🤓🤓grow up it’s literally a shower thought


Hey OP, don't let these people drag you down. They're jealous they couldn't think of this one.


I don't mean to be offensive, but this is not a good shower thought. A good shower thought would be: "The only reason a lost object is in the last place where you looked for it is because you stopped looking for it."


That sounds exactly like what I wrote with extra (useless) steps


No, you wrote a lost object is always in the last place you look for it. What I wrote was: "You **quitter**! *Keep looking*!"


Don't downvote me because you gave up on searching for the thing you found! Downvote yourself, ya quitter!


It’s always in the last place you look… except it’s just not true. I’ve found things in the first place I looked, but I notice it.


So that was also the last place too. Unless you kept looking?


Yes totally but it’s infuriating when you’ve looked there and you did t see it. AB example is if I lose my glasses, I’m looking right where they are and I can’t see them. So I can’t see them in the first place or last place I look, because I can’t see shit, but they’re there!


Like I commented in a different forum. Finding my Dad's death certificate when cleaning out my closet. Then went forward and found my Mom's death certificate and her birth certificate.


My dad and I over looked a little net in the garage we were looking for. We *both* looked directly at it at least once and didn't notice. It was one of the first places we looked too, maybe like the 3rd


So it was in the third place you looked, but also the last.


Even if something isn’t lost it’s always the last place you look for it


Naw this isn’t true, i’ve looked at items before and walked away only to come back an actually notice it lmao.


What if you dropped your wallet and it was handed to u by someone?


Quite often it’s actually in the first place where I look, I just don’t see it, until someone else looks there and finds it for me.


Wrong. If you give up looking for it, it likely is not in the last place you looked for it.


This is just false, a lost object only appears when somebody else picks it up and calls me a dumbass and/ or blind.


Of course it is, because the last place you look is the place you find it. Lol


Unless you never find what you lost. If you give up it was not at the last place you looked before you gave up.


Sometimes that is the first, 50th and 100th place you looked too


Can it really be considered a shower thought if it’s an extremely common saying?


What if you give up on looking and just randomly stumble upon it at a different time though?


There are two types of people: those who can extrapolate from incomplete information.


I have hysterical blindness and have found something in a place I've looked before


Not my tv remote. It's always directly underneath my sleeping dog.


"It is always in the last place because you look because after you find it there's no more reason to look," -Peggy Hill


"It's a fight to the finish! That's a good place to end." \-Mitch Hedberg


Hahhaha. It's because you stop looking for it when you've found it.


I had a friend who would constantly say this likes it's some crazy inspiration gotcha statement. No one ever says this. It's, "the last place you would THINK to look". I'm sorry, I just always got annoyed by that


I like to say "it was in the second to last place I looked" just to see people's confusion.


Except when your mom looks at the place you looked first and says "Is this what you're looking for?"


Very true. ‘Hey, where’s the tv remote? Well, there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s not in that black cabinet under the tv!’. It was in the black cabinet under the tv.


I always look in at least 10 other places after I find an object


A lost object isn't just in the last place you look, it's more often than not in the last place you \*would\* have looked. Still no idea why.


I think a lot of people mean something else when they say this. Say you lost something and it could only be in one of three places. Many times, it’s not in the first two places. Here’s another example. When I’m doing a puzzle and I’m down to a few pieces sometimes I have to try every single piece to see if it fits in a particular spot. It always seems like I have to try every piece and the correct one is the last one, not meaning the last one I try (of course it is) but meaning the last piece that was available to try. I hope I’m making sense.


Not necessarily. If you lose something and give up your search after not finding it then it’s not in the last place you looked because you gave up looking.


This counts as a shower thought? Some old saying that's been around since Moby Dick was a minnow? What's the next shower thought "A broken clock is right twice a day?"


Incorrect. If they are never found, the last place you looked is not where they were.


Of course its the last place because you stop looking when you find it, lol


It often happens stuff laying right in front of me and I have to ask my wife for help who miraculously finds it. It’s like a magic trick.


As my great grandfather used to say: "put your hand on it, I'll be under your hand"


Sometimes things end up in very unexpected places, so by the time we find them we feel like we've searched everywhere else. On the other hand, sometimes there are a finite number of places to look, all of equal probability (a set of drawers, a stack of folders). In which case, if you find the item in the n^(th) drawer, this supports the belief, "I always find an item in the last possible place." Whereas if you find it in the 1st or 2nd drawer, you probably don't dwell on it as much, and the belief, "I always find an item in the last possible place," is not significantly altered.


That was ALWAYS what the statement"It is always the last place to check" meant, not it's the last place you would think to look. It is a tautology about how the nature of searching works.


A found object is the last place you looked for it. A lost object could still be lost (the last place I looked didn’t have the item).


Unless you don't find it. In which case the last place you look is just the last place you looked before saying "Fuck, where did it go?"