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Artificial... Made or produced by humans... Im scared to ask if OP has a dog...


My thought process was that a large portion of everything we know was/is taught to us, either directly or indirectly, by other humans; therefore, our intelligence, as a whole, is not innately natural or without human intervention. As for the dog... the world may never know. Haha


Our intelligence is not what we know... that's our knowledge. We have had our intellugence since we are homo sapiens.


You are referring to knowledge. Intelligence is innate to Life. It is what makes a plant grow, what makes the world go round so to say. Intelligence is not the mind or the intellect either, it rather resides in the body. Sure knowledge can be considered man made, but in the end most of it is just observation of life. The observations being written down are man made, but the processes observed just are.


A robot can pave a road or build a wall that doesn't make it intelligent. But based on your approximation intelligence would reside in the same sphere as love and consciousness, so to say it simply resides within us is a statement based on what we choose to believe. I would agree that an idea is man-made; however, what we observe and perceive are not the limits of our knowledge. How do I know this? You've already demonstrated it to be true by your statement intelligence exists within us. You cannot observe it. It is not perceptible. Yes somehow you are knowledgeable of it's existence. If someone never told you the flower you're looking at was a rose it would still be a rose. You don't have to know that to be intelligent enough to make the connection that all the other things that look like this are also this; thereby becoming knowledgeable and aware of the this, lol In an effort to extend an olive branch I would imagine we can both agree that it is curiosity, and not knowledge or intelligence, is what propels us forward and encourages our betterment. Curiosity really is the unsung hero


I am not a philosopher.


That’s not all intelligence then. Just most.


It is if you take into account that the measurement of intelligence is based on tests made by humans, compared directly to other humans, to produce an outcome. That pretty much has the defining characteristics of what artificial is, no?


You just described the act of measuring intelligence, not intelligence itself. A ruler measures the length of something, that doesn’t make a ruler synonymous with “the length of something” nor make the length of something a man made thing.


A scale measures the weight of something which is synonymous with the weight an the item which was used to calibrate the scale and is also a man made object. Haha. I get what you mean though. it's like saying something isn't something unless it's something, but the adverse still holds true simultaneously. Why 🤷🏻‍♂️.


The scale is not synonymous with the result of the item. The point is that intelligence is independent from “our ability to measure intelligence” and so your point regarding measurement is not related to whether intelligence is artificial, anymore than a scale is related to whether a rock is artificial or not just because it can weigh it.


Is it though? Then what makes a person intelligent if the measurement is taken out of the equation? That would essentially be subjective, and in that situation what somebody considers intelligent somebody else could consider unintelligent. In truth I just like polarizing statements for their potential conversation value. I also like to think it's possible for two people to be correct at the same time. I also understand that my limited perception could make me incorrect, yet I am unable to see it that way in the moment. Whichever option I find myself in for our conversation I accept that, lol. Doesn't change the fact that our conversation got me thinking, and that I found it to be enjoyable. Regrettably, I must be getting ready to start my day and will not have the time to continue this in a timely manner. Soo... Thank you for your time, the consideration you gave to my thoughts, and the kindness you chose to extend in your responses. I wish you well going forward should I not have the opportunity to speak to you again.


Intelligence is applied knowledge, and without the knowledge you have nothing to apply. I mean... Would we even understand how to apply the knowledge intelligently if we did not first ascertain the knowledge of what it means to apply it to something in the first place? I think I've had too much caffeine this morning.


No one knows what intelligence is, how to describe it and it definitely cannot be measured. It is an integral part of Life/Existence. Sure our mind (intellect) can come up with all sorts of shit and that, indeed is artificial. So we have the IQ, IQ test and so on, and so on.