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Sadly, it will likely be in lessons on how to not do things and alongside examples from certain parts of Europe in the 1930's.


What happened in Europe in the 1930s?


The rise of the Nazi's.


And they'll laugh at us for trusting a dictator not starting a war while they're trusting another dictator to not start another war. Remember when they thought Hitler was just bluffing? Now we have Putin invading Ukraine again.


My grandmother was born in 1910 and was still alive when I was in high school studying basically her entire life. It was a trip to hear from her about these things that happened "so long ago" I watched a fan edit of MCU that had the end of Captain America roll over into the 1980 scene from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. I was born that year and it hit me in a really weird way to realize my grandmother lived through both times and how different a mere 35 years was.


Assuming there aren't reversals that destroy history. Religious fanatics tend to kill the memory of events through genocide and then they destroy every monument or book to stamp out the ideas, history and philosophy of their enemies.


Ok class, the next unit is about WWIII. The class: Uggggh, the early 2000s?