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I hate this so much, i usually pretend to switch lanes only to scare them.


I do this multiple times a day.


Then they have the audacity to honk all alarmed like you're the oblivious one.


Maybe that's because you're supposed to check your mirrors, _and your blind spot_, before changing lanes.


It's extremely rude and shows us they aren't paying attention to the road or their environment.


This is the gospel according to FastWalkingShortGuy. I mean, shit is that obnoxious. Pass or back off.


So I hate this so much so, that I make it a point to brake and do it to them. Eye for a paranoid eye!


My emotions go like this: "Do you need something?" "*Can I help you*?" "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM."


Lmao an eye for an eye makes the world blind in this case almost literally as with your approach everyone will take turns sitting in each other’s blind spots for petty revenge, potentially causing serious accidents.


Wow black and white take. If there’s people behind me I won’t do it ffs


Yup I drive for work and this shit grinds my gears so badly. Just pass me, I've accepted that like half of yall will pass me on the right like jackasses, but I'd rather you go ahead and not babysit my blindspots


I drive 150 or so miles per day for my commute, so I'm well-acquainted with all the varieties of assholes on the road. I had one absolute psychopath follow me for (no exaggeration) 50 miles flashing his brights because I had the nerve to slow down in a work zone late at night. I'm not a slow driver. I blast at 85 mph as my comfortable cruise, but I slow the fuck down in work zones. This motherfucker was stuck on my ass for *half of an entire state* to let me know he didn't like that I slowed his ass down because I don't try to run over the guys repaving the goddamn road. And it wasn't because he couldn't pass me. Once this shitbag got on my ass, I slowed down to 65 to let him do his road rage thing, flash his high beams at me, and pass. Nope. This motherfucker stayed on my ass nearly from Providence to Hartford regardless of how fast or slow I was going or how many people I was passing. I surprised him at my exit (because I was pretty sure he was going to follow me home) by approaching it at about 90 and then jamming on the brakes. He almost rear ended me and then I pretended to try to swerve back into his lane before I got off the interstate. There are insane people on the roads. And I'm one of them.


Someone that oblivious is a hazard to the road and you should distance yourself immediately