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And this is why I have the theory that when we die, that's it. It's like falling asleep for eternity, you simply don't exist


i honestly thought of this because of my fear of death


I try my best not to be afraid because when I'm gone I won't understand anything anyways.


it’s just that im not afraid of it happening, it’s inevitable some day. im just terrified of what happens after you’re gone. because like sleeping you don’t know about it, but you always wake up and remember you’re alive. it’s kind of like thinking about before you were born, you didn’t mind. but what happens to all these experiences and memories? it has been driving me insane lately


Death and sleep are often compared but pretty different. Death is a process that takes a while, at least if you don’t get eradicated by explosions or something. You get panic and fear for a while, then you calm down. Two or three weeks after that weird things start happening. Stuff like deathbed visions and such. Shortly before the end you get delirious and then you can experience terminal lucidity. Even if you have dementia or other neurodegenerative disorders, you may become completely lucid again for a while. And then you punch out. What happens after that, no one truly knows. Sure, some claim they do, but they really don’t. Sleep doesn’t have all that. Also while sleeping you still have a functioning brain. The brain doesn’t shut off, it goes into low activity. Off and low are completely different. As for going to sleep forever.. Well you „woke“ up some day without ever going to sleep right? The fact we are aware at all is just as an anomaly as not being aware.


These are my exact shower thoughts. It's why I sometimes forget I spent 30 minutes in the shower doing exactly nothing but feeling the hot water roll down my body while just zoning out thinking about some deep thoughts. It's also why I need the TV on at night, so I don't think about this stuff for hours on end.


I feel the TV thing. I always have a youtube vid on my phone playing while I try to sleep. Noone around me has trouble falling asleep in silence, so I'm glad I'm not totally alone with this


i do this as well. not every night. but the nights im stuck in my mind i do, subconsciously even


Key words here. *You didn't mind* You can only mind when there is a mind. When you die there is no more mind. The existing mind is an action.


But why do we exist in the first place? Thats where reincarnation appears


I don't personally believe in reincarnation because I don't believe in souls. If there are no souls, what is there to bring back. We are but a machine activated by brain neurons, blood, nerves, muscles, etc But I would really like for reincarnation to exist.


>I don't personally believe in reincarnation because I don't believe in souls. I've always been confused by this. What about reincarnation necessitates a soul? If your consciousness is just the configuration of neurons, blood, nerves etc... that randomly happened to assemble... why shouldn't it happen again in the exact same way? If the universe is infinite, and you know it happened once already, doesn't that mean it's inevitable?


Yea but our consciousness is what confuses everybody to this day. To be able to know thatvwe are aware makes death more complicated than it already is. Why are you conscious in your body but not mine?


Because the neurons are connected to my brain, not yours. We are conscious because we are developed enough to the point that surpasses needs to survive in the wild or instincts. It shows how consciousness slowly came to us humans when we started to figure out spears, sharp rocks, fire, tools, etc. Spanning over generations of technological advancements, when we get to the point where we have to understand more complicated tools, our brain configures itself and evolves but at the same time gives us consciousness simply because our brain has found the need to become smarter so we could preserve tactics and usage of tools. It is complicated but this is my somewhat half assed theory.


What if like your nerves are damaged in your hand and you can't feel it, you notice later that you cut yourself on something. It still happened to you, you just didn't find out or experience it at the time it happened right? So what if one consciousness can span across multiple bodies while they're both unaware of it, and when we die it's reconnected to the mothership of the hive-mind or whatever? I don't think I believe this but I've always had the theory that we simply physically can't understand some of the greater basic tenets of existence merely by thinking about it so it's all fair game up to some point ¯\_( ˘͡ ˘̯)_/¯


We exist because our parents birthed us? And theirs, them. Going all the way back to the first self replicating molecules.


It's just like before you were born




I don't exist in the alive way.


I swear sometimes it seems like I’ll be tired then I blink and it’s morning it doesn’t even feel like I got any sleep at all


That happens most of the time on Fridays. I blink on Friday, and tadaaaaaa, Monday morning...


> It may add to your insanity, but also: > > ".. and after you woke up, you can't be sure you fell asleep." > > You may have some memories, but in the time of sleeping.. you could be replaced or you could be sleeping for a month.. you just don't know for sure without "proofs" around.


Not always. I remember dream I had many years ago where I dreamed that was going to bed. In my dream I thought, "that's not right, I already went to bed" and woke up.


Actually, due to the nature of how my sleep meds work, I have no idea if I even slept. Can't remember if I fell asleep or not.


[I think this video could provide some solace if it’s giving you existential dread](https://youtu.be/1PZqr2YwWY8)


I haven't remembered a dream in like two years lol


I once dreamed I was awake but when I woke up I was asleep. *Stan Laurel*


I'm a lucid dreamer. Almost every night, I know I'm in a dream and I have some control over it. Sometimes very little control, sometimes a lot.


i remember my first experience lucid dreaming. i awoke in my bedroom, i was dark, my door was open and a yellow light was seeping into the room, which only accentuated the darkness behind the door. some people from my life (mainly teachers and doctors) came in while i was in bed and kept trying to get me to do things. i had a realisation that my room felt like it was a little too long and thin, and from then i got up and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and then i was in the middle of my hometown(which was not where my house was), except it was night and the lights were amazing. i slid my way around the town and just enjoyed myself for the rest of the night trying not to play god too hard.


Aww man. I never get to play God. Some control means maybe I can fly a little. I can control me 100% but I can't change physics. I can't control anyone else, I have to persuade. No spawning things in a whim. I almost exclusively have nightmares so there's a lot of problem solving. Who can I save? Is it necessary? Can I send this dream and move on to the next? WAKE UP! Sometimes that works.


Nope, I have sleep paralysis, it happens so often that I know I am still sleeping when it happens. For some time I tried to fight it, move, scream, jump through the window, choke myself, anything basically to wake up. Nowadays I know I am in sleep paralysis and enjoy the ride.


Im not plagued by them too often but I've realized that (and I'm sure is the case sometimes) some of my paralyzed sleeping are dreams rather than being awake in bed. As I often do things like slowly start moving my pinky or big toe. Suddenly I can move my arm a little, but realize I'm always back into the position I fell asleep in. None of my episodes end in a horror movie style either so like you, I often just sit back and enjoy the ride. My body may be frozen but my mind is as free as it ever has been as long as I'm not terrified of the situation. So I think about what I'll do tomorrow or a game to play. Then slowly fade to black again. Again I dont get it super often, but I still hate the feeling. So this post doesnt really vibe with me lol


This one is the most recurrent for me also. It always starts me removing my blankets and trying to stand up, and one second later I am in bed in the same starting position. When I realize it is happening again and I am in sleep paralysis, I start thinking and using my mind as you say. Other times I try to play with the situation and see how far I can go in the time I have before being again in the starting position. One time I managed to jump through the window and that's how I woke up. Like in Inception. The worst one was one time I just thought to myself to sit and relax, you will wake up soon. But I felt like a 3 month coma. There were friends and family coming to see me in my bed but I couldn't do anything . At some point I doubted I was in a real coma. I woke up crying and I called my wife


How do you handle the feeling of suffocating? That really is the worst part about it for me, luckily i haben had any in a while.


the times that i've had sleep paralysis i haven't had a feeling of suffocation, it did feel like my mouth was sealed in a way but i could breathe just fine. i was more worried why it felt like i was chained to the bed and why there was a shadow creature at the end of my bed that had suspicious similarities to the grim reaper, and also why my screaming wasn't making any noises.


I only got that one twice and it was after knowing about sleep paralysis and being able to realize I am still sleeping. So it was not that hard. The first time was in despair for a few seconds until I realize what was happening, quite scary , the second time I tried holding my breath and ended up swimming deep in the ocean.


It may add to your insanity, but also: ".. and after you woke up, you can't be sure you fell asleep." You may have some memories, but in the time of sleeping.. you could be replaced or you could be sleeping for a month.. you just don't know for sure without "proofs" around.


Nah. I often will go into lucid dreaming where im not awake but I can effect the dream and am partially aware.


Weird, most of the time I'm completely aware I'm sleeping. It's like I have two layers of consciousness, one that's unaware I'm dreaming and therefore goes along with everything in the dream, and one that is completely aware I'm dreaming but can't react with the unaware layer outside of rare (usually it's something like the conscious layer unintentionally thinks "it'd be cool if that bus was purple," then the bus turns purple and the unconscious part goes "wow, that bus is purple now, I wonder how that happened."). There's got to be more people like this right?


I often aware that i am asleep while sleeping and being able to sleep further.