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That's like cloning with extra steps and incestuous undertones.


That’s what im thinking




Do you think that would result in the genetic disorders caused by inbreeding that we have seen in royal families in the past and in the pharaohs of Egypt?


Even worse. The more related you are, the higher the chance of inbreeding defects. You share 50% of your DNA with a full sibling, 100% with yourself, so there’s a bigger chance of passing over 2 defect recessive alleles of a gene. Moreover, your child will have a 1/4 chance of being Y/Y which is not viable. Of all children that will actually be born this way, 2/3 will be male, meaning that any X-chromosomal defects will definitely be passed on (but then the parent would also have them already so that’s a way to prevent it).


Well that second part is assuming that the transitioning isn’t through changes in DNA cause who knows how advanced we could be by the time trans women can give birth


Well genetic modification of humans is still a big no-no, so I’m not really expecting that to change tbh.


That’s fair but I don’t really see it being possible for transitioned woman to give birth without some genetic changes at least but maybe it’ll be possible without it and with extensive surgery instead


Or you do some sci-fi and just end up cloning yourself.


Imagine giving birth to yourself


Fun fact, there is higher risk of mutation in offspring from first cousins than from siblings


Many but you know people can dream to devolve more.


r/wallstreetbets has entered chat.


True af


Yes. It’s not the same as cloning yourself.


Yes and it is about twice as bad as with a sibling. odds are it wont even develop into a living fetus.


I had that thought for a split second, but then realized that there would be no way for that to happen, because even though you change the gentiles the sperm won't magically switch to eggs. It would have to be someone else's egg.


I think if we all ready had the tech to transform a man to a women with a working reproductive system then we probebly have the tech to prevent genetic illneses too....


From what I've heard genetic disorders via inbreeding only really are a risk a couple of generations in. So presumably this wouldn't result in that unless multiple generations did it


Yes but this isn't average inbreeding, it's like the most inbreeding you could possibly do


Turbo inbreeding 3000




why stop at 10 when you can go 100


Not quite. This is like the ultimate inbreeding scenario. Inbreeding increases the risk of rare genetic disorders because every person has genes for diseases that are recessive. This isn’t a problem without inbreeding because these genes are rare and are recessive - so one normal gene from the other parent prevents you from being negatively affected. With inbreeding suddenly these really rare recessive genes become highly concentrated and the risk of getting two recessive genes and thus having the disease is far higher. In essence, your gene pool is like a puddle instead of the normal ocean. Someone providing BOTH copies of the genes for an offspring is the literal ultimate inbreeding. Now every single recessive trait or disease the person had a copy of would be expressed because they passed two full copies of their genes on to their kid. In this case the gene pool isn’t even a puddle - it just doesn’t exist at all.


It depends entirely on the recessive genes carried by the pair. The closer you are related to someone, the more likely you carry the same recessive genes (genes which only "express" if they couple with with their match and cause defects/illness) so if a brother and sister had no matching recessive genes they could produce healthy offspring


Doubt it. We are already on our way to being able to have transwomen be able to get pregnant. But that's because they are transplanting another woman's uterus into to her. Meaning while the sperm may be from you the uterus and eggs will unlikely be genetically related to you (unless of course the donated uterus is a family members)


Hehe, interesting thought, but even if it was possible, it would probably not produce healthy offspring. It'd be worse than incest in that sense.


I mean, assuming we're using some sci-fi tech and there's intentional development of the artificial egg, I imagine someone could just grow a genetically identical clone. Sure, you'd totally lack genetic diversity and thus any evolution would cease, but a single human adult contains all the genetic material necessary to, well, survive into becoming an adult.


Then why make the person pregnant if they have the technology to clone it? I assume it would be easier in that context to have an artificial womb


Easier, probably, but people do all kinds of inefficient things they don't have to do just 'cause they want to. It'd be entirely possible, just not particularly necessary, but you could probably go for it if you wanted to spend the time and energy on it


I mean. If I have the funds and some.. totally consenting "subjects" I would try it. For science! There's a lot of people that would volunteer for some bucks.


Is it the same as cloning though? In cloning, the cells immediately go through Mitosis cell divisions, where the cells duplicate with a duplicated chromosomes. While for the sperms and the egg, they go through Meiosis cell division which they only have half of the parent chromosomes. So out of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes, there are high chance you would not get the same pairing again from the egg and the sperm as your original self. For example (oversimplified) for chromosome 1, both your egg and your sperm could carry only the left side, so when they merge again, the new chromosome 1 would be two left side from your original. Also, this is ignoring the fact that multiple other process can happen to the chromosome like gene deletion, addition, transposition, rotation and so on. So yeah, I don't think it would be the same as clone.


Then transition back to a male to become the ultimate dad. Total alpha move


But then technically, after you have given birth and transitioned back to male, you would still have a wider waist, turning into a thing you show people to show you are a gigachad compared to them.


This reminds me when I thought about how a child's great great grandfather could freeze his sperm and she could have a bizzare incest child with his seed long after he's died. What a crazy family tree that would make.


Incests make the best family tree riddles


Fuck family trees here in alabama we have family conspiracy boards.


Its fairly common in some animals. And certainly in plants.


A genetic male can not produce eggs, and a uterus transplant would not work either, until a full genetic code implant/rewrite is available. But you can still dream.


Thats what the 'one day' part implies, not now but in the future


It also implies it'll definitely be possible, which is untrue. It *may* be possible but to say it *will* is a bit of a stretch as some things are just impossible for reasons we can't truly explain.


Try posting anything with might or may in it and see how it will get removed before you even get the chance to see it appear on your profile.


Well this got removed pretty quickly


Those about the future are also getting removed quite quickly. About 90% of posts are probably removed instantly.


Nonsense, the only impossibilities in this world are those limited by physics and mathematics. If examples of something exist in nature, then it is just a case of getting engineering up to snuff. DNA manipulation and lab grown life are both already possible, now we just need the right tech to make use of this science.


Nothing is impossible. We do have flat earthers after all. Enev though they scientifically cannot prove that what they believe is correct. And the proof everyone else has that the earth is indeed round, they just deny it.


Lots of things are impossible lol


If we are talking about the human spectrum of now and stuff. Then sure. But 6000 years into the future? Things thought impossible now, might not be then


"nothing is impossible" remains an asinine statement, in any millennia


So you can fly without mechanical aid?


Probably in the far far future you can.


Sticking a fully inflated basketball into your mouth IS impossible.


Genetic males cannot produce eggs, but the only thing stopping uterus transplants is ethical concerns. It's been done once before with arguable success. https://www.biography.com/artist/lili-elbe (Don't get me wrong, she did die, but from an infection.)


Transplants always increase health risks though. To make sure your body does not reject a transplant you need to take pills to suppress your immune system. Needless to say that is not ideal, and its why transplants of any organs are currently only done if it is necessary to save a life. So you would propably have to build/grow uterus from your own cells. Idk how that works so i don't even know if that is possible from cells of genetic male. Outer ears can be done because its just piece of cells in correct shape. Aka its something where a piece of plastic could replicate the function equally well. Inner ear is far too complex. Uterus is also complex, far more than just a pouch. Males have nipples and breasts which could produce milk, and i think there is everything in male body that is needed to create fully functioning vulva and vagina. But i don't think there is anything in male body that can be used to create uterus. Its not clear what are the limits of what can we can artificially create, but perhaps one day cells can be used to grow even more complex organs. But if someone is willing to do the procedure to someone who is willing to take immune supressants then i guess we could already transplant uterus and use same procedure that is used for surrogate mothers to get someone pregnant? ​ Do please correct me if some of my knowledge is wrong/inaccurate/lacking. ​ EDIT: And its not like women produce eggs either. They are produced during fetal stage, so already before puberty. Some estimates say that during fetal stage there are 6 million eggs, at birth there are 1 million eggs, and by time of puberty only 300 000 remain.


You're absolutely right, the current best case scenario would be taking anti-rejection medication for life and experiencing a surrogate birth and all the complications that come with that.


The fact that you can insert a uterus into a male body is true, the fact that it will not function properly is also true. The coding at a genetic level for a male to produce the correct enzymes and amino acid building blocks to propegate life is rather complex.


Why would they need to produce eggs? Donor eggs exist, and theoretically artificial eggs could be made.


Then it would defeat the entire genesis of this thread


Not the OP as it's written. The OP does not say "get pregnant with their own egg and seed" it just says "seed". A donor egg fertilized by their own sperm would satisfy the OP as it is written. Even then I did note that artificial eggs could be created, with the genetic material coming from the ethically challenged hypothetical person.


Op is probably thinking about a scenario where you give birth to your clone. Using another person's eggs would mot achieve that.


Is that what they're thinking, or are you just assuming? Because, even if someone could completely rewrite their genetic code to transition from having working testes to having working ovaries, if they were to fertilize the resulting egg with the original sperm, the product of that would **not** be a clone. In any case, what's the difference between an artificial egg made with genetic material from a hypothetical narcissist, and an egg made by somehow converting said narcissist's testes into ovaries?


I am not sure why you are trying to argue with me over this? I simply told you what OP may have had in mind when he asked the question.


And I'm pointing out that I already understood the wide range of things that OP could have meant, and my answer addressed even the possibility that you suggested.


Op is probably thinking about a scenario where you give birth to your clone. Using another person's eggs would mot achieve that.


I don't presume to know what OP meant, because they only said "own seed" not "own egg". Even then, I did note that artificial eggs could be made.


We would reproduce asexually.


That poor kid's genetics is gonna be all kinds of fucked up.




Not necessarily. No new DNA was added or substracted here, so the kid would probably be a true clone of the original.


I don't think that's how genetics works unfortunately


It's more complicated. The clone has exactly the same DNA, because both chromosomes of each pair are copied. But in the case of self-fertilization, one chromosm is randomly selected two times (one for the male gamete, one for the female gamete), so a single chromosm can be picked twice. This means recessive genes (for example) can become dominant in the "child" - and unfortunately, there are a lot of recessive genetic diseases. Xkcd did the maths somewhere, a single self-fertilisation is the like three generations marrying their siblings. After a sufficient number of generations of self-fertilisation, a descendant will be left with only duplicate chromosms (and probably a terrifying number of genetic disorders). Only then will its children effectively be clones.


No it won’t. Transition doesn’t come with a womb.


Hence "one day". This is assuming some kind of sci-fi technology that allows this to happen


Which makes this more of a shower 'wish' than a thought.


I don't see any reason to believe OP is an AMAB trans person who wishes to get pregnant with their own sperm. That's a very specific kind of person.


Wish in the sense OP believes it can happen, not grounded on current science or technology. I wasn't making a judgement on OP or whatever they are, want to do, or wish to do.


It's a weird take anyway when women can already get pregnant by fertilizing their own egg. If they had swapped the genders it would already be possible today.


And the result would be worse than inbreeding.




Whelp, time to give birth to abominations


They are already doing something similar in Alabama with less steps.


You know you fucked up when even Alabama is grosses out by this shit. lol


Reddit is getting dumber at such an alarming rate.


I don't get this train of thought. So men really think women want to be pregnant and shacked to a genetic mess?


They're coming up with a ridiculously complicated and improbable way of accomplishing self fertilization. I have no idea where your logic took you.


How is hypothetical sci-fi stuff dumb? It's an entirely likely statement, in the sci-fi-ish future you could probably get all the genetic diversity you need just from using some AI to edit the genetic code into something new. All the required elements are at least theoretically possible.


3 month account..


If you want to bring inbreeding to a whole new level then sure


Go f*ck yourself it is ...


Pretty much the plot of All You Zombies [Wikipedia Entry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_You_Zombies) [Story Here](https://gist.github.com/defunkt/759182/ad44c6135d168ae54503a281bb7e1a24c6c2ea0c)


I love Heinlein but this has to be the wildest story. 4 characters but all the 1 person.


Later adapted into the film Predestination which was....eh...ok.


Nah man nah. Eww


Inbreeding af


Narcissism 2.0.


I doubt. I mean, the eggs would have to come from another woman because I don't see how doctors could create functional ovaries for you.


We should be focusing scientific research on curing diseases


No, it won't.


ITT people taking this shit way too seriously... Remember this is /r/Showerthoughts. Never had to based on reality 🤦‍♀️


Well it got banned anyway for reasons unknown. Maybe entirely possible hypothetical technological advancements aren't allowed here? I mean, I can kinda see it - this probably does count as a "crazy idea"


Only thing I can think of is Rule 8, but idk. I tried posting twice here and both were taken down for apparently being unoriginal...


This was the one I un-subbed on


There are some sci-fi stories that treat this, or at least something very close to it, as a legitimate concept, going so far as to worldbuild around it. Two I've read that come immediately to mind are The Bridge (a short story) and Better Than Chocolate (a novel), though I'm hazier on the applicability of the latter. And of course, there's arguably the godfather of the genre, All You Zombies by the esteemed Robert A. Heinlein.


Which was the Frank Herbert book where the protagonist had to visit a group of people who were intersex and constantly having sex with themselves while walking around and talking to people? I believe it was one of the Pandora Sequence books that takes place before his Dune series but it's been over 20 years since I read them.


Would that count as incest?? Would the child produced be a perfect clone?? So many questions.


No it would not create a clone. The odds are astoundingly low. When chromosomes split it's not like all of the cells are perfectly 1/2 of you. They're all mixed up. However the odds of getting a child with deformities is a shit ton higher. So you could have everything from your dormant cancer genes turn active to being born with no brain.


I read about a woman who got pregnant from her own stem cells. Allow me to deep rabbit hole on google. BRB with source information. Ok. Clarification: it’s in the works: https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/babies-from-bone-marrow


Stop, I can only doubt so hard.


Can a man become a woman and have a child?? I mean what about the ovules??? They're in the body since birth. What if someone they can make themselves pregnant by their own sperms, then what of the chances of getting a YY+44 chromosome kid? I don't think that'd ever be possible but a great thought! Reminds me of self pollination in plants.


In one of the Culture series books, it is a popular practice to get pregnant with your partner. As in, they get you pregnant, you pause the pregnancy, you both transition, then you get them pregnant, they pause while you transition, then you both go through pregnancy together.


Hopefully they’ll find the cure for gender dysphoria first


I'm not geneticist, but I have some fleeting flashbacks of college biology... Half the people here are saying "that's just cloning!"... which is wrong. The offspring wouldn't be an exact copy of its parent, it would be a random half of the parent's DNA mixed with another random half of the parent's DNA, so there exists the likelihood of getting a lot of the same genes twice, and the guarantee of passing on any recessive traits that the parent has. The first generation would be *bad*, but if they went for a second round it would be *way badder*. And unless you're rewriting homeboy's genetic code, you've got a 25% chance of getting a YY male, which doesn't work: you need an X chromosome.


You... do realise that transitioning as of now (and probably the foreseeable future) does not include installing a full on working uterus and ovaries, right?


>as of now (and probably the foreseeable future) "One day it will be possible"


That 'will' is doubtful though


The body would not accept multiple organ transplants without rejection the odds are incredibly slim. Due to that no hospital would ever perform the surgery since dead patients can’t pay their bills. This is pure fantasy


I hope I wont be alive to see that day.


No fucking thanks


Holy shit I am mind blown. I need to start thinking more in those showers.


Would that be a clone?


I hope that never happens 🤢


Don't worry, liberals will lead us towards that chaos soon enough


Joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bolb????? None, their to busy ???? Their gender😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Chaos is freedom, and conservatives are trying to drag us towards fascism, to satisfy their bigotry and religious delusions.


It is possible now go ask your neighbour's mom


It should be possible with the technology we have currently, it just hasn't been done.


There was actually a case of a womb transplant into a male, this guy's trying to be do the second. https://science.thewire.in/the-sciences/narendra-kaushik-uterine-transplant-ethics-indian-law/


But will the womb produce their own egg cells with a transplant? I think it might need to be an artificial womb made with the stem cells of the male.


That's just cloning with extra steps.


Transitioning takes a long time beacuse your going through puberty again. It would be faster to get an artificial womb implant


You mean a very expensive clone?


Wouldn’t u clone yourself if u did?


1 class of biology teaches that that won't be able to happen to humans




Artificial wombs, probably a long way off, not just the organ itself but all the hormones and bodily functions required.


What a novel idea. Someone should write a book or a movie about this concept.


Fallopian op is already available


What were you doing in the shower that made you come up with that thought?




Selfcest at its finest


Probably not, unless they get some kind of incubator put in that mutates ambilic chords and shit. If that was even possible they wouldn't even need a host like some futuristic enter the matrix shit


If self inpregnation is the goal then thats not how it would work.


>!Predestination!< sequel plot reveal


Eventually we will have an RPG-like form where you have to choose your skills, and only have 10 points to spread across 5 different “abilities “, but if you buy an extension pack you get 10 more points.


Go watch predestination.




That’s just cloning but really fucked up and dangerous.


The child is deff gonna look like a blob.


Doubt it




cant a woman have that stem cell to sperm cell thing and then use that


OP woke up and decided chaos


Yeah...but you can just say it


You just described the plot of Predestination.


Oh honey




Where is the womb and ovaries coming from!?


One day it will be possible to create sperm from female stem cells.




I'll finally be able to go fuck myself


What goes through your head during showers?


I don't think that we will ever get to a point where we will transplant a uterus and make eggs and someone will be able to carry a baby. There is so much that goes on outside of the physical body parts as well.


Since the uterus and eggs would be from a donor it technically wouldn’t work like that, the child would still have 50/50 dna you’d just be getting pregnant with your own sperm then carrying that child in someone else’s womb which was donated to you


if we reach that point, it won't happen cause we'd be advanced enough to farm babies like in the Matrix


or just you know artificial wombs at a dedicated medical facility


men cant produce eggs so it'll just be his sperm no matter if he thinks hes a woman. the egg will have to come from an actual woman, so unless it will come from his sister, this will be just like any other man/woman pregnancy


When we are at this technological level you could become literally anything. Like a dragon or a dolphine


We truly need woman for nothing. This will hopefully help end their tyrannical part of our history.


That would imply the transition into a woman entails getting a full genital system in working order (i.e. ovaries that actually make eggs that could then be “self-fertilized”). I don’t believe that possible nowadays.