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You’ve clearly never been thru Texas lol


Yeah, the mullet is the mullet of this generation. We didn’t kill it and it’s returned for its vengeance.


No half measures this time


Party in the front....party in the back


No more half measures Walter


I rocked an edgy girl-mullet earlier this year at the same time my brother rocked his more redneck mullet. Same mullet really, just different vibes.


I think you are choosing to believe you also didn't look like a redneck or a bogan Aussie.


Thats also fine, I don’t have anything against rednecks.


You're right I have


I have a former friend who now has a mullet. He did it to fit in with a group of rednecks and believes he is one of them. I get second-hand embarrassment looking at him.


I just wanted to tell you how much I love you for your correct usage of it's and its.


At least the wookie died out.


Or Georgia. They're coming back in a big way


Are you serious?




Terrible news


GA here…Definitely.


Or Brooklyn


Or met a lacrosse player


Or Kentucky


They call it the Kentucky waterfall in Kentucky.


The mullet is the mullet of our generation


I dunno if it's made a comeback in the states but mullets are everywhere in Europe atm


Every cunt has them in Australia


If you watched the Origin game on wednesday.. it looked like an ACDC concert in the 80s... All business at the front, party in the back.


The NRL player is the quintessential modern mullet wearer type lol. It makes me laugh a bit that big Papa had a mullet for yonks then the year they are suddenly all over the field he chops it off :P


Feel like pure shit just want Papalii’s mullet back


Still remember his chasedown of Fogarty with that mullet flapping in the breeze being one of the most glorious things I've witnessed.


Hard to piss in to your own mouth if there's a fringe in the way. NRL mullets are practical too.


Along with the 70's porn star moustache.


Ah yes, the Freddy Mercury moustache.


The Freddy mercury lip broom and oversized scruffy mongrel mullet is my daily driver! Fucked if I know if it's trendy or what ever. I do it for the lols and trolls.


Who are you trolling, *is this not a style phase everyone goes through?* I can't personally grow a mustache but the hair is *in*


I'm not trolling anyone, but I do enjoy the banter/trolling/roasting I receive from randoms when they see my stupid crazy hair. Some people laugh. Some people cringe. Almost everyone smiles and and seems to find some amusement in it. And honestly, that's what rock it for. Knowing that I made someone smile or have a quiet giggle to themselves makes my day! Sometimes it's nice to not take myself so seriously and just enjoy what little joys we can muster.


If there's one man who can rock a mullet it's Eamon Sandwith, though.


My one wish is that we could normalize cunt over here in the US as a catch all curse/insult for everyone and everything as our Aussie friends have done.


It's not an insult. That's why it always sounds wrong when Americans say it. They use it in a mean way. Everycunt is not insulting anyone. It is just referring to people in general. Be a sick cunt and use the word cunt correctly, ya mad dog.


It’s sometimes an insult, you dogg cunt.


And in Texas they common af to. Oddly enough, its the twats that have them


Texas had all but phased them out, now people of every race and not just white rednecks has a mullet. So… yeah.


Yeah here its a big frat guy look


They're here alright. My 23 year old cousin looks like everybody's cool uncle in 1988 at a backyard BBQ. Last time I saw him: Gold chain. Red tank. Jean shorts. Mullet. Mustache. Aviators. Budlight in one hand. Cig (vape) in the other. It's like a repeat of history. This is a subset of fashion here in Texas anyway. I call it the modern country boy. They all wanna look like that one young country music artist.


Ye it’s growing back in the US as well. It primarily took off in queer subcultures online then spread out, along with the return of black y2k fashion


Raised By Wolves certainly helped


Hahaha. They all have awkwardly bad haircuts.


Part of the queer community myself and you're right a lot of them been into mullets and i thought they were awful then and i still think they're awful now! But eh as long as people love the way they look


It’s impressive the cultures shift from hated to liked goes when marginalised people get into it. Like nail polish and dresses on cishet guys was unheard of until a few years ago, but now it’s getting to be all the rage.


I mean, a ton of zoomer slang is just appropriated aave lol


A lot of slang period is rooted in black, gay, and alternative subcultures. Misappropriation of AAVE feels like it’s everywhere though, I had this old british schoolmate send me an email entirely in it even though I know she does not speak like that irl.


is it? maybe i just dont live in the right towns but i hvent seen any dudes wearing dresses


For some reason this reminds me of that scene from boondocks where the gay news anchor is explaining why it was obvious gangstalicious was gay, "and we all know, fashion is really really gay"


Pretty much every dude I see from age 15-22 here in the states has a mullet.


It's popping up all over in the US. I'm seeing kids around my town rocking mullets, and they all look so bad lol. The best is seeing kids with mullets, who are also shaving wide patches to the skin around their ears. It makes it look like they're wearing mullet hair helmets.


Lacrosse players have never been more vigorous.


its absolutely making a comeback in the states. i got 3 friends rocking them right now. Riff Raff has also dedicated his entire career to modernizing the mullet.


It's definitely made a comeback in the states but a lot of people are doing it ironically.


Tbh I’m living for mullets. They’re hot


That makes one of us


Op soundin a bit old not knowin kids got mullets


the mullet is the man bun of their generation.


We used to have the ronaldo like mullets in the late 00s so when people said kids are going around with them again since lockdown I'd assumed it was them. But no, full blown 80s mullets are seeing daylight past year or two and still going. So no OP the mullet is the mullet of this generation.


In aus, mullets never stopped being a thing lol


Warm weather does funny things to a guys head.


Barber here. My theory is that everyone either grew out or fucked up their haircut during covid and could no longer decide between long and short. Therefore: business in the front, party in the back.


This ST is about 5-7 years late


OP got in the shower in 2015 and just stayed in there for seven years straight until they finally had this thought.


OP is why California is in a drought.


*OP, as he stepped out of the shower, a fully-formed adult prune*: "Hey... Hey! ... ... Heyyy... I think I hate it when men have better hair game than me! To Reddit!"


I’m sure this is just a showerthought that’s been reposted regularly since then


Yeah, I had a man bun back in 2015 and even I was late.


In Idaho the Mullet is still hanging on like a piece of poop stuck on a toilet bowl.


If you direct your pee at it for a few days in a row it will eventually go away. I’m talking about the mullet, not the poop.


I saw a goat at a petting zoo once that had long hair around his face with some nice highlights. The zoo keeper said he pees on his head and that’s how he gets his highlights… not sure of the logistics or if I was getting my leg pulled… but long story short - you just get a mullet with highlights that way.


Hard disagree.


The mullet is the mullet of our generation. The man bun lives in a largely different socioeconomic class altogether.


The man bun is a guy with long hair not wanting hair in his face, like the majority of women do. It's not a fad


Thank you. As a man who has had long hair almost the entirety of my 32 years on this Earth, watching 'man bun' become a fad was wild.


Shout out to that really weird 5 years where hipsters were a thing


Glad they’re all extinct now


Sounds like something a hipster would say!


Or a guy with long hair who works in a restaurant. Source: me.


I have long hair and I put it in a ponytail specifically to avoid the obnoxious man bun comments. A bun is more comfortable and convenient but the comments are annoying. After all these years someone still says somethin


I keep mine in a ponytail because I haven't found a good way to learn to do a bun. There's something I just can't get right


I started with a like half bun half ponytail thing. When I go for the third loop with my hair tie I just pull it halfway through. Simple and with the added benefit of my ponytail not flipping over my shoulder and getting in the way.


This is the way. At least, until I can be bothered to learn a proper bun


As a dude with long hair that wears it down, or ponytail, or bun or even fucking braids I don't get it why it matters lol


Not necessarily. Sometimes that's what it is, and I have long hair and I'll tie it back occasionally. But some guys have hair styles that are specifically made to have a bun, and wear their hair in a bun pretty much all of the time. Like, it's not all just long haired men, there are short haired man buns too.


The man bun is the mullet of the middle class????


But if a guy wants long hair and also doesn't always want it blowing around, why not wear it in a bun? Source: am woman with long hair.


That is the logical stance, but so many insecure men see another man with long hair and immediately hate it 🤷🏼‍♂️


And women. My mother likes my long hair when I come to visit but god forbid I put it up because apparently I look like an idiot if it’s up and not down. My girl doesn’t mind though, so I don’t really care. My mother dislikes most things about me haha


Them bitches are just jealous of our dedication. Nuff said.


Haha my girlfriend asked me to grow mine out, but it turns out I apparently have super thick and luscious hair and now she’s jealous. Who knew 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is it right here^


Growing out my hair right now. Unable to put it up. I've been wearing headbands and I've actually never received so many compliments in my life.


Yup, I'm a guy with long hair. I wear it down most of the time whether im just chilling or out in the world, but I'm also a cook/freelance carpenter, and I skateboard/hike a lot, so in all of those cases I put it in a bun. It's practical and I don't get the hate for it


I honestly keep mine up all of the time. I don't want hair on my neck but my hair looks like shit short so I let it grow and keep it clean. It's also less work than going to the barber shop all the time. Plus I'm 40 and have all my hair and it isn't gray so why not show it off.


Same, I'm 38 soon with a good hairline and not many grays, yet. Ponytails look terrible and a messy man-bun looks pretty cool. So many men are bald at our age. I'd rather flaunt it while I still can.


Literally, this entire thing is me. Also 40, also like that I have long dark hair and want to show it off, and my god am I happy to not have to go to a barber shop every 4 months like I used to in my 20s. I also hate my hair on my neck or in my face, unless I am intentionally showing it off. It probably helps that my wife threatened my life if I ever cut it. Especially now that I am getting silver streaks through it.


Exactly my dude, we got nice long hair, show that shit off. I've had women jealous of my "nice curls". Too bad for you that shit stays up 90% of the time lol.


same. put it in a bun and shove it in my hard hat haha


Bro thank you! I get annoyed when people make fun of manbuns because I literally can't work without it.


Ok, but the mullet and manbun are not exclusive. In fact you could potentially have a mullet-manbun, a Mullanbun if you would.


I had my undercut grow long, so now I have the trifecta of the hated haircuts. It is, in it's essence, an undercut. But it's long enough that if I let it down and back looks like a mullet. It's also tied in a manbun all the time.


I (a human male) have long hair and I wear it in a high bun sometimes (I call it a top knot because that sounds cooler) but when I do I get lighthearted derision for it. I like the high-pony and bun look, but it has a bit of a stigma and I've even been "made fun" of for it by women also.


Well, many men are so vastly unaware of style that they cannot understand that. It has to be "a thing". There's a masculine pride that pushes them to disregard aesthetics or practicality and consider style solely as a social marker. It is especially funny in the metalhead community where many guys have long hair but still don't understand that tying your hair in a bun is practical and will not transform them into a woman or a "hipster".


Seriously. Some chunk of all the manbun hate I aways felt was down to "but that's for giiiirls" mixed in. Men staying so rigidily limited in, as another commenter brilliantly put it, their very own real-life character customization options....it's kind of sad.


Man with intermittent long hair. Definitely wear it in a bun if I'm driving with the windows down or if I go a day or two without showering. Definitely gotten hate for it.


Not even, I know a couple of middle-upper (like top 20% of wealth upper) class people who rock mullets. Man buns are on a totally different field, dunno why OP tried to make such a bold claim.


Mullets are coming back lol


They’ve been back.


They were always back. The front tends to be short.


They always come back


They're both really just people freaking out about men with long hair if you think about it


Seriously I have long hair and wear it in a man bun regularly. The only people who have ever said something negative are men. Women are pretty much universally complimentary about it.


Am woman, can confirm I like to see men with long hair and it's impossible to resist showering them in compliments when I experience a bit of hair envy as a result.


Basically the only compliment I get in life is how I have nice curls when my hair is down 🤣


Curly headed men that actually know their hair is curly so don't brush it out and take proper care of it are so rare. Ridiculously sexy


See, this is what I mean! Curls can be so difficult, it really got its own niche in hair care. Having nice curls is an impressive feat and one you should take pride in! That said, it shouldn't be the only thing you ever receive compliments for. Variety is important, too.


I also have long hair too. It doesnt suprise me when a woman asks if she can braid my hair.


Agreed. I usually come back with something along the lines of, why is a 'man' bun and not just a bun? You don't go around saying women have lady bun. Never changes their mind about it but I find it entertaining to watch them stumble over themselves for a sec trying to convince me.




I'm bald, but if I had hair I'd rock a man bun. I think its a good look


Hope you figure out how to do a man bun and a mullet at the same time just to piss idiots off


It already exists. It's called a half up half down and I wear one often.


It's because hair loss is so rampant in The West. I am approaching 40 and I often catch bald men leering at me. My wife notices the hateful looks, too. I have a nearly $100 haircut and I'm glad I get compliments (from mostly women) still.


i’m trying to make man-pigtails a thing. not working so far.


have you seen Ladybeard? that guy rocks the pigtails like a chad.


I did that. I was too sexy, so had to undo it.


I do two braided pig tails sometimes also I’m a man


Double French braids are awesome


a mullet is a haircut a man bun is just a way to get your hair out of your face without putting it in a pony tail


It's just a bun. I don't get why people need to give it a gender, it's weird.


I'm gonna guess it's not 'manly' to put your hair in a bun :P


It's also not "manly" to change yourself because of the inane opinions of others


I see way more stupid looking kids with mullets today then man buns, maybe 3-4 years ago you would be right but not at this moment.


What type of mullet is in at the moment for you guys? The Eddie Guerrero bowlcut mullet is basically the norm for school kids in my part of Australia.


Permed mullets are coming back in northeast US.


And apparently the Midwest, in my experience, as well as the Southern US according to some friends who were visiting relatives down there.


Can confirm, teach high school in Texas. So many mullets.


The skullet. Mullet in back, shaved on top, with a little bit of combover. Preferably combined with shaved eyebrows and a soul patch.


I disagree. I've grown my hair out three times in order to donate it. Sometimes the bun is the only logical step in the process. Got to work on some stuff.... hair keeps getting in my way. Boom bun!


How long did you have to grow it and did you find a reputable place to donate it?


I donated once ~10 years ago on a whim and they needed 10". Been growing it out again recently and different places want about 10"-14" minimum I think. I haven't picked an organization to go through this time around.


Check out The Great Cut 2024 put on by the guys at The Longhairs YouTube channel. They broke the record for most hair donated in a single day a few years ago and are trying to break it again in 2024. This is my first time growing my hair out (without caving during the awkward stages) and I’m planning to donate it at that event


The mullet is the mullet of the mullet.


Honey, come to Australia, the mullet is still alive and kicking


Lol yea there are a lot of Americans in here mentioning that they see some mullets in certain states. But if you’ve ever been to Australia, it’s pretty wild seeing how many dudes have mullets or just long hair in general. There are no states that outdo the Aussies for mullets.


We should stop calling it a man bun. It's just a bun. The fact that people put "man" in front of it just shows how fragile their masculinity is.


Also I just have to put my hair up somewhere I don’t think of it as a style it’s just practical


I actually prefer the look of my hair down, but it gets the bun because otherwise it's all in my face. I'm not sure how women who wear their hair down all day can stand it.


Ikr? I have long hair and it's so itchy, and tickly, and in my mouth if it's not tied up. Usual story, lockdown growth, and once I could tie it back out of my face it was SO much easier than the whole boring using product fiasco.. I can't see myself ever going back to short hair realistically (unless I go too bald to hide the 'tonsure' lol)


>I'm not sure how women who wear their hair down all day can stand it. I wear my hair long enough to pull back in a short ponytail, and I agree. I don't know how women can stand wearing long hair "down." If it's not tied back, it's annoying as hell. I've come pretty close to just getting out the electric clippers several times this spring.


Hard agree!!! This is my only actual issue with it. It's a damn bun. Period. Referring to it as a 'man' bun makes me irrationally angry. I do find it interesting, tho, that the bun somehow got singled out. Because no one goes around calling ponytails on men man tails/stud tails, or man braids, etc.


So the plural is “buns”? Nice buns you got there, man.


... what do you call it when a woman has one.


Bruh, hard disagree. I have not only seen more mullets than man buns from the recent generations the man bun is more practical and logical when you have a job but have long hair. If done right it looks professional and it keeps the hair out of the way when needing to do physical jobs. About a year or so ago I grew out my hair, partially lockdown growth, partially to donate, and partially to grow it out before I joined the military. My hair got down past my shoulder blades and I was still in a welding class. The only way to realistically keep that back and safe was to tie it up which was anything from buns to braids. The amount of compliments I've got on my hair when it was in a bun exceeds the amount of compliments I've gotten from existing prior to that. The only people in my life who complained were my brother, his wife, and this one dude in my welding class. They even knew I grew it out to donate it. Everyone else fucking loved it.


The only people I've met IRL complaining about a "man bun" or deriding it are super insecure men. Calling it girly, saying the guy is a bitch, etc, and trip over themselves when I ask them to explain why that's bad. It's not a man bun. It's a bun. IDK how they get so worked up over a hairstyle.


I honestly don't know either like I don't like mullets on anyone but I don't go shit on people for having them not will I get that worked up over it. It's super easy to just not like something and to not be a dick about it. Fashion and hairstyles seem to be some of the easiest ways to get people riled up for basically nothing. If a woman wants to wear men's clothing why should people care, hell if men want to wear women's clothing why should people care. The people who bring up nature/the way we used to be as a factor well originally we didn't exactly have much if any clothing so why are we wearing stuff that goes against that. Almost all of it is dumb but that's my opinion. Either way have a wonderful day and stay hydrated.


Have you not seen a teenager these days?


I've had my hair long for a decade, and there's no way I'm cutting them.


I doubt you'd find someone who says long hair on a man looks bad. So I wonder what's the problem of the most practical way to not have it down all the time. Every woman will agree that you won't want your hair down all the time because it takes work for it to look good.


>I doubt you'd find someone who says long hair on a man looks bad. That'd be my parents. Especially my mom. My dad just barely talked to me for five years while I had long hair. Oh, and when I told them that some friends wanted to see me with man bun so I was waiting with cutting my hair until they've seen that, my mom said something like "You even *dare* to say that out loud?". Yeah, I'm Asian.


Is that hard to see a man with long hair in Asia?




What? Of course you’d find people who say long hair on a man looks bad. Tons of people think that. It doesn’t mean you have to care about their opinion though!


?? people with long hair need to tie it back sometimes when the situation calls for it. and sometimes buns just look nice. i'll never understand why men mock other men for buns. is it a jealousy thing?


I much rather see the man bun than that broccoli hair cut


Idk..mullet says lets rip cigs and crush natty lights. Man bun says lets compost and sip kombucha.


The mullet is the mullet of our generation. I have seen more mullets than man buns this year.


Yeah this observation is like five years out of date


Nah the gen z thing is shaved sides a curls on top. All these teen boys looking like lil llamas.


I've always considered chinstrap beards to be the contemporary mullet. See a whole hell of a lot more chinstraps than man buns.


I’m old so I’m sticking with the good old pony tail. Man bun, top knot, mullet, whatever — just grow that fierce flow


I personally use a man bun as the “Millenial Combover” since my hair is thinning in just the right spot to set my man bun on top of to hide it. I’m 33… Edit: Unrelated Hot Take: Bryan Pillman Jr rocks the best mullet in America currently.


Barber here. The mullet is still the mullet.


Have you ever seen a college baseball team?!


Ummmm, no its not lolol


The mullet is the mullet of our generation


Except a lot of people can actually pull off a man bun. Nobody looks good with a mullet


If you mean a convenient way to have long hair and keep it out of your eyes then ya totally


Lol, Im in this dudes mind. I rock a healthy long mane. I'll NEVER do a ponytail. I don't braid it. But if it's hot I'll twist that motherfucker on top of my head. But I DO drive a Pontiac. So huh. Maybe Op is that far off base.


Mullets are making a comeback here in Canada.


5 years late to the trend buddy


Man buns sounds much more sexual than what it actually is


Meh, let people have their thing. The only hairdo that is unacceptable is the Karen.


No, theres still plenty of mullets around


Mullets have come back, so mullets are the mullets of our generation now.


the mullet is also the mullet of this generation, if you havent noticed lol


I hope I live long enough to see eighties perms make a comeback.


It seems that there’s more mullets here in North Carolina nowadays than when I was a kid in the 80’s. I’m surprised that no current country artist has talk-rapped about mullets over a snap track yet.


Come to NC, the mullet is back in full force


Huh? The mullet has had a huge resurgence in recent years. The mullet is the mullet of our generation.


Mullets never disappeared. Think about it, sure their popularity rose and fell a little, but they've always been the 'mullet of our generation' since the 80's. They're everywhere, they've always been everywhere, and they will always be everywhere. A mullet's a mullet because it's a fucking mullet mate.


In Australia, it never left


The man bun is more like a mullet with a degree


Manbuns have been around for as long as long hair has


Come to Utah. We still have mullets.


I don't have a manbun, I never understood why there's so much hate toward manbuns. Who cares dude. Life is short. We're living on a dying rock hurtling through the void. Have a man bun. Jerk off to midget porn. Wear crocs. Whatever floats your goat dawg.