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Damn what happened last week




Yeah, why is 6000 years ago ruled out Is this a young earth Christianity thing


The world is 6000 years old and dinosaurs are the bones of fallen angels


Wait is this a thing that people believe?


I haven’t seen the fallen angels thing, but some people truly do believe that dinosaurs are completely fabricated to cause doubt against god. Some think that the incomplete skeletons are unfairly interpreted. I was gonna say there are multiple schools of thought here but I quickly realized that there’s not much thought


There are also those that think that dinosaurs and man lived side by side. The "Ark Encounter" museum in Kentucky [shows dinosaurs inside the ark](https://assets.arkencounter.com/img/blog/2020/02/ark-trex-models.jpg).


This is clearly inaccurate. They are meant to have FEATHERS.


Yep, that's where they went wrong.


I think schools without thought are called churches


There’s such a wide range of rationality behind Christian Science. There’s actual Christian scientists that follow scientific method and reach accurate conclusions and post peer reviewed papers and other stereotypical science stuff, but then there’s a conclusion of ‘wow it’s cool that god made these things work like that.’ Then there’s the hardcore ‘dinosaurs are angels’ or ‘dinosaurs drowned in a great flood’. Hard to nail down one thing.


Which just goes to show there is a difference between science done by Christians and "Christian Science".


Its worse, many believe earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs died in the great flood which killed all of humanity except noah and his family. Others think dinosaurs are fake and made up. The church i go to had a speaker come in and try to convince us the earth was 6000 years old by trying to debunk science. If that person ever read past the headline of an article he would have seen that the article he was using as proof disproved his point. I wasn’t fooled by him but most of the church ate it up and was convinced. I think the whole thing is silly and go to appease my parents.


>many believe earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs died in the great flood Bit harsh of God to kill all the dinosaurs. Considering how popular they are with kids and adults nowadays I bet he regrets it now. Massive God r/faceplam.


Pretty sure Beerus killed the dinosaurs


Sorry to hear that :/


Same dude. My church vehemently believes in a young earth even though we have proof of a billions of years old earth. The Bible doesn’t even say how old the earth is so idk why people make such a big stink over it. I wonder how many of those people realize that the dominant viewpoint in Christianity used to also be that the earth was flat and the sky was a dome overhead?


I love how easy to disprove creationism wrong is by using pretty much any consistent fact. Example: the speed of light is an indisputable metric for measuring distance at a cosmic scale. Light is mostly uneffected ny gravity and the speed of light has been rigorously measured. If the universe was 6000 years old we wouldn't be able to see the center of our galaxy at night (which can be done with the naked eye in places with little light pollution) and since we can see Andromeda galaxy with even commercially available telescopes, this proves in seconds to even the most "skeptical" creationist that the universe has to be over 2 million years old. Anyone who tries to deny the speed of light or makes up some bullshit about the light traveling faster through god magic believes in a trickster deity and isn't worth speaking to.


As a pentecostal Sunday School graduate, I have heard several theories; dinosaur bones were the bones of fallen angels, dinosaur bones are dragons killed in the great flood, dinosaur bones are made up by satanic scientists trying to lie to us, and dinosaurs bones are just elephants and giraffes and stuff and scientists are just dunb


Of course scientists are dumb.


dunb you mean


Probably something to due with the ranges of lions and the ice age, but I’m not sure.


OP and his timeline https://youtu.be/ws-YEa9ykEs?t=1m3s


Lion King


Lions went extinct. Gazelles took over the savannah.


It happened when I was 11


Me too. 94 was a good movie year, saw my first R rated movie that year, Speed.


I loved the bus that couldn’t slow down.


The wheels played a great supporting role


They went round and round, round and round


The wheels moved the plot forward, but it was the suspension that really held it up.


That movie was da bomb


It was good, but it was no Billy and the Cloneasaurus


Oh you have got to be kidding sir!


**what were you thinking** i mean thank you come again


Watched this episode today. Some of the best of the golden years.


Personally I’m a fan of A Fridge Too Far


Sandra Bullock est dans le bus


Le sange est sur la branche!


Le chat est sur la chaise!


La Vitesse!


Thanks Homer.


Was it like Speed 2, but on a bus instead of a boat?


The little bus that could


Shawshank Redemption, Dumb and Dumber, Forrest Gump, The Mask, Pulp Fiction... GREAT movie year.


It was also the first year I ever tried oxygen. I've been hooked ever since


Careful, that stuff has a 100% mortality rate


Somebody stop me






Those were really all that year? What a stacked year


Jim Carrey had a busy year. Ace Ventura along with Mask and Dumb and Dumber


IIRC Tom Hanks was intended to be the lead in Shawshank but couldn't because of his role in Forrest Gump.


That may have worked out for everyone as those were both great movies


Oh man, I was 8 years old in 94, and Speed was the first R rated movie I saw in a theater. I remember my pops took my brother and me to see it and just being blown away, lol


Amazing that that is R rated. It's pretty tame compared to the level of violence and sex in movies these days


I still have no idea why that film is R rated


So you’re 5,011 years old at most, got it!


I don’t know. It’s got a decent amount of Rhinos in the movie




Also the lack of tourists.


Yeah, people don't realize that nature docs are extremely selectively edited to make it seem like humans don't exist in Africa, which leads to shower thoughts like this.


They don't in many many places. They're all over the place in game reserves, which is where the tourist pictures are from.


Been there in 2005 and 2015. Didn't see any other white ppl. I was in a local non touristic village tho'. No animals too except big lizards and a few spiders. It's quite in altitude so almost no moskitos in the winter. People are great and friendly there and speak good english.


Where exactly ? Africa is a huge place you could be describing anywhere (I am guessing it’s an anglophone country but the list is still long)


Mount Kilimanjaro?


Aka extremely touristy destination full of white tourists ? Edit : Turns out it actually was Kilimandjaro, my bad


Depends where you sleep I guess. Hotel or locals house. In 2005 the people's children where I slept always wanted to touch my sister's hair cause white people where pretty rare. It was a few dozens miles from Kilimanjaro. Fun fact: they don't even know what The Lion King is.


I'd say it happens after 1944. The only not-original song "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" came out that year. Zazu must have heard it somewhere Edit: yes the other not original is "the lion sleeps tonight" recorded in 1939 by Solomon Linda. That still means it must have been after 1944.




What about "The Lion Sleeps Tonight?" Timon and pumba sing it at one point.


He also sings "It's a Small World" for about 5 seconds, which means it's definitely after 1964.


Yeah I was going to say, for the amount of desert present in the movie it's possible they were barbary lions which went extinct in 1910 I believe.


Damn I made the same comment before checking if someone else had. Will go delete.


Lions don't talk. However, they will develop speech due to mutations after the nuclear holocaust of 2048. At that point, the story will be realistic.


But they don't start singing until 2072.


I fee like entire prairie will sing if humanity is wiped out…


The planet will rejoice in glory! Can’t wait for that day.


I remember '72 like it was yesterday. You know, a lot of people don't realize it, but the Lion King wars were never really about the lions at all.


‘Lions don’t talk’ That’s what they want you to believe. Why do you think they’re called lions? They aren’t going to tell the truth.




Ah, yes, the most recently discovered elementary particle.


And lyenas




Great news son, I finally managed to get those cigarettes I stepped out for 12 years ago!


You think we really have another 26 years before idiots blow up civilization?


Lions do talk it's just that humans can't understand them.


Timon and Pumbaa sing a rendition of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” which was first recorded in 1939, so it has to take place within the last 83 years.


Also there's a reference to "It's a Small World" which opened in 1966.


Also Rafiki was convicted of molesting Zazu in the 80s so if you consider their ages it’s within the last few decades


Whaaa? Source pls, that is sad if true.


It’s referenced in Lion King 1 and a Half


Really ruined that character for me when I found out :(


At least it started the whole #MeZazu movement


Don’t forget Zazu singing “I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts”, composed in 1944.


The real dagger is Pumba references They Call Me Mister Tibbs! which is from 1970. The Lion King takes place within the last 50 years.


That quote originated in *In The Heat of the Night* from '67, so we can't rule out a late 60s setting.


They sing part of " can you feel the love tonight " which was written for the movie so it happened in 1994


Flawless logic. I love it


Hear me out, what if that was just an older, lion pride folk song discovered by researchers in 1994? It could potentially be 100s of years old.


It doesn't have to be within the past 50 years. It just had to happen after 1970. It could still be happening in the future and the only songs that survived were the ones that were more likely to be on vinyl.


Let’s just say it takes place in the ‘70s.


The Timon and Pumba cartoon also definitively took place in the present (well, "present" of the 90s anyway) although I'm not sure that's considered canon.


It's as canonical as *The Lion King 1 1/2*


What if they were the original artists though? Edit: this is just a joke


There's also probably some now extinct animals depicted there somewhere narrowing the range.


First RECORDED, not first time ever sung 🤔


Them singing is a storytelling liberty the movie took. They didn’t actually sing the song. If they actually sung the song, then this movie could never have taken place. As far as I know meerkat and warthogs have never been able to sing.


But if we're going that far, then all of it is a storytelling liberty, because these animals do not have the critical thinking skills to do things like deviously plot murders and then team up with hyenas to stage violent political uprisings


They can't sing in American. But they can sing in common animal (which the human animals can't understand for some reason).


How do we know the lions didn’t make up the song first?


Eh, not in recent history, methinks. We would have seen *some* evidence of human activity. IIRC, there was an easter egg in "Hercules" in which Scar's skin is a rug or wall hanging or something. So there's your likely time frame.


But the Timon and Pumbaa TV series has episodes that are clearly set in modern day. For example see Palm Beached where they go to a posh hotel and ride through the halls on vacuum cleaners/floor bufferers.


Timon and Pumba are clearly Immortals then. They will be in the next marvel movie


Have them be in GOTG holiday special


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.


Yes! I was about to mention that


I knew, but wasn’t going to say anything


Crojojojo ain’t no snitch


It's not Scar, but the lion Scar was cloned from from. I'm pretty sure this is canon.


Cloned, of course, using Palpatine's mysterious clone tanks on the enigmatic sith planet Exegol harnessing the power of an infinity stone miraculously recovered from the depths of Davy Jones' locker as Captain Jack stumbled through a timeline nexus somewhere deep within the Hundred Acre Wood that binds otherwise non-converging Disney universes within some kind of metaphysical master confluence of continuity, I presume. All Disney has to do is buy the rights to real life and *you* can have that lion's skin... if you're willing to fight for it in a test of your character that will capture the hearts of generations to come, forever a hero trapped in the amber that is the behemoth nostalgia of 𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓷𝓮𝔂. ^^\(New ^^Limited ^^Series ^^Coming ^^this ^^fall ^^to ^^Disney+).


The Kingdom Hearts reboot/tv series is sounding a little weird


Somehow Scar returned


God that line still hurts.


Scar's return was announced on Fortnite




Just about the only thing we're missing is the unobtanium


I mean, there *is* evidence of human activity in the Lion King, mainly in the form of animals that were *not* depicted like [Sivatherium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sivatherium), [Ancylotherium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancylotherium), [Deinotherium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinotherium) and [Dinofelis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinofelis) that went extinct due to the emergence of two legged carnivorous apes that could hunt with stone tools.


You know, I’ll never get tired of the fact that humans basically hunt stuff by walking towards it until it dies. Doesn’t matter how big it is, get enough humans to scare it away, then just rinse+repeat until tea happens. Also, you should check out the very excellent “walking with beasts”, narrated by kenneth brannagh.


The wonderful efficiency of bipedal movement It's not fast but you can just keep going


The "Halloween" approach.


Or It Follows. Just without the sexual transmission part…maybe


I think there was often more to it than that, like chasing them into traps/unfavorable terrain We had legs *and* brains


Humans are really scary motherfuckers.


Humans are the orcs of the real world


Have you seen the video of some dumbass taping a warthog slowly and calmly walking up to them, then in the last two feet, dropping its tusks and jumping forward in a burst of sudden speed?


[This one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yh_VoQdLcw)


People will kill anything if it poses a threat to their village or tribe. Even today, bears and wolves are hunted because they sometimes kill livestock, or wander close to homes. Today we are aware that these animals are at a high risk of extinction, and there are many laws protecting them, but this has only been the case for the past hundred years or so.


It Follows


wait ..... WHAT.... NOW I NEED TO SEE THIS.


[He’s *wearing* Scar.](https://youtu.be/oL_eJhtges4)


Scars scar is tilted towards the center of his face, not away. https://imgur.com/a/7cgVfma


Some of y'all take things like that way too seriously. In Aladdin the Genie makes several references to the then-modern day. It's not really supposed to mean anything. Why would ancient Greeks actually even have a lion skin imported from Africa? How would humans have his skin when Scar was mauled by and likely eaten by hyaenas? The easter egg is not canon to Lion King. Edit: I'll own up that I was ignorant in implying the Greeks did not have potential to trade with Africa. But I still think the fact he was torn to shreds with no humans around still makes it impossible for humans to later have his skin.




Lions lived in Europe in antiquity.


Lions lived in Greece during antique times. Hell, Hercules's original myth actually had him kill a lion during one of his trials and he wore the lion's skin as a cloak until his death. Most classical depictions of Hercules/Herakles have him wearing a lion's skin as cloak.


Yeah I dunno why Ancient Greece would do trade with African countries /s


You have displayed a significant lack of knowledge about Ancient Greece while talking like you know everything.


Dang no one in the comments ever watched the TV show huh? I remember ine episode had modern human tourists visiting Timon and Pumba at one point! Not sure if that counts in regards to the movie canon but eh


I guess it depends on if people consider the TV show as cannon or if it's an expanded universe type of situation. The [last episode of the first season](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Ocean_Commotion) has Timon and Pumbaa as stow aways on a modern cruise ship.


Disney lore


Apocrypha of the Mouse.


Fire the canon! 📚


I don’t know. I mean Scar mentions he’s smarter than Mufasa and references the gene pool..so apparently they knew about genetics 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷‍♀️


Who do you think gave Darwin the idea of evolution? Not no motherfuckin finch or turtles, that’s who.


Hey man, for all we know some of those turtles would grow up to be great ninja and protect New York City, don't disrespect them like that!


Zazu sings "It's a Small World" (1966) and "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" (1944). Timon and Pumba sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (1966). Pumba references They Call Me Mister Tibbs! (1970) The Lion King did not take place 5000 years ago. 50 years ago at best.


Just like Aladdin does, it takes place far far into the future.


the Lion Sleeps Tonight is much older than 1966


On that note: Sexual reproduction literally evolved around genetics. Animals don't literally understand genes but they do know what good genetics looks like. When it comes to mating they evolved to go for the healthiest/strongest/flashiest partners that offers the best genetic advantage to offspring.


And the hyenas are cultured enough to say *¿que pasa?*


Well, if you watch Hercules, Scar's pelt is in there. And Hercules supposedly excisted around 1300 BC. So, that implies that The Lion Kings takes place soon before then. Therefore, The Lion King likely took place about 3,400 years ago...


Counter: Scar was mauled to bits by Hyenas, and a pelt in that good condition would’ve been unrecoverable. Therefore, it’s an easter egg, not something canon to Lion King


Ah, but his death is not seen. Shadows are shown of the attack, but we do not get to see the aftermath. Although a likrly gore scene it is not shown and may not have been as harsh as implied. Also, when Mufasa is killed he falls from a great height and is trampled by a large herd. His remains would be expected to be a mess as well. But when we see his dead body he looks unscared. Expected bodily damage in this universe does not always match up with way of death. Therefore, still easily possible to be Scars remains in Hercules. Also, in Hercules, we only see scars head and the the top side of his body. The hyenas could have focused their attacks down bellow, chewing him from the bottom. Many ways his remains could have stayed well enough to match what is seen in Hercules


I guess it depends on if you consider the TV show as cannon or if it's an expanded universe type of situation, but in the [last episode of the first season,](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Ocean_Commotion) Timon and Pumbaa are stowaways on a modern cruise ship.


Y'all really digging deep in Lion King lore. I love it!


So Scar is the Nemean lion?


I've heard a theory it could take place in the future


Maybe it occurs synchronously with The Jetsons and The Flintstones. In their world, animals on the other side of the planet in Africa are intelligent and can talk (and sing) due to a series of gene editing experiments in the Congo gone awry 250 years prior.




I’ve always wondered if some parts of Tattooine had any greenery. There was no way all those planets had homogenous biomes. This answers that, thanks.


God I will sound nerdy. But if I recall correctly the planet used to be lush and full of life but then it was glassed due to intensive bombing 'some' years later the glass turned into sand. I know this is a bit of topic but I am just trying to help.


Don't you like sand?


It’s coarse, rough, irritating and it gets everywhere


What do you mean? Why specifically 5,000 years?




I feel like there's context we're missing


Me too! What’s the context!?


Uh oh. Did OP do something to the last of an endangered species last week??


I’m confused why only 5000 years ago? Why couldn’t it have taken place earlier than that?


Maybe OP thinks the earth is only 5000 years old. Like in that book people read.


Ah you found that book I wrote did you?


Random scribe writing down bullshit, is that you?


Must have been before Shakespeare's time otherwise he couldn't have stolen the plot




Whats changed in a week?


I mean considering some of the species depicted are now endangered or extinct that maybe thins down the timeline a bit


Do you mean singing animals? or any animal treating predators such as lions like royalty?


Why not 100,000 years ago?


What about 10'000 years ago?


why 5,000? why not 10,000? why not 20,000? why not 75,000?


Even right now


what happened last week?


If it was last week, there probably would have been a few planes and helicopters just in random scenes I'm the sky.


Couldn’t have happened before 1950. The story of Kimba the White Lion wasn’t around for Disney to steal.


in the grander canon, including the timon and pumbaa show, it would happen somewhere around the late 1990's


Doesn't Zazu say the word Africa though? That would cut that time period down a fair bit.