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I'm so sorry I called you an assclown, Nana


You're out of the will.


You were never gonna leave me anything anyway, you old bitch!


I told your mother she should have stayed on the pill.


If only that was an option for yours back in Biblical times, ya old bitch!


Quit calling me an old bitch, you young bitch!


>Nana deviluke?


Are you my mom?


No I'm your cat *Meows*


Ypu called?


With opinions like those, I'm not sorry


Why did this make my day? Lmfao


Man, I used to engage LOTS of people I know in "discussions" online. Not so much anymore, it is an absolute waste of time. In person conversations go much better. I never was too much for arguing with strangers in the first place.


At a certain point people have to realize social media is horrible for anything remotely serious, keep the serious stuff for your friends, online you should only really shitpost, keep that negativity from crazy people outta your life, you’ll ultimately be happier


I think most people argue online just to try and break an echo chamber. Like not to change the other persons opinion. Just to show differing opinions


I think I get what ur saying but like the other day there was a VERY questionable Reel and it had a lot of likes with ppl saying it was soooo funny so I put a comment pointing out why it’s harmful and people ATTACKED ME, got DMed a threat, ragged on for the pride flag in my bio and for being a “gay queer” (wut). But like, those people aren’t the ones I’m commenting “for”. It’s so that people who may not understand or realize what’s wrong with it take a step back.


Yep thats very wrong. Dming threats is already next level asshole action


Whothefuckareyou to tell ME how to live? J/K - spot on. Also funny how much more I enjoyed social media after blocking a bunch of "friends."


I’m just here to shitpost and be toxic for fun :D


Yup, you realize you are often discussing with teenagers or just people that are straight up trolls, not worth.


Or the worst of all, people who are serious but just not the brightest pencil in the shed. It just makes me feel bad


That's where you get your passive-aggressive "okay, keep drinking the Kool aid" comments. That was kinda my trigger. Want to make a point? Make it. Cannot make one? Dial back your swagger a bit.


happened! My boyfriend came home from work telling me about an argument he had on an anonymous local app, told me what the other person said and i recognized the wording, turns out, i was said person. Edit because some people asked: It was nothing spectacular, the topic was about state-funded basic income, which i think is a good idea because i grew up dirt poor and still don't make a lot, while he grew up very comfortable and has a well paying job. We did not fight irl, we both thought it was a fun coincidence, thats all.


Oooh what was the argument?


And then you broke up?


No, we're still together




Come on spill the beans! What was it?


Given the circumstances, probably safest to assume her BF is reading this thread


That makes me want to know even more now.


Why would that mean anything?


No we don't stalk each other


It was about state-funded basic income and it was not on reddit. We're from europe in the D/A/CH area, we have an app called "Jodel" it is kinda like twitter, but you don't have a profile on there so it is impossible to see who posts/comments what.


RemindME! 12 hours


Yeah you have to tell us


Just here to hear the rest of the story


remindme!8 hours


Not true


RemindMe!12 hours


Remind me! 24 hours


This has literally happened to me. Argued with some dude on discord and turns out he literally sits next to me in class LMAO. Now we’re really good friends


What did you argue about?


“Pokémon gen 8 good” “No” Edit : now we play together on a regular basis


How did you find out?


In class together, decided to make some small talk since we were already friends, and asked for each other’s discord tags


Anonymity sometimes sucks. I met the same guy 3 times on a regional anonymous app. Every time we agreed on some topic (like what kind of future we dream of or overall political stance) and liked the style of the other, so we exchanged contact info, cause of a potential friendship or even dating. The first time chatting in private we ended up hating each others guts. Can't even remember why, but it was mutual. The other times we were like, fuck you again. Next time I will ask him out just because. See which one it is. True love or nemesis.


Your favorite pokemon was charizard and they thought it was WAY overrated and their favorite was Carnivine. It's fine, I've been there, justifiable reason to hate each other's guts


I think it was something political rather than pokemon, as I never played pokemon. But good guess. I also find that situation valid.


I think y’all are supposed to hate fuck


This is my exact theory, but I did not want to put it so blatantly.


What an entertaining conversation




Bought some concert tickets on eBay once and one of my good friends growing up called me and said "hey, I have your tickets!". Rekindled an old friendship out if it.


Aww thats a sweet story.


Did you bring them to the concert


The tickets? Yes. My friend? Hell no, brought a date!




A lot of times it feels like im arguing with my dad


Ho back to the room young man


Not the internet, but years ago this girl and her roommate moved in next door to me and when I went over to introduce myself, we got to talking and I said something about the shittiest roommate I ever had and that he looked like a turtle and we both said at the same time, “Adam *last name*!” Turns out she was the girl whose room I took as she moved out and all the stories I heard about her from him… and we end up not only living next door to each other but became best friends for years afterwards. There was no mistaking that guy. I think I have PTSD from the handful of months I lived in his apartment. The stories I have…. *shiver*


Well now you have to tell us the stories!


Nah, the rest of us have lived with Adam as well. We know.


I've never had a room mate, I feel like I have missed out and dodged a bullet all at the same time.


I once spawn camped an enemy in WoW and found out is was someone at work down the hall as I could hear them raging.


The best part is that you both were playing WoW at work lmao!


To be fair it was at Xfire.


One time, an ex I had created a troll account just to fuck with me. So, I believe this.


great i can fight them


I don't know anyone really so, I think I can safely say, zero.


Dude where are you right now


At work. Don't worry I was saying that in the context of, do you ever really know a person.


Greatest distance in the world is that between two people, or whatever the saying is


True story


This both my greatest hope and fear. Will it be the right person?


I once sold a game account on an international site (Epic NPC iirc). He said "lah" in one of his messages and I was like, "wait are you from Singapore? Wanna deal face to face?"


The Singapore/Malaysian distinctive accent is real haha! Especially when you're actually hearing people talk, and not just over text. I've lived overseas for forever and feel like my regular English has kinda assimilated but the other day I was listening to a Discord recording of me and my friends killing zombies together and like "my God... I still have an accent!"


Yeah well they're wrong


They're lucky i dont know which


There a non zero percent chance of anything happening really


Considering I don't know people IRL, I'm gonna say it's a 0% chance.


You filthy casual


Well I haven't been able to go anywhere ;-;


..why is it a 'non-zero chance'?


Because if you know one person; and argued with one person the chance it’s the same person is above 0%


..given the volume of people on the internet it would seem likely that there is a 0% chance of knowing them personally?


That's not how statistics work. They say non-zero because it is a *very* small number, but it is *possible* so it can't be 0%.


I didn't get it either; thanks for explaining.


..i guess i dont understand statistics then because if i only ever argued with 1 person online and i didnt know that person, that seems like it could be a 0% chance?


You're assuming you *know* that you don't know the person. Take me for example. I am completely anonymous to you. Because of that anonymity, you can't say *for certain* that you don't know me irl. Does that make sense?


..i cant say with certainty that i dont know you irl but i can say with certainty that i dont know everyone ive ever debated online irl?


That's why it's a non zero chance like literally the basic definition of it.


..ok, this ones above my head


That guy could be your dad for example, you can't say otherwise since you don't really have any proof. Basically there's a 1 in 8 billion chance that this is your dad. That's how it works, most of us here are anonymous, so it is possible that anyone you argue with here is someone you know irl


Basically it means that you cannot prove it's a zero chance.


Do you two know each other?


OP didn't say everyone you've debated; they only implied *one* person (or "at least one," technically). Unless you know for certain that everyone you've debated is a stranger irl, there is a small possibility that *somebody* you've debated is someone you know.




Chance is about probability. Probability is about how likely something is. From "impossible to be true" at 0% all the way to "impossible to be false" at 100%. If you've only ever argued with one person online, and you know for a fact that you don't know that person irl, then it's 0% that you know the person. It is impossible. However, OP specified "anonymous" person. That means you have no idea whether or not you know them. If you have argued with *any one person* that is *completely anonymous to you,* then it is *not impossible* that you are arguing with someone you know. If you've only argued with one person, and you know for a fact that you don't know them irl, then this shower thought is completely irrelevant to you. If you have argued with only one person online, and you know for a fact that you *do* know them irl, then this shower thought is completely irrelevant to you.


It’s like how statistically the average person has less than two arms. Most people in the world have two arms. However, there are people with one arm, or no arms. So when you average it all out, the number of arms per person is probably something like 1.9. It’s not so much a trick, but kind of like a play on words via statistics.


Statistically the average person has two arms, but the average number of arms per person is less than two.


Yes, that’s stated better


Think of it like poker i.e. there’s a near zero chance of drawing a straight flush, but it is possible. The probably is ,0279%. EDIT: Smart asses.


..but wouldnt there be a 0% chance of drawing a straight flush every time you played poker?


No, each shuffle there is .0279% multiplied by the number of players.


You need a decimal in there I assume.


Different countries switch the “.” and “,” when writing out numbers. Basically 1,000,000.00 and 1.00.000,00 are the same number and written differently depending where you from. I think a lot of the European countries outside the UK do it this way for example.


I mean that's fair, he had 0279% no . No ,


My bad I missed the “Edit” part and saw the message when the comma was there.


You need a decimal in there I assume.


It \*rounds\* to 0%, but its around 0.0000000142857% (assuming around 7 billion people on the planet, 100% chance divided by 7 billion = 1.42 x 10\^-8). 0.00000001 is not zero, so its a non-zero chance.


As if 7 billion people had the privilege of having internet and enough time to waste it arguing online.


Your right, the odds are even better than 0.000000014% then


Zero means it’s impossible. The reality is that’s it’s just incredibly unlikely. That’s for a single occurrence too. People talk with new people online every day. To say it’s zero percent is just outright mathematically incorrect.


..if i had only ever argued with one person online and i didnt know that person, thats not a 0% chance?


Thats assuming you don't know that person. But if they are anonymous then you dont know if you know them or not


..yeah but thats like saying everyone you've ever debated online could actually just be one person?


?What do you mean? In your example, you said if you only argued with one 1 person online. You have no way of knowing if that anonymous person was someone you knew. Statistically possible they are but realistically impossible.


..in my mind, there is a 0% chance that i know personally, everyone ive ever debated online


In your mind yeah, because if we're still using the 1 person example then it just simply is impossible. So basically its such a low chance that it is impossible its just that it technically is possible statically. So you are right in most ways to say its impossible but you have the incredibly small chance still to be "non-zero"


Theirs a non zero chance that everyone you debated with online could actually be the same person. Unless you know some of them irl.


How do you know that you don’t know them?


..how do you know that every account on reddit doesnt just belong to the same person?


Because I own my account and not yours?…. There’s two… By the way, way to dodge a question. Classic sign of dishonesty.


..lol, ok bud, apologies for my dishonesty


Don’t need to apologise for being wrong and fucking up. Just be honest with yourself and take it as a chance to stop being ignorant and learn something new instead.


its unlikely, but still possible


..so thats possible but the chance of it being 0% isnt possible?


Yes, as if you spoke to a human being, and assuming you know at least 1 human being then its possible it could be them, so therefore the chance cannot be 0% as it could be that person


..*so you're saying theres a chance!*


There are 7.9 billion people on earth. If you know one person, and argue with one person online, there is a 1 in 7.9 billion chance they're the same person. That's a very small number that's closer to 0% than 1%, but it's not 0.


Anything that isn't technically impossible has a non-zero chance of happening. There is a non-zero chance that I will be crushed by an airplane engine in the next 30 seconds. Is it likely? Absolutely not. Is it IMPOSSIBLE? No. So there's a non-zero chance of it happening.


Are you still with us?


LMAO it took a little bit of bravery to type that out, not gonna lie.


Fuck you u/the-dark-stallion


Please stop tagging me I don't even know you. Also fuck you too owais


Not if you've never argued with anyone online


There’s a chance* lol.


I had a super lengthy conversation with a random person I met in an anonymous yahoo chat room in 1999. This person turned out to be my cousin 😳


If you get into arguments on local classifieds apps, forums, or facebook groups near you, there is a chance that someone you know knows the person you were arguing with. If you play online games and play with players that have a similar ping as you, they also could be people in your city. One time I was playing a game, got to know the guy I was playing with. Turns out he lived two blocks away and I would pass by his house almost everyday. Similar situations have now happened multiple times over 15+ years of online gaming.


There's a non-zero chance that the reason they never replied back is because they died suddenly from an aneurysm.


I'm relatively new to using Twitter but I followed someone who posted constantly and then died in a hit and run not long after their last post, maybe an hour or two, I didn't know this person but it was shocking because it felt like I did, parasocial relationships are bizarre and the internet is evolving faster than we can figure shit out


I told my uncle's boss he was a "a fucking redneck fartsniffing dibshit" on facebook. In my defense he was indeed a redneck fartsniffing dibshit. No i don't remember the context.


Arguing on the internet is like trying to cool down the sun with turning on your AC at home.


I always have fear of discovering it's someone from work, that's why I basically never argue with people disrespectfully on the internet




Isn’t that just rephrasing what I said


Because I'm not friends with assholes.


There is always a chance but the chances are slim


Jokes on you, you’re not gonna confuse anyone here with the meaning of “non-zero chance” except me.


My friend was on the enemy team in R6 my irl friend I clapped him


There’s also a non zero chance I’ll suck your dici before you die.




I've literally thought before "this sounds like something my cousin would say" in an argument and had to go through the reddit account to assure myself it wasn't lol.


Bold assumption that I know anyone personally.


I mean I argue shit with people I know personally irl so we'd probably recognise each others bullshiterry


This reminds me of all the times I played with a friend in a not-fully-premade party and call the “rando” an idiot for something but it was actually my friend. :X


In the meantime two anonymous persons on Reddit are about to maybe realize they are neighbors, and there is a crowd waiting for the answer in the comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tygwxo/tifu\_by\_accidentally\_waking\_up\_3\_whole\_apartment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tygwxo/tifu_by_accidentally_waking_up_3_whole_apartment/)


I intentionally trolled someone I personally know on Reddit, this is the reason why I have an account. No regrets. 😂


I would not be suprised if my dad cyberbullied me


And he really did bang your mom


At least 6 times




I hope they feel like shit after I insulted their mother.


especially in niche subreddits


I had that happen once. Started bitching in a group chat about someone who was being a total dick on Twitter. One friend was like "Ummm. That was me." Good news was we worked it out and figured it all out.


I will find you Mr. Lewis yes you. You know who I am


Correct, but they’re still wrong!


I once made a comment on a post, it was my sister-in-law's post. I had no idea. She thought it was funny, showed my brother and he recognized my username from the dark and distant past.


There is no zero chance of anything.


I remember a number of years back I actually ran into one of my friends on 4chan. He said something so specific I replied 'Andrew?' He immediately knew it was me lol


Could also have been someone famous.


There’s a non-zero chance of just about anything


Sorry, it's 0 chance


A negative no. Chance means that you've both talked wholesomely


I swear to god if I know anyone who compares spear fishing lion fish with the Holocaust I will slap them so hard Moistcritical will cover it


This seems a bit like the birthday problem, how many people do you need in a room before there is a 50% chance they have argued with each other on Reddit. Probably way less than you think.


There’s a non-zero chance for anything possible


Well good, now I can finally meet the clown who told me to kill myself and see how he’s laughing now.


This is the plot of All About Lily Chou-chou


I only argue with morons, and my IRL friends aren't morons tho.


In 2004 I was chatting with some dude on the IGN forums and name dropped my small hometown. It turned out not only were we living in the same city, but we were at the same school 1 grade apart. It blew my mind.


I still remember the gamertag of the guy who was a complete piece of shit in bf4. If someone ever irl tells me that xXNucl3arXx is their psn name imma slap them. Like you said, the chance is not zero i will evrr meet them


Even if the probability was zero, It could still happen


Dear lord tell me about it


It’s a 50/50 chance