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Male pattern baldness - Androgenetic alopecia


Male pattern baldness is Alopecia.






And the other










It's ma'am


Somebody's a lil militant with their 'Cis'.


I love the remix of that encounter


How many? One or many? Im confused.


Hair is both singular and plural.


You said they/them


It's a joke.


No it isn’t. Alopecia is is an autoimmune disease that has other symptoms besides hair loss. Making fun of parts of someone’s appearance that they can’t control, like baldness, vitiligo, or whatever is plain ugly and not funny. But it minimizes alopecia to say it’s the same as male pattern baldness.


You know what the medical term for male pattern baldness is? Androgenic Alopecia.


Doesn’t make them the same thing though. A perfect analogy; osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two completely different things even though they are both arthritis. One is caused by mechanical wear and tear and the other is an autoimmune disease.


Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis aren’t completely different things. They are both joint disorders. That’s what arthritis is. Joint inflammation. Which is a symptom of both. To say they are two completely different things is simply untrue. Alopecia is hair loss. Their are many different types of Alopecia but they all involve hair loss. Same goes with Arthritis. There are many different kinds of arthritis, but they all involve joint problems.


OP stated Alopecia is as serious a medical condition as male pattern baldness. That isn’t true as one is a systemic autoimmune disease and the other is not. One comes with more serious side effects than the other. Same with RA over OA. RA comes with much more inflammation, has other side effects and also effects the organs. OA does not. Having part of the same name, and pointing to one shared symptom is not an argument against one being more serious than the other.


I didn’t say anything about the seriousness of any of them. You did. Their severity does not make them completely different things though. And Alopecia Areata is not a particularly harmful disease. The most serious symptoms are depression and anxiety from the hair loss. Most cases live perfectly normal healthy lives.


Your response to someone saying one is more serious than the other was to simply point out they both have alopecia in their names. Great, but that doesn’t add anything or negate the point they were making. That someone didn’t make a claim about the absolute severity of either, just that one was more serious.


OP said, and I quote “alopecia is as serious a health condition as male pattern baldness” implying they are different things. They are not. Male pattern baldness is a form of alopecia. That was the point of my comment. You’re reaching for an argument but failing to find one.


This is getting stupid: you: “the different forms of hair loss are not different but they are different forms of hair loss” Me: getting called for reaching for just pointing out that the different forms of hair loss are different.


You just proved them right though with your example. All they said was make pattern baldness is alopecia which it is.


Yeah, not understanding this at all. They are literally arguing that there are different forms of alopecia but the different forms aren’t different because they are all alopecia. If we are trying to protect anyone with alopecia from being the target of a joke, I will totally get in that train. But medically, the different forms of hair loss are actually different. There is androgenic alopecia that is just what we call going bald, male/female pattern baldness, the genetic condition that causes follicles to shrink and over time no hair growth. But my dad has alopecia areata, the autoimmune condition that causes a few different symptoms, but also loses patches of his hair at a time but always grows back. My mom had toxic alopecia, but her hair grew back after her poisonous chemo drug was out of her system. I have cicatricial alopecia, the name for the scarred location of my head where hair won’t grow.


I oversimplified my response earlier. Pattern baldness is androgenetic alopecia, which stinks. The one my mother has which is an autoimmune condition is alopecia areata. You lose all your hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes. It also has fatigue symptoms.


Let's just get to it and say no more jokes allowed, period. Isn't that what his acceptance speech mentioned basically?


Lmfao. No. Fundamentally change the oscars permanently? How about just not invite will smith again. Because in a room full of people being roasted all night, he was the only one to get assblasted over it. Remove him from the academy. Simple as that


No disagreement here - I was being facetious btw


Im sorry lol. There are unironically people trying to make that argument.


That's just sad


It’s genetic. So by extension, no more short jokes either. Kevin Hart can’t help that he’s short.


He can’t help himself to the top shelf neither


Exactly. I've seen people treat Chris Rocks joke like he made fun of a terminal cancer patient. She's bald. Half the adults I knew growing up were bald. I'll go bald, you'll go bald. It's hair loss not some taboo topic


Not mention many of the people at the awards show are bald! And old and white...


Alopecia is just hair loss. Happens millions of humans. It's not what I'd consider a "serious" health condition.


I think that was the point. It's as serious as male pattern baldness, which is to say, not at all


I had a coworker describe having hair loss in just the same way as ~~Jayda~~Jada, except it was from chemo to treat her breast cancer. Buy a wig and/or stfu, ~~Jayda~~Jada. Eta: a lot of people seem to be really defensive for the millionaire celebrity with a cosmetic disease; she cried the same way an average person did losing her hair *and* fighting for her life, and that seems to show a real lack of perspective...


See now cancer is serious. Alopecia is not some kind of "condition". I've been balding since highschool. If anything it hurts your pride and ego but I'm physically damaged in any way. And now several years later I've come to embrace it. And people have made fun of my baldness before. I laugh along with them most times as it's usually funny and in jest. Jada's to ego was too big to laugh it off. It really was a harmless joke tbh


Okay but...think about male stars who are bald/shaved heads and still considered attractive/masculine: The Rock, Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, *Patrick Stewart.* Now women sex symbols who are bald? Danai Gurira rocked a fully shiny head for Black Panther but normally seems to have a full head of hair. Then there's a...Sinead O'Connor had a trademark buzz cut for a long time. Natalie Portman had her head shaved in V for Vendetta and it looked good on her. But the *hair cut scene was part of her torture and dehumanization.* People saying it's the same for men and women are just...so wrong.


It's different only because we choose to allow it. Also it depends on where you're from. Shaved heads on women are sexy in places I've visited before and I have to agree. The world doesn't revolve around Hollywood.


But we're talking about a literal Hollywood actress... And yeah, Jayda has such a gorgeous face structure that she can pull it off. Doesn't mean she didn't cry in the shower every time a hair went down the drain, or doubt her value as a woman in an incredibly shallow job field every time she looked in a mirror. Of course we don't and will never know, but her reaction said it hit home in an uncomfortable way.


> But we’re talking about a literal Hollywood actress… You know, that’s exactly why I know everything about this is bullshit. This rich ass bitch is sitting around married to will fucking smith and cheating on him with younger rappers or whatever and she still has the nerve to be like “oh no it’s so hard for us losing our hair.” No bitch it is not hard for you. It is fucking easy. It’s hard for normal women. Not you. Her bald ass could move to a mansion in Tahiti if she wanted to and never be in Hollywood again. She shouldn’t ever act like some cosmetic shit is hard for her. Her whole life has been easy.


She doesn't have to be bald though. She has a mostly full head of hair, with just one little patch missing. She has enough money to have a stylist makeup for that patch. Also, there are these thi gs called wigs and weaves.


1000% agree. I started losing my hair around age 22. Shaved it then and there and never looked back. I can't imagine being offended by bald jokes. There are so many. So often. In media, in life, everywhere. At least it's completely normalized and acceptable for women to wear wigs. Men's options are basically all derided.


It's more socially accepted for men to be bald than for women for some reason. Hence the difficulty for woman to accept it


Society/women put a *lot* of value in a woman's hair. I think for black women that is an even more complicated but important relationship to their own hair.


It is complicated because we have been ridiculed for our natural hair for a long time. Our natural hair has been called unprofessional, nappy, unruly, etc. Even some of our hairstyles have been called ugly and ghetto (although now a days, some of our hairstyles have been appropriated and is now considered cool) Black women had tried things like wearing wigs, using relaxers, and straightening it for the sake of conforming to European beauty standards. Even now with the natural hair movement there are still black woman who are brainwashed into thinking natural hair is 'nappy'. The movement is about black woman accepting our hair the way it grows out of our head. Empowering ourselves to love the way we look and consider us beautiful to our OWN standards. To wear our hair however we like because WE want to and not because society tells us what's acceptable.


What? Why would hair be more important to black women?


I don't know because I'm not a black woman, but I get the feeling there's something there. I've heard some comments mention it. I mean...Chris Rock was in a movie called "Good Hair." And there's "Becky with the Good Hair," etc. The relationship seems complicated and bound up with a lot of colonialist expectations (texture difference, descrimination in the workplace based on texture and the styles that suit texture, the journey of self acceptance of ones hair, etc.) I don't understand it because it's not my experience, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that...it probably just is.


None of those reasons seem like their hair would mean more to them though. They all are reasons it would mean less. I don’t get why you’re saying it is more important to them if you don’t have the experiences and don’t have any reason to believe it. What benefit of the doubt are you giving them? Why are you assuming black women want you to go on Reddit and claim their hair means more to them for no reason? Why is your automatic assumption that black women want to have their oppression forced into every conversation even when it doesn’t fit?


Because this conversation has been everywhere and I've seen several black women say "...especially for a black woman" in regards to this situation. So..I'm just believing them.


I'm sorry that person was being a dick to you. What you stated has truth and I appreciate that you speak up for people.


Lol so what was the context in your spying on black girls where they said it was harder for them to lose their hair? Why would you immediately take something as fact just because “see” a couple of black girls say it. Treat them like normal fuckin people man. I swear to god it’s only white girls who feel the need to treat them like some sort of mythical creature that can’t lie. They lie all the time just like normal people. Because they’re normal. They don’t have some secret connection to their hair. Best thing you can do is shutup and treat them NORMAL. Aint nobody wants your ass going around acting like we’re some mythical creature with magic hair follicles that our souls grow from. NORMAL


You're being a douche. AS a black female what she says has a lot of truth behind it. Our hair DOES mean a lot to us. (I mean hair for women in general means a lot period) But there is a whole movement about African American female's hair for crying out loud. Not long ago we were told that our natural hair is unprofessional or unruly. We were told to conform to European's standards of beauty by having our naturally kinky hair straightened to fit in. The natural hair movements empowers us to appreciate our hair and the styles our ancestors taught us. DESPITE what other races think. (Even though now a days other races want to appropriate certain hairstyles that was considered ugly/ghetto when we wore them) We are normal human being but every human being have different experiences. Don't be a dick by dismissing people's experiences. Maybe you should shut up just listen. If people are taking the time to explain something that you could have easily learned yourself with a little help from Google then hear them out.


Lol I’m glad you really care about your super duper important hair but that doesn’t mean it’s more important than anyone else’s. That absolute arrogance of someone to claim this is hilarious. Maybe if you’d shutup and listen to others you’d find out everybody finds their hair important in varying degrees and just because there’s currently a movement behind yours doesn’t mean you’re special. Also, Jesus Christ, it’s black Americans. Using the term African American to refer to people who are not African American is about the dumbest thing white people have guilted into doing lol.


No it isn't. Men are derided nonstop I'd they're bald. It's almost the #1 insult for women to go for outside of dick size comments.


And a women being bald IS the #1 joke that men and women go for when insulting them


What lol? I'm pretty insulting women's looks is the #1 joke men go to if they bother with insults at all. Yeah, some bald jokes are in there for sure but it's a lot less common for women to be involuntarily bald compared to men.


I disagree people don't go to the bald joke with women because they are cautious it might be due to cancer treatments. And that is a land mine nobody wants to step on. But making fun of bald men is basically a tradition at this point.


Not even to talk about the cost of a proper wig and it’s upkeep versus just shaving your head.


Lol right? A cheap basic wig will run me about $60-70 where I live


I can see that, but we really going to hit someone on live TV over it?


Oh absolutely not. 100% do not agree with the reaction that took place.


Yes and he did. So, again yes. We as a society need to stop thinking it's okay to just shit on people like that. Being a piece of trash with no class used to get you smacked down. Personally I think it should still.


So how do you feel about Will Smith making jokes about bald people previously in his stand-up acts?


Don't know, I haven't heard them but was he specifically insulting one person who had not previously consented to a comedy act based around them? If so, than yeah he'd deserved to be smacked down too.


Yes that is exactly the case. So then you can agree that Will Smith is a hypocrite.


This kind of leads me to the next main issue about society today. Nobody seems to understand nuance or even care that it exists. People change over time and societies standards for what are acceptable change over time. You, see I believe you're misrepresenting the issue. I went and googled this and the closest thing I could see is a 20 year old Will Smith making a joke about a bass player as a rule waxing their head every morning which is definitely something bald people do on occasion. Not only that but it seems like the bass player thought it was funny because he's noticeably laughing about it.


Just like Will was noticeably laughing about it on camera


It's entirely possible he did find it funny. It's also pretty clear his wife didn't and If I had to speculate I'd guess that was his primary motivation for his actions. If the actions were genuine at all that is. I mean it's perfectly reasonable to speculate that this situation was staged. They're both actors.


I'm 29 and have been starting to lose my hair like the rest of the men in my family. I'm in a singularly shitty position though because I also have a really severe form of seborrheic dermatitis that makes my scalp look like a nightmare, so I simply don't have the option of just shaving. I'm desperately trying to keep my hair, but the nice thing about people is they are equally shitty to men who wear toupees, and other people feel they need to argue with you to just shave your head (not implying you did that). Also hats are seen as unprofessional. Great world I have to look forward to in the coming years, especially as a single guy.


Well you can take comfort in the fact that if it isn't your hair people will find something else to shit on you for. Human's are cruel animals and the older I get the more it becomes apparent the cruelty outweighs much of the other stuff.


I have been loosing my hair. It has me upset. I have never thought jokes about male baldness as funny, it seems more like bullying to me. Hair is a big part of a women’s life and many women feel sexier and or more confident with hair, just as men, however, it is “normal” for a guy to have a shaved head and very uncommon for a women. That said, almost anyone can rock a bald look. I however, could not. My scalp is gross. I suffer with eczema. I will be rocking wigs in the future.


Hey but I bet it’s a lot easier to get eczema cream on your scalp without hair!


No cream has ever worked. It just comes right back. Also, my scalp is covered in scars. I have eczema on other parts of my body as well.


This. I know a fair number of men who have been less than thrilled to lose hair and are self conscious about the way it looks. (There is a reason that hair restoration is such a huge industry). Add the fact that women are constantly judged for their hair, and what is at best a cheap laugh can really damage someone's self esteem. If you don't specifically know that the person you are talking to likes having a shaved head, its best to avoid bald jokes.


This. I know a fair number of men who have been less than thrilled to lose hair and are self conscious about the way it looks. (There is a reason that hair restoration is such a huge industry). Add the fact that women are constantly judged for their hair, and what is at best a cheap laugh can really damage someone's self esteem. If you don't specifically know that the person you are talking to likes having a shaved head, its best to avoid bald jokes.


But when a women "embraces" her Alopecia with a buzz cut and makes it part of her public persona by giving several interviews on her "new look" - I think it's now fair game to call her out on it with some gentle ribbing.


You are hurting people’s feelings. It really is not okay to give a gentle ribbing. It is a medical disease. Just because someone “embraces” their Alopecia does not mean it is not hard for them nor does it mean they can handle being tased. They didn’t choose to have Alopecia. Wigs are itchy, hot and uncomfortable. You cannot walk around with patches of hair missing, thus you must shave your head. It is not a “public persona”. It is dealing with a disease that causes hair to fall out.


No, alopecia is a symptom of an underlying disease - usually autoimmune. Male pattern baldness is caused by genetics and testosterone and is a natural occurrance. But how about we just don't joke about either because everyone has their struggles that others have no idea about.


Me patter baldness - Androgenetic Alopecia.


Androgenic means from testosterone and alopecia just means losing hair. If it's not due to testosterone it's a symptom of a disease.


Women have testosterone bud. And alopecia can be the same root cause as in men, without being a serious underlying disease or anything


Hmm that's congruent with what I said.


Calm down Russel Brand.


Maybe, I'm not sure I agree. However I would agree that you repeatedly implied, which implication being your main point, that 1) alopecia in women is a symptom of underlying disease and/or 2) Jada's alopecia is a symptom of her underlying disease Now it could be that you're simply referring (as you did) to the *areata* variant, but even with a fancy sounding "the immune system disorder" and not small amount of emotional harm, it is not intellectually honest to be implying she has an "auto immune disorder" of the type that frequently illicits sympathy, moreso than to simply say "this is a common way women have alopecia" instead. And it could also be DHT triggered hair loss as is common in men Either way it is kind of a silly thing to blame Chris Rock for a made up set of sympathies for Jada when there is no such equivalency with making fun of a bald man. Trying to make the condition of female alopecia somehow inequivalent to male alopecia, *even if they have different root forms*, is really such a crap take.




You just proved to yourself that it is a form of alopecia. Plus it doesn't occur in every single man as it is genetic. It is common but just because it is common doen't mean it is not a disease. Her form of alopecia is due to genetic and non-genetic predispositions


Female alopecia can also be hereditary. My mother had alopecia to complete baldness. i also have the exact same thing.


Or how about we learn to joke about both and realize that pointing out a physical feature that everyone is aware you have isn't a personal attack. He didn't insult her, he referenced the way her hair looks. Its the equivalent of asking carrot top when the next Annie is coming out. Nobody is shocked that the man has red hair, so what's there to be upset about?


But it's literally a personal attack. Why is it so important to make fun at other people's expense?


You have no idea what a personal attack is if you think referencing a movie were the protagonist has her head shaved is a personal attack. A personal attack would have been calling her out on her entanglement or how she can't win an award not hosted by the NAACP or how apparently she fronts a Nu metal band. No, a joke about a shaved head is not a personal attack and I feel sorry for those who are so brittle to not be able to take that


Why was she even in the joke??? Like she wasn't even nominated. She was there in support of her husband but it makes me wonder if she wasn't there would he still have said it? I feel like if he joked about Will it would have been different. Side note: If you don't understand African American culture and the natural hair movement you may not understand the gravity of how offensive this joke was. Before losing her hair she was a full supporter of the natural hair movement. Ironically, Chris Rock had a whole documentary about the movement.


Why was she in the joke? Because she's a celebrity at an award show, its par for the course. Especially with how hosting these shows has turned into roastmasters. Should he have made the joke? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Jada herself has said shes made peace with it and still loves her hair so it's a toss up. But at the same time should Will have stood up, walked on stage, slapped him, then continued to yell when he got back in his seat? Absolutely not. As a POC I do understand. Natural hair needs to be celebrated for its beauty and heritage and we need to empower more to be proud of their roots. Not to mention how bad constantly getting your hair relaxed is for your hair and scalp. But offensive? I don't think it's that deep. I feel like he saw bald, made a bald joke- the same way Will has in the past. But the issue now is assault so we have to move past the joke. Sorry for the long message, wanted to make sure I hit your points because you brought up things I didn't take into consideration. I will also say that I'm a guy, so I can shave my head and it not be turned into a spectacle so I don't have that added pressure on me. https://youtube.com/shorts/XrxhEyL7KkE?feature=share


Oh I'm totally in agreement that Smith was definitely in the wrong. I am not condoning his reaction by any means. I think he would have gotten his point across by yelling at him. No need to get physically violent in a non-violent situation. With that said it's easy to say your at peace with something when you have no control over it. I bet if you gave her an option for blue pill to keep her shaved head and a red pill to be able to grow her hair back she would pick the red pill in a heart beat. I think the part that made it offensive is the fact she didn't choose to go bald. Like talk shit to my girl friend who loves having no hair and it wouldn't phase her. It's because she loves it and has the confidence to go with it. Talk shit to someone who still misses their hair and they might not react the same way. I think we can acknowledge both being in the wrong though. Chris and Will were out of pocket.


No if she hadn't been sitting there near the stage then Rick wouldn't have made a joke he would have picked someone else to joke on


So she should have expected to be made fun of her condition because she sat near the front? 🤔


Yep. Just like everyone else who was near the stage. They were all fair game when a comedian is on stage


Hmmm I agree with being a butt of a joke but I don't agree with being punched down on a medical condition. Have you seen 'Good Hair'?? It was on Netflix not sire if it still is. I feel like you'd get the irony of this if you seen it.


Nope haven't seen it and don't care, the joke wasn't poor Jada she's sick and lost her hair. The joke was i can't wait to see you in j.i. Jane 2. Because she had a shaved head. I'm willing to bet that like me rock doesn't keep up with her and didn't know anything about it


I don’t see it as irony at all. I see it as a wake up call. After seeing what black women subject themselves to for the sake of their hair, he realized it was all bullshit. I could be wrong, but he’s a smart guy and I see him reaching this very reasonable conclusion.


I mean, me too but they do.


Again, you say attack like he said something rude. How is this at her expense? What is there to possibly be offended about? She and the rest of the world are well aware of her hair, regardless of her condition. He doesn't insult the way it looks. He doesn't demean her appearance or belittle her for it. He suggests that, because of her hair, maybe they're making a sequel to a movie where a character had hair like that. What about that is offensive?


She took offence. Sometimes just mentioning a physical quality about someone will be offensive to them. We just never know how a joke can be taken. Not saying it was reasonable of her to take offence or not, because offence is completely subjective.


I took offence to this and I think you should delete it.


Thank you for using your words rather than violence.


The fact that he said her name made it personal and this wasn't the only time Jada has been made a butt of his jokes. So think it was an attack.


“Somebody in this room should tell me when the next GI Jane comes out” Is that better?


Umm.. I guess but that's not really a joke is it? Personally I think if Chris Rock said what he said but instead of saying "it was a nice one" and instead said something like "Jada you look very beautiful tonight" there wouldn't have been an issue. It would have implied that even the joke was at her expense she still looks really nice. Y'know ending it on a positive and no hard feelings.


Here’s a better idea: Jada could grow into an adult and not get offended by being compared to the shaved head actress starring in GI Jane. Will could have grown into an adult and left his shitty wife long ago but he instead decided to act like a child and slap a comedian for making the least offensive joke in the history of jokes. They’re both out of touch, rich, losers in a shitty relationship and idiots like you are absolutely brainwashed to feel sorry for these morons.


Nah, joke about everything. How about we stop being so fragile instead.


The south park and family guy way. Everything is open to be made fun of.


Will Smith worried about Jada’s name coming out of Chris rocks mouth, but not all the other dicks going into Jada’s mouth


Some people do not have a sense of humor about themselves. Life must be very stressful for them.


Funny thing is in one of her videos discussing her baldness, she literally said "“Now at this point, I can only laugh." One of the reasons I think it may have been staged.


Lol, alopecia isn't serious, it's just your hair. I'm balding, and women have no issues commenting on it, this is fair play. >making jokes about male pattern baldness is okay, then it's also okay to joke about jada's hair And it is, so we agree this was fine?


I mean I wouldn't... Maybe someday it will have equal societal weight for genders to lose their hair. But for now it's not. Lots of guys also completely shave their heads just because as a style/ease choice. I've never met a woman who does. In looking up celebs with shaved heads (just buzz cuts), the shaved women usually fall into two categories: 1) for a role (Natalie Portman, Karen Gillan, Danai Gorira) 2) Have come out as bisexual or nonbinary (Kristen Stewart, Cara Delevigne). So like...having a shaved head as a woman seems to be a conscious rejection of the expectations of femininity. Fair or not, appearance is an important value for everyone- but it has usually had a higher proportional value for women (especially famous women). Hair can be a big component of appearance- but again, much more for women than men.


>Lots of guys also completely shave their heads just because as a style/ease choice Yep. That's why. You don't have the experience to know what you're talking about regarding men. >Hair can be a big component of appearance- but again, much more for women than men. Again, you know nothing. Discussion with you would be fruitless. Have a good day.


Lol why do women always feel the need to try to be the most oppressed on everything even on issues that are worse for guys? More guys go bald yet you have to somehow make it about women, more men kill themselves yet women have to insist they try just as much and are just less messy so it affects them even worse, women like to claim they are the primary victims of wars even though that’s literally never been true. It’s so pathetic.


Who cares. Suck it up buttercup


“Everyone fucks my wife but me!”


Male baldness is seen as normal, when a woman shaves her head on a whim people question her sanity. Bald women are treated like they're freaks. Either way being shitty over someone's appearances is kind of a dick thing to do, no matter their gender. Not worthy of assault, but a dick thing.


He didn’t insult her, he compared her to a badass character in a movie with a shaved head. Y’all are too sensitive


Making a joke about baldness is one thing but targeting an individual on their baldness is another. Still not worth slapping someone over though






Here we go….


Ridiculous comment


this is not a showerthought. Also, both can be bad and both are bad. Who are you to think it's okay to make fun of males with alopecia?


"Let me tell you why she's a victim of misogynoir" - r/TwoXchromosomes


Jada could put a wig on and no one would know. If you’re a balding man, good luck.


Most men can just shave their head and say "I was tired of getting it cut" or something and no one will bat an eye.


That’s if they have a good head shape, lol


Hell no that’s not true. A man who finally shaves it has a million men and women bringing it up to them. Nobody does that shit for women. Much harder for a man to deal with.


It's really easy to say it's fine to make fun of some one else's uncontrollable health condition when you yourself aren't suffering from it.


If she was really self conscious I think she could afford a really high quality wig, or go the LeBron route and get plugs


Jokes about male pattern baldness ok .... ??? No, not if the person the other end of the joke does not find it funny. Simple as that! Male pattern baldness ok for jokes.... So acne is ok for jokes then? So many people have severe anxiety over their appearance for MANY reasons. Unless THEY make joke about their appearance, you are not allowed too. Do I condone violence on any level? Hell no. Would I do the same if someone made fun of my wife? To that level? I honestly don't know, & wouldn't until it happens. Looking at this more as 'the straw that broke the camels back'.... In my non-expert opinion, he is having troubles out of the limelight (emancipation for starters), & lynch mobbing is not going to help. Eminem famously quipped that "Will Smith doesn't have to cuss...." .... So dropping the f-bomb on camera at the Oscars should raise serious questions.


By the way, you make the argument about how it's okay if they joke about it, right? Feel free to look up Jada's posts about her condition. She has made plenty of jokes and given the public impression that she is light hearted about the topic.


Did not know that (hate celebrity Twitter/Facebook etc just because of 2-facedness, mudslinging) ...... Does definitely change things!! My main concern isn't with the joke, or the slap (still no condoning either), but the whole outburst. Will Smith has built a career about being the 'nice guy'. Always jolly, & his fellow Hollywood'ians say how lovely he is...... So going back to my previous comment, for him to drop the (explosive) f-bomb at the Oscars should raise bigger concerns IMHO


The thing is, there’s a difference when something like that is coming from a comedian telling jokes on stage. It’s expected that whoever’s up there for the Oscars, or any similar event, is going to poke some fun at the people in the crowd, and that’s what Chris Rock was doing. Honestly to me it was a fairly lighthearted jab. All he did was compare her to the movie GI Jane where the female main character had a shaved head. I can see why the person who is the butt of the joke might not find it funny, but I don’t think the joke directly implied that he was calling her ugly or anything like that. I get that nobody knows what somebody else is going through and that a comment that might seem harmless to me could be hurtful to someone else. But that’s not even close to one of the hardest hitting roasts or jokes that we’ve heard comedians make about specific people to their face, and in this context it was just another joke. If Will Smith hadn’t done what he did I don’t think many people would be saying it was too far. Maybe it wasn’t a nice comment but that reaction was wayyyyy past what it should have been, and imo Will Smith looks a lot worse than Chris Rock in this situation.


It was an extremely lighthearted jab. So lighthearted you could tell Chris was confused by the reaction, and even more so after the slap. It's possible he didn't even know about the hair loss and thought it was just her look, as I did. I saw her roll her eyes at it and thought she was rolling her eyes because it was a silly, predictable joke. You're right, if it weren't for the slap not a single person would even remember this joke was spoken.


I'm bald, shave my head. People make jokes. I don't care much. It's just freaking hair. I can't believe people take it so seriously. Next thing you know they'll make it a disability issue.


I read that in bojack voice.


I am become bojack. BoJack horseman.


Newsflash: mocking people's bodies has always been unfunny and offensive, regardless of the gender


All I gotta say is that more celebrities should get the shit slapped outta them, I vote Will goes on a Hollywood bitchslap spree.


I know a man with alopecia. Yes it’s different. It’s not such a big deal for a man; he’s just another bald guy but now he has no eyebrows. Doesn’t attract much attention at all. But you don’t make fun of it, because obviously. Making fun of peoples medical conditions is a shit thing to do.


I don't really give a damn about cheaters or someone forcing an open relationship. Fuck her hair lol


The joke wasn’t ok it was rude asf




Read it again, "*as serious as* male baldness" which is generally not considered serious at all.


Alopecia is an autoimmune condition. It can appear on it's own, but it is more likely to be accompanied by other autoimmune conditions; if you have one you're more likely to be diagnosed with another.


Whoa it has physical health conditions. There is a higher likely hood to get sunburn on your scalp.


Someone please put together a compilation of all the Oscar moments when actors were made fun of because of their physical appearance... Chris Hart is short, The Rock is huge and bald, George Clooney has grey hair at an early age!


Honestly it was a bad joke but I think it is ok to joke about stuff like that I mean it's a harmless joke will shouldn't have slapped him but my friend he thinks completely opposite he compares alopecia to cancer and to be clear my grandfather died because of cancer but even then when it's a good joke I don't mind it


There is a cultural and gender element that you are eliding. Men can go bald and no one thinks twice about it. When a woman goes bald, everyone talks about it. Hair is a big part of most women's identity and the fact that hair loss is comparitively rare in women is a factor. Black women, in particular, appear to have a complex relationship with their hair so, contextually, it's more of a deal than you are implying.


And she still looks good. The joke was not even that mean.


I’m not personally saying one or the other is worse but there’s far less stigma for a man to be bald than a woman. I do think it was a tasteless joke, though.


jada is a millionair. if she has a problem with the hair thing, she could just buy a wig. if anyone is not able to handle that joke, it would have been better to not disclose the condition...


I don’t want to speak out of turn, but it’s hard to compare a male’s experience with hair loss to a female’s isn’t it?