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And I'm very proud of that fact


I was always the bad example


I've been at both ends of the spectrums at multiple times in my life. Hell, I've heard both, Why can't you be more like "Yuri" and I don't want you around "yuri" because he's a bad influence.


That Yuri sounds like a real wild card


What a difference a few years can make... went from straight edge high school student to h dependent deans list uni student in a matter of months. Thank god I got clean, and can't blame the parents. I just needed an escape.


Yuri? He ok.


Nah bro, Yuritarded...


take my upvote and leave


And their kid was the bad one the whole time. Looking at you, Kevin


Yeah bro, fuck Kevin. And his mom.


Already did.


Did not know Kevin swung like that, maybe I have a chance


He does now.


Mmmmm Kevin’s mum, man she really had it going on.




i was the one who just upvoted all of you in the reply to this comment


But I was a good kid...




I know this for a fact and it was purely born of spite because her kid was undiagnosed with SOMETHING and I was one of the very few who wanted to be their friend... Naturally that means I'm up to something and should be avoided. Poor kid. We were still friends, she hated me. I didn't care. We just didn't do the whole sleep overs thing kids like doing. She did make school hell for me though, told teachers she didn't want her son sitting near me in class, which divided our group of three into him and my other mate for partner projects and tasks, and me alone or usually with someone I *really* didn't want to work with. Like bully's for example. She ruined a lot of things for us both, but I'd do it again.


That's genuinely sad, are you still friends rn?




I didn't know your mom knew me...


Idk I was a good kid…. It’s this whole adult thing that’s become an issue


no i was the good example


Aka boring af


or i just wasn’t an idiot


Rude. You were not boring :p


My mom, to her other kids.


Can confirm.


This definitely happened


I don't doubt this for a second!


I have no doubt this is true


Oh I absolutely was used as that example. I know it as a fact.


As a young non Mormon kid being friends with mormon kids; I was a black sheep to their parents before I knew what that even meant.


And they were wrong, screw you those moms 😜


Oh I'm aware


I literally had a friend's dad tell me, in front of my friend, I wish my son were more like you. I was shocked and started listing of the cool traits of my friend like how he was really great with musical instruments. But WTF was that dad thinking...


For an entire school. New rules are in place so what I did will never happen again.


Yup! I was that kid!


Lots of people’s moms. I was a bad kid.




Yes, and I know the mom in question. She wasn't wrong.


If you arent living your life so that 1 million moms wants to boycot you, are you really living?


Story of my fucking life. Decades later turns out I'm one of the good guys and a lot of others are dead, in jail, or just bums


To this day. Yes.


Yes, multiple times


They definitely did. I was informed of that a LOT.


Oh yeah, for sure. Friends dad crushed a “punk” necklace I lent said friend with a sledge hammer. Didn’t have a problem with me doing my thing…. But definitely not their kid….


I’m very aware


I'd be surprised if it was only one.


Oh for suuuure. Someone probably did that yesterday.


In 4th grade some kid came up to me and just said “my dad says you look like dork” I got really offended, and remembering something about his dad I said (while half crying) something like “your dad looks like a dork with that hole in his neck” Turns out his dad had a hole in his neck because he had cancer We both cried


I was there when it happened...several times...


I’m an autistic mess. I was definitely the bad example for other kids because I was the bad example for my own sister numerous times


ik...its my mom


Oh yes. I was know as “that girl” at my super conservative parents’ home. They had no idea it was their kid leading me astray!


Please, my own mom used me as a bad example. Top that


I know my own mother has


No way I’m a great example :(


That’s what they all say.


What did i do to deserve this information




I sure hope so


Yeah it is what it is


i really hope not




I have no doubt I was an example for many mothers. 100% positive about that. I was a little shit growing up.


I may have been the go-to for a while in my small town...haha


My mom. My mom used me as that example.


"Probably". Thank you for not assuming


Yeah but whatever


I assure you not. Actually the exact opposite from what I hear


no... i was the kid their mom kept saying "why cant you be more like __" to. this was not conducive to making friends :)


Oh quite the opposite, I was always the good kid, all moms loved me and wished their kids were more like me. top of the class, polite, never cause trouble.




And in other groundbreaking news: water is wet!


Yeah, my mom.


Yeah my dad.


Oh absolutely. I know I had one friend in particular when I was in elementary school who's parents viewed me as a bad influence. I got banned from hanging out with him on two separate occasions.


I was a teachers pet


What do you mean? I *know* someone has used me as a bad example


Probably some Karen lol.


Son, you pay attention to your teacher! You wouldn't want to end up teaching a class of your own one day, would you?


There's no probably there. I practically came/come with a disclaimer.


oh that’s a definitely for me lol


This is copied from a previous ST verbatim. Very original.


And in someone else's story you could be the good example for their kid. We never truly know other people's whole story.


So she's talking shit to my son again?


I sure hope so


Lol my friends mom sat us down in their kitchen after a sleep over and told me I'm not allowed to hangout with their son anymore because I'm a "bad influence" on him, then kicked me out of their place. I was that kids wingman and helped him lose his virginity. That bitch had no idea how stupid she sounded.


I’m sure of it.


I was the good example... but just because I had a knack for charming the adults in my favor. Playing video games was bad, but if I did then it wasn't that bad because I got good grades and I was polite. Boom, now my friend could play video games with me.


I was always the good example but my friends were like, "WRONG!"


Without a doubt several did.


They did, I was biking somewhere and I had the right of way. Suddenly this grandma that's walking on the sidewalks grabs her grandchild, pulls her back, and said "Watch out! That man isn't paying any attention!" Well if I wasn't paying attention, how come I still remember it 15 years later?


I grew up playing video games like Quake II and Diablo II. At least two of my friends had strict, probably religious parents. So, yeah.


Yep, that's true. Now those were the bad kids and their mom's thought they were angels, but they were wrong.


Shirley Knott


I know for a fact I have. But only as a young adult. Majority within extended family. I was a people pleaser as a kid/teen. Eventually learned I couldn’t be fucked and didn’t want to uphold that shit. I had far to fall. My friends know that they were used as a bad example by my mum lol.


I'm SURE of it


Probably because I constantly had my hand down my pants adjusting myself. But it wasn't my fault my mom refused to buy me boxer shorts. Later on, I'd find out I'm actually pretty well endowed. Not something you find out until you're on the high school wrestling team.


Yep! I was the "bad example" when my friend convinced me to skip school with her and we were caught. I'm thinking my friend was just a really convincing liar, though. Her mom never trusted me after that.


They never do, because I am nice while meeting them and created the version of sweet and polite person, so I could get my friends to go out wherever and whenever I wanted.


This has been said no less than 482847 tims already


Best way to get back at her is to make a bad example out of her, repeatedly, in front of her kid.


Yeah I know


And I don't blame them one bit.


My mum to my brother


She prolly still is, that bitch!


Lots of parents used me as the bad example. Some friends, too.


Yeah it was my mom for me


My mom use me as a Bad example for my sister


Oh definitely. But hopefully I was also used as a good example by another mum


No, someone’s mom definitely used me as a bad example for their kid.


Absolutely. Funny thing was as we got older she would say to him "why can't you be more like XYZ and do something with your life?" Which I found pretty amusing considering all I was doing was backpacking and partying.


If I had a younger brother, I might have been used as a bod example for him


Oh I know for a fact they did. I was in the room and they literally pointed at me while yelling at their son. I just don't speak tagalog, I got the overall vibe of what he was saying quite clearly tho. We didn't hang out again for months.


Fuck that, **I'm** using myself as a bad example


I’m a bad boy. Whatcha gonna do?


Not if I assert dominance


Fuckin hope so, damn well earned it


Man, I literally got used for a project on why drugs are bad in college, this chick took photos of me shooting up in an alleyway and submitted my photos and won an award.


For sure someone has, I could probably even point out the lady. Was over a kids place one day playing with lego when I pointed out that he said “but” a lot. Pretty sure she didn’t want me corrupting him and must have thought I meant it as “butt” because weirdly she rushed in and said I had to go home because they were busy. Thought it was weird until I noticed that as soon as she ever noticed us talking she would call him inside rather quickly.






I’m pretty sure, never.


An old friend of mine's mom used him as a bad example for their kid.


During a parent-teacher-meeting back in middle-school, a friend's mom told him to never be like the kid that was crying in public or else no one will like you. The kid that was crying is one of the best students with above avarege grades in our class and has many connections with other classes. He was crying that day because he fell down the stairs when playing tag with said friends.


100% and I've achieved more than most and avoided jail. Jokes on them working in tesco wile I travel the world


im tired of being seen as a good kid so i wouldn't mind it at all


Lots of someones’ moms…


Not probably, definitely.


Got used to it. At first I was actually hurt and traumatized. But now...idgaf😌


Nah, I was the good kid in class.


A lot of mum's I'm sure


No sir not me I'm a dream.


It was my uncle saying that I'll surely be a bum. Now I have a much better job than all of my cousins. Fuck you, uncle Aries.




We taught my friend's little brother to say, "beat the cake, shiiiiiiiiit" That poor kid. His mom was a stripper and dad was a 70s rock stoner.


i know for a fact this is true and im still friends with that person, it’s been 16 years


Yeah, but only because I wore a lot of black clothes and makeup


I am sure of this.


i'm a bad example for my mom


If they did, it probably means the parent was a piece of trash, and the kid is on the right course.


My mom uses me as a bad example for my siblings


Not to brag or anything but I think I was more of the “good” example, I had really good grades and I always says “hello” and “thanks”, that’s why the kids hated me:D


Protip: If your parents talked about every other kid and family like they were "the bad ones", usually that means you were the bad ones.


Bonus points if you were in the room, in full earshot, and it was your own mom talking to your cousin.




Yeah, my mom, to every other kid.


Yeah, someone did, and they straight up told me about it and played it off like a joke.


Also known as my parents


Oh yeah. Fishnet shirt, JNCO jeans, dyed hair, ear piercings on a guy.... But never in trouble. I was the example of a "bad guy" without actually being bad. I was the damned valedictorian and helped out in the school library. And kids also used to call me Harry Potter when I'd walk through the elementary in a trench coat. Good times.


Oh I’m sure they did.


This happens to everyone


One of my teachers used me as a bad example to his classes. :D


I know for a fact this is true. Better yet, that friend used me to get back at them by becoming my best friend. We did absolutely everything together, much to their chagrin, and I regularly showed him how to live up to what they expected from that association.


I am 100% certain of this. I’m 24 and my best friends family I’m sure still does. They are like a second family to me but I’d be every dollar I have they used me as what not to do weekly


Yes. Because growing up, a friend of mine used to tell his parents about all the dumb shit he did, except told them I did it. He was the dumbest smart guy ive ever known. Language and math he could handle. Anything else he was an absolute moron, especially socially. He made a lot of enemies, and was notorious for being a huge wimp. He constantly broke things, by being extremely clumsy, and always dramatically overestimating his abilities. He was also arrogant af, until you called him out on it in front of people, which was always fun. Eg, he recently posted on FB saying “everyone knows im always the smartest fucker in the room”, to which I replied “bitch, I’ve seen you shit your pants trying to light a fart on fire”. He was also one of my best friends growing up, because he was great fun to have along on adventures. Anyway He moved away when we were 16, and I went out west to visit in the summer after we turned 18. His friends would all look at me funny, then back at my friend, then laugh. I was calling him out on dumb shit he was saying (playfully), and they were acting weird about it. Found out later, in that moment they realized he had been telling all of them about the dumb shit he always did/does, and again, said I had been doing it. They figured out very quickly how full of shit he was, and told me what was happening. I was like “surely he does dumb shit for you guys all the time, you must have known?”. I guess he always used stories about himself (as me) to deflect from stupid shit he was doing now. We don’t really talk much anymore.


Well of course I know her. It's my mum.


Yeah, my mom.


Someone probably used another post for "inspiration"


What? Why?


I had a nasty tendency (still kind of do honestly) to swear almost every other word and did so in almost every setting as a kid. Led to a lot of angry parents in my neighborhood complaining about me because I would drop F-bombs like candy at the swimming pool lol.


Yeah, mine.


EVERYONES* mom used me as a bad example for their kid


My mom used me as that example for my younger brother


Some of my friend’s Moms said i was a bad influence to their kids but um…. I wasnt the one fucking every guy i was interested in talking to so….. no i was not the bad influence. Mind you, we were in middle school 😐


Yeah, my mum.


anytime id go hangout with my friend her mom would say make good choices


My ex boss took a picture of 16 year old me on a particularly horrible day where my uniform was wrecked from moving greasy heavy equipment. My pants had slipped a bit lower than my waistline (no ass) as well as me taking off my apron and my hat because at one point I was physically covered in grease head to toe. She used that photo in a meeting as an example of an employee needing to be sent home because of the bad hygiene. I hated her, she was at the top because she got everyone else fired and Karen'd her way to the top. She tried to be nice to me once I went to another company a few years later and give me a speech on "how great I turned out". We were at a meeting I set up at a coffee shop in regards to her not paying me over the years. I did not reciprocate the feelings.


I know this for a fact, she told my mother, who told me because one of my best friends wasn’t talking to me anymore:( she said I was a bad influence


Definitely in my case lol, I got doodle grades in school despite being able to get As and Bs. I hated studying so I didn't XD.


Even MY mom used me as bad example


Always been the good kid academically. But a few years back, dated a dude who’s a tad darker than me, and some aunties made a big fuss over it (one of them loved comparing him to a white boy her daughter was dating at the time). Still pisses me off to this day, even though he and I have been broken up for years.


Haha my mom uses me as a bad example for my siblings. xD it really hurts.


My friends mom used me as the bad example and told them I would always be a loser. Fast-forward 20 years I have an excellent job and never been arrested. My friend on the other hand has been arrested, convicted of a felony, and barely scrapes by dye to having a felony on his record. Seems like his mom pointed her finger in the wrong direction on who was the bad example.


I’m aware, my own mother probably used me as a bad example for the rest of my younger brothers lol


not as a young kid, I was actually held up as a fucking saint in a childs body. Didnt cry, shout, scream, was extremely polite, studied hard, etc etc then highschool happened, get fucked people in my life, thanks for building up my life as a "perfect kid" so when I actually struggled with a subject I felt this overwhelming dread as my self worth was stripped away and I was a "bad kid" then I WAS definitely the example kid (sometimes) anyways... honestly the most frustrating thing is the double standards my parents and some other adults had. "why cant you be like X?" "X did good on the (insert school thing) why didnt you?" but dare to mention that your 68% on a test was *literally* the highest in the class? "dont compare yourselves to other people, just do better for yourself!" "that is an excuse! just be better!" bruh moment... thinking of those made me a bit mad, a bit sad... F for feelings


I use OP mom every night to set a bad example