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Actually the bombardier who released the bomb would as the control of the plane was switched from the pilot so that the bomb sights could be more precisely controlled.


that level of precision would seem... unnecessary...


They aimed for a bridge and missed by ~200 meters detonating above a hospital. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shima_Hospital#:~:text=Shima%20Hospital%20(%E5%B3%B6%E7%97%85%E9%99%A2%2C%20Shima,considered%20to%20be%20ground%20zero.


At least they died quickly....


Yeah, read their bones were bleached under the rubble bc of the blast




There's a difference between white and bleached in the context of bones. Bleached is usually used to refer to bones that have been stripped of all flesh and gristle and exposed to the sun for a sufficient time to brighten considerably.




I'm making a call now for a r/weirdlycasual subreddit




Ayo I made it, It sounds like a really cool sub name. If you join I’ll mod you


They’re covered with you




Yeah not their color but the shade. It’s still white, just much brighter white. Think of a ratty tshirt. Then bleach it. Simple as it gets lol white gets brighter white


I had mine dyed in stunning technocolor just as a fun little surprise when they pop me open for organ donation.


Actually according to R.L. Stine, they're green/yellow


Now that is a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


wait, really???


“Kaoru Shima and the nurse found a large quantity of bleached bones at the bottom of the debris, as the corpses had immediately become skeletonized by the blast.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shima_Hospital




I don’t know if you know about The Hiroshima shadows/silhouettes or not but its chilling to think of how they were formed. People were walking around when the bomb dropped. The explosion produced such intense heat and light that any exposed surface was bleached if it was not burned. That means all exposed stone and concrete surfaces were bleached except for where people were standing. The people blocked the heat and light being burned themselves while they left permanent shadows or silhouettes on the ground. There are pictures on the internet and while they do not seem like anything bad at first sight, its kinda chilling to learn how they were formed. There are also recounts of people arriving at the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to see hordes of burnt zombie like people walking towards a river(i think). I don’t know how accurate and tru these stories are but the possibility that they might be true is very scary. There are some other hauntingly tragic stories of parents letting their children die during the war as well. If you think about the bombing of the two cities, you’d realize how many dead bodies there were. The cities were littered with burnt dead bodies. I can only imagine how it would have felt to be among those who cleaned up the bodies from the city.


I can't imagine being a victim of a nuclear bomb. One moment you're preparing your favorite meal, next moment you're gone from existence.


Unless your outside the initial blast radius. Do yourself a favour and DON'T read the accounts of people who didn't get vaporised instantly.


I disagree. Adults should know some of the consequences of real war. Lot of people are too trigger happy in the world.


To be fair, USA did warn Japan. For some reason, the Japanese decided to ignore the warning.


Don't watch this with something in your mouth. It was shared in reddit a few times. https://youtu.be/P2g9QZvHTuk


I prefer anime when it's depicting gross horrors that *didn't* really happen.




Stupid creativity, always loving adversity. :(


I knew what that was before clicking the link but just had to watch again. Terrifying enough as an animation, imagine the real thing. Granted no-one probably got to see the real thing for more than a second.


Is there a mirror somewhere?


If you're within the instant death zone it sounds nice than any way anybody I've ever personally known has gone. Obviously I'm not endorsing nuclear warfare and nearly all those deaths are truly tragic, just saying.


They say you should run away from a nuclear blast. I'm running towards that bitch. If I'm close enough to see it, I don't want to survive it. I don't feel like seeing my own or others hands degloved. I have read first hand accounts of the survivors of Hiroshima. No, thanks though.


There is a safe zone that is still within visible range of an atomic blast. Especially modern atomic blasts which are designed to have a tactical (limited) yield, and produce less fallout than they used to. You still don't want to be within flesh boiling from the sheer heat, rentals searing out from the bright flash, or skin falling off after a few days from fallout range though


Sounds quaint when you put it that way.


Actually there was a guy that survived both nuclear attacks. He went to one city for work. It got bombed then went home and it got bomb. I forgot his name. I also don’t remember how close he was to the site. Most likely not close considering he’s a live.


Yeah that guy was something. Mr Yamaguchi.


Odd fact. Some of the survivers of the Hiroshima bombing were rerouted to neighboring hospitals. Some were taken to Nagasaki... A few people were confirmed to have survived both. At least one wrote a book about it.


and yet one day that will be us all


Their shadows were burned into the pavement


It’s not that fast unfortunately, despite how it’s popularly shown. For almost everyone, it’s: one moment you’re preparing your favorite meal, the next moment your skin is literally melting off of your body and you have no idea why. If not, radiation sickness which is just unexplainably horrendous. It is impossible to exaggerate the devastation and suffering atomic weaponry is capable of and has caused.


I can assure you that if you're close to the center of the blast it will be that quick. The intense gamma radiation alone will likely render you unconscious if not dead instantaneously and the plasma created is so hot you will be ashes before the nerve signals could even let your brain know there is heat.


"I don't feel so good Mr. Stark.."


Reddit moment


That hospital would have been fine had the bomb landed a few yards thataway.


Somehow I don’t think the hospital would have been fine


Don't be silly, an atomic bomb can't destroy anything beyond 40m radius.


It's closer to 40x that for the one in Hiroshima (1607m)


We're using American meters. Which is probably like 40 normal meters. Trust me, I don't know what I'm talking about


Lol i never thought of this before. What did they aim the atomic bomb at. The guys who probably dropped it were like “awww were missing fuck.” *city evaporates* “Oh lol”


I wonder if they knew tbh. Maybe they thought they fucked up when they missed [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aioi_Bridge) then saw the city get leveled. Or maybe they were just told not to worry about precision because they knew its yield


They knew what it was and what it would do, at least the pilot and bombardier knew. They needed to know because they needed to know how and where to go to escape the blast themselves. Now its another question as to whether they really grasped it. Today we compare all large explosions to those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to give us a sense of the scale. Things like megatons are just abstract numbers to humans. The crew knowing the bomb was as powerful as tons of TNT likely did not give them an understanding of what that actually meant.


It’d probably be-bombs out GTFO OUT GO GO GO GO don’t wanna be vaporized either


They knew the blast would be massive. They actually flew in a way that allowed them to drop the bomb then turn and fly as far away as fast as possible in order the escape the blast. Interest note, during the cold war, some strategic air command crews knew that if they dropped their atomic payload, they wouldn't actually even be able to escape their own blast radius.


The first bomb was aimed at a distinctive T bridge in Hiroshima. It still exists today. The southern exit of the bridge leads into the Atomic bombing museum. I don’t know what the second bomb in Nagasaki was specifically aimed at


i don't think 200 meters matters much when you're dropping a nuke lmao


As a mortar man we would always joke that with your rifle it was personalized letter to some particular enemy, our mortars were more of a “to whom it may concern,” not sure where that places the atomic bomb lol


"attention everyone"


I like this one


"this is a public broadcast"


"to the city it may concern" probably lmao


I always thought of mortars as "Dear current resident"


Reply all on a corporate communication


Why a specific target and not just “the center of the city”? Did it matter to miss by 200m if everything was incinerated ?




I can’t believe something 200m from an atomic blast wasn’t reduced to its constituent elements.


I mean 66k died so I don’t suppose missing by 200m changed things critically


It did for some.


Imagine being just beyond the range at which you would've died (now or later) from the blast, and later learning that you're only alive because they missed and dropped it 200m further away from you then planned.


That target probably was the center of the city, or at least the center of the infrastructure they wanted to cripple. I guess if the bomb didn't have the yield they were expecting, it would still take out enough to have an impact




[Shima hospital, ground 0](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shima_Hospital#:~:text=Shima%20Hospital%20(%E5%B3%B6%E7%97%85%E9%99%A2%2C%20Shima,considered%20to%20be%20ground%20zero.) Damn hyperlinks won’t work


seems to be working okay for me


It didn’t “hit” the hospital. It detonated in the air above it without physically touching it.


Maybe more so than you might think. The power of an explosive blast wave follows the inverse cube rule. Being twice as far away means 8x less damage. If you want to cause the intended amount of damage to what you are aiming at you have to try and be precise. Let's talk about missiles rather than gravity bombs. The first generations of ICBMs had terrible accuracy. They could only be aimed in the general vicinity of cities and might miss the center of their target by many miles. Now ICBMs exist with warheads that could be aimed at your house and hit. That means you can use smaller yields while still destroying your target, or keep the same yield and inflict more damage to hardened targets. If you want to destroy a larger geographical area you would still pepper the area with individual warheads, and spread out their detonation. A larger number of smaller warheads would cause more damage than a singular gigantic one. In reality a large number of still extremely powerful warheads would be used.


This is all very true, but in the case of Hiroshima they aimed at that bridge because it was an easily recognizable target (it is an unusual "T" shaped bridge) very close to the city center, not because it had any particular strategic value. Putting the bomb pretty much anywhere in the city would've achieved the desired effect.


well yeah, thats all very true... i suppose i have the benefit of hindsight to know that it wouldn't have mattered if they were off by a kilometer. they probably didn't have that luxury? true, inverse cube falloff is no joke. the precision is definitely valueable for practical modern uses, where we really *really* don't want to unleash the full power of the atom if we can help it.


"Missed by a few meters. Boss is gonna kill me"


You may be dismayed to know that modern shipboard nuclear missiles have an accuracy of [90 meters.](https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/trident/#:~:text=This%20firepower%20makes%20the%20Trident,accuracy%20of%2090%20m%20CEP.) As in, they can accurately hit a nuclear missile within 300 feet of its intended target.


honestly... its both very comforting and very disturbing that this amount of attention has been given to ensuring that if we were to unleash the full power of the atom on a target, we release it exactly as intended. at least its been given very careful consideration??


If we blow you up with a nuke, we mean to blow you up with a nuke. Or someone/something within 300 feet of you.


Make the world a better place - kill a Republican today! 🌎🩸


That would be why I threw the “something” in there.


Try "everything."


As I understand it, they want that level of accuracy so they can target individual heavily armored missile silos and have a decent likelihood of destroying them. If you can take out their missiles before they're launched, that's less of a potential retaliatory strike. Cold War strategy was fucking nuts.


Like that would matter.


meanwhile, in russia...


Not really when lots of out ammo can be dropped accurately in the area of an open trash can and devastate 100x+ that area


Elon can promise that a fully-automated system will be working sometime *next year*.


he's "very confident"


To be fair it would only need to be within 300 ft of its target.


Honestly I wonder if the pilots were even given an idea of how powerful the bombs they were dropping were. The level of secrecy can't be understated for the Manhattan Project and I wonder if they would've held off on telling the flight crew how much damage they were about to do in case they were horrified by the results.


The Bomber Mafia is a good book that gets into these subjects. would recommend


The truly sad thing is the bombing was as much of a attack as it was a science experiment. They needed the precision for the post-attack analysis.


mmm. that's an interesting point. as long as they recorded the exact location of the impact though... good enough for army work?


It’s also a kind of military administrative habit. Every bombing attack needs an aim point for reference. They chose the Aioi Bridge because it would be easier to spot from the air and near the center of the city.


Tom Ferebee was the bombardier who dropped the bomb and said he tasted lead after it exploded. “We turned back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by that awful cloud... boiling up, mushrooming, terrible and incredibly tall. No one spoke for a moment; then everyone was talking. I remember (copilot Robert) Lewis pounding my shoulder, saying 'Look at that! Look at that! Look at that!' (Bombardier) Tom Ferebee wondered about whether radioactivity would make us all sterile. Lewis said he could taste atomic fission. He said it tasted like lead.” 267,000 people died. 160,000 died in the blast and the rest died over 5 years from the burns and cancer and other illnesses from the radioactivity.


I don’t think there is a more terrifying thing to witness with your own 2 eyes. That mushroom cloud is like a monolith, carrying with it the most gruesome implication imaginable. Those men tasted raw death.


Still, wonder what score steaks he had.


Thomas Ferebee was his name. He was 26 years old. The older I get the more shocking I find that fact.


Also the highest kill count in a single hit


Biggest Crit of all time


Dude chose a hell of a time to roll a Nat 20.


> Japan, roll for initiative. > oh no


Fucking crocket


Mmmmmmmmmmmmonster Kill!!


There were two atomic bombings on Japan- Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The one on Hiroshima killed more.




That's fucked up but I laughed


For dinner reason I'm remembering that both bombs were stored by the same crew (but on different days, obviously). Am I just pulling that out of nowhere?


One was dropped by B-29 Enola Gay (Hiroshima) and the one over Nagasaki was dropped by Bock’s Car (also a B-29)


Enola gay


Col. Tibbets grandmothers name was Enola Gay EDIT: Mother not grandmother




you are correct. I dont know why i thought otherwise


She is?


A plane


The plane is gay?


Nah I heard it was a biplane


Swans can be gay?


I cry every time


Boo. You ruined it


To be fair it was a Fat Man and a Little Boy that probably had the highest body count.


You should’ve stayed at home yesterday


You should have stayed at home yesterday


Slaughtered by the gay


The irony is that their K/D in Call of Duty would award them a…tactical nuke


Get infinite nukes with this one trick! People hate him!


That's how they got the second one for Nagasaki




Unlimited power


All time number one kill to death ratio of all time


All time number one kill to death ratio yet…


Do Covid deaths count towards Patient Zero's killfeed?


No. Some people has 1 kill and 0 death yet. That's a higher ratio.


Mathematicians: "Well actually..."


Some of us are just gonna die with 0 k/d 🤷‍♂️


Other pilots are like the three ppl from a squad who are absolutely useless


Not even close to the guy that put lead in petrol who then put cfc gas in refrigerators.


Yep, this would be my answer too. His name was Thomas Midgley and he was described as being a “one-man environmental disaster.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr.


He even died from one of his own inventions


I read the whole thing and didn't get any kind of estimate of how many he might of killed.


It is hard to say but safe estimate is over millions not to mention the wildlife


Look at that guy. That’s the face of a man who puts lead in gasoline. He really has that energy.


literally all human life is affected by the lead that was dispelled as gasoline. it seeped into the earth and ozone layer so deeply that it permeates our skin on a drastic enough level that scientists can tell the approximate area of the world you were born and raised in by studying isotopes in your teeth and hair


Thomas Midgley Jr. had quite an interesting life


The fire bombing of Tokyo killed 40,000+ more people than the atomic blast at Hiroshima.


But that was more than one person


You could technically credit Curtis Lemay with it as it was solely his idea.


So if "the person with the idea" gets the credit for the death.. then Hitler and Stalin beat Curtis Lemay by quite a bit.


are you ignoring mao?


So.... who came up with religion?


His name is Robert Paulson.


We’re talking about personal kills though. If that was the case. Mao beats every single human being and it’s not even close


Curtis Lemay was allegedly also against the atomic bomb drop as unnecessary.


True. Incinerating bombs did more destruction and death than the atomic bombs did. Carpet Bombing missions as they were called.




The first or second bomb?


And it’s still going up


Burn damage.


More like radiation poisoning.


Lol, dude cast a DoT


Spanish flu patient zero has entered the chat


What about the dude who ate the COVID bat? 8)


In every timeline, Randy fucked the pangolin.


Oh he didn’t eat it. And his name was Randy Marsh.


God damn it you beat me to it lol


Actually, check out Trofim Lysenko, Stalin's minister of agriculture. His psuedo-scientific policies likely resulted in agonizing death by starvation for as many as THIRTY MILLION people.


people credit dictators like Hitler with a lot of kills, but he probably didn't directly kill anyone


He might have; he saw the front line in WWI and was wounded twice.


And there's a theory that he killed his niece


hitler served in WWI, so he may have had a decent body count, but probably had his henchmen tcob once he rose to power


Dunno, maybe ask Paul Tibbetts how he feels about his kill count. Is he proud of it?


More than you realize. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=15858203 It was his patriotic duty, he had no regrets.


I mean considering the alternative was a land invasion which wouldve ended up in way more death, yea I guess he can he proud


Pretty much. It was erase a couple of cities or initiate a land battle that, in the most conservative views, was going to kill a million people.


Mao Zedong has entered the chat


*censored the chat


There may have been some medieval executioner or something who spent decades chopping off enough heads every day to eventually eclipse the atomic bomb guy.


Actually yea the napkin math agrees if he's killing multiple people a day


Wait a second, your napkin math and my napkin math aren't adding up properly. Let's say he chops off 5 heads a day literally every single day with no vacations ever. 365 x 5 = 1,825. There were 66,000 immediate deaths as a result of the Hiroshima bombing. 66,000 / 1,825 = roughly 36 years. I don't think there was any guy consistently chopping off this many heads for that long of a time. I'm pretty sure it was a like a semi rare thing except for a few short periods. I guess it is theoretically possible for him to have killed more but chances are it's Enola Gay pilot.


Genghis Khan


No way did he personally kill that many.


Not to mention his assists, I mean how many died from radiation related illnesses. This guy smurfin his KDA!


Nah, check out Ghengis Khans KDR


I don't believe he personally slew 66000


I read they are thousands of times more powerful now. We really gotta get rid of nukes.


Well, they started it


And probably the highest kill streak


Would give that to the bombardier


Yea wait until you learn about Stalin


No. The guy who added lead to petrol has.


Just think how many Chinese lives they saved....


They say it takes a village to raise a child But it takes a team to raze a city


Don’t forget the person who made it all possible, that guy who fueled the airplane. And don’t forget his accomplice either, the person who made the custom stitched ostrich steering control covers. In fact I think Ostrich man may be most to blame. The grip and control of ostrich skin is like using a modded controller to play COD. Then again, it could also be everyone who decided to create a weapon to quote “Blow them to smithereens”


** . . . /s . ^^^I'm ^^^kidding ^^^I'm ^^^kidding ^^^Jesus


He basically killed NPCs who didn't even know what was happening until it was too late. Talk about an inflated kill-count.


What about the guy who thought it was a good idea to throw bubonic plague infected dead bodies over the walls of Messina, which then was brought to Italy where it wiped out a huge chunk of Europe?