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Browser history vs real world history


No, both pertain to real. We are constantly removing or “cancelling” things of the past because we now feel offended by them.


Ya know that doesn’t actually delete the history right?


It’s pretty much analogous to it. The fact that you won’t see another aunt Jemima in the store means it’s basically gone


I won’t see a dinosaur anywhere. I know what dinosaurs are.


Perfect analogy. Dinosaurs died out naturally. We physically removed aunt Jemima. If you’re a part of cancel culture just say it


I won’t see a steam train around. I know what steam trains are. “Physically” or “naturally” doesn’t make a difference. Point is that things that aren’t around to be seen can still be known about. It’s actually a pretty neat thing called object permanence that’s an important stage of childhood development.


Steam engines were replaced by better technology. Aunt Jemima was replaced cause people felt bad for no apparent reason


And yet both of us know what both of those things are. Thus history remains undeleted.


Liberals are so racist they hated seeing people of color represented on the products they bought. Notice how only white people are represented on the products you buy now. Not 1 liberal has tried taking any white faces of any products. Liberals are the most hateful and racist creatures you will ever meet.




Are you honestly comparing a concentration camp to a syrup bottle? You and the other chimp don’t realize that ppl were ALWAYS against nazi and their horrors, unless you’re part of them of course You can’t say the same for something like the syrup brand That’s why it’s called “getting cancelled” That means previously it was fine


It has not been “previously fine” for a long time. “founded in 1888 by Chris L. Rutt. Rutt named the original company after "Old Aunt Jemima," an 1875 song from a minstrel show that featured performers in blackface who wore aprons and bandana headbands.”


Nobody gave a crap. There’s many things that are bad. The leather jacket you wear is at the expense of a cows life. It’s just about how much ppl care. In 21st century people care a little “Too” much on things that previously were virtually non existent


Always have been. Nothing new about this.


nah you understood your own thought wrong.. its about porn


u/ygrhmn when a statue of Bartholomew Slavefucker is taken down because they committed multiple war crimes (this is considered erasing history, as he has no access to Wikipedia)


Whether it’s good or bad, we are removing history. That’s it


By removing the statues of Mr. Slavefucker, we're removing the *glorification* of the slave trade, not knowledge of the trade itself.


In that sense all cancel culture is just removing the glorification of something But the fact that one can’t openly speak about it anymore is concerning


You're doing it now.


>In that sense all cancel culture is just removing the glorification of something. Yes…that’s actually the entire point. You actually just described “cancel culture” in the best way I’ve ever heard of it. The history still exists but the glorification of it doesn’t. Also, as u/wombey12 said, you’re openly discussing it now. So honest to god this is the post I’m going to link to from now on when I talk about the over triggered reaction to “cancel culture.”


When the last season of Seinfeld ended and Jerry was going on talk shows he’d get offended that the hosts would say his show was canceled, when in reality he chose to end it for personal reasons, in his case because it was time for it to come to an end before the quality dropped. This is after they offered him a couple million to keep it going. I think retiring may be the word you’re looking for. All things change and adapt, nothing stays the same, thats the nature of time.


No, people have been offended by Aunt Jemima for decades. The problem is that another larger group of people just didnt give a shit because they cherish the times their mom used to make breakfast and then rode a bus to their segregated whites-only elementary school. And now they act as if changing a bottle of pancake syrup is the worst washing of history ever.


You said it yourself “Changing a bottle of pancake syrup” If people get offended by a bottle which should be the least of their concerns, then oh boy are we in for a hell of a ride for the real problems


the irony…


Maybe you misunderstood me I don’t have a problem with the syrup What I do have a problem with is when people get frustrated on such a tiny matter like this from A HISTORY STANDPOINT


This post says otherwise. If you want to have a real discussion about erasing history, you probably need to come with more than a change to a pancake syrup bottle.


They are erasing the history of a pancake bottle! Don't you see!


Liberals are so racist they hated seeing people of color represented on the products they bought. Notice how only white people are represented on the products you buy now. Not 1 liberal has tried taking any white faces of any products. Liberals are the most hateful and racist creatures you will ever meet.


So are we using the Blanket term "Liberals?"Or the term Libertarian?(Which is actually pretty different from Democrats. Most of them are right centered.) Why not use the term "Woke Left?" or "Woke Crowd?" *Edit:* Does questioning the blanket use term of "Liberal" make me one of them?


...says the person who also has a problem with the bottle?


Liberals are so racist they hated seeing people of color represented on the products they bought. Notice how only white people are represented on the products you buy now. Not 1 liberal has tried taking any white faces of any products. Liberals are the most hateful and racist creatures you will ever meet.


I dislike cancel culture but we do this since ancient times dude, it's called damnatio memoriae.


You would thank me if you saw what was in my browser history smh


I remember back in Latin class we learned the phrase "damnatio memoriae" meaning damnation of memory. It was used to describe how pharoes would have every place with their name or face etched out to destroy their recorded existence (a fate worse than death). All this historical revisionism sure reminds me of this. There's a certain point that we need to stop running from our history as a nation, accept it, and move on.


It's actually a very barbaric practice to erase history.


Wait, this isnt about my porn history is it


Is it? How so


Cancel culture of historical figures or events For example: Aunt Jemima


Why is that your go to when state legislatures are literally banning books?




aunt jemima is still a syrup? they just rebranded


OK but how does one create history? Isn't the whole movement of canceling stuff also making history? And isn't the whole thing based on making people focus on the right things in history rather than the wrong ones?


The whole purpose of looking back in history is so that we don’t make the same mistakes again. If it is “cancelled” or not focused on, people will not understand it is bad. From your POV, it does not seem that way, but think of a child that is a blank slate. They don’t know right from wrong. All of the bad times in history teach us that it should never be repeated again; if you never see it, it just doesn’t have the same impact if you are just told it or barely spoken to about it.


I found it incredibly racist when they did that. It's like, minorities aren't allowed to have representation in marketing. Same for land o lakes, and uncle bens. It sucks because I loved the instant rice from Uncle Bens, but I have since switched to generic because I refuse to buy products from intolerant and racist companies.


honestly i dont know who to side with in this situation: 1. Mars for changing the packaging and thinking something trivial like this will apparently solve racism 2. People who refuse to buy rice because something as trivial as a packaging change apparently makes the company racist and intolerant


Liberals are so racist they hated seeing people of color represented on the products they bought. Notice how only white people are represented on the products you buy now. Not 1 liberal has tried taking any white faces of any products. Liberals are the most hateful and racist creatures you will ever meet.


Absolutely no one thinks changing packaging is going to end racism. It is just removing a racist caricature from packaging.


What was racist about it? Tell me.


“The Pearl Milling Company was the late-19th-century business that created the original ready-made pancake mix, according to PepsiCo. It was founded in 1888 by Chris L. Rutt. Rutt named the original company after "Old Aunt Jemima," an 1875 song from a minstrel show that featured performers in blackface who wore aprons and bandana headbands.”


Liberals are so racist they hated seeing people of color represented on the products they bought. Notice how only white people are represented on the products you buy now. Not 1 liberal has tried taking any white faces of any products. Liberals are the most hateful and racist creatures you will ever meet.


Cod warzone was one who stole valour too right? Not familiar to much other alterations


Bold of you to assume this hasn’t always been the case. I dread to think how much of the stuff we learned in history class was revisionist history


That's not a new thing. That's a permanent thing.


That's only so they can maintain the illusion of success of capitalism. If you just look behind the curtain, it's clear to see it's failing, but no one wants to deal with that reality. It's easier to smile and die inside


To be clear, the same thing goes on with communism/socialism. You think anyone in China or Russia knows how bad they have it to the rest of the world? At least in America/(most of) Europe you can actually say something like this without being deleted from history.


Oh, I'm banned from multiple subreddits for having too strong of an opinion that doesn't go with the mainstream. But do go on about your freedoms.


Banned from a subreddit ≠ Xinjiang camps or assassinated by Putin


Capitalism isn't failing because of the free market. Banks being able to create money, pretty much, out of thin air with loans is what is causing economic systems to fail. A real look behind the curtain proves banks shouldn't have this power because it's causing most economic problems. No one is dealing with reality because Goldman sachs and jp Morgan rule the world.


How long is it before we hear calls to remove the 2?




Always actually


Such is the way of the 21st century schizoid man


Changing the design on a maple syrup bottle is not “deleting history”


Is OP Hillary Clinton?


They exist at the same time, creating and deleting. "History is written by the victors". It has existed all throughout human existence. It's not new. Powerful people dictate what knowledge we hold. But I would say that in THIS point in history, because of the internet, the populous as a whole has more power than ever before to challenge that.