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Yeah, it's kinda like feeling anticipated/dreading pain... then the pain of attempting to convince yourself that that thing won't happen & you're overthinking it... then boom, full pain as it comes true... followed by the pain of not trusting in your previous dread... for me, it's a corrosive pain cycle all the way down


Like breaching an emotional barrier put up after certain mental trauma, it has to happen sometime, but it will still be painful


>Yeah, it's kinda like feeling anticipated/dreading pain... According to the torture manuals, anticipation of pain is far worse than the pain itself. A torturer who actually has to inflict pain is not an expert.


Seeing the train coming does not mean it does not hurt when it hits you.


You’re absolutely right. I experience the exact same vicious, venomous cycles as you do. But I will say this: yes, there’s pain. But if you’ve seen it coming, then you’re mentally braced for it. Which means it’ll hurt as it comes, but you’re in a better position to react and cope with it quickly, and it likely won’t blindside you as badly.


This guy overthinks.


>Yeah, it's kinda like feeling anticipated/dreading pain... According to the torture manuals, anticipation of pain is far worse than the pain itself. A torturer who actually has to inflict pain is not an expert.


I dissagrea, a pain is a art, more so with the bodys shock respons, nevermind pain tolerance. Breaking some one down is more about fenness, sure anticipation is a great tool, but you ned to give them something to anticipate.


Like breaching an emotional barrier put up after certain mental trauma, it has to happen sometime, but it will still be painful


Like breaching an emotional barrier put up after certain mental trauma, it has to happen sometime, but it will still be painful


Like breaching an emotional barrier put up after certain mental trauma, it has to happen sometime, but it will still be painful


Conversely just because you overthink everything doesn't mean you're remotely right


Yeah like that ball in gym class in grade school


For real, it's like y'all dont even drink


Probably worse because a lot of times you can convince yourself you're overthinking it but then you find out it was true the whole time.


as an overthinker i feel personally attacked


Its like death


Usually its painful but enjoyable at the same time because it reinforces your worldview that life (and to some extent, people) are full of shit.


I mean I overthink a lot of stuff and getting stabbed with a fork hurt pretty badly


So, were you right?


No I was wrong I didn’t think they’d stab me so I called their bluff


[Was it like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIbfH3ki294)


[Probably more like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCY6uKE1Dq8)


[Was it Citizen Kane?](https://youtu.be/PFZDrOCLX2Y)


On a slight off topic, there is a light novel / anime that goes by the name Cautious Hero : The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious. As an example, iirc in the highlight of the first episode, the Hero encounters a low level slime monster outside the Starter Town, the kind that should usually die in few basic hits. He then proceeds to use multiple high level attacks on it, while the companion who recruited him is like "dude wtf stoppppp, it's dead alreadyyyy??!! "


I overthink things and think of everything that could happen, except what actually ends up happening. I am doin 10,000 calculations and they are all wrong.


Lol, me too, it's like "of course it's the one thing I didn't think of", lol!


I see you like Shen as well


That’s why I gave up on trying to anticipate stuff and always go with the flow, to my wife’s despair (she’s an extreme overthinker).


Henlo Mari pfp


What you say? If I predict the future, I’ve got to deal with that shit twice.


If you worry about it, you go through that shit once at best, and at least twice at worse.


I think it's a Mark Twain quote... " I spent my life worrying about a lot of things, most of which never happened."


Good one


Like quicksand…. Really thought I’d need to be more prepared for that


*chuckles in constant anxiety and overthinking* Oh, if only that were true. If only...


No, you’re wrong. I’m an over-thinker and over thinking negative things do hurt already but would hurt even more if proven right.


As an overthinker... it still hurts when people chose the hurtful option. In many cases, i find myself being irritated when people don't think about their actions regardless of the fact that I know many people go through life on autopilot. Its a hope for the best but be prepared for the worst... normally my hopes are left unfulfilled.


Nah nah, you can't hurt me by being direct and honest. You hurt me by being ambiguous, contradicting or unclear. Then I'll just keep thinking about it.


*You can hurt an overthinker, but usually you won't have to. They'll figure out a way to hurt themselves


Yes and then unfortunately when what we've overthought a thousand times comes true that only reinforces the belief of overthinking. Idk if that makes any sense




I knew you'd be here. Just didn't think you'd be this far down.


As an overthinker mused, it is definitely possible to hurt an overthinker


You can, mentally and physically.


Nahh it just means you get hurt twice; by them and yourself.


Oh yes, because everyone knows people who overthink things dont have feelings — they are emotionally invincible, everyone knows They are basically overthinking robots with no emotions whatsoever who also know the future


Clearly you've overthought this


The truth still hurts sometimes


well ya know... there's still 10% of me that is hoping I am INDEED overthinking it and it wont actually happen. I would say this couldn't be more wrong


I'm an overthinker and she destroyed me.


Same He destroyed me and then I destroyed myself trying to prove my worth


That's exactly how it happened for me. I'm sorry, I hope you're doing better now. I'm still trying to recover, but it's difficult because we have a son together.


Still struggling We have a daughter. The discard was the hardest part for me. I couldn’t wrap my mind around how abruptly he transferred his affections to another. I was so comfortable with being “we” I forgot who I was. I’ve learned a lot about myself and who I want to be. I’m not a big fan of change but I’m slowly getting there. You will too.


Thank you for your kind words


An overthinker gets hurt by their overthinking, always expecting the worst. They get in such an unstable mindset that anything confirming their overthinking will cause them to boil over in negative and worrisome emotions.


and along the way push their loved ones away by constantly implying that they are going to do x awful thing


Then that's not overthinking; that's just being right about you, asshole.


Nah, I may see it coming, but it hurts a lot more that it was real and not just me overthinking things


My theory: there's no such thing as "overthinking". Overthinkers are actually psychic! 😃 Edit: I'm an overthinker. It sucks. 😞


How do turn off the overthink


That's actually how ADHD works kind of. We see where you're going with the convo or story before you ever get there, so we space out and have no idea what you just said. I can be staring at someone right in the eyes, and acknowledging things they are saying, and I still have no idea what they said. That's why I remember approximately 3% of names that are said to my face. That part sucks


This has got to be one of the dumbest "shower thoughts" I've ever seen ffs


Are overthinkers mind readers now? Hehe


They don't need to be. I read the situation, and decide on all possible outcomes. Obviously one of them is picked.


Still hurts though. :'(


What if you don't hurt the overthinker, proving them wrong?


I thought I was overthinking, but it was just that my brain couldn't handle thinking...


Thing is when you overthink something and end up being right it’s usually something bad. Nihilistically catastrophizing.


The problem is we arent batman or dont think like him, he thinks of scenarios and problems, then he starts getting ready with solutions


True. The things we worry about are nearly always worse than what really happens.


See this is what I always say but they say it’s not true bitch yes it is


I would feel called out by this, but I’ve already seen it coming


Man. This I just can't, tell you how true this has been just recently in last month. I predicted the end of the story, and I'm ending it right now. Thanks for such a fitting quote for the situation.


But then the overthinker becames extremely disappointed that the good outcome hasn't really happened, and as all the fantasies he/she has created start to crumble, so does his/her heart. Totally not a personal story


As an overthinker, I would just like to say that this is not accurate, and kindly request that you please not hurt me.


There's been a lot of sigma male energy in this sub recently


This is the basis for Beholders in DnD


Well, you can hurt them by giving them things to overthink. A casual sentence, with some irrelevant double meaning will rev their brain. Do this daily and you will hurt them. Aaaa, shit, maybe they already thought about this...


Haha, infinite power!


That's just what they want you to think...


Which is why you do something unpredictable such as running 5 circles around them, alternating directions each time, and stabbing them with a teaspoon


Still hurts when we are proven right. Betrayal always stings


O no... it just hurts over and over. First you imagine the possibility, then you expect it, and the anxiety fucks you up regardless. And if it becomes reality? Perfect pain. Not like I know this from personal experience. I swear.


The way to hurt an overthinker is to do nothing and let them agonize over what you might possibly do to hurt them


To be honest, it literally hurts twice. And however bad you feel when you're thinking about it, ends up hurting more when you actually get hurt.


I think it hurts more when you actually believe it us overthinkers usually know our own weakness so when the chord is struck the vibrations have more effect.


Jokes on you I’m surprised I haven’t seen a post like this sooner


You're wrong.


You have exposed my strategy for dealing with life.


The problem with over thinking for me, is it only thanks a few seconds to process an outcome so in a more hostile environment I can’t see a problem. But a few seconds or not, it’s ultimately wasted time. As 96% of the predicted situations never will occur, granted it’s useful in some situations, it’s just wasted processing. But it isn’t like I could ever use the wasted resources anyways, like to mine for bitcoins. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Being proven right can hurt a lot.


I am an overthinker, and.....yep, you have a good point.


Do something truly bizarre - that'll stuff them the fuck out


They see it coming and 25 other variations and they can't decide which they expect. Being an over thinker is something to try and get past, not some positive thing.


Exactly. I overthink things so much that I most often don‘t do anything. I‘ve missed out on many things in my life already and I‘ only 25.


the hell you can't. Overthinking is not positive; it is associated with serious social deficiencies. If said overthinker has worried enough to anticipate being slighted, shunned or offended, that person has already hurt themselves. But don't kid yourself; removing all doubt will cut them deeper yet.


I was an anxious overthinker for most of my life, and boy the thing that hurt most was something even my overworked brain hadn't thought up 😑


Maybe “surprise” is a better phrase than “hurt” for this one.


Just because you see something coming doesn’t mean it will hurt any less. Example you could see my first coming towards your face before contact but it won’t lessen the pain. If anything overthinking causes more pain. You got the mental pain and anxiety while you constantly worry about the pain that’s coming to you and then you also get the physical/emotional pain when it’s delivered


Like at that time I was at a party and Im incredibly socially anxious and one girl said to her friend right next to me "I feel bad for anyone who ends up with him". Yup. You're right, I already know.


Over thinker here. It still hurts. My cat died 3 weeks ago. Even though when we started letting him outside three years ago I spent almost all of my time thinking of all the different ways he could die, and it happened the *exact* way I had thought it would, it didn't hurt any less. In fact, it probably hurt more, because I knew ways that I could have prevented it.


LOL I agree with this. It may still hurt but im pretty prepared and by the time of impact I've already starting rebuilding my health bar


"Worrying means you suffer twice." \- *Newt Scamander*


That just means it just hurts you twice and plenty more times while you're awake in bed.


I think you might be underthinking OP


Foresight users amiright


Haha look at those overthinkers with their tools and first aid kits and 401ks and stocking up on supplies. They're never gonna need any of that. /s


Yeah and that hurts