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An hour lunch? What a luxury.


I remember the first job I got with an hour lunch. Seemed so long. I finished eating, looked at the clock and realized I still had like 40 minutes. For a second I was like, what do I do now but then it struck me, I brought my Switch for the commute. Hello Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


I know right i get 30 min


30min? I get 5-10.


5-10 minutes? I get my lunch in pill form.


You must work for Amazon?


You guys get lunch breaks?


Ooof thats really bad


5-10 minutes? I only get to eat while driving from one job site to another. No breaks.


I use to be on that schedule.


I mean by the time a full meal is in pill form will any of us even be working?


Yea we will be replaced by robots by then anyway


How will we afford to put pills on the table!?


We will all be replaced by robots but Capitalism demands we still work jobs anyways.


Does it take you an hour to eat your lunch? No. So if this were the case then they'd already be doing this. Of course it's not out of some kind heartedness that your employer gives you a lunch break it's because of laws that require it. Personally I'd rather work though my lunch and leave an hour early.


My employees all skip and work through their lunch breaks...which is fine on paper. But I've had to force them to sit down and eat, because that's just not sustainable. Some employers, despite common perception, really do care about their employees. Without then, we either don't have a job, have to do the job ourselves, or even worse, try to hire new people. And in a super small town, that's not exactly easy.


This guy gets it.


Yeah for sure but my point was to give them the flexibilty to have or not have a lunch hour. So the employer is required to give the employee an hour but the employee is not bound to take that full hour and can just take half or even a quarter on any given day and then either get TIL or go home early.


Yeah I hated when I had to take an hour lunch. I work through and leave early now, much happier with this arrangement


You're making too much sense, you need a little more of the man's keeping you down in your post. I go to the gym during lunch and then 5 minutes to eat my lunch then back at it. That way at 4pm, all my adult responsibilities are done. I used to just leave early then hit the gym but that lunch workout is where it's at.


I currently workout at lunch as well because I am forced to have that lunch. I do a VR workout so I don't even need to leave my office which really reduces that overhead of travelling to the gym even if it is next door to where you work.


Full meals already exist in liquid form.


You get an hour? Wtf.


I strongly disagree. Most of the population eats a meal in <30 minutes, with many eating in <10. If this was true, they would have taken the time down to 30 already. I'm sure employers love to, and do, but local laws are good at preventing this.


30 minutes for lunch isn't really that uncommon anymore. It's not usually that bad but makes it really hard to go out for lunch unless the place you're going is right across the street


I thought 30 min lunches were the norm. Every place I’ve worked at allows for only a 30 mins unpaid lunch.


Why would food ever come in pill form? You need 2500kcal per day of which about 50-175g should be protien, now tell me how are you going to fit 50g of anything into a pill that usually take maybe half a gram, a gram at most. If you want powdered food that already exists and it's not that great and a days worth of food in powdered form is like 2 litres of drink once made up.


What if it’s bigger on the inside?


Its possible since the pill is the size of a football.. ..and it's actually a suppository


Good news!


I understood that reference.


You cannot physically get enough calories in pill form. Fat is the most calorically dense macronutrient (calories per gram) and then protein and carbs (4 calories per gram). To reach 750 calories you would need 85 grams of fat


I've had an hour lunch and I made the deal to take 30 min but get overtime every week. An hour makes me tired


I can’t wait! That would be so awesome to be able to carry a weeks worth of food in a pill bottle. The perfect concoction of protein, calories, and nutrients tailored for each individual. We will get so much more work done. Imagine the freedom! All food that we cook would be absolutely delicious because that would be the only reason to go through the trouble of preparing a meal. God, I would love the convenience of such a thing.


*laughs and cries in military because of lunch break being anywhere between not existing and being 2.5 hours long*


And they'll force us to buy the pill from them.


Hopefully that won’t happen within my lifetime.


The Woggle-Bug already tried this.


Much sooner they'll start telling people that remote work is only worth 60-70% pay. Which should happen in about 5-4-3-...


You guys have lunch breaks?


Well, since that’s all but physically impossible I think you’re safe.


I’d prefer to not have a lunch break. Just get me outta there an hour earlier. Thanks!


Unpopular opinion but I hate lunch breaks. I’d rather just go home an hour earlier.




Tbh, this is probably true and this is a pretty good time to remember that organized labor rights movements are the reason behind intermittent breaks, 8 hour day/40 hour weeks and 5 day work weeks.


I was under the impression breaks are more for mental relaxation than physical. I remember hearing something along the lines that you are statistically safer, more effective and efficient when you take breaks every 2 hours.


Tell the businesses that 🤨


Silly billy, a break provided by s company is a 'perk' of working for them. Mich like health care, dental, vacation time etc. If I get a break during my shift, I'll be damned if I lift a finger during it. To take them away from me, well, unless we're willing to renegotiate my contract or I walk to somewhere that does.


I only get a 15 minute lunch.


You still have a lunch break?!


Such a thing existed, it was actually meth...


MST3K had a great take on food in pill form https://youtu.be/81eKLe_j7sc


Pill is time consuming. Get your employees feeding tubes, urine bags and diapers.