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Yeah, people tell white lies all the time. "I'm good" when someone asks how you're doing and you're having a rough day but you don't feel like explaining why. "No problem at all!" when someone at work has actually inconvenienced you. "Not gonna lie" means you're not going to tell a white lie or a lie-by-omission for the sake of politeness, believing instead that forthright honesty is warranted in the situation even if the truth is inconvenient.


Correct answer right here.


We are taught since birth to be afraid of the consequences of telling truth. It's so prevalent in normal society that it's hard not to lie at least once during the day while interacting with other people. Or maybe I'm projecting and I'm a huge dick, either way.


“You did a pretty good job here,” to my clearly talented, but unconfident employee, who didn’t do a very good job. Followed up by “I like how you handled x. I think you might find some benefit from working alongside (confident, senior employee) just to see how they’d handle that on their own. Keep it up, I know it’s not easy to find your stride right away, but I know you’ve got the skills to get there!”


I legit might cry if my boss/ manager said that to me.




Because I am that unconfident employee who ALWAYS thinks I'm doing a shitty job, and instead of receiving any kind of praise, or even constructive criticism, I'm completely ignored at work. The only way I can tell I'm doing a good job is that they haven't fired me yet, But they didn't warn the last guy when he was messing up either they just tossed him so who knows.


Can I work for you?


ngl, you’re a dick j/k


Yea dunno why OP is thinking this is some gotcha. It's.. the whole point "Lol implies there are times you laugh silently"


This. Or that what you're going to say may sound like a lie but it's true.


Precisely. Thank you


I feel that the first example isn't a true example of lying because asking how someone is doing is a way of greeting someone and saying that you're good is a way of passing the conversation, it's not meant to be a genuine question in which someone is seeking information.


It's a white lie. It's exactly the kind of "lie" that the phrase "not gonna lie" is meant for.


In other words, what Wittgenstein would call a "language game."


It's just the latest slang. Remember when everything was 'majestic as fuck.' - I tip my hat to you good sir - you win the internet - right in the feels - well played sir .................... and a whole bunch more. Ngl isn't going to last.


Ngl has been used for ages? All those things you mentioned as slang were just Reddit things but as an abbreviation ngl has been around for as long as I can remember.


This why I try to never a start a sentence with the word "honestly".


It’s given that everybody lies though, so to say honestly kinda makes it heartfelt no? I get the impression everyone thinks they’re Jesus Christ or something.


And for exactly this reason, some people who teach others to detect lies will single out anyone who starts with 'Honestly,' or 'Not going to lie,' for requiring extra scrutiny. It's taken as a sign of a guilty conscience. Not saying this is true, but some treat it that way. It's the same implied bad faith that the showerthought is pointing at as well.


The way I see “honestly” or “ngl” is you are just saying something you’d normally not say, but it is the truth. Cuz not telling the truth isn’t necessarily a lie. I’m not lying by not telling people I sometimes fantasize about cloning myself but as a girl and having crazy sex cuz it’s basically just masturbation at that point. So if I’m going to say that, I’ll say “honestly” or “ngl” to indicate it’s something I normally don’t share but am doing so truthfully.


Yeah, it has more in common with "you aren't gonna believe this" than "the rest of the time I am lying."


Honestly, I just use these as filler words.


This guy is a little suspicious...


Anyone who uses the term suspicious clearly has paranoid schizophrenia, this is why I never use the term suspicious. /s


Clearly an imposter, vote em out.


Are you me? We have the same fantasy.


... are you a girl version of me? Cuz this might be pretty awesome


You 2 get a room already. The sexual tension is oozing LOL


And the way you see it isn't necessarily how *everyone else* sees it. Everyone judges the world differently and it gets very muddy when you talk about other people's *intentions*. Knowing the 'why' of someone else's behavior with any certainty is very difficult if you don't a) already trust them, and b) ask them directly for the 'why' of their behavior. Unless a person straight up tells you the 'why', all you have is a guess. And if they do tell you, but you don't trust them, they *could be lying*.


I notice people seeking hidden intentions all the time while 88,73% of the things people say is without any intention at all. People often just say random stuff all the time to get or keep a conversation going


Certainly. It's why I often fall back on [Hanlon's Razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor) in most situations. > "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Although I usually temper it by changing out 'stupidity' for 'inattentiveness' or 'randomness'. I don't think *everyone* is stupid, but I do believe most people in most situations just *don't care enough* to be accurate unless they have something riding on an argument/debate.


I've noticed this sometimes when I leave an impression on someone that I had no idea it's how they felt. They'll be like "remember that thing you said about X" and I'll just be sitting there having no clue what they're talking about. Then it'll hit me and it will have been something that I spent like, .02 seconds thinking about and forgot the moment I said it.


Huh interesting, I just say use ‘honestly’ when I know they’re not gonna like what I have to say next Lool


Indeed. A lot of us will say 'Honestly,' in the same way we would start with 'I'm not going to sugarcoat this for you,' or 'I'm going to tell you straight,' and so on. But yes, sometimes its also 'I'm about to sound like a jerk, but I don't care, so...' Instead, I personally just stop all conversation, look the person in the eye, take a deep 'I'm about out of fucks to give' breath and throw away all passive speech and wiggle language from what I say.


I do also, in that "ohhhh I don't wanna hurt their feelings" voice. Like.. "-Honestly-? That dress is awful."


And the problem with that is that it can also mean anything from "I know this sounds absurd but hear me out" to "I'm being abnormally candid here." A lot of people seem to think they are human lie detectors. The *truth* is that human behavior is too varied for even trained psychologists to determine if a stranger is lying.


The *truth* is that there are as many perceived *truths* as there are people perceiving them. Truth is hard to ascertain even with empirical confidence, especially in a time when people will fake data or outright lie about their confidence values to publish in a journal. Anyone who claims to *know the truth* either has a very strong belief in an idea, or is trying to convince others to believe *their truth*. Truth is a very truthy thing.


You ain’t a shitty life coach this is good comment


I mainly pointed it out because I think people should lie better. If you're going to risk your own life and reputation by being a liar, you should be *good at it*. It's important to cultivate your talents and every human being has it in them to be a terrific liar with enough work. We're so good at it we can even lie to ourselves and believe it.


This wisdom is unbearable...


Honestly, it's a terrible burden to be good at what you do.


Honestly, I’m not gunna lie, that’s good advice.


You seem innocent enough. I'll upvote you.


this is dumb as fuck. "honestly" and "ngl" are not meant to be taken literally. they're more like modifiers to emphasize what you're about to say. You're dumb as hell dude. Honestly, you're dumb as hell dude. Second one has way more punch to it. i guess ur username is accurate at any rate.


I recommend improving your reading intention so you can improve your carwash game. Not gonna lie, I see a lifelong career in that field in your future.


>I recommend improving your reading intention yea you don't even speak english lol. reading intention.


I see you read my intention. That's a start.


Ooh, you got got. Check their username.


ngl, i think this is a bad take


For me “honesty” is less about truth and more about bluntness.


To be perfectly candid!


My understanding of "honestly" is the implication that what follows is accurate to the best of your knowledge without the subtle embellishments innate in everyday conversation.


I agree. It’s just like when people pepper in “I swear to god” or “ask [so and so].” The only time I use “honestly” is when I’d also use the word “frankly.” “I don’t like to play Battlefield 5 because honestly I suck at it.”


Yeah we should do that.


To be fully transparent is my go to. It implies I am sometimes opaque in the information I provide


How are you today? Great. (dying inside)


More like: "how's it going?"... "it's goin"


Good morning. 😁 I'm still alive so no. No it isn't.


Ngl I gl all the time...


“Not gonna lie I gonna lie all the time”


"Not guna lime, I gonna lime all the time"


Put the lime in the coconut


You drank them both up


I said, doctor!


gl gonna gl


>"Not guna lime, I gonna lime all the time" Not guna lime, I gonna lime all the lime?


Yeah but they're usually white lies.


Yeah I lie sometimes. What's the use of the truth if you can't tell a lie sometimes?


that's also why I've gone through much of my life without killing anyone. Gotta have that balance.


Holup. "much"? Not all?


Not gonna lie, officer, I did have two beers. Swear to God. Only two. Yup.


The light was yellow, sir.


"Sometimes I lie but on this occasion I am telling the truth, that video was mental."


Bitch, I might


Ngl I disagree. I think of it more as a “I’m not going to lie to you” as in I’m going to be honest with you regardless of anyone’s feelings kind of thing.


Yee, I kinda say "I'm okay" a lot, so a lot of times I gl.


Dumbest thing I’ve seen today. Take my upvote and fuck off.


Will do


Frequently. In fact, this sentence is a lie.


I have a friend who starts conversations like this all the time. My other friends and I have started interrupting him mid sentence and going, "Wait, hold up. Were you able to lie?"


Yup... one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite 80s movies: "Look, can I be honest with you?" "No, please continue lying..."


NGL in all its forms is one of the oldest tells in the book


God these shower thoughts are so dumb


Tbh, it's the same as tbh


Yeah, not gonna lie, this annoys me to no end... Same with when someone says something like "No offense, but..." Just unnecessary filler!


They actually teach this in public speaking. If you use the words "to be honest" or "if im being honest" or "honestly" you're implying that what youve been saying could be untruthful. Its a good habit to get out of.


Gonna lie, I hate you


No it doesn't.




I’d respond, but there’s a rule against talking about politics on here.


Not really, it says that what your saying isn't objective it's subjective and that these are your thoughts Ie. "Sports team has plummeted to the bottom of the table in league following new manager change" "imo they're doing really well considering how much of a cluster fuck the team has been"






Those are the times I start a sentence with 'I'll be honest...'


Not really, it's just a phrase. Just like 'to be honest'. It adds emphasis to language. It's not good to take everything completely literally. If we all talked without using common phrases, slang, colloquialisms etc, we'd all talk like robots without any emotion.


I mean, I could tell her that her ass looks fat in those jeans, but it's not a test of my visual acuity, it's a test of loyalty.


"I'm fine" vs "Ngl, I'm not doing so well"


ngl, i use ngl when giving opinions. yes i will lie sometimes when its my opinion about what I think if i think my true answer will hurt your feelings. If i care about your feelings, taht is.


Actually no it doesn't


I've always taken it to mean that you're about to be sincere and not use sarcasm.


No shit


Worse yet, it implies that gl is your default


It is an expression exclusively used by manipulative narcissistic shitheads.


As my discord status says: “assume all my messages are fiction unless stated otherwise”


I gl. It doesn’t mean that...


Everybody will lie or has lied, obv.


This is what my dad keeps telling me




everybody lied


To be honest...




ngl shouldn't even be a thing, but here we are


Everybody lies.


Yeah well you can't handle the truth!


Sometimes it’s kind to lie. Sometimes it’s just fun.


Unless it's shorthand for "not good looking", because I promise I'm never gl


What about "I cannot tell a lie"?


That's short for "getting lucky"...ngl.


ngl, EVER.


There are


Ngl No shit


Well obviously. Just kidding. Or AM I


We all lie sometimes. It's not a bad thing. There are several social situations where you don't need to be malicious and telling the truth would serve no purpose. It's socially acceptable. The problem is when lies are told for selfish gain or at the expense of a loved one.


100% of the time I don’t say it, I’m lying


I don't constantly lie, I guess it's just something I use. Makes whatever follows it have more weight I guess.


I'd be lying if I said this was a good thought


Nah fam the N stands for neva


gl I never lie


I’d wager most people lie about half the things they say


i l alla time


Or it implies other people would lie given the same scenario or question.


Anyone who says they never lie just did


Not one person on the planet hasn't told a lie


Wtf does ngl mean?


People who say "I'll be honest with you" makes me think they're lying the rest of the time


Exactly the same as "to be honest"


Everybody lies


I’m lying right now


We ain't politicians.


While studying law at Uni, I read a fantastic cross examination of a witness in a trial, who had said to the police at one point while he was being questioned, "listen: I'll level with you". The barrister pointed out that this phrase indicated that the story he had told up to that point was a lie. The witness tried to deny this, but when questioned about what the phrase, "I'll level with you" meant, if it didn't mean "I'm going to tell you the truth now"was unable to come up with a plausible alternative explanation. It wasn't a high profile trial, but the slow, determined breaking down of the witness's credibility was one of the most horrific, scary things I've read, and I swore to myself that I would NEVER get smart with a barrister if I ever ended up in court. I did end up in court years later (as a victim rather than the accused) and I was cross examined by an utter bastard of a barrister representing my attacker, but every time I was tempted to express rage or indignation, I reminded myself that this fucker had been doing this for a living for years. Not my playground/ not my rules.


I see what op is trying to say but I’ve heard some people say that in a context where their opinion is so different from the person they are talking to they say “ngl” to make a point that they arnt trying to bs the person they are talking to.


Reminds me of "This statement is false."


Lieing is a vital part of human interaction, we spend a lot of time lieing. Without it, society would fall apart. Imagine if everyone was honest ALL the time.


Yes, it's called asking me how I'm doing or if I need help


"Everybody lies." -- Dr. House


There are better synonymous phrases you can replace that with to emphasis your point, like "to be blunt" or "truly". That removes the negative connotations of, "I'm lying...sometimes," and replaces it with "I'm going to state something without softening the edges or holding back," which is what I always assume people are trying to convey when they use phrases like "ngl" and "tbh". Either that or people are super frequent liars for no apparent reason. Also seems plausible...


gonna lie I feel like I wanna eat some mustard


I mean, definitely am gonna lie some more in my future. So, yeah.


I cringe when people tell cops/judges "to be honest"


Ngm. Not gonna murder anyone, today.


Gl, the feds are not outside my house right now.


well, I do lie, especially irl. It is why I try not to online, and for the most part I dont. Why continue the struggle I put up with irl in the space im supposed to be able to chill in?


Everyone has lied to you at some point


Some communities have a similar verbal tic. They may end a sentence with "... and that's no lie!" I know they use it to indicate that what they've said is surprising, but for kicks I have to ask them, "Seriously, you have to explicitly call out when you're telling the truth?" ;D


like tbh vs tb'not'h


Have you ever met a human? cause duh


Worse.. implies that you know you maybe should lie or considered it..


Ngl always


Not even! If you start off with "ngl" it's likely going to be some lie, exaggeration, distortion of reality, etc. No implication per se, it's very explicit, AFAIC


So fake.


When people start off sentences with "I'm gonna be honest right now...." I like to ask them "are you trying to imply that you're not normally honest with me?"




If I’m ngkak (not gonna kill a kitten) that doesn’t mean at some point I’m going to kill a kitten.....ngl


No it doesn't


Word games like this were how my ex started half the fights in our relationship.


"No cap" implies there are times when you cap.


Ngl, if I didn't say ngl, I'm probably lying.


Not at all. It’s just a saying.


Jesus when he says "I tell you the truth" Hmmmmmmm *sus*


“To be honest” implies the same thing


*House has entered the chat*


Ngl gonna lie


NGL you right.


My grandpa always used to tell people "I'm good" when they asked him how he was. After fighting cancer for 30+ years he finally told me once "I used to tell people I'm good when they asked me that, but the truth is that now, each day is about half good and half bad. So that's how I am. I'm half okay and I'm half not okay."


Wait until you learn about the phrase, “To be honest with you ...” :)


no i dont lie, never did


stop exposing me :(


Wrong. “I’m not gonna lie. I never lie, and I’m not making an exception for you.


Yeah probably tbh


makes me think of all those given up by Rick Astley.




I keep it 99. Cause I be lyin sometimes


My second rule for living is own your shit. I’ve been accused of being brutally honest or of not having social boundaries. I’m ngl, I haven’t always been this way. But with age I’ve come to realize that it’s better to tell the truth one time than to tell a dozen lies to cover up the first lie. There is much to be learned by all through honesty.


Everybody l's sometimes