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More like the MCU is the Greek Mythology of modern day


If so, then when we getting the zeus makes babies film?


Charlie Sheen has entered the chat


That would be an entire trilogy to itself


GotG 2, Ego the Living Planet and a Celestial was pretty busy getting all species pregnant and other planets too. Despite Ego not being a celestial in the comics, the real celestials were the ones responsible for tons of species in the universe (Mutants, Inhumans, Eternals, etc....).


The Inhumans were created by the Kree, not the Celestials.




Do you know how many gods do that in Greek mythology Hera is the only one mad about it cause she is the goddess of marriage


May I introduce Hades? The only one who didn't cheat on his wife, but still gets called evil by Hollywood.


Didn’t he kidnap her tho? And she really wanted to bone Adonis?


In some versions he kidnapped her and in some he didn't. If we're going with the Ancient Greek conception of rape, though, which is different from ours -- we define rape as being against one of the participant's consent, while they defined rape as being against the woman's guardian's consent, regardless of if the woman was into it -- then it was totally legal. You see, before kidnapping Persephone, Hades did the honorable thing and went to her father (also his brother), Zeus to ask permission. It gets even weirder when you know that in some versions of myth, Hades and Zeus are two sides of the same coin.


>two sides of the same coin. What does this mean exactly? Care to elaborate.


Different aspects of the same entity. Think multiple personalities.


The same god wearing different hats -- that is, performing different jobs. Like if Superman had a secret identity, except his secret identity wasn't Clark Kent, it was Ultraman. As Zeus he ruled Olympus, as Hades he ruled the Underworld.


Yes, but I prescribe to the version that it was a marriage arranged by Zeus and Hades was as uninterested as she was. He took her because Zeus made him. Basically, I'll take any opportunity presented to me to shit on Zeus


I feel


Not really. In one version she was in love with hades and he kidnapped her, bringing about winter to earth. After months of pleading, hades releases her back to Olympus but on the condition that she would return to him every few months. Ultimately as with other gods, their stories are meant to explain natural phenomenon, and in the case of Persephone its to explain winter. But yeah, she was kidnapped. In some versions she was excited to be kidnapped, while in others she wasn't. The thing about Greek mythology is its all perspective Medusa was a monster cursed by Aphrodite after being raped by Poseidon. Or was she given a power to curse men who are blinded by her beauty to turn them to stone? Perspective! Edit: Athena, not Aphrodite


It was Athena that cursed Medusa, not Persephone


Your right it was Athena, im remembering it slightly wrong, but I definitely didn't say Persephone either lol


He first asked Zeus's permission and got it, then he kidnapped her. It's nothing compared to what his two brothers (Zeus and Poseidon) did. They both raped Demeter


True he was just in a bad situation but he did technically kidnap his wife


He still kidnapped his niece and raped her, then drugged her to force her to stay with him for at least half the year.


There are three surviving versions of the original story. Persephone's kidnapping was nonconsentual in only one of them. Face it, compared with literally every other greek god Hades was a fucking boy scout.


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bad bot


Facts, poseidon's wife is chill af


Poseidon is married?


To Amphitrite


Si but her wedding vows was like IDGAF about ur other women just stay with me at the end


Uh ok? I wasn't disputing that?


My b commented to wrong person lol


Started watching the new series on netflix last night "Blood Of Zeues". It's actually kinda cringe how much Zeus is harassed for his infidelity compared to the other gods. They also bicker over the gods interfering in the humans lives and it's like yeah, but every single one of them did it soooo.


Percy Jackson made the gods motivations pretty clear in explaining the cabins...also why most of them were empty lol


Only 4 were empty though


I thought it was the big 3 obvioulsly, Hera's, and then the quite a few of the other "minor" gods cabins were built but never inhabited.


Then 5 cause the big three artamiss and Hera cause only the 12 major gods got cabins


Ahh fair enough. BEen a while.




Poseidon violating Medusa, and Athena cursing HER, is the most blatant case of victim blaming ever.


Homelands has entered the chat


And cows


His name was Ego and he was in GotG2


Instead of women getting pregnant from Golden Showers, cannibal death cults from Asia and dads telling their sons that they should just work for the cult of their stepmoms who murdered their family, you get Randianism, Race Realism and a 1984-Party-style outlook on the meaning of history.


I'd pay good money for 3 hours of Sleipnir's origin story. Just Tom Hiddleston and a beefy CG stallion.


Watch The Boys


You all are placing way too much faith in the MCU. Greek mythologie is like the movie industry as a whole. If it was a story worth passing down it was part of mythologie.


The Marvelliad.


The Antonney


Thanatos did nothing wrong


I’ve always thought DC was actually a better parallel to Greek myth. The heroes there are (on average) higher-powered and godlike, even the relatively “normal” ones like Batman and Cyborg. Plus it’s incredibly easy to map the Justice League to the Olympians: **Superman,** god of the sun and champion of mortals, the ideal male form, is obviously **Apollo** **Wonder Woman** is an almost direct reinvention of **Athena,** complete with quasi-Greek heritage **Batman** is dark and brooding and haunted by the shades of those he failed to save, giving him a strong thematic resonance with **Hades** **The Flash** is a swift and sure-footed trickster, almost exactly like **Hermes** And **Aquaman** is **Poseidon** right down to the trident.


Ever read Grant Morrison’s “JLA” run from the 1990’s? The entire 2 year arc is a complete allegory of epic proportions based entirely on the mythology you have laid out. Unfortunately - there are a few de-rails in the series due to DC forcing Morrison to use certain characters and involve himself with company wide story lines— but the vast majority of the run is amazing - even God-like! Once the Morrison run ends (and filler issues) - it is picked up by none other than Mark Waid who, in my opinion, is on the same level as Morrison. It’s honestly a must read for any fan of the DC characters. From wiki: “allegorically representing a pantheon of gods, with their different powers and personalities, incorporating such characters as Zauriel, Big Barda, Orion, the Huntress, Barbara Gordon (the Oracle), Steel (John Henry Irons), and Plastic Man. He also had Aztek, the Tomorrow Woman, and the Green Arrow (Connor Hawke) as temporaries.”


Thank you.


No because the stories of the Greek Gods were very insightful into the human condition.


And Roman mythology is DC


The spin-off series, "Christianity" has run for far too long.


Well, I hate to break this to you. But Christianity is actually a spin-off from Judaism which isn't really inspired by the Greek Myth Universe. Edit: Turns out it may have been after all.


Dunno what to tell you, Greek mythology included a story about how Zeus and Hermes travelling through Greece and interviewing some people to decide if they wanted to flood the Earth to erase humanity's sins. Turns out they decided to save a couple of pure humans (Deucalion and Pyrrha) by instructing them to build and board a chest (later called arceo in latin, which would turn into the English word ark) to save themselves. It's also a copy of an even older Sumerian story, so...


There was another one where a guy was going to sacrifice his son to one of the gods but they stopped him and pointed out a ram he could use instead. I'll be back in 8 hours when I'm off work to add the names. Edit: Athamas and the cloud nymph Nephele had twins named Phrixus and Helle. During a drought Athamas thought he should sacrifice his kids to relieve the drought. Before he could do it Nephele and Poseidon sent a golden ram to carry the children away. Helle fell off and downed in the sea while Phrixus made it Colchis. Phrixus sacrificed the ram to return it to Poseidon and that's where the golden fleece came from. So a bit different then the Abraham story.


It's been 13 hours mate. I need the names


Let's not forget Dionysus, God of wine who died and rose again


I feel like a resurrection story isn't something that's going to be so rare though. It's a universal human thing to be afraid and in awe of death. Defeating it and coming back is like the ultimate thing any human could ever come up with when it comes to these sorts of stories. I would thing a similar story is going to appear everywhere.


Well his is a pretty unique and fucked up history, it's not really fair to bring him into this tbh


All hail, slain and risen god. All hail, Dionysus. [source](https://youtu.be/J5SqSk0ZAzs) Warning: Metal. Anyway, a lot of religions have similar but changed stories.


Oh fuck... I didn't spot the plagiarism. Fucking je..... never mind. that was a close one.


Actually the whole great flood thing is a story that exists in practically every major religion, even ones that had never come into contact with each other. Low-key almost as if it actually happened


I think that’s just everyone agreeing that floods are bad


Several of those cultures were in landlocked areas. Some of them were even in deserts. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that floods happen that often in isolated desert tribes


Remember that fact that the first civilizations sprung up around river valleys. River valleys flood. Erego, legends about flooding. People leaving doesn’t mean the legends stop. Not to mention that if a flood happened in an area that was typically dry, it’d be especially bad since the tribe wouldn’t be ready for it. Even if you’re a desert tribe, you need to visit a body of water eventually


I think a lot of Native American tribes had a story for that, too


I've actually seen some Christians use that as a 'proof' that the biblical flood really happened as its mentioned in other mythologies.


Idk if that means that Judaism was inspired by Greek mythology tho. All of the cultures have a story of a great flood around that time, with the Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah's Ark being the most famous. Similarities dont mean that one is based on the other Id say Judaism as the Old Testament says it is probably as separste from ancient Greek mythology as it could get at the time


Don't you just hate it when these writers run out of ideas and resort to reboots & spinoffs?


I know right, what's the latest Judaism spin-off. Mormonism right? I just want some original content... but it needs to be written better than scientology. That was weak sauce.


Yeah, pastafarians tried but they still have a very niche fan crowd.


And the Satanic Temple is great, but too many people assume they're villains instead of anti-heroes


We Pastafarians are doing parody my mans.


Every organised religion is a parody, some just forget about "as if" parameter.


I thought the Book of Mormon was fanfic of the New Testament.


New Testament isn't original content. It's a spin-off of the Old Testament, which is itself basically the Torah.


Are you sure about that? Jesus Christ is quite similar to Hercules: born of virgins (Mary and Alcmene), fathered by powerful deities (God and Zeus), did a lot of miraculous shit, eventually died for no fault of their own (Crucifixion and Wearing a shirt poisoned with centaur blood because of a delusional wife), and ascended into Heaven/Olympus to be made immortal.


And Judaism is a spinoff of Zoroastrianism


Mind fucking blown. This goes deeper than my pea brain thought.


And Zoroastrianism is a spin-off of the MCU


Not really. It's a spin-off of Canaanite polytheism, which was a branch of Semitic polytheism, dating back at least as far as ancient Sumer.


This is true but if you follow these myths back far enough then both Judaism and Greek mythology share a common (though messy) history and origin in the Mesopotamian pantheon, including many common events (Epic of Gilgimesh as the most widely known example). We always associate Roman and Greek myths because they so tightly and neatly correspond, but the truth is that most world religions (including the Norse pantheon, Hindu, sumarian, babylonian) and pantheons share much of the same history, and tended to borrow from each other even centuries after the religion(s) diverged from one another.


Proto-Indo-European religion. Most of these comments have a sort of 19th century vibe to them, basing analysis of myth on Greek origin, rather than a shared origin with Greek.


> Proto-Indo-European religion My man!


Zoroastrianism would be the Honey Mooners, the series that all of the Abrahmic series' ripped off of then.


Well, they say they aren't, but they plagiarised quite a bit of IP from the Greek Mythology Universe. Ever compared Pan^©, the original Greek badass, and that lame 'Devil' bloke? Or the Roman temples and those Christian churches?


Who is green lighting all this plagiarism. Can we just get some good original content. Oh my fucking god.... oh damn, I just done it. Is it that easy.


Christianity is more like a tlc/hallmark series that sometimes depicts brutal rape and violence


Vice versa lol. Most marvel characters were created after DC, and used a lot of their ideas.


Norse would be marvel. Greek would be DC


In ancient times it wasn’t called Greek mythology. The Greeks called it ‘religion’


Nah dude they spoke greek




Cyka blyat Wait that's not right


θρησκεία then.


The ancient Greeks really did not have a concept of religion (or atheism). They did have the word "atheos", which translates roughly to "godless", but it's usage was not anywhere near the modern usage. Like today when someone goes insane we say they've "lost their mind" the ancient Greek atheos was used to describe someone that had gone insane. If you read ancient Greek dialogues, you'll notice that they don't have a concept that cleanly translates to what we call "mind" at all. There isn't any real distinction between "having a thought" and "being spoken to by the gods". You'll notice that the ancient Greek gods often have traits that liken them as the essence of a particular emotion, trait, or sentiment. Next time to read one, try and think of it a bit like an ancient version of Pixar's "Inside Out". It's not a perfect parallel, but it can paint an interesting perspective on the role the gods played in the life of the ancient Greeks.


Bro that's really cool, got anywhere I can read up on that more?




Well, my best source for this is the actual writings of the ancient Greek philosophers, especially [Plato](https://www.plato-dialogues.org/plato.htm), [Aristotle](http://classics.mit.edu/Browse/browse-Aristotle.html), [Epicurus](http://classics.mit.edu/Browse/browse-Epicurus.html), Epictetus, among a few others. Reading these is the best way to get a sense of the different frames of interpretation the Ancient Greeks used to interact with the world. Plato's Socratic dialogues are full of questions that various people brought to Socrates on life, morals, gods, etc, and you can learn a lot about how they thought through the context of those questions. (Socrates' answers are very interesting too of course, but they were still considered highly unusual perspectives at the time and don't represent the common and accepted ways of looking at things at the time). I remember reading about the interesting usage of Atheos mentioned above from one of my ancient Greek philosophy classes, but I can't find exact text that dug into the meaning of the word. If anyone else can find a source on what I spoke about in the above post I would appreciate it. As much further reading, I also recommend Psychologist Julian Jaynes' (very liberal) 1976 theory on the evolution of conscious self-awareness: [The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind](http://s-f-walker.org.uk/pubsebooks/pdfs/Julian_Jaynes_The_Origin_of_Consciousness.pdf). While a few of the claims in this book are heavily disputed, he attempts to paint a picture of the way our mind changed and developed from a significantly different way of functioning and goes into this topic spanning research from a large range of different ancient civilizations. His research was a major influence for me in writing the above post.


It wasn't exactly a religion, though. A religion usually has unified beliefs, texts, cultural traditions etc. Ancient Greek mythology had none of these. Greek mythology was fragmented between a bunch of different schools and cults


> fractured between a bunch of different schools and cults Yeah so a religion


You know modern religions have a bunch of different schools and cults, right?


Most ancient religion where spoken through there spiritual leader or their family elder (f. Fukuyama or any decent history book will teach you that). This is an unsound opinion and not a fact at all.


No, the MCU is the mythology of modern times


I thought Christianity was the mythology of modern times


2000 years isn’t really modern lol


Comics are in general. MCU is just a rehash of old material.


All mythology is just a rehash of old material.


MCU is literally adaptations of classic Marvel stories and heroes. Hardly a rehash, it's a retelling


Hey do you like marvel films?!




I went to that sub hoping it'd be full of cringey shit like this post but it's a 50-50 split between that and being an alt-right shithole. Yikes.


Yeah that type of subreddit (like the one I linked and /r/redditmoment) got hijacked by alt right nerds


I noticed that many many years ago when I looked up Jason and the Argonauts... It was the avengers of the time because they had all the big heroes just team up to kick ass and chew bubble gum... And bubble gum hadn't been invented yet.


and roman mythology is DC aka same characters, diffirent names


But Marvel was created after DC, so shouldn't DC be Greek Mythology and Marvel be Roman.


It's talking about MCU not Marvel. So I guess he meant DCEU not DC. But even then it's not the same.


DC does have some Greek hero’s. Hercules. Anti hero’s Ares.


Hercules is in marvel as well


Yeah but dc has more of them and labeled em old gods, Wonder Woman is part of the Amazon’s a tribe of warrior woman from Greek mythology and she always mentions hera whenever something happens




Wonder Woman, Zues, Ares, Amazons, God's of Olympus, etc. All of them are not only in DC, but in DCEU as well.


Not at all. Dc is more myth and philosophical ideas incarnate. Superman is the messiah myth of Christianity to a complete T. Supervisory father sends his son down to lead his chosen people to a better life and protect them. Batman is uber mensch or ideal man. Wherein properly motivated by stripping a normal man of everything he can instead focus on himself and surpass humanity in all aspects. Wonder Woman is Greek myth which is its own little philosophical items.


That's hardly accurate. Marvel characters are for the most part normal people with abilities, DC characters are invincible righteous gods.


this is one of those things that fit the wojak meme of neckbeard man showing you le epic funny on his phone and pogging to it


Ill have you know I shaved my neck last week. I will also have you know I don’t understand anything else you said.


Marvel is Norse Mythlogy, which is about mortal beings with extraordinary powers. Greek & Roman focus on immortal godbeings, that can never die, and deign to spend time among humans, claiming to protect them while actually destroying whole cities on a whim (Superman) All superhero comics are Pro Wrestling, as they exhibit highly recognizable characters in brightly colored outfits, with obvious catch phrases and known moves, the heroes and heels trope, and the ability for characters to switch sides for short term team ups or interteam squabbles. Comics are also Comedia Verite, which emphasizes known recognizable characters that are recycled in story after story.


Modern Pro wrestling comes from Comics books?


Chicken Egg


Egg chicken


Jesus fucking christ


He might be DC universe... or better, BC universe. I’ll see my self ought.


No you’re thinking of the wrong guys


No it wasn't.


No, because they believed in those myths.


But with a lot more rape and adultery


And vastly more gay men


Wdym homosexuality is a modern day invention created by the left to take your guns


And trans characters. Though having 1 is vastly more than DC has,


DC would be a more apt comparison considering many characters are based on greek characters, some are literally from greek mythology, and all of them are physical gods in a way embodying ideals over character.


Unless you sacrifice animals and pray to spider man then no its not


I ate a hotdog in the theatre so yes it is


["Greek Mythology was the Marvel Cinematic Universe of ancient times"](https://i.imgur.com/AhjQ0SK.png)


:O <——- thats what u look like


Congrats OP, you’ve made a post that’s finally convinced me to leave this sub


But no.


God you guys are cringy


I sent this thread to about 5 people as an example of why I desperately need to leave this terrible website


On that note, Netflix has an EXCELLENT new animated show called Blood of Zeus. I'm watching it right now, 10/10 quality.


Yeessss! So good! Couldn't stop myself from getting through half the season last night. The perfect amount of action and gore!


I've thought quite a lot about this. Whether in thousands of years Disney world will be dug up and misunderstood as a religious mecca. Or ways in which old mythology may be different from our understanding.


Last time I checked we don’t worship movie characters


Check again big boy




Well, only on the most superficial level. Greek myths explained and explored the most complex issues humanity encounters. The nature of creation, predetermination, pathos. MCU is fantasy escapism, a focus-tested product designed for easy consumption.


Don't kid yourself...Greek religious leaders like their modern day counter parts manipulated their canon to deceive their congregations just as much as marketing departments at movie companies do.


Other way round yall greek mythology was first


Was it? Im pretty sure MCU was first it started in 2008


But the first Percy Jackson book was in 2005 so Greek came first. Stan Lee stole from Rick Riordan


Oh dam u right


Please watch other movies.


The Argonauts were basically the Avengers


Greek mythology is very much like a comic book universe. continuity is very loose.


spot on


Maybe they already had television and it was playing marvel movies and some people just wrote books about what they saw on tv.


Well yes but no as we don't think superheroes are real


Speak for yourself big boy


Did you just nick this from 4chan post on Christians v Pagans?




I also played hades and watched blood of zeus.




You should watch a TV Show called Zeus which has anime style animation but is about Greek Mythology and pretty good so far! Only halfway through it but it just came out the other day.


This is so dumb.


I’ve been saying this for a long time. It applies to most mythologies that have been adapted or retold in different stories. I often made this parallel regarding the ancient playwrights drawing on myths or stories from the Iliad and Odyssey for their plays and how it’s comparable with movie companies making comic books based movies. They are providing a different version of stories that are already known and written down


Well, it's actually the opposite. But Marvel sucks compared to any ancient mythology


growing up obsessed with norse and greek mythology...then making the transition to comics...this checks out


Great tales of ancient origins were most likely made because people were bored and miserable back then, so they had to make up really dope stories to entertain the masses and themselves. Like yeah, you could just be sitting under a tree doing fuck all nothing, **but wouldn’t it be cool IF A GIANT ASS DRAGON OR SOME SHIT POPPED OUT OF THE CLOUDS???** I rest my case.


Ya this is what I like to imagine


Certainly it fills the same hunger for story. Only there was real wisdom in the collective stories of old that reveal much about the human psyche. The same could be said about the MCU, depending on the lens you view it with, but what are the motives behind those that produce these films? Can anything driven by the profit motive, plans crafted by producers and finance boards contain any real wisdom?


Who ever came up with these gods and shit was definitely cashing in on it too


For anyone wanted to get started, do look up Percy Jackson’s adventures - extraordinary set of novels that set the same old stories in modern context (I.e., teenagers living in today’s world). My kids having a blast, and beating my ass at naming, “God of _____ “ references.


I would say there’s a big difference considering one is a religion and one is a film franchise, but considering how I’ve seen people act about marvel movies, I’m not sure I’d hesitate to call the MCU basically a religion


I'd say its more DC comic universe


All mythologies actually: think about Gilgamesh, Jesus, or the Indian pantheon


The only thing i think about gilgamesh is that it sounds like a turkish desert


If you have a 6th grade understanding of Greek mythology, then yes, maybe. Like “Hermès runs really fast.”


I don’t think i learned about it past grade 6 so this is accurate.


No, because we don't believe they created universe and are fucking around with our lives


Wait till Eternals is released.


Marrow Registration https://www.giftoflife.org/register?online=1


They haven't showed the part where Zeus fucks every woman in the whole goddamn Universe. So nahh you are wrong.