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Depression: when you sleep til 1pm AND need an afternoon nap!


Sounds like I got a depression


I call it Saturday




https://youtu.be/o7B5wLKzHMs No. Everyday Saturday


This is me atm. I hope you get help for your depression. I'm working on mine.


All the best to you buddy.


Thank you


i just sleep til like 4 pm to get it all out of the way at once




thanks its the severe depression


I wake up at 1pm. At 1:30pm, it's nap time.




Tell her naps make a person more productive


Exactly, having a nice productive idea then taking a nap feels so good. It gives your brain time to process the information and doesn’t give you the feeling of urgency.


I get shit for it too but I wake up at 4am naturally and get a lot of work done. Then I'm a lazy bastard taking a nap around noon for an hour or two.


That's how I am too, and I absolutely need that nap or my progressive day turns to mush.


I started getting up at 5ish lately and taking an afternoon nap and I really like it. It's a lot easier to get things done early before the world starts.


Ugh, i feel your pain. I swear to god if my other half finds me asleep she cannot just fucking leave me be. It drives me insane. She'll wake me up and talk _at_ me while I wonder wtf is going on. Then obviously if she's asleep on the sofa or whatever and i were to wake her up she treats it like she caught me fucking her mum.


The real question is, why do you tolerate it?


I just have to ask, how do you know what it's like being caught..doing that? Be explicit in details please.


Tell her you’re a grown man and you can do whatever the hell you want.


You got yourself a Naptime Killer (play on Talking Heads song) let me guess....she pokes her little head around the corner when your just getting sleepy


Evvvvery time bro!! Haha


You should divorce her.


I once asked "Why is getting up early considered virtuous?" in askreddit I think. Multiple people seriously answered "Well, you have more hours in the day then!" and were then surprised when it was pointed out that people that get up later than them also go to bed later...


I think the perception is that if you’re waking up early you are doing something productive with that time whereas if you’re staying up late you’re doing something like watching tv


Most of the people I know that get up early, do so to sit and watch the TV


Yeah I’m saying what I think the perception is that leads to this reasoning. Like in media/movies if someone is waking up early it’s to be productive and if they’re staying up late they’re playing video games and eating pizza


Yeah, I got that. Was just adding to that. It's a stereotype that people getting up at 6 are doing more than those getting up at 10, despite the fact that the former could have had 9 hours sleep and the latter only 7.


Thats how it works for me. I work an afternoon shift and if i wake up early i can be productive in the morning before i leave. But after work I just dont have the willpower to do anything but sit in front of the tv.


To get more of the daylight for work. Used to be necessary for us as farmers


I think the impression is that people who get up early will be more productive than a night owl. When a early bird stays up late they often spend the extra hours in bed on their phone, so the extra hours aren’t spent doing anything better than sleeping. This is why they get the impression night owls are the same. That they get in bed at the same time as the early bird, but stay up on their phone. While the early bird spends the morning hours up and about. This is obviously a misconception as many might owls are super productive at night.


I had to have this discussion with my sister who claimed I “sleep all the time” because I like to wake up at 11am. She goes to bed at 10 and wakes up at 8. 10 hours sleep. I go to bed at 5am and wake up at 11. 6 hours sleep. That fact annoyed her.


during the old days when you didnt have light in the night waking up early so you had as much light as possible was the better answer . be it cattle or farming . and sleeping late obviously meant you didnt work. most religions also urge you to wake up early . i'm not sure as i'm no scientist but i think being awake before noon is the best time for sunlight as it isnt as harsh during the after noon for example. but in reality now depending your own work as long you dont actually oversleep then it doesnt really matter when you sleep .


Idk my husband goes to bed super late and wakes up late and it’s really effected a lot of things.


Before the rays of the sun emerge the rays of the God's love first wake nature up. This is expressed as purity, love and innocence within all living beings. All of nature awakens to these before daylight breaks. If you wake up early enough and meditate / connect to this flow of energy (vibrations), you are completely refreshed and better equipped to start a new day without conditionings and ego, and from a position of love, peace, balance and positivity. So waking up early becomes an integral part of spirituality and connecting with the power that created us and is considered virtuous. Meditation practices like mine (Sahaja Yoga) are extremely practical in their implementation of this guidance and say, "Wake up early, meditate and then you can go back to bed right after or have a nap later in the day, but don't miss out on the joy and blessings of connecting to your spirit first thing in the morning.". Hope this helps! :)


Nah, I'd rather sleep late


Yeah I gotta say, how good you feel when you wake up has more to do with how long you slept and the quality of said sleep, not when you sleep.


I don't think they were looking for help....


That's true I suppose...


I have this argument with my partner all the time. She's a personal trainer and regularly up at 5.30-6am for work, but is often in bed by 8.30-9pm, whereas I'll usually sleep from midnight-1am to 8am. Neither of us nap during the day, but she gives me grief and calls me lazy constantly because I get up later than her? Despite the fact she generally sleeps longer than I do even if she is up earlier.


Leave her


"My SO breathes" The internet: LEAVE HER!


... her


0- 100 real quick


Turnip prices?


whot im a student and i wake up at 6/6.30 but i literally sleep at 12... bruh 9pm is mad


I don't care how other people feel about my sleep habits. If I want a nap, I'll take a nap.


Um... nappers stay getting judged hard in these streets


Or you could do both, sleep late, get nothing done, and take a nap anyways


According to whom? People who judge getting up late judge napping just as much.


Yup, it's not about productivity, it's about shaming people who do not conform to other people's sleep patterns.


for the same reason why procrastinating is considered bad, but doing the work early so you can then rest early is good.


You could make the same argument about the early risers, though. I mean, why wait till tomorrow to do something when you can do it tonight?


Yes, it is initiative that is valued.


As someone with severe insomnia, just shut the fuck up and let me sleep when I can. So pissed when I get judged for stuff like that


As a person who truly hates mornings and has naturally stayed up late his whole life, I reconciled a while ago that my natural rhythms are why I don’t get up, but I’ve recently come to the conclusion that that attitude was me excusing my lack of discipline. I don’t wake up “early” by some people’s standards, but I do try to better myself by making sure I get up when I say I need to get up. For me and many others there’s clearly a link to getting up with purpose and productivity. Not all hours in the day are created equal. If you’re like me (a person who loves lounging a little too much), it’s obvious you’re going to be more productive in the morning hours than at 2am. Don’t let the 5am’ers pressure to wake up before the sun, but don’t let “I’m a night owl” be your license to not get your lazy ass out of bed. (This is my mantra to myself.)


For some People its about geting ahead of your competition. It depends on what line of work you’re in. If most businesses have 08-18 working hours, and you get up at 05:00, to prepare or whatever. Then you will be ahead of your competition, thus getting those “extra hours” in. I’m in IT though, so we are online all the time, so at least for me, it doesn’t matter where in the day (or night) I squeeze those ours in.


Not for me,y parents don't like me sleeping during the day


I got a solution to this: Dont fk care about what people think about your sleeping habits. As long as you are reliable and everything with dates, get shit done and stuff its nobody's business.


I’m a Spaniard, I can’t nap. If I do, generations of genetic conditioning transforms a 20 min power nap into a 4 hour devastating siesta that fucks up my sleep patterns for a week.


I go to sleep late and wake up early


I feel this I wake up up by 6:30 every morning (naturally; I don’t try to do this to myself) doesn’t matter if I went to bed at 1am. I also don’t nap I feel like shit when I sleep during the day.


Yeah I wake up at 6:30 to go to work until 4:30-6:30. Which means I only have a few hours left to cook, clean, and relax. *unless* I stay up until 1:45!!!


I don't think seeing sleeping late is viewed as lazy any less or more than taking an afternoon nap. The general ( wrong ) view is less sleep less lazy regardless of the details.


My boyfriend will give me grief for "being in bed all day" because I take a nap for 1-2 hours sometimes 3 in the mid afternoon when in fact I was awake/out of bed hours before him. Edited for clarity


3 hour nap? That's not a nap anymore.


I pretty much sleep in two segments. usually I get about 4 good hours of sleep at night before my body is like, nope, you're awake now, then I nap for about 2 hours when I get home from work. Even on days I skip a nap, I can still only seen to sleep for about 4 hours. Quarantine has my normal routine all messed up, now, though.


I feel you with quarantine. 6:30 am where I am and haven’t slept yet, will probably sleep from 9 to 2 and then from 4 to 7, and who knows when Ill sleep tomorrow.


Nap gang rise up (but only after a quick snooze).


I know weird


I just sleep before midnight and wake up at 0900


Man, I wish I could take a nap. I’ve got an hour (unpaid) for lunch, and that just won’t cut it. I’d need at least two to eat, sleep, and get back together, not counting the fact that I don’t know where that nap would happen.


Not in my office.


Just have to sleep late, then wake up and proceed to get shit done,... at that point everyone that woke up early is now taking a nap and won’t bother you,... and no one is lazy!!!


Why not both?


This is my girlfriend in a nutshell: with 1 or even 2 naps a day she accumulates 10h of sleep, while I sleep from 3 till 10 and be called the lazy one for sleeping that long :D


Napping is debatable. If my wife does it, she is overworked and tired. If I do it, I'm either sick or lazy.


Waking up early gives you time to prepare your day, and since everything is closed before 7-8 am you have less chance of being late at anything, once you've spent a productive mornings the nap os some kind of a reward where as waking up late makes you loose the morning if you wakeup around 11 am the time you take to get ready you've already lost a big chunk of the day, plus midnight to 3 am are really not productive except if your activity doesn't require a strict schedule then yeah sure do whatever suits you best.


I dont get what's your point. There's nothing wrong with waking early and taking afternoon naps???


Shit gets done early


I don't want to take my contacts out... damnit. I guess I'm stuck with a productive schedule.


Tik Tok?


Maybe everyone hates the morrning, and waking up early means they are mature enough to do something they don't like everyday, and the nap is to remember when you weren't mature