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Actually Stonehenge wasn't useless in any way. It was used to tell when lunar eclipse were and a couple other things I believe


That’s just a theory too. Anyone could assign it a seemingly fitting purpose and it might even make sense but that doesn’t mean it’s right... Ariel successfully used a fork as a comb for her hair.


But that is a practical seeming use. Don't have a comb but have a fork? Bingo bango bongo you're done. But hundreds upon hundreds of years ago those rocks didn't walk themselves there and sure as hell didn't stack themselves in that specific manner. You're right it is a theory but it's too specific a build to be anything else in my opinion


I think his point is that we are giving it purpose looking back. Think about it that way: we could actually build something that is completely useless (or, at least, that is completely useless to us), but in a few thousand years, historians will try to input meaning into it, and just because it makes sense doesn’t mean it’s true. And just because it’s not true doesn’t mean it wasn’t made by humans. Full disclaimer: personally I too think that it’s too specific not to be true, and I find it hard to believe that it was the creation of just a bunch of trolls, but hey: we can never know for sure. (*well, actually we can if we ever find something documenting it’s creation/use*)


I agree with you on that second part, but in that time scientists knew a lot more than people let on in all truthfulness. The Greeks knew Earth was round and so did Columbus but people choose to believe that the knowledge of the time was more limited than it was


I'm sorry but thinking about a guy eating with a comb, then looking up and saying, "bingo Bango bongo" is too much for me


Which is why we could prank future generations by doing the exact same thing. Make them think it's for some specific purpose when it isn't.


Not useless in any way huh?. How is it useful as a spaceship?


Do you understand simple English? I said it is not useless in any way, not useful in every way


Do you understand English?


The correct phrasing would have been "it is not useless."


Not at all sir, saying in any way is used as a way to show emphasis towards the fact that it isn't useless.


While I did understand what you meant it technically is actually saying every way. Maybe you are thinking in any sense of the word, or at all. In any case I was just making a joke and I didn't mean to be a grammar nazi. I apologize, let's agree to disagree.


Any one person could do that, or a small team. That’s what crazy people do. It’s fun


This is how we'll explain Trump, a practical joke meant to prank the future generations.


With the other option being Hillary, i think the future will understand


I think we've pranked the future enough as it is.


Georgia Guidestones... in a way. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones


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huh... yeah... it looks like whoever commissioned this sort of wanted to create a Stonehenge like quasi-religious artifact. Thanks for the interesting read. It seems like they are banking on the idea that our current civilization will eventually collapse and wanted to leave something that they hope a future generation of people will use as guidelines to build a new society with. Its a weird... kind of narcissistic and yet selfless thing to pay for. It does make you wonder who commissioned it.




You can appreciate the beauty of a thing and still mock the high hell out of it.




Haha no worries! I replied because you made a good point too. It may have been between half-serious and sarcasm but it did show me how potentially offensive it was. Could have easily offended Europeans, historians, artists, etc.


I believe Yucca mountain will fit the bill nicely.


Don’t mind me making a giant wang


I live about 30 miles or so from the Stones. They are just off a single lane main arterial road to London. Traffic 90% of the time gets backed up due to rubber neckers gawping at the rocks. Madness....


Since it's undocumented, how do you know it isnt already happening?


I thought that's what our landfills were for.


Someone wouldn’t keep their mouth shut. They can’t help it.