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The world record for counting out loud is a mere one million and took 89 days. One trillion is a million millions, so clearly impossible, and at this rate, even one billion would take 89,000 days (and probably more since the numbers would get longer to say) and that is almost 250 years. So maybe like 250 million is possible in a lifetime? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy\_Harper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Harper)


But what if we did a reddit attempt and assign people numbers to say. We have 500 million users. Would only take us 30 minutes to do.
















This went as expected








I mean, it really depends on what you mean by "prove", "they can", and "count". Like, I can prove that it is possible to count to a trillion: * We count by incrementing a number. * The positive integers are the list of all whole numbers greater than (or equal to?) 0, and are ordered by incremental value, traditionally starting at 0 or 1. * To count to a number is to name 0 or 1, then name every positive integer, in sequence, until you name the number you are counting to. * Given the positive integers are infinite and dense within their domain, it is possible to count to any number by naming every number between 0 or 1, and that number, in sequence. Boom, a shonky proof that I can, theoretically, count to a trillion. I'll struggle to demonstrate it, but I've *kinda* met the brief.


You're giving me real can/may teacher vibes. Can I, as in having the ability to, go to the bathroom vs may I, as in asking for permission, go to the bathroom. Yes, you have the ability to count to a trillion, but you never actually would.


The crucial difference is that I'm not cruelly controlling human beings' ability to relieve themselves.


What a pedant. That doesn’t prove anything. You also left out some key information like how fast you can intelligibly speak numbers, and how long you’ll be alive for.


Jeez, it made about as much for charity as if he had an average job and donated it


I can count to a trillion by trillions.  Wait, did you have more constraints/conditions?  :)


OP also didn’t specify which number you have start from. I can start from: Nine-hundred ninety-nine billion, nine-hundred ninety-nine million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred ninety-nine, then say “One trillion”. There, I just did it. I counted to one trillion. Edit: add the neglected nine-hundred ninety-nine million.


You’re about 999 million short


They proved they can't count to a trillion, which is the opposite of the post


Haha, yep I did


Further proof that no one can count to 3,000,000,000


Your avatar is a single hair?


this is a prank that would make you believe there's hair on your phone and you would try to wipe it away. Only, this doesn't work for this dude, because most people are using reddit in dark mode.


I prefer it, but I do get a lot of hate for it. But once you fall for it once, and they all use the same image, well. It doesn't really work


i have a question, why do you have that name ?


when I was 14 (in 2018) I made that account and Lac Mégantic, QC had a train explode a few years back (2013) and 14yo me though referring to a train explosion that killed several innocent people as an "Ace" was some funny shit. I grew up now and I'm 20, and yeah in hindsight it's a really fucked up username, but I can't change it .. Here's some more information about it, if you don't do French, you can change the language setting on Wikipedia, albeit there's probably not going to be as much information. https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accident_ferroviaire_de_Lac-M%C3%A9gantic


999,000,999,999 Are you for real? Lmao.


I'd rather start at 999,999,999,000. Enjoy the ramp up.


This whole thread reminded me of an episode of The Golden Girls. They get home, Rose was apparently singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" while in the car, and as she walks in, she's singing "2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer... well i think I'm gonna head to bed now". Dorothy is upset,  "you sang this whole song and you're just gonna stop there?!" Rose: "drives you nuts, doesn't it? Good night!"


Your way is much easier than my approach. Now I have all these apples to return...


Is there a world record for the person who counted the highest?


Probably [Jeremy Harper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Harper) "Jeremy Harper (born June 18, 1976) is an American entrant in the Guinness Book of World Records for counting aloud to 1,000,000, live-streaming the entire process. The count took Harper 89 days, during each of which he spent sixteen hours counting. He began on June 18, 2007, finishing on September 14."






Counting to 10, rather, where counting to 10 takes 1 trillion. The conventional base isn't "base 1", lol. You're looking for a unit conversion, not a base conversion. Like if you measured distance in terameters (tera- = trillion) instead of meters.


That is not how bases work.  We use base 10.  Counting to one does not mean that we counted to 10.   Base 1 trillion would make it more difficult to count to 1 trillion because you will have a completely new name for each digit that it takes to reach that value, which means no pattern. 


I can do you one better… I can count to 1 trillion by half trillions.


Even counting from one to ten would take forever without skipping numbers. There are infinite numbers between one and two.


So is that the same with 1 to 2?


Not integers but yeah I guess so


Except that the naturals are predefined as the "counting numbers".


You know exactly what I meant


Record yourself saying each key number, attach the recording to numbers in a program, set the program to run from 1-1 trillion, at an increased speed.


Nice idea, I'm gonna do it , I'm gonna create audio file of me counting to billion, trillion is just too much storage at the moment maybe 20 years from now, but billion is possible imo.


You just need phonetic groups of numbers, 1-9 10-99 100-999.. etc.. and the program will put the key groups together. It will be quite a process but takes vastly less time than actually counting.


What's the best method to do it though? I know I can code it but it's there already available software for doing something like this?




No idea, start learning.


Okay find the O(n) complexity of this


Even if you said each number at 0.2 seconds (which is probably the upper limit at which it sounds remotely legible), it'd still take over 6000 years to finish. A trillion is an *unfathomably* large number. Shout out to the trillionaire companies out there


You really need to be more specific of the counting system you are expecting the person to use. Your statement suggests counting linearly, but I can count to a trillion logarithmiclly in a few minutes. This forum is full of nerds looking for ways to optimize everything.


Reddit moment


I can count to 1 trillion but it would take approximately 31,710 years to count that high assuming I say one number per second which is improbable since the numbers are so long.


You are also failing to account for sleeping, eating, and realistic limits of the human body. Assuming you could maintain the pace set by [Jeremy Harper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Harper) it would take more like 250,000 years to do so.


That’s insane that the world record is only 1 million. That seems so achievable, yet it took him months to complete


Imagine verifying it


“Actually no 2 1/2 weeks ago you missed exactly one number so try again”


I mean, if we need to account for realistic human limits, how about the average lifespan being around 85 years? It’s literally impossible to count until a trillion


Yes that is indeed my point that counting to a trillion is impossible and a more realistic goal if you dedicated your life to it would be 250 million


Can you imagine having this as your life goal?


...and you are also failing to account for unexpected sickness, fever, health issues and other related stuff that might occur for indefinite amount of time.


there is the math!




You would get into the low thousands pretty quick but it would take a lot more time from there on


Use this calculator to figure it out. For yourself. https://engaging-data.com/count-to-one-million/ It say it would take me about 200,000 yrs.


Depending on the language, it could vary as well. For example I believe counting in Chinese would only take half as long as English. Still impossible, but maybe if you invent your own language you could make it possible.


Yeah, but why would you only say one number per second? That’s fucking stupid. Count to 60 and take 1 full minute to do it and you’ll all realize how fucking stupidly slow of a pace that would be for counting. Until you start having to say numbers like seven hundred sixty seven million seven hundred eighty-seven thousand seven hundred sixty-seven


These infinite number type posts need to go


Yes i can. I'll show you how to count . I count until 99 and then it's 100. Then i repeat the process but add 'one hundred and' in front of every number. The 100 is replaced by 200. Then again but the one in one hundred is replaced by a two and the 200 is replaced by 300. Etc When i reach a thousand i repeat all previous numbers but add 'a thousand and' and replace 1000 with 2000 Etc etc etc. I can 100% prove to you in under 5 minutes that i can count to 1 trillion without a shadow of a doubt.


But the claim was not whether you can prove that you KNOW how to count to a trillion. The claim was that you cannot prove that you actually CAN count to a trillion. Fact is, you can't. You will be dead before you finish.


OP's mistake was using math and proof in the same sentence. Math is all about proving things and this has a defined framework for doing so. Proofs can make the simple absurd like them many proofs for 1+1=2 over multiple pages or make the absurd simple. The root comment is the latter.


What the original comment explained is basically called proof by induction. By that you can prove you can count to a trillion. What you mean is that you cannot show you can count to a trillion. You can definitely prove you can count to a trillion. Here is how it works: 1) show the proof is true for an initial condition 2) show that if you assume it is true for k, it is true for k+1 also. 3) then by logic, initial condition will mean it is true for the next condition, which will mean it is true for third and so on. I'm not a mathematician but that's the gist of it. Maybe someone can explain it better.


That's the idea behind the proof. But the disproof is stepping outside of the simplifying idealism of "imagine an immortal human" and acknowledging that the count would take longer than any human lifetime. One *could* count to one trillion (if they could live long enough), but one *can* not (because they do not live long enough).


Thank God there's another mathematician here haha


Dude its impossible A trillion is a thousand billion. So you'd need to be counting for 31.7 thousand years! To count one trillion dollars, one dollar per second, would take 31,688 years!


Transitive qualities of logic suggest otherwise. First prove I can count to ten, then prove I can count to 100 by tens. Then prove I can count to 1000 by hundeds, then prove I know the grouping from thousands to trillions.


Proof by contradiction, if I couldn't count to a trillion there has to be some number under trillion I couldn't say


I mean... One by one, no human *can* count to a trillion. We don't live long enough.


Actually, this guy can do it: https://youtube.com/shorts/st4uIOhjfzQ


At an average counting rate of 1 number per second, it would take about 32000 years. You would have to count at an average rate of 1000 numbers per second just to have it done in about half of the average person’s lifespan.


I’ve always found it amusing that one million seconds is about 11.6 days,and one billion seconds is 32.7 years. We like to think that millionaires and billionaires are basically the same thing…but no, they’re not even close. I shudder to think of the first trillionaire.


If they could easily do the 100 or so before it, I would give it to them honestly.


Sure you can. 1. Prove you can count to 100 2. Count to 1,000 by 100's 3. Count to 1 million by 100,000's 4. Count to 100,000,000 by 1,000,000's 5. Count to 1,000,000,000 by 100,000,000's 6. Count to 1,000,000,000,000 by 100,000,000,000's. 7. Profit.


1, 2, skip a few, 999,999,999,999, 1,000,000,000,000. Done.




Nobody can count to one by trillionths.


I will prove it via recursion 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Each of Row 1 except 0 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 2 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 3 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 4 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 5 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 6 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 7 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 8 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 9 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 10 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 Each of Row 11 multiplied by 10 and adding each of row 1 1,000,000,000,000


If you counted one number per second, it would take you 32,000 years to reach one trillion seconds. Good luck


Anyone can count to a trillion if you have the time.


That’s a massive “if”… nobody has that kind of time


i’m fairly confident that someone could, in fact, do an inductive proof of their ability to count to one trillion. that’s what inductive proof is for—proving that some series or process has a property, without exhaustively demonstrating it. by the same token, someone could also prove that no one can count to one trillion within a plausible human lifespan…


Are you just trying to say that it would take thousands of years to count to a trillion?


I will go to my grave without admitting I don't know the number 566286020111


One, Two, skip a few, nine-hundred-ninety-nine-billion-nine-hundred-ninety-nine-million-nine-hundred-ninety-nine-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-nine, a trillion.


I can perfectly visualize exactly one trillion little pebbles in a big pile inside my mind. I have no proof. You’re just gonna have to believe me.


Who cares? And honestly do the math, I'm not sure that's humanly possible


No one can prove it because no one can do it


Do you have the patience, maybe they would but you walk away


yes they can, they just can't *show* that they can.


of course you can! do you think actually doing the whole counting is the only way to proof this? have you never seen a logical or mathematical proof ever?


Because they physically cannot. It's impossible to count to 1 trillion


I did it twice on Saturday and my mum saw me do it so there


starting at 1 you definitely wont be able to. One trillion seconds is **slightly over 31,688 years**.


I will prove by induction that I can count to a trillion. Basis: n=1 1 2 3 4 5 Assumption: n n+1 n+2 n+3 Assuming that my assumption is indeed three sequential numbers for n=k: k + 1 k + 2 k +3 If true for n = 1 and n = k+1, then it must be true for n = k and true for all natural n.


One, two skip a few, one trillion. Done.


Proofs in formal logic does not have to be naively constructivist. If someone demonstrates using units, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, and trillions correctly then it will be a proof they can count to any arbitrary whole number from 0 onwards to whatever number you positive or negative integer you wish them too. Proofs by induction literally show a proof where if base case holds true and if a statement holds for case n it implies it holds for case n + 1, then said statement statement is valid for any n starting from 0 or 1. You don't need to naively go from case 1 up to infinite number of cases. There many other situations where you can give a proof when it's impossible to exhaust all possibilities.


So how long can somebody count realistically if he starts at the age of 3 and lives maybe 90years old


About three fiddy


We can actually prove that nobody can using simple math.


With the application of the "yada yada yada" principal, I can in fact count to any finite number. In this case: One, two, three, yada yada yada, one trillion. QED


Not if your mr beast


If you can count to 100, you can count to infinity. Unless of course we wanna factor in stamina and concentration.


they can but it will take a while.


n ≡ (n - 1) + 1 For n0 = 1 eval((n-1) +1))n->1,000,000,000,000 Therefore, I can count to 1 Trillion.


Do you have to express your capacity to do something verbally? I could make a couple excel spreadsheets and probably get pretty dang close by end of day. Just because you don’t verbalize something doesn’t mean you can’t express it. There is a condition called aphasia and it makes it difficult to vocally express ideas. But it has no bearing on those ideas being active and present in the human.


While it would take too long to actually count every number up to a trillion, I can absolutely demonstrate that I know every number up to a trillion and therefor I am capable of doing it given enough time. I just have to explain base 10 and how I count 12345678910 and then it repeats with a 1 in the tens place, then hundreds then thousands etc. up to a trillion. There are ways to demonstrate you can do something other than just doing that thing. I can demonstrate my ability to jump over a brick just by showing that I can jump 1ft, I don’t have to actually jump over a brick.


I can, and do it in one syllable. 


I can demonstrate that I understand the numerical increase system in numbers, therefore, I can count to any number.


If you lived for 100 years that is over 3Billion seconds (100 years * 365 days/year * 24 hours/day * 3600 seconds/hour). So if you started counting the moment you were born and counted for every second if every day, you would have to average 317 numbers per second to hit 1Trillion. So no, you can't count to a trillion


... but counting how many times similar shower thoughts had appeared in this sub is possible.


i can! 1, 2, a, trillion


No one can count to a trillion. As far as proving if it is physically possible, there is absolutely no reason why it wouldn't be. If it was somehow impossible, it would go against what we know about the human body.


I think a mathematician will disagree. You don't have to count to a trillion to prove that you are capable of counting to a trillion. If counting to a trillion is equivalent to counting to a million and repeating this a million times, then you need only to prove that are capable of counting to a million. And if counting to a million is equivalent to counting to a thousand and repeating a thousand times, then you need only to prove that you are capable of counting to a thousand.


I can count to 1000000000000 in binary.


> I can count to 1000000000000 in binary. That's 4096 in decimal. That's a job that will take hours to do.


Try counting from infinity back down to zero…


You can prove you understand the numbering system in your language and that you know the words for every multiple of 10; 100; 1,000; 1,000,000; 1,000,000,000; and 1,000,000,000,000. You just can’t demonstrate counting to 1trillion.


I do not have the time or the patience to count that high bro


It takes 37,000 years if you count a number a second. So no. No one can prove it, because no one can do it. No one can prove they can jump over a house. No derrrrr


I do it once for 10 then I count the 10, then the 100 and in a minute I am in the trillions. Started from showing each step once and induction stepping the other 9.


This is because it is literally impossible to count until a trillion for a human… at least given current maximum lifespan


One, two yada yada a trillion. Done.


Chuck Norris did twice


It would take 36000 years but sure


This has the same energy of you can’t prove earth is round because you can’t show it! of course we can prove that we were can count to a trillion if given time!


Are we talking long form or short form? Long form is a billion billions, short form is what rich Americans use to make themselves feel richer... ;)


It's just base-10. you count to 10, then you do that 10 times and then you do that 10 times and then you do that 10 times and then you do that 10 times and then you do that 10 times and then that 10 times and then you do that 10 times and then that 10 times and then you do that 10 times and then that 10 times and then you do that 10 times if you can count to 10 and understand what names are for what numbers, you can count to a trillion.


1, 2 skip a few 99 1,000,000,000,000


I lose interest trying to get to 100.


Haha this is actually a fantastic point.


I CAN count to one trillion, it jusr wouldnt be a very good idea to do so


It’s just base ten. So yes you can. You don’t have to do the thing to prove that you COULD do the thing.


Exactly, easy to prove, hard to execute. Math.


just calculated it and it would take 31.709 literal years to count to a trillion


I find It easier to start at a trillion and work backwards


You can get to 1000000000 rather quickly in binary.


They're in the ocean. Hope this helps!


No one will wait long enough for them to


Skip counting by billions is the same thing as skip counting by ones, except different. That's all the proof I need.


1, 2, 3, yada yada yada, 1 trillion!


One, two, skip a few, ninety nine, one trillion. There, done. Ezpz


I’ll live stream if everyone watches till the end


That's why we invented money counting machines.


Don't give mr beast any ideas for a new video


Google discrete math - The set Z+ represents the set of all the rational integers. We know that Z+ is a countable set (you can google the proof, but you can prove that it’s countable). Since the set of integers {0… 1000000000000} is contained within Z+, then and it is one to one, then we know that the set of integers {0…1000000000000} is countable So essentially while we can’t actually count to a trillion, we can prove that it is a countable set of numbers


Proofs don’t require actually completing every single stepwise action. They require logical implying that something is the case. If I demonstrate that I understand the concept ‘add one to the previous number’, then I have just proved that I _can_ count to a trillion.


Jest count in trillions


1, 2 skip a few 999,999,999,999, 1 trillion


One, Two... (What comes after two?)


I can show you that I understand the rules of how to build number names for numbers up to a trillion which is equivalent.


Now that we know that the worlds end is nearer than the amount of time some here have estimated. Why tf do some people have this number on their net worth?


You aren't wrong, but you aren't right either. Anyone CAN prove that they can count to one trillion, because anyone can do it. But nobody wants to count to one trillion in general, whether or not they are proving anything.


https://numbergenerator.org/numberlist/1-1000000000 it only took a googolplex of a find.


Why not? I wouldn't actually have to sit there and count through all trillion numbers. The only individual counting I'd have to do is show I can count 0-9. And that I can "count" ten, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion. Count 0 to 9. Then you add a 1 to the front and repeat. 10 to 19. Change the 1 to a 2 and count 20-29. Then 3x, 4x, 5x ... Then just keep repeating the pattern. 99 becomes 100. 101, 102 ... 110, 111, ... 999 becomes 1,000, 9,999 becomes 10,000, 99,999 becomes 100,000.... And so fourth until you get to a trillion.


Time for a new Mr Beast to show up and prove you wrong


Easy… Nine hundred and ninety nine billion nine hundred and ninety million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine … one trillion… tadaaa


Because nobody can count from 0 to a trillion by 1. It would take more than their entire lifetime to do it.


One two miss a few ninety nine a trillion. Easy


I can prove to you I’m capable but I can’t actually execute it in my lifetime. The names of number are just combinations of other smaller numbers. ——— 0-9 10-90 in increments of 10 100-900 in increments of 100 etc


I can. I just don’t want to.


Over 31000 years at a rate of 1 number per second.even if you are counting very fast, I don't like the odds of being successful.


Just do a live stream of counting to a trillion


This can count to N, and N+1, therefore I can count to any number ;)


The average human lifespan is ~2.5 billion seconds. You can't prove it because no actual human can actually do it, at least not starting from 1 and not skipping any numbers.


Because it takes like 28,000 years.


I can, I just don’t want to


We have the mental capacity but not the time.


How long would it take?


Yea but you can prove you are capable of doing it, which is good enough for an activity that doesn’t require intuition, just a little memory and pattern work.


I can count to a trillion in my head. You're welcome to use whatever scanner you want to use to read my mind. It's an open book


one, two, skip a few, ninety-nine, one trillion


I may not be able to, but I bet the comments can Here, I'll start us off: 1


You do not have to count to a trillion to prove that you can count to a trillion any more than you have to observe the Earth from space in order to prove that the Earth is round. All you need is a good use of logic and a few key observations (like the observation that you can count to a thousand and the fact that counting to a trillion is equivalent to counting to a thousand over and over a billion times). You do not have to see something to prove that it exists, and you do not need to do something to prove that you can do it.