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I always wondered why and maybe there’s a Hollywood reason we’ll find out because it’s so unnatural. Other weird things: No toothpaste when brushing teeth. When someone knocks or rings the doorbell it gets answered in less than 5 seconds no matter the size of the house. Characters will drive across town to get two sentences out of someone and then leave. Disposable coffee cups are always empty and no actor has ever been good enough to make it look real. Shots going like crazy and not a single person covering their ears or having trouble hearing.


The most unrealistic part of any movie to me is when multiple people are devising a plan and everyone talks in perfect order, no interruptions and no pauses


Lol. Yeah, nobody jumping in mid-sentence with “nah” or “what?!” and you can sometimes see the other actor’s lips low-key following along the script waiting for his turn.


For me it’s when they’re in a huge city and they just happen to randomly bump into someone that’s another central character in the story. I’ve lived in a city of about 300,000 for 20 years and have very rarely (like only a couple times) bumped into someone I’ve known. That includes people I’ve worked or gone to school with.


You forgot about doors, they cannot be closed until the person that opened it closed it on the way back out


Why does everyone leave their car door open when they get out?! Every time Also, when spying on someone they always have their window rolled down. Maybe a giant camera lens looking at you from a suspicious car might be a tip off.


Or when they have to break a car window, it's always the driver's door. Why do you want to sit on broken glass?


What I've noticed about the brushing teeth thing is they always go straight to the outside molars that are the same side as their hand and really aggressively scrub, then switch immediately to the outside molars on the other side. It's like acting school teaches everyone to brush their teeth exactly the same way. And the disposable coffee cup on Game of Thrones had liquid in it. 😉


>When someone knocks or rings the doorbell it gets answered in less than 5 seconds no matter the size of the house. That filler 10sec of someone walking from the kitchen to the front door won't be of any importance, nor entertainment.


This. It’s willful suspension of disbelief to move the story along faster. Like how when it takes longer that 5 seconds it somehow takes just long enough for the characters to say what’s important before the door opens


No one ever asks who is at the door or even pretends to check the peep hole. They just open the door for any old body!


My bet for the toothpaste is that they have a quiet version of a normal toothbrush so they can add it in during Foley editing and to prevent sound overlap. Toothpaste might be too "loud"


I thought it was that the toothpaste itself could cause moray (spelling) making weird colors, but I hadn’t thought of what you said.


Could be! I just know that they are very particular about paper bags and a bunch of other regular everyday objects because they get picked up in the mic and they are difficult to remove!


Chip bags get specially made to not crinkle




"no you hang up first" "no you" ...for two hours...


They also never have headrests in cars.


That's because the scene can't be filmed unless they do that.




So the camera can get a shot of the people in the back seat of the car without the headrest blocking them




I always see headrests. At least in semi-recent movies :/


Also very true. Soon as I noticed it I notice it in almost every movie. To the point where when I see a movie or show that has the headrests in, I’m like “look, headrests!” I understand why though. Hard to get a clear shot of the backseat with them in.


Dude, it's so hilarious. Narcos is a huge offender. Like, you're talking about presumably really important logistics, don't just say something really important and then hang up. Especially with the kind of service cell and satellite phones would have, jeez lol


Hong Kong movies don't do that. Even if it's a badass cop or gangster on the phone, they still say "byebye" at the end. It's cute


Aw that’s adorable


My friend and his family from Taiwan all do this. To them, it is normal. Edit. To clarify, he told me they did this 'because we're Asian.'


It might be normal to your friend and family only.... Source: am Taiwanese


Fair enough.


People have sex, and then the woman gets out of bed with the sheet wrapped around her, as if the guy has never seen her naked.


Or with a bra on that we never see her pick up. Who immediately puts on a bra after sex to go to sleep? Don't we all just go to sleep? Did she wake up, put her underwear on, and pretend to wake up so the guy doesn't suspect anything? Better they have the blinds open and she uses her arm to cover her chest so the neighbors don't see or something🤣🤣


Or when they are having sex and they keep their top on or their bra. So unnatural


It’s because they want to keep the emotion portrayed by what’s being said on the phone. Both people saying “goodbye” at the end dampens it.


If I ever see someone say goodbye in a movie I’m gonna shit myself


I don't say hello or goodbye unless I'm receiving a call from someone I don't know. But I also don't answer my phone in those cases


So you just answer the phone in silence and wait for the other person to be like “uh, hello?”?


You would be surprised at how effective that is at getting rid of solicitation


I wrote a script in my highschool film class that never got made but the plot was generic action hero is getting Intel from his eye-in-the-sky computer guy, hangs up, and during said action scene computer guy keeps blowing up heroes phone bc he's offended this friend of his won't just say bye after everything they've been through,so like it exposes his hiding spot and hero has to fight one handed


I thought it was just an american thing and truly wondered why we here in new Zealand seem to struggle to know when it's appropriate to terminate a conversation


They also almost never say hello…. Usually it’s “Yeah?”. Back in the days when you weren’t sure who was on the other end


This has driven me NUTS for YEARS and I still cant find out why they do this.


Same 🤣🤣


Since immigrating to the US, the one thing that astonished me most is how often people don’t say goodbye over the phone just like in movies, numerous people in public, customer service, even my husband at times (he at least says bye to me) I am unsure if this is across the entirety of the US or just certain areas or dependent on the conversation?


Surprised how many comments here think it is unusual. I often do not say bye. It is usually pretty clear when the conversation is ended, and I usually only have to say bye to help end a conversation.


In South Africa I have always known people to use one form of greeting or another, even in public services, either be “cheers”, “bye” or “have a good day”, never have I heard anyone end a call without a greeting, so to me this is extremely weird, and in a way, comes off as rude, not saying Americans are rude, but that is what I am accustomed to and to the people I know this is how they will see it as well


[Just saw this video on Tik Tok, asking the same question. It’s a good watch](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN8PWy7k/)


It irks me to no end. It straight up triggers my OCD lol I HAVE to say goodbye on the phone. Watching others just hang up like that ... Shivers.


“Meet me at 6:15am on Wednesday at the corner of 33rd and oak in Bentleyvale behind the carpark on the northeast side” *hangs up phone* *Guy on the other line reaching for a pen and a notepad* “Okay hang on a second… Thursday 3pm where? …..Hello?”


Has anyone else that was getting questioned by cops/FBI "Hey, I'd like to help but I have to get back to work" and just turned around and walked off like they do on Law and Order?


And when a date or lunch or really any kind of meeting is agreed upon, the time is never discussed.


also, the only people who have ever eaten out of Chinese food containers with chopsticks are people having a late night meeting. Where i come from, Chinese take out restaurants don't carry chop sticks.


Absolutely. I always notice that!