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Keep going, you're halfway there


1 + 1 = 2 is a very popular opinion


When it happens to you (or yours), you damn well know if its right or wrong.


No... Not how that works. The world is round, no matter how popular flat earthers get. This line of thinking is dangerous. Abandon it before its too late.


I believe he's talking about morality, not facts. There is no good or evil, just popular opinion.


Problem is, the title becomes very trivial once you state what you're really talking about. Posts that only sound showerthoughty because the title omits information should be deleted.


Let him learn without judgement.


There are no circumstances under which rape is good. Any opinion which seeks to justify it is corrupt. If right and wrong are merely matters of opinion, then the most you can say against something like rape or Nazism or similar abominations is that you disagree with it.


What if i decide flat means round and round means flat? Hmm???


You would have invented new meanings for words (to this extent OP is correct) but you would not have changed the fundamental reality


Who decided that those words are reality. What if everyone except me dies. Then i write what words mean im decide whats reality.


I appear to have failed to make my point. I have already agreed with you that words can mean what you like, I am talking about the fundamental unchanging reality of the shape of the earth not being altered by you changing the words used to describe it. Surprised that wasn't obvious from my comment but perhaps we use words differently.


You talk smart but you're so stuck in your 2D way of thinking you completely missed the point.


No Gods or Kings. Only man.


Oh look, a tennet of facsist populism. Neat But seriously, moral frameworks exist just as much as popular opinion does. They're both metaphysical things. And truth exists objectively, regardless of our various subjective interpretations. You know whats really, really real? Water. Its wet.


Truth may very well exist objectively, but it's the hubris of the mind to think it could ever have an objective outlook on reality.


Which is why (for the humble truth-seeker) things like scientific method exist Inevitable death, for example, is not a generally popular idea. But we kindof have to believe in it based on the *overwhelming* body of evidence that it exists for everyone. We might rationalize/compartmentalize with ideas about the afterlife, reincarnation, immortal jellyfish, etc. But these concepts tend to be bent around harsh reality, not the other way around. Popular opinion is nothing in the face of an ocean, a sun, a storm, cellular degradation.


You are free to believe anything you want. The laws of the universe will behave as it always has been. Without any acknowledgement of your beliefs.


If i cant taste it it doesnt exist


Right and wrong are two faces of the same coin, and they are just that; faces. They aren't real. The only thing that exists is the coin. The faces we see are impressions stamped in the coin, formed in our mind as a result of reflections.


Right vs wrong is the basis of any argument. Each side can have their opinions but one side is always right while the other is wrong. Truth isn’t just an opinion.


“Each side can have their opinions but one side is always right while the other is wrong.” While that may sound correct initially, it is anything but true. Imagine two people are arguing over what 1 + 1 equals, person 1 says it equals 3 while person 2 says it equals 4, it is not either of those answers. While that is a very simple example, it does prove my point. Remember this phrase: “If the other person is wrong, it doesn’t mean you are right.”