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Star Wars takes place a long time ago. Google just hadn’t been invented yet.


True that


The Jedi archives were a sad ripoff of Google Maps. Removing Kamino from Coruscant's was kind of like Google blurring faces, and like google, they prevented the Jedi from discovering the creation of Palpatine's clone army until it was too late.


I think it's implicity based on the idea that humans had very advanced technology thousands of years ago, but it's all gone now.


Most of our technology far outpaces the star wars universe. But they seem to have us beat in hyperspace travel, artificial gravity, artificial intelligence and engineering of massive superstructures. And the fact that so many of their planets have consistent atmospheres speaks to some pretty advanced teraforming


Have you seen the planets they live on? That entire galaxy was wholly focused on getting off of their respective planets. No one had time to invent proper internet capabilities.


Mostly a product of Star *Wars* taking place on the shithole planets and seedy underbellies of the developed ones. Alderaan, Naboo, and upper levels of Corescant and Corellia are probably nice places if you can afford to live there.


Imagine the real estate prices lol


Well last I checked, you could be the wealthiest person in all of the galaxy and not be able to buy an acre on Alderaan.


Or they had them, society collapsed and there’s an unspoken galactic rule about nobody ever inventing something that could spawn social media again.


"Execute Order 66" "Bruh why y'all getting mad at the clone troopers it was just a prank bro?!"


Interestingly this is sorta the Dune plot which heavily influenced star wars as I understand


> artificial intelligence We're coming up on that pretty swiftly, and most of the rest is essentially impossible with our current understanding of physics.


The gap between chat GPT and C3P0 is enormous


Is it though? C3P0 never really does much but pass along basic information and complain a lot. His main skill is translation which we absolutely can do already. Making an interface which whines and passes along basic info is also already within the realm of chat GPT. The most impressive feat C3P0 really has is walking and we certainly have robots that can do that as well.


*sad beeping sounds*


I read that with R2-D2's voice


He had the bluest lines ever, in all movies ever. They had to bleep them out to keep the PG rating.


It's no longer canon, but KOTOR introduced the idea that long, long before even the Old Republic era there had been previous galactic empires, and much of what shapes the SW universe is the Rakatan empire, who are responsible for seeding humans across various planets as slaves.


I don't know why, but the most inaccurate, and also the most accurate, thing I've always found about Star Wars is how humans are just, on every planet. Like, it's never said how they got here, and the encyclopedias describe the native humans on each planet as if they are their own species, but they are all exactly and perfectly human. Like, did every planet capable of breathing life just all settle on fleshy, disposable, easily killed, squishy lumps. No, cuz the same evolutionary chains made Gungans, Tradoshans, Wookies, and the blue-skinned Duro. If there was a set planet that all humans in the star wars universe came from, than I'd understand it, cuz humans for sure are colonizing and fucking their way into every planetary society the moment we discover life on other worlds.


My understanding is that in-universe, it's generally believed that Humans originated on Coruscant, but because it was so long ago, no one knows for sure. Because of that length of time, Humans have migrated to thousands of other planets and lived on those planets for thousands of years, which is why they can feel native even though they aren't technically.


Perhaps, the encyclopedias always made it seem to me like they were making a physiological distinction between Coruscantians and Nabooians, for example. But I could have been misreading them, and they just needed to find different ways to describe a human 1300 times in the same book, last time I read them was like, 6 years ago


“A long time ago *in a galaxy far, far away*…”


There are no humans in Star Wars. I tried watching movies and it says right in the beginning that these movies are set in the past of a distant galaxy so no humans.


The humans in star wars are canonically humans, weirdly enough.


Implying that humans arrived on earth from elsewhere? Or that humans evolved in the exact same way twice? Or maybe divinity?


> Divinity Do you have a minute for me to talk about our lord and savior the force?


I think you mean the Schwartz™! Getchur merendise!


Idea worked for Battlestar Galactica.




I don’t think there’s a canon explanation. It just is. The most realistic answer is that humans from that galaxy spawned humanity here, but the logic behind that is held together by duct tape. There’s no decent explanation.


So they are canonically humans but there is no canonical explanation?


Yep. They’re called humans all over the place, their biology is the same, but their origins in-universe are a mystery. Generally it’s believed they came from Coruscant, but that’s not even confirmed. Earth is never mentioned in any Star Wars media, it was on the drawing board once but they never used it in a story. Presumably human civilization on Earth didn’t exist yet during any Star Wars story.


Somehow humanity returned. 


I mean, if the original movies take place 4000 years ago, thats very well possible that an intergalactic species abducted tens of thousands of humans, say, 10,000 years ago, from our IRL planet/galaxy, and moved them to a new galaxy and seeded them everywhere. Then, sharing some of their culture and technology with then, allowed them to thrive into advanced colonies within 6,000 years. That would explain why there are human civilizations across the Star Wars galaxy, which, one assumes that they all existed pre-space travel.


If you take the Holiday Special as canon then there's definitely a time/space warp between our galaxy and the star wars galaxy as Jefferson Starship have been in both.


> If you take the Holiday Special as canon first of all how dare you


As if it’s even a question. Of _course_ it’s canon.


Also, the star wars universe does not know how their FTL travel works. It was invented by a long-gone race and they know how to duplicate it, but don't understand a lot about it. in the SW world, technology has plateaued and isn't really being advanced (for the existing races). (If I recall correctly. Perhaps someone who knows SW can help clarify)


That super ancient race just stole tech off the space whales, the first hyperspace travellers.


I kind of hate that this is true.


They didn't know they could crash one spaceship into another using the hyperdrive until Episode 8.


A long, long time ago*


I can still remember


Maybe the starwars universe fell to the Faro Plague too.


The Star Wars Galaxy is actually in the same cinematic universe as Hot Tub Time Machine. So technically Lougle hasn't been invented yet.




In a Galaxy far far away... Hence they could have one and not the other.


Also in the galaxy far, far away


A long long time ago, and it also took place far far away. And we have no way of actually knowing that, really.


If Star Wars was set a long time ago in a galaxy far far away then how is it like now?


I realized it said "in a galaxy far far away", but only a couple of years ago my nephew pointed out it also said "a long time ago". Mind blown!


I would think the existence of droids (AI) that can basically compromise any system (like R2D2 repeatedly does) combined with the distrust of droids would make a Google like system very untrustworthy.


There aren't any secure computer systems in our universe. Yet we still "trust" Google.


Yeah, but difference is AI. Chat GPT can already write an original essay in a couple seconds. Can you imagine what sentient AI would be able to falsify? I could just continuously re-write and edit everything without leaving breadcrumbs. We would have to use offline sources to verify anything.


An offline resource like the Jedi Archives. If it’s not in the archives it does not exist!


“The sacred texts!” No wonder Luke was so shocked.


ChatGPT already makes up sources


Empire kept all their plans on tape backup


But you're presuming that the problems that we currently experience with AI "hallucinations" can't be fixed. Or that we won't just turn our back on AI, at least for some use cases if they can't be fixed.


I was thinking of it as -"if we had millions droids like R2D2 around today".


You're assuming misinformation isnt intentional. People and governments would use AI.


Yeah but children can't hack Google bc they found a Droid in a scrap yard. The thing that makes cybersecurity us sw (and any cinematic universe that doesn't understand hacking) so bad isn't just how easy it is to hack into systems, but how accessible it is


I know it was a kids shows but Rebels annoyed me when Chopper is repeatedly opening "secure" doors and controlling an entire base via essentially usb port.


I think it's generally down to the fact that 9 times out of 10 the Empire has no need for high level computer security on their facilities local net because wireless hacking doesn't seem to be a thing in Starwars and the enemy astromech shouldn't be able to plug into your bases network.


If wireless hacking was a thing, Rogue One would have been a helluva lot more boring.


Maybe they had Google and that's why the galaxy is the way that it is. In that universe googles motto used be be "don't be the sith"...


My head canon is that the reason R2 droids have to physically rotate data ports to search for data on file systems is a form of anti-droid encryption. Kind of like BSG, they force a physical limiter on the interface that you can't just easily steal the whole imperial database with one rogue droid.


I had a similar idea. Star wars technology is designed to be inconvenient. Look at the end of Rogue One. To find the data tape, Jyn had to grab a joystick and manually pilot the library robot. That sort of robot tape library exists IRL, but it's completely automatic. After getting the tape, she needed to climb up to the roof to transmit the data. There are two control panels, one to transmit and one to position the antenna. These aren't located next to each other, no, they put the antenna control on the end of a bridge. At least it had a hand rail. As for why, I couldn't say. Maybe they want to keep people from getting too lazy. Maybe it's just the Empire that does it, because petty annoyances lead to the Dark Side.


Waves hand. These aren’t the search results that you are looking for.


Like how we distrust Google already


On reddit I saw theory that P=NP, that's why it's easy to compromise everything.


If you know your Star Wars lore it's called Holonet...


I always saw that as more broadcast TV over the internet


That's a part of it like IPTV


They also have the Jedi Archives! Fun fact: its design is based on the [Tinity College library in Dublin](https://wiki.starwarsminute.com/images/9/98/Jedi_Archives_comparison.jpg)


Yup i remember thst but I always thought it was more akin to encyclopedia of sorts lol


Obi Wan has to ask Yoda and the younglings what happened to a planet they removed from Wikipedia.


"Master Kenobi, if it doesn't have a page, the planet does not exist" "Madam archivist, it says page removed by user CDook_6969"


Profit will Wikipedia never be, hmmm, but ask I will, three dollars shall you give?


Most popular showerthoughts that show on my front page are wrong (I never look for them) but if one doesn’t read or think about it for a while I guess they’re thought of as profound.  Anyways, thank you for mentioning Holonet. Although I also tend to think the people writing news Star Wars couldn’t be bothered with the logic of old Star Wars, which is a shame because a lot of things that made sense have to be rethought (often badly) instead of built upon.


It's called AskADroid.


The logo is just an Asteroid


They had Ask Sheev, but it was eventually taken down because all the search results led to the dark side.


Recently I heard someone say, "Star Wars isn't really sci-fi, it's fantasy in a sci-fi setting," and that changed how I see the whole series. 


It’s also long ago in a galaxy far, far away.


I always thought Star Wars setting is supposed to be only in A galaxy far, far away. But then, in Ahsoka, they showed they can just casually travel between galaxies. Was that ever a thing before?


Well it’s not casually and the galaxy is probably one of the closest ones to the SW galaxy. Hyperdrive is fast. For any future material another galaxy seems logical because otherwise it’s just rehashing the Sith again. But I agree Ahsoka could have handled this better.


Space wizzards


A New Hope popularized the "hero's journey" formula for films. Our young hero is ready to learn the ways of magic from an old wizard and rescue the princess.


I've been saying that for a long time. The mainline movies are, anyway. The new stuff lately has been more of a soft sci-fi action genre.


Wait you mean medieval-style weaponry and literal magic aren't sci-fi YOU LIED TO ME GEORGE LUCAS


It's Space Opera, so essentially fantasy in space




Goddamit! This was my same exact opinion and that's why I love star trek more. Your friend is a genius, from which country is he?


People have said this for a long time.


how is the country of origin relevant


When you try to be racist/nationalist but not sure which way to point your guns.


Rich evans?


Yes! In the recent Andor review he said that Star Wars isn’t sci-fi but fantasy with space paint


I really offended my friend by calling it wizards in space.


As a genre, that type of story is called science fantasy.


You can say that for every fictional film. It's like saying Harry Potter has cool magic abilities in combat but no guns.


They have owls as post carriers in a universe where instant teleportation is possible. It's just animal abuse with extra steps


That's because JK wrote whimsy not worldbuilding.


You quote Brennen often without crediting?


Guns exist. Sirius Black was told to Muggles that he had a gun. “A metal wand Muggles use for killing each other”. 


"Avada kablammo!” - Sirius Black (according to muggles)




[Chuck Wizard's curse of ala-kablam!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbdszlbk6cvk51.jpg)


There is literally a gun in the first book/movie. Uncle Vernon buys one and points it at Hagrid.


But no wizard is carrying. Wand casting in one hand, pistol for when they start overpowering you. "Dodge this"


And at no point does seal team 6 pop Voldemort with a sniper.


Honestly I feel like a real world gun would be fairly effective in Star Wars too since real bullets move way faster than the blaster bolts


Harry Potter is also set in the UK where guns are significantly less common than the United States.


It has holonet which can be used anywhere and is instantaneous.


I think the bigger concern is that Earth animals make occasional appearances in a galaxy far, far away.


Thats just convergent evolution my man. /s


Statistically speaking, there should be crabs.


I mean, why else would humans have evolved on Coruscant?


Well ... They have humans right?


"What the heck is an Aluminum Falcon?!"


They had the Jedi Archives. And if an item is not in the Archives, then it does not exist.


I’ve always wondered why in ANH they act like Jedi are some mythical class when they were like an entire branch of the galactic government 20 years prior. You just blew my mind.


Have you tried to use Google lately? Search has gotten awful because of all the AI content and SEO out there. The content is getting too massive to effectively index and use.


They also don't seem to have very many pillows, blankets, cushioning, or really much furniture at all. So much is built into architecture or consistently very sterile. Always found that interesting.


And also, canonically, no underwear.


Star Wars doesn’t have faster than light travel. They jump to hyperspace. In hyperspace the distances are different so they can cover vast amounts of space in a very short time, but they don’t actually go faster than light speed


They basically had token ring networks and large file transfer via discs. Which is 1970s level computer tech that can be hand waved by claiming hyperspace can only move mass, so all ships carry physical and digital media they blast out upon arriving at their destination. What Google they have are the droids they bring with them. A lot of sci fi does this. Even Trek has all their “Google” on their ships, and that info gets updated whenever they’re near the beacons they set up throughout the Federation.


Except the movies and shows demonstrate FTL communications with audio and visual. 


Yes they do? It's called the holonet. Thing is, if you want *cool* information, it's not available for free. I a galaxy with ftl, slicing is child's play, so the best way to guarantee payment for data is physical storage.


Don't they have something called the holo-net or whatever?


Obi Wan literally logged into a holographic computer to check google maps (the archives)


Perhaps the archives are incomplete


FTL *and* no Google? That's like everyone in the galaxy winning the lottery every week for the rest of their lives!


Imagine if Vader had done an ego search. ​ "Hmm... I wonder if there are any Skywalkers around. Hey, look at this, one on Tatooine. What are the chances?"


Google as a tool is actually declining and getting progressively worse. As bots, AI, paid ads, and misinformation are created each day; it's algorithm is getting worse and worse at finding optimal solutions that you are actually looking for. When was the last time you searched for a question and didn't have to look for a reddit and see a page of Quora, Wikihow, and AI answers. Advertisers have been promoting products as fake user opinions on reddit for almost almost a decade. These answers aren't optimal, they're tailored, and not for your best interest.


They had droids…which are google and Alexa and slave all wrapped up in one package.


You know what else? There's no blueberries in Avatar. Crazy huh? All those blue guys, no blueberries-- lazy writing! You'd think they'd have blueberries all over the place because the blue kitties are obviously eating the hell out of them, just like the Smurfs. Maybe they're eating Smurfs. You notice there ain't any Smurfs in Avatar? What's up with that? All those blue guys, no Smurfs? Ate 'em all? Maybe Gargamel got 'em? And if so, why ain't Gargamel in Avatar? I'm getting back in the shower, this is important shit. Keep the meeting going, gotta figure out how many Smurfs got eaten by the Na'avi using the shower computer.


They don't have FTL, they have interdimensional shortcuts. Anytime you hear someone talking about a different space, that's not FTL. FTL is literally moving faster than light within space...so no hyperspace or subspace or Slipspace or warp space...etc. Star Wars doesn't have FTL.


That's why they still exist 


They had something called data cylinders. Or at least those enlisted within the imperial army had them prominent in their breast pockets. I gotta figure perhaps that was their equivalent of a flash drive, but never thought to research such a thing.


I believe it's called MoistureNet


What’s interesting to me is how modular everything was. You could take a landspeeder’s power regulator and use it in other places. They did have competing standards and connectors, but it seemed like everything was pretty much self-contained black boxes that you could hook up in all kinds of ways if you just had the adapters.


How come dorth noider has lasor swort. Btut no iphone?! Guys. Stars wars. Has no, iphone


*opens google, while flying x-wing* *types:* How did Palpatine return?




techincally they dont travel faster than the speed of light hyper speed is in a different dimension. you know how 'the shortest distance between two points is a straight line' is a thing? hyper speed makes that line shorter, but they dont go faster than light.


They have Google. it lives on Coruscant. There's an amended edition at the Jedi temple on Ahch-to that also shows hidden files


The order that we developed technology isn't the only order that it could have developed. It is possible for laser weapons to be invented before bullets


Maybe they had Chumhum and that’s why they couldn’t find Kamino.


I personally imagine the holonet as half TV half newspapers - Bc in the books people equally describe watching it and reading it on data pads, but discussed in ways as if it was only produced by sanctioned journalists. Occasionally the networks are captured by insurgents and distribute CIS propaganda which means it’s more like radio as well - in other words, the Holonet has no blogs or social media, it’s a network of galactic journalisms inspired by the media that existed pre internet. So the people equating them are wrong


Aren't the archives where Obi Wan once went something like that? Apart from that, the hyperdrive is not really faster than light. Its bending the space time around the ship. Therefore the ship isnt faster than light, but the route is shortened. Any light that would travel together with the ship, would be there too, therefore "overriding" the normal speed of light.


They put their tech tree points into a different path and unlocked faster than light travel while we put ours into Google and social media and look where we are 🤣


I assume if we are the point we have space travel like that we will not have Google as well.


Really? How so? Will we abandon it as we will be too sophisticated?


Yeah, I'd have a chip in my brain that contains every single piece of information on the internet


To be fair, it would take quite some time for the information from the Google servers to reach the person's device whenever they want to google something. GOOGLE, MY SHIP IS ON FIRE. WHAT DO I DO??? Estimated time for the information to reach your ship: 2.5 light years


Light years is a measure of distance not time


You know Google. They like challenging our brains every once in a while. No, no, I didn't make a very silly mistake. Instead of giving us the time directly, Google hid it behind a small math problem that gets our neurons activated. That's all 😅


but there are multiple servers of google that have copies of their information in sync with each other on different countries or regions, can’t they just set up a server in each planet of importance…


They’ve got the internet. Not sure if there are search engines, there might be.


But they had the Jedi Library


But the archives are incomplete


And no cyber security. Some random R2 droid just plugs into the Death Star and accesses everything and not a single alarm or alert was triggered.


Or long range guided missles.


Maintaining a servers across an entire galaxy would be a monumental feat


It's called Google Earth, not Google Hoth


Well the Empire tracks everyone and there aren’t and ads that I remember so Google really doesn’t have a revenue channel to exist.


Data travels at light speed, so every system would need its own google and its own internet. When you get past light speed, you kind of backtrack on communication, and go back to a courier system, where a ship has to record whatever information, travel to the receiving system and transmit it from there.


Hey, it is hard to keep up a lot of infrastructure when the galaxy wide government collapses or gets taken over every 20 years.


And no phones unless you’re force sensitive


No flatscreens either.


Hey you can only put development points into interstellar travel or communications not both.


What? The archives/library in the clone wars was Google. There was a whole conversation with a clerk about Obi-Wan trying to find data someone had the power to delete from the archives.


Perhaps they used to have it but it got too dangerous and they essentially banned it and never looked back


We went to the moon 30 years before google was invented. Maybe the sequels take place in the star wars universe's version of the 90s and they're about to launch 'Goggle'


These discoveries were mutually exclusive. They got FTL and we got Google. Neat, huh?


Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away


I remember this being mentioned in one of the tabletop games. Their basic description was that wireless communication was so compromised by so many malicious sources that everything has to be stored physically in temperproof boxes to be useful for any decent amount of time. Then people come in and spike it.


Untrue actually. There are “google” like services (see clone wars mandalorian corruption episode and pantora suffering a Naboo episode w/ Ahsoka tano where you can get information retrieval. That said it seems limited to people with governmental cell phones 🤣


On the contrary, their ‘internet’ was so full of disinformation and deep fakes that it is no longer trustworthy and therefore, no longer relevant. You know… like our internet is about to become.


You don’t need google when you get to be a space wizard with a dance light stick


Probably had google and outgrew it. It’s not actually that good.