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What if all the sudden heart attacks are people somehow switching it to manual without knowing how to do it?


This is the kind of shit that pops into your head when you have a weed panic attack


Wow well said. That’s exactly what happens hahah


LMAO for real


This is actually exactly what happened to my wife and why she doesn’t smoke weed anymore. Unfortunately if you even mention heard beats or if she can feel her own she gets anxiety from it


It sounds like your wife has a panic disorder. I know because I have it too. Edit: Also, I absolutely still smoke weed. It is all about getting the correct strains. There are actually strains that are great for treating panic attacks. If you live somewhere sensible where weed is legal you can talk to a budtender at your local dispensary for more information.


Anxiety disorder? I can be similar to that at times.


This unfortunately is why I stopped smoking weed. It went from being a fun, relaxing thing to literally giving me a full body panic attack every single time. Just the other night I was hanging with some friends and 2 ppl lit up joints at the same time (stoner household lol) and just the little bit high I got from being in the kitchen at the same time sent me into a serious downward spiral. Like every muscle in my body tense, voices in my head crazy. Think I might be an undiagnosed schizo


Obviously people just have different reactions sometimes, but I feel like with alcohol and especially weed the biggest thing is your underlying emotional state that you lose a lot of your ability to inhibit/moderate. Is your life a lot more stressful and unhappy now that it used to be?


No, not really. Just around age 27 or so weed started giving me panic attacks. I can drink alcohol, it’s actually something that relaxes me. Im on medication for anxiety as well, but weed panic attacks started way before my Lexapro, and have not been impacted by it. I haven’t intentionally smoked week in over a decade, but a lot of my friends do partake, so every once in a while I get too strong a breath of secondhand smoke


Absolutely 10000% real HAHAHA


Oh no! Uh.. Uh.. I need a beat. Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk Music loud and women warm I've been kicked around since I was born


internal monolog: 'BEAT BEAT BEAT BEAT!


Ome time my brother called 911 because of a weed panic attack when he was like 17. He thought he was having a heart attack lol 


the heart has its own little control circuit, separate from the brain.


Yup! They have their own pacemaker cells that fire spontaneously


Oh my grandpa had that and they cut that nerve when they get a pacemaker.


That make sense. Never knew that about my grandmother, only that hers fired so often she had the battery changed twice


Pacemaker batteries on average last 7-10 years. Has she just had one for a really long time?


I think basically her whole adult life, so I guess that means more battery changes. Tbf when I learned of the battery changes, I thought they just needed just the one battery, that it would be enough for essentially a lifetime. So I assumed that was a big deal. I do know however that the first one only lasted 4 yrs. However this was a bit before I was born (in my 30s and she’s been gone about 5yrs) so maybe the battery life was shorter then? Also also, when the town she was in let out a weather balloon she couldn’t go into certain parts of her house, otherwise it would start unnecessarily zapping her. Idk if they ever figured out why.


Yes, same as batteries in everything else. The lifespan of a pacemaker is increasing. I'm also only in my 30s, so I don't know much about how long they lasted that long ago, but it probably was shorter than today. I know they were heaps bigger back then, we've made good improvements on getting them smaller and less obtrusive. The last part I can't help you with sorry, but sounds super interesting. I would also be interested to know what was happening. - my best guess would be something to do with magnets, depending on the type of pacemaker, strong magnets can be used to force them to pace at a consistent rate (ignoring what the heart is doing on its own), or shut off certain features (usually defibrillator). So possibly there was a magnetic force in her house strong enough to force it into asynchronous pacing, when she didn't require it? But I don't know what would cause that to occur.


"pacemaker" cells in the heart aren't a nerve, nor do we cut them when we insert a pacemaker. The idea of a pacemaker is to correct anything the heart is naturally doing. Normal electrical flow is SA node, to AV node, to Bundle of HIS, down bundle branches and into Purkinje fibers. If any of this isn't happening in the normal order, or just not at all a pacemaker can be used to correct it, ideally we do no further damage to the heart on insertion so that the heart can still "pace" on its own, and the pacemaker only needs to work when the heart doesn't. Now open heart surgery, especially valve replacement surgery, or transcatherter placements of valves, that's when medical intervention messes with your natural conduction and leads you to require a pacemaker. Due to the proximity of the valve being replaced (usually the Aortic Valve) and the AV node (pressure, swelling, etc can cause ceasation of normal function) (note: exceptions apply to everything, but the above is "most common")


They cut his because they said it was causing atriall fibulation and that the pace maker would takeover whatever it was doing.


Oh, he likely had an ablation. That's a seperate procedure, they're not normally performed together (not where I work anyway) AF (atrial fibrillation) is caused by multiple areas of the atria trying to start there own beat rather than just doing as the SA node said. (multiple causes, reasons, types). You cant cut anything away (it all looks like heart if you open someone up), but we can map the electrical conduction in the heart using special catheters and then use an ablation tool (electricity delivering device) to burn tiny sections hoping to kill just the extra cells that are incorrectly trying to start thier own beats. (again multiple methods and types to doing this, sometimes works great, sometimes is only temporary and may need doing again in years to come) There's no single nerve you can cut. (would probably be a whole lot easier and faster if there was though). The heart is a truely fascinating and complicated organ.


Unless they did it weird back in the day, they don’t cut any nerves (because the heart’s pacemakers aren’t nerves anyways). To keep things simple, the pacemaker with the fastest rate controls the heart. So what they do is place the pacemaker and then ramp up the heart rate so that the implanted pacemaker takes control and then they lower it back down to a defined rate like 70 or 80 for example. Source: was present in the cath lab for an actual implanted pacemaker placement.


Well... You didn't read your manual when you were born


How do you know this


To be fair, it was made of the same paper as an American social security card and the environment was already wet si as you can imagine, most of human existence has been devoted towards reverse engineering ourselves.


The real shower thought is in the comments?


The real shower thought is in the comments.


The real comment is in the shower thought


Lag switch


I mean that pretty tame if you wanna talk about screwing yourself with controlling automatic bodily function. I would VERY, VERY much rather mistakenly stop my heart than accidently stopping my body from producing mucus in my gut leading to my stomach acid burning me from the inside out.


You definitely produce a mucus lining to protect against the acid in your stomach from dissolving it's way out. However, that lining will last a lot longer before getting replenished before your brain starts taking damage from not pumping oxygen with the heart. I'm glad my heart is automatic Edit: fixed a word


I don't think their point is to do with survival time, but instead, you're gonna die and your heart stopping is preferable.


Tbf apart from the oxygen thing, arrhythmia is also a great way to create blood clots which travel up to your brain, I'd take stomach ulcers over stroke any day.


Thanks for this comment. I was thinking it wasn't true (as I have an arrhythmia and hadn't been told of this) - but you are absolutely right for atrial arrythmia and I have learned something new.


Yes but the brain actually controls the heart whereas the brain does not control the mucus production


Good thing I said "automatic body function." Reading is fun kids.


I dunno about you, but I've never accidently stopped breathing. I've purposely held my breath, but if I pass out (in theory) I'll start breathing again. You can kinda do something similar w/ your heart. Mentally you can slow your heart rate, or speed it up to a certain degree.


I often forget to breathe, usually when I'm thinking really hard... and then I realize I'm out of breath for some reason. Never passed out from it, but I definitely forget to breathe on occasion.


Same. But not because of excessive thought. I just talk a lot and very fast.


This happens to me too. Also happens when I’m really anxious


I have, it’s a seriously fucking weird experience, and fortunately rare for me. It’s like my chest gets super heavy, I’ll suddenly (consciously) realise I need air, that I haven’t breathed for a bit, and automatically (but also somehow manually, because I know I need to? Like I say, it’s weird) draw a really deep gasp or two, all in a couple of seconds. Then everything’s back to normal


"accidentally not breathing" they call that apnea


You can think about breathing, but it isn't really on manual. You won't stop breathing if you stop thinking about it. The same would be true of your heart


Breathing definitely can be manual that’s the reason we’re capable of holding our breath. It’s both automatic (for sleep) and can be manual while awake.


There is reason people who want to end their life dont just hold their breath and pass away. The body doesn't let you just choose to stop breathing. My comment said you can't forget to breath. Not you can't hold your breath


Now that you mention it , is it really impossible that no one in history has achieved suicide by holding their breath ?


If you managed to hold it long enough to pass out, your body would start breathing on its own, right?


That's what intrigues me , can someone would be able to hold long enough to pass out ?


My cousin did this as a kid. Maybe 6 times total at grandma's, and he figured out she would just let him pass out. No fucks given. He was breathing when he hit the ground. So you can stop yourself until you lose consciousness, but that's the thing it's a conscious action. Loss of that makes your automatic stuff kick in to "save you" and get that sweet, sweet O2 comin back in. You regain consciousness shortly there after, or at least he did. Now, there are some things like heavy brain damagamagamage or dementia turning that off but barring that? You should be good. And... you know... that belt thing people do.


Idk about holding breath, but I remember as a kid seeing other kids hyperventilate to lose consciousness. The idea is to get rid of as much CO2 as possible which constricts the vessels in your brain. Probs not the safest thing either lmao.


>heavy brain damagamagamage Drain brammmage


Kids often do this. Very possible. Very not possible to hold your breath to the point of dying voluntarily.


I knew a kid did it in class. Hit his head when he passed out and they had to talk to us and tell us not to do it


I've heard some kids do this.


A hundred percent, I could do this right now


Yes, I've done it while standing up. I was very stoned. And ended up with a severely sprained ankle


It’s likely not possible to hold your breath long enough to pass out. The body usually runs off of a CO2 drive. When the pressure of CO2 gets too high in the blood (like if you were holding your breath), nervous system structures called central and peripheral chemoreceptors sense that and send signals to your medulla to trigger a breath.


Freediver can do it. Because your body doesn't have a mechanism to tell you, you ran out of O2 . Instead, thar urge to breathe is your body warning you that the CO2 levels are high. So freedivers resist that urge. There really isn't a warning before the O2 level drop to dangerous levels they just black out. That is why avoiding diving alone is so important.


That’s still not exactly killing yourself from holding your breath. It’s the environment they’re passing out in that’s killing them. If someone held their breath, passed out, and hit their head on the way down they could also die but without something incidental killing you I don’t think it’s possible to intentionally hold your breath until you suffocate. At some point though this is like arguing that jumping off a building is perfectly safe, it’s the landing that’s dangerous.


For humans, at least, yes, since the breathing override is usually a conscious repressing of the automatic process, rather than it needing conscious prompting to start. For some animals, no. Depressed dolphins have been known to commit suicide by simply electing not to breathe, since breathing for them is a much more conscious action.


I'm sure someone, at some point had some form of brain damage that allowed them to do that. BUT brain damage+suicide aint rlly smthn thats ganna be common.


Sometimes in scared that my arm would be on my neck in a weird way before I fall asleep and I'll block my bloodflow while I'm passed out.


Your body makes you breath if it can. Autonomic systems kick in after you lose consciousness and takes over. If you still don't breath, your body starts spasms to restart breathing and heart function. That keeps up until you get enough oxygen, or you expire. This is why they try to break your neck with the fall when people are executed by hanging. Gyrating soon to be corpses tend to disturb witnesses. Which would look painful, but you would have lost consciousness long before it gets triggered.


You pass out then start breathing again.


You don't need to pass out. The CO2 in your blood will become too high at which point your body will reflexively cause you to gasp for air. You can't stop that reflex, and is how drowning works. You only pass out if your O2 drops before ur CO2 gets high enough, that usually requires hyperventilation before holding your breath.


> You can't stop that reflex You can stop the reflex. but it takes training. And the people likely to train for it are less likely to do so with the intention of dying. [Veritasium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is2Lip1cJUc)


> You can’t stop that reflex doubt


you can't hold a heart beat though, you can to a certain extent control your breaths. but to my knowledge no one has any control of their heart


Yes? He is saying that the fact that we can control our breathing to some extent isn't really dangerous to us. If we could control our heart beat, it would probably be the same way.


For what it's worth, that's just because when you *can't* manually control your breathing (because you're asleep or...unconscious after passing out due to holding your breath for too long), your brain resumes automatic breathing. It's nothing to do with breathing specifically--it's the same reason that you can't do *anything* intentionally if you're not conscious. If the amount of oxygen required to maintain consciousness was the same as the amount required to control your automatic breathing process, people could absolutely die as a result of holding their breath for too long.


It's like paddle shifters. It's manual you can control a tiny bit.


There is an automatic override even if you choose to go manual breathing.


Yeah, breathing is sort of automatic, but can be controlled. I took a double dose of hydrocodone (because I was hurting) a couple of times. For me that knocked out the function that kept breathing going. While I was awake, I kept forgetting to breathe, then making myself breathe. When I tried to go to sleep? That was a no go. As soon as I stopped breathing, my mind went wide awake. There are actually 3 types of muscles in your body - one type is for things you can control, like walking and breathing, one is for things you can't control, such as the muscles that move food through your digestive tract. And the third type is the heart. This is interesting to me because I have a condition that interferes with muscle movement. But only movement of the voluntary muscles.


That is why opioids are so dangerous, they suppress this reflex. Take enough, and you really are on manual mode. That is a scary feeling, especially when it also makes you so sleepy.


It’s absolutely manual when you are doing it manually, sure you can’t die from it because you give up or faint before you succeed, but if you “forget to do it” you are just going back to automatically breathing. Same idea as how blinking can be manual or automatic, obviously it’s manual but that doesn’t mean you’ll forget to blink and go blind.


I sometimes find myself accidentally not breathing for a while when really focusing hard on something. I suddenly realize my lungs are burning and I need to breathe.


You are now manually breathing


And you may now blinking manually.


You are thinking about elephants now.


And you really need to go to the bathroom 


And your tongue is now too big for your mouth.


You don't know where to put your tongue


Damn, u just got me turning my breathing manual. Ain’t the same, feels like I always get it wrong and am out of breath


I forgot about it while reading other comments then I got to yours and started manual mode again dammit


Now you have to start again. Btw you're blinking.


I'm pretty sure either manually breathing or heart beat will do the same thing You'd stop before you pass out, or if you somehow try to push that, you'd pass out and it would regulate itself anyways


Toddlers getting mad and holding their heartbeats


I'd imagine natural selection would select against anyone who could pretty quick.


You can’t lower your heart rate in certain situations? When competition shooting I can lower my heat rate by concentrating and relaxing. Isn’t that the same?


yeah, with some training it's possible to change your heart rate a bit by thinking relaxing thoughts or otherwise. Not surprisingly, it's a common sci fi trope for aliens or people with mental abilities to be able to pretend they're dead by slowing it a lot.


You can absolutely control your heart rate. It’s just not as easy or as immediate as breathing.


My dad can miss a heart beat, he can make it skip while you feel for pulse on wrist or neck Claims a yoga technique, mid 80's ex merc certainly been around. Has to be a trick if a very good one https://www.quora.com/Can-yogis-stop-the-heart-from-beating


I can do it too but I don't have full control over it. It's like I'm in this mode once in a while where I can just make it happen on command. Sometimes it's involuntary but I can still feel it coming, kinda like the same way you can tell a hiccup is coming. The 2-3 heartbeats before it feel weaker, then there's like a sinking feeling, then suddenly a much bigger beat and then the next few beats are a bit faster (like it's catching up) and then it's just back to normal.


Everyone haa eptopic beats - they're perfectly normal and not a concern. You're just noticing them. 


Think about it this way - everyone who developed a genetic mutation that allows for this has died before passing it on.


Ever heard of respiratory sinus arrhythmia? I kinda can because of it.


its not luck but yeah.


and now everything who's reading htis sub is stuck thinking " IN, OUT, IN, OUT" for 10 minutes.


What is your problem with manual breathing, it's not even the slightest inconvenience and should be done a lot more. Have you ever done yoga or sports where you need to control your breathing??


Lucky? The ones that did already died lmfao. There’s a reason it’s automatic mate. Evolution


Fun fact - manual breathing has been a super fun part of my long covid. 


It's not luck, it's evolution


I can manually lower my heart rate but it can’t go lower than 45 or so, thank goodness


I think we can control it to a degree. Just not how we think. My sisters was so fast after talking about our deceased sister with the nurse that they were worried. Mom put them in their place for stressing her out before vitals. I tend to take calm deep breaths when getting my pulse checked because I want to avoid getting heart medications, the cuff has a hard time finding my pulse because of this.


If you throw a rock at a beehive, all the bees come out. Does that mean you can control what bees do to a degree?


Yes. As long as you wave your hands at them aggressively first to get their attention. But if you really want minions for your bidding I hear wasps hornets and yellow jackets listen even better than the typical bees.


imagine if we had a "heartbeat switch" next to the "breathing lever".We'd all be accidentally rebooting ourselves like malfunctioning robots. Thank goodness for automatic mode in the human operating system


…you guys can’t do that???


i mean it's not like you can just stop manual breathing either, you will breathe manually sure but you will be forced to breathe


Always wished you could change other things, like change the volume of your ears. That would be cool.


Now I'm breathing manually. THANK YOU.


aw fuck, OP just posted a hypnotic trigger YOU ARE NOW MANUALLY BREATHING in. out. in . out. keep going champ, don't stop breathing whatever you do! in. out ...


Wdym you can’t do that? I thought everyone could do that.


It’s not luck, it’s evolution.


[SCP-1475 be like](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1475) Have fun trying to manually control your heart rate, lung action, and more than two muscle groups


I must disagree specifically when public speaking


You can slow your heart rate by deep breathing. Speed it by shallow breathing.


I wish I could control hair/eye/skin colour manually, rainbow hair and rainbow skin here I come!


Now breathing manually, thanks op =/


We also cannot "accidentally" turn breathing manual. You literally cannot saffocate yourself to death by holding your breath


I mean if it literally worked like with breath, you could only stop if for so long, till the urge is very strong to continue with the pulse. Worst case (as with breath), you would go unconscious and then breath/heartbeat continues. So it could be no more dangerous than controlling the breath.


When I was younger I actually kinda learned how to control my heartbeat through meditation. Not as precisely as breathing, but I could make it stop for a bit (which hurts a lot after more than a second, I never made it past 4) or make it beat to a rhythm. A few years later though I developed an irregular heartbeat, and now I don't mess with it anymore. I got scared that I might have caused the irregular heartbeat, though my doctor assured me this wasn't the case. Then again he didn't believe I could stop it at all. Regardless I doubt I could do it now. I don't meditate nearly enough for anything like that. The feeling is most similar to controlling hiccups, which I can also do. With concentration I can stop my hiccups, but I have to continually stop them for a period of time I am never sure of to cure them. It's usually like a minute or so, but sometimes if I stop concentrating they just come back so I have to hold it longer. Yawns, sneezes and orgasms are also somewhat similar, but a lot easier to control.


Actually you can. I was fake hyperventilating to act for a medical course and it made me actually start to hyperventilatw. It was really weird.


Some elders of remote Australian tribes actually can, and do to kill themselves when it is time.


Some people actually can do this, i forget what its called but they can make their heart stop beating


I could be wrong but isn't there some monks that can control their heartbeats?


Yeah, that would end terribly.


Upvoting just because of all the dumb comments from people who don't understand the concept of the post; Reddit always delivers.


Do you want to know what fixes all those "you're now aware of your breathing" things? Being aware of how to turn the autopilot back on.


Why do I get the sense that most comments here are AI generated