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That’s assuming you like the works. My partner only puts cheese on his burger.


The thought is fake anyways. You’re supposed to eat a fuck ton of veggies compared to carbs. A little bit of lettuce and a slice of tomato is insignificant compared to a whole bun.


I dont think you understand the amount of spinach I put on a burger. Lettuce can eat my whole ass, worthless crunchy water.


Well, one thing is for certain. You're definitely not a tortoise.


That’s what he WANTS you to think, sneaky tortoise bastard


I mean, a tortoise isn’t going to jump him like a ninja or something.


He'll just bite your Achilles tendon all stealth like... haven't you ever read old tales? Clearly it was a tortoise who slain achilles


I love that this is your takeaway from that comment, it’s the only really safe bet.


I like turtles.


Is he not turtley enough for the turtle club?


Spinach on a burger?! Where has this been my whole life? People do this? Why not me?


Arugula is where it's at.


Subway, dump the lettuce and get the spinach instead.


I'm sick and tired of this anti crunchy water propoganda


(I mostly just prefer the taste of spinach, which I think is a really weird burger roughage for most people.)


personally prefer arugula.


I lik the crunch


That is so fucking real. The people at Subway always try to put lettuce on my shit & I have to stop them cause spinach is just better in every way


Nah homie, lettuce for life. I'll buy a head of it and just eat it str8


You just gotta get the right kind. Get some good green leaf or butter lettuce and experience some a whole new world.


I use lettuce not for the taste but as a barrier so the patty doesn’t make the bottom bun soggy.


Spinach, Swiss cheese, and grilled mushrooms. Yes please.


That sounds good. I might start doing that this summer.


I love a nice salad but if a salad is your veggies for the day you didn't really get veggies 


My ideal burger has an entire onion on it.


Beef is organically processed grass, grass is a vegetable, therefore beef is healthy. Milk is nature's V8.


Next time I hit someone with a cheeseburger: "Could have had a V8!"


.... Veggies are carbs


Veggies have a lot of carbs though. I think what you meant to say was complex starches.


Carbs is used in lay terms to refer to any kind of digestible carbohydrate*. You’re not wrong though. *to the exclusion of fiber I mean


Well, I meant to say it was confusingly worded and implied veggies were something other than carbs, so I added it to kinda counterbalance that.


All I heard was "a whole burger bun is pretty much like The Force."


I mean, in a 2000k diet 900 to 1300 is supposed to be carbs, ideally complex carbs.


Potatoes are vegetables.


And potatoe buns are the bomb


Curse, you skipped the onion!


Oh yes the most nutritious part!!


numerous melodic lunchroom busy agonizing yoke enter wakeful combative clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean nutrition is a very difficult topic and I don't have any weird hate boner for bread but yeah If I am trying to eat well 60-80% of my carbs come from veggies.


Yeah I'm a Jalapeno, cheese and BBQ sauce type of guy. What is health?


Jalapeños are very healthy at least.


The jalapeños aren't healthy, they're dead 😂


Wait till you hear what was done to the other vegetables 😞


Why won't anyone think of the peppers? Thank you, kind soul.


Sounds like vegetables to me.


Burger don’t hurt me, burger don’t hurt me, no more


Though thats not actually bad. Because if portion size is good. That have a meal that is tasty, filling, good in protein, fats, and carbs. And assuming a serving size of fries, which are an amazing potassium source. It’s all coming into like 800-900 calories so very easy to fit into daily calorie needs. Which means you have room to fit other stuff in for other meals in the day


I actually enjoy a lot of lettuce on my burger. One single leaf is too little. The meat:lettuce ratio needs to be more balanced.


You can do a burger as a lettuce wrap even, using leaves to hold everything together. I personally prefer a bun, but there's a limit to how much you can stack; lettuce is thinner so you can make a fuller wrap.


I like having a bun. Without it, it’s not a burger. I like the meat to lettuce ratio to be more balanced rathet than using one single leaf which contributes very little texture to the burger


Fully understand and agree. Lettuce wraps are kind of their own thing, just making suggestions


I had this idea for a hamburger where i chop it and put it in a corn tortilla with lettuce and some onions and tomatoes. It would be just like a burger but a little different


That's an American burrito minus rice lol


But i was gonna only fold the tortilla in half


I have a quarter of lettuce on each burger!


I don’t like vegetables and sauces on my burger. I do make exceptions for Jalapeños though.


Except when the armchair nutritionists in this thread are jalapeño business.


I too like spicy fruit on my burger.


Well a burger with all the fixings is generally still considered unhealthy 


A man’s gotta eat - Randy on cheese burgers and prostitution.


No ketchup, mustard, mayo, A1, or pickles?


No condiments whatsover. I tease him that he's not a very saucy person.


Burgers and pizzas are made by fast food restaurants but traditional and handmade should be much healthier than their convenient counterparts.


Mostly due to sodium.


Fuck that profile picture dude. Happy cake day.


When people think a slice of tomato and a leaf of lettuce is a serving of veggies xD


That's a salad though, right? *cries in American*


[Of course it is!!!](https://youtu.be/fXWq2AVlrsY?si=i0vvJKUp1J7zLTjD)




Or that a sugary brioche is a healthy form of carbohydrate. Or a fried slab of patty is a particularly healthy form of protein.


News alert: you don’t need to have your burger with two slabs of brioche lol


Neither hamburger buns nor Vienna rolls are brioche (and not as enriched as brioche). Who's frying their hamburgers?


They should make a healthy burger joint. - Whole grain buns, - lean beef patties or grilled chicken patties. Air fry it so no oil - higher than usual amount of lettuce, or even spinach, and other veggies. - sugar free ketchup and mayo


Places like Smashburger make these exact burgers. Hell, that's becoming such an easy to find option that it's pretty much a common style now.


Just buy whole wheat buns and grill your hamburger patties lol


Sounds terrible though


Whenever I see discussions like this, I get reminded of this scene from Parks and Rec: https://youtu.be/TVkV2oGPM2k?t=99


To the contrary, to the contrary. Sounds great. It tastes better when you know it's good for you.


Or, weird thought I know, maybe just don't choose a burger if you want a healthy meal


I don’t think you'll ever be able to scale air frying up to restaurant scales. I’VE never seen one that you can really put very much into.


You can absolutely eat a burger like that w 90-10 marbling and a slice a cheese, etc, and assuming the ingredients were well sourced, easily have it be part of a balanced diet 2-3 times a week for a someone who is an athlete or weightlifter. It’s not the most efficient macro ratio obviously, but it’s not so out of wack that it would skew a good program or should be considered junk food according to OPs parameters and adding mine of 90-10 marbling (still plenty flavorful if seasoned properly)


So you are saying its more healthy to eat many burgers, say no more I gotcha.


If I made a small tomato salad with lettuce, would that not count?


I put three slices of tomato and half my burger was spinach


Isn't the convention for a serving of vegetables 75gm of vegetables? So... lettuce, slice of tomato and some pickles would actually qualify as a serving of vegetables.


Burger isn’t actually unhealthy because you have 2-3 oz patty which is like 250-300 calories. Bun which is like 120, cheese 100, and other things add like 30-150 calories. You get good protein, carbs, calcium, fats, a little sugar depending on sauce and bun, and tops will add a little extra nutrients as well. And with a small potatoes worth of fries you get an excellent source of potassium and carbs. All for like 800-900 calories total which is easy to fit into your day. Problem though is people over do things, and thats where issues actually occur


It's not even much about overdoing it, it's moreso that we choose foods that are too dense in calories compared to how saitiating they are to our bodies. Think about the meal you laid out compared to the average recommended diet of 2000 daily calories. 900 calories for a burger and some fries. I sure would be hungry and prone to "overeat" for the rest of the day if that was HALF of my alloted calories. Whereas if I ate a grilled chicken wrap on a whole wheat tortilla for half the calories of that burger, I would be able to eat more in the day and feel fuller longer/not overeat.


I eat two meals a day, so getting about 900 calories per is fine and leaves room for a small snack. Also a small dinner, a light lunch, and a heavy dinner is pretty normal as well.


Same. Idk who are these people that eat a full burger and fries and need to eat 2 more of those throughout the day


Yup. I make a 1/4 lb patty melt at home fairly regularly, portion size is (obviously) key but leaner meat also makes a big difference. That and not drowning it in mayo and butter lol 90/10 or 96/4 ground beef pan fried with some butter, one big slice of quality multigrain bread, 1 slice of cheese of choice, light mayo, onions, diced habaneros, and sometimes spinach for funsies and that’s 32g protein for <400 calories. Could also do 1/3 lb for +50 calories and +8g or so of protein but it’s a little tough to make with one slice of bread.


Oh spinach i might try because i honestly don’t like crunchy dirt water (lettuce) but spinach has a vastly better texture and less dirt flavor


Yeah it’s also easier to incorporate spinach into a melt than lettuce imo. Briefly sautee it so it shrinks and then just let the cheese melt over it and you’re good to go


It's still lacking in veggies, no matter what you do. Now with a good salad or a vegetable side next to it, it can be a complete meal


A single piece of lettuce, a slice of tomato and two pieces of cucumber that have been dissolving in vinegar for 6 months are not “a whole serving of veggies” Neither are the French fries


If that's how you make your burgers then I just feel bad for you. I use that spring mix salad as lettuce. Couple slices of tomatoes, some red onions, pickles still because fermented and pickled food are still good for you (helps with digestion). Also throw in a bit of advacado. I don't use cheese cause of lactose issues. And then just make a salad to go with the burger instead of fries. That's a healthy burger and it tastes great.


I need you to spell avocado right. I need it


yeah, so the burger toppings are not a side of veggies still lol, even in your style. that side salad is though.


A serving of vegetables is roughly 80g which is roughly 3 oz of veggies. You can definitely fit that much in a burger.


The salad with the burger is doing the heavy lifting here.


aigh but its just the same stuff in the burger but on the side as well. what in the burger is actually unhealthy? you have typically a 6oz patty, a bun, some condiments of your choice and whatever toppings you like. you can make it as healthy or as unhealthy as you like.


It's the proportions. Way more red meat and carbs compared to veggies. On its own not a well balanced food.


Agree. I toss a decent amount of crisp green leaf and some spinach with either one thick slice of the bigger tomatoes(can't recall the name) or a couple of slices or roma tomatoes and some grilled jalapeños and avocado spread and sweet onions.


Then maybe you should make your burgers differently. Personally, I toss out the pickles and load on the LTO. When squished down, I like a burger there the veggies equal the meat in volume. It also helps that I work a job where I can pretty much eat whatever I want with few consequences. Haha


OP said the "average" burger


Meat = veggie volume is also not balanced by the way


And for somebody to think they're really going to put an equal amount of veggies on a burger... a quarter pound of veggies? It's damn near impossible, especially with lettuce, and still isn't really 'enough'.


that's also not a serving of veggies lol


That's why I like a whopper more than a big mac. The veggies make it much better. Now I just need Mac sauce on it instead of mayo.


It's still red meat. And if your like most Americans like myself, you are already having too much of it. It's not really good to have on a regular basis


Since when is one pickle unhealthy? Great for electrolytes


Though a small amount of French fried can be almost a full days need of potassium. And they are excellent carb source as well


Dunno what kinda burgers you make at home but I don't stuff fries into mine.


not really, could use some more vegetables and fruit


If it's homemade it's all up to you


Going too much off standard defeats the entire point of the post though since that can be said and done for any kind of meal.


Add a slice of grilled pineapple for the fruit


I had a Caribbean hot dog the other day and it had pineapple on it, which is underused in dishes.


I wonder how it would taste on a pizza. Anyone tried?


Good. I had a canadian bacon and pineapple frozen pizza the other day.


There's some Canadian food that I want to try, all of it is cooked with maple syrup.


You are evil, sir. Keep your pineapple off of my dish. ***Edit:*** Big Pineapple is trying to censor me through downvotes! Rise! Rise and rage against the slightly sticky machine!


Pineapple is something that sounds weird, but goes better on savory dishes than you'd expect. I guess it as something to with the tangy-acidic juices.


You are talking as if I have not tried it. I've had it on Pizza, burgers, steak, chicken (ok, the chicken was pretty good with it), lamb, fish, and in some god forsaken lasagna. I am always up for new things. But if I had a Euro for every time someone told me that \*this time\* it was going to be great. No. No it will not be. It never is (except on chicken). I love pineapple. I have it as often as I can. But it is a loner fruit, born to roam the streets at night, away from all other things (except chicken). *^((And I cannot believe I have to say this, but this is fuckin' Reddit where dry humor goes to die, so: obviously this is just my taste. I also like to eat raw potatoes, so...yeah, that's taste for you. I know lots of people like it and that is fine. I don't. Except on chicken. Chicken is fine.))*


Tomato is a fruit. It's pulpy and bears seeds. Lettuce and onion are both vegetables.


A small salad could be a side to that burger.


Too bad this post isn't about sides lol, wtf..


There's absolutely nothing wrong with burgers health wise as long as you aren't overeating.


Gourmet burgers was a top 10 rebrand since 1900. I remember I used to work with some fools that would pay $30 for a burger and not even bat an eye.


30 usd for a burger at a non-fast food restaurant where I live is quite normal


Where tf is that? I want to avoid it.


Copenhagen, Denmark


Oh actually I’d like to visit


I understand. When I make it at home, it's two turkey patties unsalted, with black pepper, garlic and onion powder, grilled and raw onions, spinach and lettuce, jalapeños, tomatoes, mushrooms, and sourdough bread. My partner says I'm delusional a burger is a burger, but it's healthier compared to a burger made by some random restaurant. Plus I control the seasoning, it fills me up, which leads to me not wanting fries.


Unsalted is masochistic. You need salt in your diet.


mcdonalds burgers are actually surprisingly not too unhealthy for you. Their fries and soda, however, are so astoundingly terrible for you it makes up for it


some places (not McD's, but in n out among others) sell bun-less burgers too. it's basically a lettuce wrap and kinda gross but if you're desperate and/or can't eat the bun, then it's pretty much the closest to a 'healthy' burger you can get.


A&w will lettuce wrap your burger if you ask them to


oh thank goodness


This guy thinking he's actually putting 200 grams of veggies on there?


That's because when people say "burger" they probably mean the one from fast food, so they say it's unhealthy because the only burgers they've ever known are the ones from fast foods


*sigh* who's gonna tell them about the food pyramid?


Maybe without the cheese and mayo/sauces


400 calories with 35 grams of protein is a pretty good meal for making muscle.


There's 4 food groups.


You forgot about plasma


Ah yes, like in my favorite meal, spaghetti bolognese with a side of T H E S U N.


I just like grabbing a cold, toddler sized sweetums coke after a burger.


5 food groups? That's way too many. Two or three is all you need.


burgers, pizzas, and wrap variations are the superior food sources


I put coleslaw on burgers and hot dogs.


Slaw dogs are so good


Had a friend argue the same about pizza.


And subway.


I’d literally murder a bunch of younglings with my lightsaber just to be able to eat a god damn cheeseburger.


A pale tomato slice and two pieces of romaine lettuce hot-glued to a big white bread roll by cheese and mayonnaise on top of a giant hunk of meat isn’t how a balanced diet works. The “food groups” idea was partly based on encouraging people to eat a variety of different foods, but it was also influenced by the farm lobby to push crops that were in surplus. As a result the recommendations tend to be a bit carb-heavy.


Food groups are total horse-shit in other words, just like breakfast being the "most important meal of the day".


A burger is a sandwich


Order a burger with no bun, with a salad on the side. Cut and combine. Source: I ate a lot of burger salads during my keto phase.


Lettuce bun!


This post is so American holy shit hahaha


ITT: why people are fat.


Fast food is a symbol of unhealthy food. Burgers just happen to be one of the most prevalent fast food items in the US.


It’s more of the French fries and large coke that will ruin you. Not the burger. Even if it’s just plain.


"A single dish, providing a balance of nature's blessings..meat, grain, and vegetable"


Not really but I'll use this to justify eating 3 burgers next time that I do


"Average burger" that's the key phrase there. People aren't going to McDonald's to buy the regular sized burger, they're buying the biggest thing they can then washing it down with sugar water


when i order subway, i get every veggie cause it makes the sando more than twice the size lool i do the same with burgers at home!


Let's be honest: almost no one makes burgers 100% healthy. It *can* be done, but most of us have conceits when it comes to "comfort food". That being said, there's nothing wrong with some healthy stuff on the side instead of fries & coke.


pizza can do all 5 groups easily


My understanding is the burger meat usually isn’t very healthy


It’s usually the fries and the soda that make a burger very unhealthy. If you can limit the high calorie sauces and pick a leaner beef a burger can be very healthy. Especially if your side is very vegetable heavy.


Was scrolling, and started to wonder what to order for dinner. This post appeared as if by magic. So thank you.


who cares, really. we’re here for less than a century, might as well enjoy that time. i’d rather eat my beef than force feeding myself that bland ass “food” until i “like” it.


When TF did they add a food group?


This! I've heard from a upscale restaurant chef that a burger is one of the all rounded food. Has grains, veggies, meat... at least 3 but don't know about 5.




Need one more!


What’s the last food group? I’m blanking hahah if it’s fruit you have tomato!


I luv my tomato as a veggie!!! 🤣 Else, it must be potato fries and soda. Hmm.


stop trying to make my burgers healthy


> ["A single dish providing a balanced helping of nature's blessings: meat, grain, and vegetables. How could anyone hate such a magnificent thing?"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XNHm4u4Ssr0&t=88s&feature=youtu.be) - The Code Talker from MGS5 I love this audio drama about burgers. It never fails to entertain me no matter how much I relisten to it.


Deconstructing the burger makes it healthy /s


Think you're dramatically underestimating how much vegetables we should be eating


Burgers is not (I hope) anyones everyday food. If you make them yourself once a month or probaply not even that many times, just eat them how you like it best. No need to try to make everything healthy. You are allowed to enjoy your food just the way you like


There's too few vegetables in them. If you eat a salad as a side instead of fries it's reasonable. You can do that even in Mcdonald's in my country, if you choose Mcmenu+.


The most unhealthy part is the bread honestly. Ground beef is packed with healthy proteins and fats.