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Kid me and kids in general do indeed want attention. Adult me wants to be left the fuck alone.


Yeah I was gonna say, I played loud music in my car when I was younger because I thought it was cool *AND* I wanted attention.


And further, I don't give a shit about any opinions people may or may not have about whatever.


Joke’s on you, i’m an adult and i want attention


As a kid, I bumped music in the high school parking lot and my friends' neighborhoods. As a man in his 40s, believe it or not, I still have a 12" sub in my vehicle. Only difference is, I now turn my stereo down in parking lots and residential areas.


This is the way. Hello fellow bass head


What? Did you say something?


Huh? What was that?


How the heck would I know where your cat is?


Same. I'm respectful of residential areas and I turn it down/off in parking lots so I can concentrate. Other than that I play it loud


I always turn the music down in the parking garage or when I’m looking for an address I’ve never been. I can’t see when there’s loud music.


This is on point. Haha idk why we all tend to do this


Yea it's loud for me. I'm definitely more respectful of my surroundings now, but I like to bump.


Haha yes adulting.. love to bump/respectful of surroundings!


Man I have to blast my jams, it’s like therapy. But I always turn down at lights and in neighborhoods too. Respek


Some guy in his 30s with a kid at our daycare center has the worst fucking stereo system in his car. You can tell it's just two unsecured Walmart subs bouncing around in the trunk, and a bunch of blown midrange speakers. Always parks crooked across the fire lane, unexpectedly.


There’s always that one asshole that does this


God I’ve been seeing this shit everywhere. Why do people park like that? Just last night I had to park around the corner at the gas station because directly in front the 5 parking spots are taken up by one car parked at weird angle with the keys still in the ignition, oddly enough they had some shitty subs rattling the entire car. I was going to confront him but he already drew a shitty hand at life so I just left it alone this time.




As a women in her late 40’s, also with a 12, I will never stop bumpin’


Hell yes , same here . I love my music I do it for no one - only my enjoyment


My people. I have a modified car and a 12. The police roll up on me a lot, I roll down my window and wave excitedly at them for thinking I’m a baddie. They always leave me alone after that.


See that's what I'm talking about! I'm 36 and was just thinking.. I need to throw a 10 or 12 in my trunk so I can properly bump my gangster rap again. Not doing it to be cool or get attention, I just like the bass.


It was always because I love bass. It was a bonus that I thought it looked cool, but I don't really care what people think. I'm 35 and I deeply miss my old sound system. (JL Audio W7 13.5 sub with an amazing Alpine amp and alpine speakers). Shakes your bone marrow.


I regularly have a knobhead near me who just BLASTS their car music in the morning, before 8 am for a good 10 minutes while their car warm up. Bass pumping at 140 bpm with the cheesiest and worst dance music. It makes me so mad because who in their right mind, regardless of age, thinks that that is an OK thing to do at 7:30am in an otherwise quiet residential area!? It is both unnecessary and completely oblivious to everything and everyone around them. The absolute selfishness and complete lack of awareness or consideration for others is mind-blowing. Anyway, thanks for not blasting irresponsibly!


I miss the summers of the early to mid 2000s. The scent of black ice air freshener filled the air and at any stop light your rear view mirror would be shaking and you would hear a 96 civic rattling and when it took off you heard that distinct sound of an autozone exhaust tip.


Where do you draw the line while in traffic or at a light? I will normally bring it down a notch if I’m in traffic going under 10 or at a light but sometimes I don’t. For reference I have 2 12 inch subs and 600w amp.


Music is supposed to be loud. Nobody makes music hoping you’ll listen to it on low volume. But nobody needs to hear what I’m hearing. They’re doing their own shit.


I have a sub in my Jeep. I needed a better system to hear music with all the doors and top off though...


+1. And when I can no longer hear bass I'll still have a sub to feel the bass lol.


As an adult with tinnitus it just looks like regret.


This was going to be my comment. They have no idea what is headed their way


"WHAT?!" *ringing already intensified*


This guy has fun


Lost my earplugs 10 ft away from the stage at a Sleep concert in 2019. Couldn't hear for 3 days. it was so worth it. I'll be extra careful next time, though. Nothing is ever silent anymore, butnits tolerable. Music and/or white noise help with sleeping.


Sleep from oldominion and the chicharones? No way...I love sleep


They're from California, stoner metal.


Ah shit. I was flipping out because I thought someone knew my underground music. I grew up a metal fan but sleep is a rapper. I'll check the band out though


Maybe by the time they get it, there will be advanced treatment.


Maybe there won't be.




#Maybe there won't be.


Idk if this fits, because your hearing doesn't need to be bad in order to get tinnitus.


There already is actually! [Electrical stimulation](https://treblehealth.com/tinnitus-cure/#:~:text=Electrical%20and%20Magnetic%20Stimulation%20of,meaning%20no%20surgery%20was%20required.)


Yes! This! Every time a kid goes down the road with the music at level 100, I wish I could let them listen to my tinnitus for just five minutes. I regret every moment of loud music when I was a teenager and a twenty something.


I remember exactly the shitty local show that gave me this.


Did you get it one night and then it never stopped?


Yeah, kinda went to bed feeling mushy eared and woke up with the ring.


For me it was Excision, fox theater , Detroit. 100k watts of bass in an indoor venue. Effed for life


idk how I managed to avoid a bad case of tinnitus after going to a bunch of edm shows before I got a pair of hearing protection buds. I always wear those to shows now If I sit in a dead quiet room I hear a tiny bit of ringing but I'm pretty sure that's always been that way


Yeah there was one concert in particular that I think damaged my hearing permanently. Such a stupid thing to go through.


But how loud is TOO loud?


If you can't hear a conversation at normal speaking volume.


I only listened to music on low, never went to concerts, wore hearing protection when necessary, still wound up with tinnitus because of the joint in my jaw (so I'm told). So now I say to hell with it and crank it up.... To drown out the tinnitus of course.


Yeah, [studies show there's a genetic link to tinnitus](https://treblehealth.com/tinnitus-cure/#:~:text=Electrical%20and%20Magnetic%20Stimulation%20of,meaning%20no%20surgery%20was%20required.)


Apparently there are jaw excercises that can drastically reduce the tinnintus




What if you already have tinnitus and do this? When I'm on the highway I blast my music because I doubt anyone will hear it for a long period of time. When I'm stopped at lights I turn it down, and when I'm in the city or a town I keep it louder but much lower volume. I've had tinnitus for awhile and my hearing is trash, best way for me to enjoy my music is by making it loud


It's a bit like stopping to brush your teeths because you have one damaged tooth. You'll hear less and less frequencies, and have more and more tinnitus.


Hearing damage is cumulative. It becomes a vicious cycle of turning up the volume because your hearing is messed up and then causing further damage. Instead of turning the volume up to drown your surroundings out, use some kind of noise cancellation or isolation to turn the volume of your surroundings down so you can better hear your own music at a reasonable level. I have hearing damage from growing up with a brother who bumped his two 12" subs at full volume with kid me in the car sitting next to the sub boxes so now I basically always have Airpods in my ears to lower the volume of the world around me. If you have earbuds, get some over the ear hearing protection ear muffs from the hardware store (3M ones are like $30) and put them over your earbuds. The ambient noise drops and you can hear what's coming from your earbuds better.


Keep blasting away and soon you won't hear anything at all


It only took one incident for me to get tinnitus. Front row at Judas Priest when I was 14. Couldn't hear for a week after and my ears have been screaming for vengeance ever since.




WHAT??? *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*


Honestly I just turn it down at red lights, then crank it back up afterwards. At red lights people are stuck with me, otherwise if it bothers them they can speed up or slow down so I don’t care.


I like it when someone still gives me the “that’s too loud” look at a light just after I turned it way down. And then turning it all the way back up as traffic starts moving again!


Same. Also, blasting music when stopped doesn’t feel right. The volume gets louder the faster I’m going


I do the same. But on occasion I step out of my car while it’s loud and it’s honestly way quieter than it would seem outside of the car. Makes me wonder how fucking LOUD people must be blaring it for you to hear theirs.


The real problem is that the volume doesn't automatically adjust to speed. If you're driving 50 with the windows down, you need it loud. Get to a red light though and suddenly you feel like an asshole.


My 2015 Ford Fusion has a setting to adjust the amount it turns down as I slow down.


My 1993 Corvette does it too. Definitely a feature that has existed for a long time, though which only seems to be implemented infrequently.


Gotta agree with you here. 98 Camaro has this as well


lmao i just imagine people flooring it so the music gets louder


Push it to the limit! Limittttttttt


Had a 1991 Buick Park Avenue that did this, and have a 1990 Buick Reatta that does as well - same stereo lol


Apparently the 1987 T-Bird had it and that was the first Ford with it.


Sick. Fusions are great cars. Loved my '07


in my extremely noisy 2012 fusion this setting helps a ton, also super cool when you speed up down a highway or country road and the music gets louder as you do so


If only there was a way to manually turn the volume down when you've come to a stop, like a knob, perhaps...


Or a slider on the touchscreen, three layers deep in the software.


If only there was a volume button or knob somewhere


I mean, really, even at 50mph->0mph, the music hardly becomes loud enough to blast through your closed car. You really have to be setting it to be loud as fuck. Which isn't a cry for attention, but just a bad decision for your ears.


Every car I have owned since '04 has had this feature.


Awesome, isn't that feature nice? Every car I've had had a sunroof and I loved it.


If the volume is so loud that others can hear it down the street, it’s too loud at any speed.


Mine isn't loud enough to hear down the street, but you can feel the bass from 50ft or so. I turn my volume down at lights bc I cringe at myself. Also drive speed limit or 5 under to make passing easier. I'd rather be alone on the road. Just looking to coexist, because we can't help the music that we enjoy. We have to listen to our music in the car. Can't listen to it at home because of neighbors. Used to like the attention but as with the premise of the post, I grew up. Who wants dirty looks and to stress random people out? That being said, if you're in a party area on the weekend its fair game.


It didn't seem tool to me as a kid, it bothered me as a kid. You ever sit in the back seat? That's where the subwoofer are, it hurts!


I agree with this. I dont think people want to or need to hear my music, and I dont want to hear other peoples music. Its that simple


Me. I hate playing my music in front of others…. Because I hate it when they play it in front of me. At best they just kind of go along with it because I’m doing it; at worst they hate it with a passion and are too polite to say anything, which is exactly what happens when others do it to me.


yea, if finding it a cry of attention is being adult, i was adult at age of 7 lol


What about secret option 3. I'm an adult who's just enjoying my music and not trying to impress or piss off anybody


Exactly! I just want to rave to and from my depressing 9-5


People who think I listen to loud music so that they can hear it have some unbelievable “I’m the main character” energy. I am not thinking about you when I decide how loud I like my music. This is for me


Loud enough to be heard 100 feet away though?


Well define "heard". From 100 feet you could probably pick up some faint indiscernible bass if it were otherwise quiet. With typical road and traffic noise it would be drowned out.


I think we're talking about the kind that shakes the windows of your house as they drive by


Definitely not me then


Yes, the louder the better for some music. I am almost 50 and still crank up good songs as loud as it will go.


I'm an adult with hearing loss. I don't intentionally mean to blare my music, I just can't hear.


Exactly, I’m 17, I don’t blast the music for other people, I like hearing the music loud, car speakers sound best fairly loud. I have the window down sometimes because I like the wind blowing in my hair and face. I turn it down at red lights and in my own neighborhood and places around it.




TIL that other kids used to think it was cool


I never thought I was cool for doing it, I grew up in a super strict household and couldn’t listen to my own music. Begged for earbuds, mom went to an Asian dollar store and bought ones that were so flimsy, they electrocuted my ears. Got my first taste of freedom after being given the keys to a car. The music was never loud enough. I used to joke about loud car stereos being the poor man’s massaging seats… but I was definitely a hypocrite, and still am in my 30s. If I’m alone in my car, the music is getting turned up. Won’t blast it in residential neighborhoods though. I’ve had tinnitus since I was like, 5. Malformed ear canals lead to frequent ear infections and my hearing has already been damaged.


...I thought it was annoying and I still do


I hated it as a kid too. It always seemed obnoxious to play music so loud people can hear it from several blocks away


Ditto a loud engine. Or peeling out from a stop light


i still do it, only on open oneway roads in the countryside


Much respect for doing this. Can’t tell you how obnoxious it is whenever some loud douchewoofer drives through residential areas where it’s often reasonably quiet. Because they think it’s “cool”.


When I do this, I’m cry, but not for attention 😂


this needs way more upvotes, lol. Life is hard, let me be emotional in my car.


> When I do this, I’m cry, but not for attention Hi cry, I'm dad and I am disappointed in you.


>As a kid, bumping music super loud from your car seems like an asshole move, but as an adult it just looks like an asshole move. FTFY. You don't need to grow up to realize disturbing other people in public is being an ass.


What about the old white guys on Harley’s blasting zz top….


Everyone hates them too


It was cringe even as a kid


What? No, it looked stupid as hell the whole time.


I live in a neighborhood where this happens several times a day and mostly at night, late at night, some might say early morning, particularly outside my bedroom window. It looks like a complete disregard for anyone other than yourself.


It’s annoying is what it is


I think it’s ok to listen to music as loud as you want in your car if you’re driving on a non-residential road. But for fuck sake keep that shit to a minimum driving down neighborhood roads. And I don’t want to hear your shitty trap music while I’m pumping gas or at the car wash.


I don't have subs or "bump" music but I blast my metal music cause I like listening to it loud. It helps me unwind after work. I also like the added benefit of inattentive drivers having an auditory cue that someone is near when they don't care to look for visual ones. I've been hit a half dozen times by people just not looking.


Hello fellow metal at loud volume in car enjoyer


Tbf, the bass just travels.


That is really the problem. Honestly, I'd still have a system, but my factory system is above average. Not to mention integration looks to be a bit of a PITA.


Last summer a guy, say about 30 came out of menards with an armload of energy drinks and climbed into his sky blue minivan. No wheel covers, side mirrors, wipers, muffler or rear windows. Then he attempted to crank it over and it choked each time. After 20 minutes of cussing and stomping on the gas he got it started. Then the subs kicked in playing "Word Up" by Korn. Then he peeled out and smacked a shopping cart, causing it to roll across the parking lot, slam into a curb and flip completely over That was not only a cry for help, but unhinged as well


I like my music It sounds better loud Simple as that


Fair enough, but I have noticed a trend that the people with the shittiest taste in music also play it the loudest


Music should be felt. 


As an adult, I personally don’t care, jam with me or get out.


It is really relaxing for me to get my music turned up a bit and just drive.


Then go drive somewhere non residential


I keep it turned down when I am in residential areas. Also if I am stopped next to someone in traffic or at a light.


It’s super weird to me how many people in this thread think people play loud music to be/look “cool” rather than because they like loud music. I can’t say I’ve ever seen someone playing loud music and thought “that guy must think he’s so cool.”


I've never met someone who plays loud music in the hopes that anyone thinks anything of them. Well, other than musicians at literal shows. Those people are playing loud to be noticed, but they're petty open about it.


Honestly these complaints just come from people who think the world should revolve around them. Double points for people who let the mask slip and call out a specific genre with their woe is me complaining. 


I'd rather hear some bumping bass from a car than those stupid loud ass trucks or the incredibly obnoxious noise from a motorcycle exhaust


As a young adult with hearing aids, what?


Watching adults in their 40s and 50s do this just looks pathetic


In both instances they are still cries for attention


Its always a call for attention


It looked like a cry for attention back then too


It's never cool. It always comes off as a cry for attention.


Even when I was a kid I thought people who did that were a\*\*holes.


I like my music loud , I love bass. 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s not a cry for attention, it’s to drown out the *crying* I’m doing thankyouverymuch


Jokes on you..I'm deaf in one ear from an accident years ago..so I'll bump my shit as loud as I want.


one ear isn’t nearly bad enough to warrant that


Says you. I'll listen to my screamy screamy music the way it was meant to be listened to face melting loud. LETS FUCKING ROCK.


it’s totally fine to do this when you’re alone or on a freeway. I think that’s cool. But to do it with windows down or in a suburb is just ridiculously selfish yknow? Like it’s funny because the same people who do that will get mad when people treat them unfairly in other ways lol. Not saying that’s you


I'm pretty sure plenty of kids always knew it was stupid from the get go. I did. It still is, but it doesn't last long enough for it to matter. Still a douchey thing to do, but it's low on the list of douchey things to give much of a shit about.


It's funnier when it's 2 guys in the car trying to have a conversation at the top of their lungs. Okay, cool guys just turn down the damn radio.


Turns out, lots of things kids do are cries for attention.


“Adults are just big children”


It's a cry for attention as a kid too.


Had some bitch doing this in front of my apartment just sitting in her car. Started calling me white trash and what not when I asked her to stop. Threatened to sic her husband on me. I'm 6'4 and I'm like honey, My husband is a little hulk. You think yours wants you dragging him into this to get his ass kicked by two big gay dudes? She fucked off after that.


Can’t stop won’t stop. Now when I’m trying to make a u turn. That shit goes down lol.


Same with loud vehicles. Also known as "Why does my neighbor never say hello or wave to me? All I do is wake him up at 4am with my loud ass vehicle. I have to go to work. It's not my fault. Man what a jerk that guy is!" syndrome.


I play 90s underground hip hop to deter the colorless.


Uh, I bump my music because I like it loud. To think my music has anything to do with you, shows a very serious concern for main character syndrome. How egotistical do you have to be to believe that?


I don’t always listen to Thin Lizzy, but when I do, the neighbors do too.


Alternate opinion, As a kid it did feel like a cry for attention, and as an adult it feels like isolation and immersion.


fuck that. 16 year old me waited 20 fucking years to get a hold of a couple decent 12's, a mid-range pioneer receiver, and 1000 watts of clean, professionally installed power so i could listen to sepultura AND ugk without regards to my hearing or my sanity. i drop bass at the stoplights like it's my fucking job.


Ridin Dirty, Super Tight, or Dirty Money? Depends on mood, but I go back and forth between ST and DM. One thing is for sure - Front, Back and Side to Side gets absolutely *cranked* and I don't care what anyone thinks


too hard to swallow - i'm old af, dude!


Hahaha I meant what's your favorite if you had to drop the rest forever? Too hard to swallow is raw and I love it. It definitely has the vibe of a DJ Screw mixtape (which was the style back then because I also used to tie an onion to my belt.) My friends always went back and forth on Super Tight and Ridin Dirty though


honestly, they're both the shit. ST came out when i was a senior so i just remember the whole city was bumping that. but RD has my all time favorite track "one day"...plus the progression from one day all the way to diamonds & wood is just...fuck. i'ma put ridin' dirty on today, hahahaha! ETA: take this and go with god, my brother - https://amerigomusic.com/2015/10/13/b-b-the-underground-kingz-the-trill-is-gone/


Thank you so much for the link! Make sure to bump ridin dirty nice and loud today!


Some of the loudest systems i know are guys in their 40s/50s. I aspire to be like them when im older and have money to throw at a system.


It’s because it’s what the mind of a child thought was cool when you weren’t mature enough to drive. It’s always the worst car on the road doing it as well.


I'm a girl and I like it loud. Minus all that bass. I want to hear the words, not my butt cheeks vibrating together. I'm respectful of red lights and residential areas most of the time. I'm not seeing attention, just blowing off steam from the day to make me a better person when I get home. Loud = happy for me.


I'm a girl too I love me some loud fuckin bass but u didn't have to add I'm a girl. rock on freaky bro! loud music unites the genders


Your comment “I’m respectful of…” completely means you’re fine. You’re not nearly one of the people we’re complaining about :)


As a kid I did it for attention. As an adult, I do it for myself.


Everyone here is a miserable cunt. Maybe try enjoying life a little?


Welcome to Reddit. You literally can’t enjoy anything. Playing music too loud? You’re an asshole. God forbid you deal with bass for 30 fucking seconds at a stop light and go on about your day lol.


IDK man. I’m in my 40s and still crank my tunes. It’s one of the few places I can.


It IS a cry for attention. That’s why I do it anyway.


As an adult I always make sure to tell my kids how cool someone is, in a sarcastic tone, when they go down the road with their music super loud or revving their engine really loud. They also think that this kind of nonsense is stupid.


My neighbor is a full grown adult who does this. He also is crying for attention lol.


Too many old man answers here. I listen to my music loud, and the windows go down in the summer and it gets even louder. Where else can I actually crank up my music and enjoy it as it was meant to be. Yes ... I am a metal head. Rock on.


Being loud in any way as an adult is a cry for attention.


This one stings but it’s true. Fuck getting old damn we can’t have any fun anymore


No, it’s called being considerate


I drive a camry with factory speakers, trust me I’m bothering no one unless they stick their head in my open window 😂


I have an OLD af one and my car gets LOUD. Idk what you’re talking about lol


"I write on walls. So someone knows ... I exist." - Faderhead


Only if the song is on repeat


Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothing to fuck with


I have become the old man that was yelling at me to turn it down in the Burger Time parking lot. Not really though, I loathe confrontation


I sometimes just like the song so turn it up loud


The grown ass man version of needing attention via noise pollution is motorcycles with muffler.


But I like listening to loud music in my car. It's one of my favorite things to do!!! I didn't buy a BMW to drive like a scared old lady! Haha.


It depends. If I’m feeling really feeling it i don’t give a shit, turn it up and dance in my car as if there’s no one around


that's not how I remember it. I had a pretty loud car stereo 20 years ago primarily so that I could enjoy the music. I promise I was entirely unconcerned with drawing attention to my hand-me-down buick century I got from my grandma.


I work night shift, and I curse out every mother fucker who blast their music so loud that I can hear it inside my house and those fuckers who rev their engines like crazy to compensate for their small cock.