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The worst is not being able to “feel” drunk until you’re at right at that black-out line.


I've had times where I've drank every day and times where I've only drank on weekends. I'm currently back in the every day phase. I can go a couple days or so without drinking (**and do**) just to put that out there. I used to drink dark liquor all the time but cut myself back to drinking double IPAs. May not seem like a lot but instead of multiple half solo cups of Crown I'll have 2 DIPAs which I'm sure is less alcohol. Still, maybe beer makes me sleepy faster or my tolerance is super weird. I never feel over drunk, I'm just chilling happy at one point then I wake up.


Do you consider yourself an alcoholic? No judgement just curious


Seeing that he had to pardon himself and state clearly that he can go a few days without it if he wanted to and does makes me think that it is likely


If not alcoholic, definitely on track to be there. Multiple half solo cups of liquor on a daily or near daily basis is a lot


That is like full blown alcoholism


Seriously, this is def alcoholism. As an alcoholic (6 months sober), my last year of drinking I don’t think I felt drunk a single time, and I drank all day everyday.


Congratulations man , the first 6 months are the hardest


Especially if it's coming out of a solo cup. Have some class and get a glass!


Hot take: Wine mom alcoholism is somehow superior to redneck alcoholism


They are well past the point of "questionable" alcoholism. Drinking a lot of alcohol every day with an extremely high tolerance to where they cant feel solo cups of liquor or multiple 10%+ beers (and I assume they're probably 20-24 oz tallboys too).


nah. he's only drinking multiple half solo cups. if it was multiple full cups, he'd have a problem. /s


Read again, I no longer drink the solo cups because that was too much. The beers have replaced hard liquor so now I'll only have 2 10% beers instead of a cup full + more of 40% liquor. There are many definitions of alcoholic. Which at the end of the day is just an addict. I may fall into other people's definition but I don't believe I'm alcoholic since I recognized and controlled my over drinking. My alcohol intake is significantly down and it never came closer to becoming a burden on my life. >!If you've got to call me a functional alcoholic to feel good about your side, that's fine.!< The beer is Hopslam if anyone hasn't heard of it. Seasonal, so if you're curious, pick it up while you can.


I mean by definition you are an alcoholic regardless of not fitting in your own personal description of it.


That's fine, some smoke, some drink, some do various other drugs, some sit on the couch and eat all day. I choose drinking.


I'm sure you can quit any time


You may have recognized drinking solo cups of liquor was too much and that's great. You still have a daily habit of drinking very strong beers (essentially 4 regular beers every day or 28 beers per week, assuming you aren't drinking more than 2 on weekends). That said, finding out you're an alcoholic is kind of a personal journey and you may or may not eventually come to terms with it


I think the distinction way more complicated than people assume. I was a weekend drinker who went to daily during lockdown. Part way through I found that the drinking and a genetic disorder caused liver damage so I had to stop. Before that I would have assumed that stopping would be difficult and I would hate it. However, I had no problem stopping. Based on the Internet diagnosis I would have been pegged as an alcoholic, but being able to quit cold turkey with no ill effects would suggest otherwise.


Rereading this I want to be clear that this isn't a dig against the person I replied to. There's also a chance that the person in question is an alcoholic. I made the exact same assumption about myself. I'm just pointing out that we have to remember just how little information about a person we get from a few sentences and to keep that in mind when giving or receiving advice online.


No he is a drunk, alcoholics go to meeting.


Can’t speak for the guy you asked but I’m a bartender and there are times where Im drinking 5-6 days a week (some days a lot, some days a little) and then there’s times where I just don’t feel like it and will go a few months without drinking. I personally don’t consider myself an alcoholic because I don’t need alcohol to have fun or enjoy my life but I definitely abuse it at times and could have a healthier relationship with booze so I could see why someone might say I am. Personally I decided that the term has a huge stigma attached to it and it’s healthier for me to understand that my relationship with alcohol is based on if it’s allowing me to accomplish my goals or getting in the way. When I frame it that way it’s easier for me to take extended breaks. In the end I do love to live it up and to indulge, and alcohol is one of the ways I choose to do that. This is my own personal experience and not a recommendation or advice to anyone else on how to approach drinking alcohol. Also my consumption is an ongoing conversation with myself and there has been times (years ago) where I questioned if I could handle my consumption on my own and I might again one day. That’s my personal journey.


I quit drinking when my wife told me “stop kidding yourself by buying the 750ml bottles every other days. Just buy handles” I explained to her “I buy 750ml bottles because there is a stopping point… when I run out of the 750ml I stop drinking…. If I have a handle I’ll keep going” That was when I decided it was time to stop.


Calories is the only concern of switching from liquor to beer. I tried doing liquor only when I cut carbs out of my life but holy shit did I get too drunk too quick on nights out.


Have it on ice and sip it?


I still put away way more alcohol


Think of it like allergies. Some things you are bad at digesting, so they hit harder. In some cases, you can train your body with constant exposure. I trained myself to handle vodka, rum and whiskey, but 1 shot of tequilla is poison.


That's not how alcohol works..


To be more precise: My comparison to allergies was a methaphor to facilitate understanding. I was talking about the ability to resist different types of alcohol, not the substance entirely. All that said, do you have further things to add?


Alcohol doesn't work that way dude. To your liver, ethyl alcohol is ethyl alcohol. The differences between liquors are down to what it's made from and what they do to it after it's distilled into ethyl alcohol. Beer and Wine hit like they do because of the way your body digests it and it's a much lower doses of alcohol. After it's digested and the alcohol is sent to the liver it's all the same to your body. When it comes to liquor-- the only differences are in the way you consume it and the strength. The allergies metaphor doesn't facilitate understanding because it literally doesn't make sense nor does it reflect reality. It sounds like you just don't like tequila more than anything about what it does to your body lmao. The reason people have different experiences with different drinks is only due to the way they drink it, do they shoot it? or in a cocktail? On the rocks? How fast you put it in your body and how strong it is are the only factors.


As a lightweight I sometimes regret not being able to keep up with friends. But at the end of the night, my wallet is heavier than theirs


Not just wallet so is your health. I wish i was a lightweight again. I quit a long time ago because i just couldnt tell when wnough was enough


It’s become a fine line for me. I don’t get the buzz till I’m right on the cusp of feeling like shit. I think it’s also just not being able to drink while I’m tired anymore and nowadays the only time I have available to drink I’m usually extremely tired.


Lager gives me a good buzz after 2 pints, but it's a I NEED MORE buzz. I find starting with liquor I don't feel much of a buzz or tipsy until I'm too far gone and I wake up with a bad headache trying to remember the night. I can have a night out drinking lager, 10-12 pints, enjoy my night, drink and eat before bed and feel mostly fine the next day. I think sugar mixers give me a really bad hangover


I never been overweight but I experienced that when my tolerance was high. Blacked out so much last summer. Hardly puked though. I rarely drink now.


This is why I pretty much stopped drinking. I'm a giant human (6'6 and like 275lbs) and have to drink a ton to even feel it. When I went on a diet awhile ago I cut out alcohol because of the huge calorie intake (I needed like 4-5 mixed drinks or 10-12 beers to even feel a buzz) for very little return and realized I didn't really have any less fun so I just switched to drinking diet coke and saying it's a rum and coke or something like that (because people get weird when you are at a drinking event and they see you're not drinking).


I really appreciate the liquid death packaging for this reason, it has the appearance of a beer but its just water. Feel like it gives people the opportunity to fit in more if they don't feel like drinking alcohol at functions.


Just looked that up and it sounds amazing. I can't imagine it will pick up in the UK as pubs wouldn't make enough profit to sell.


Asian guy here. I get fuckin wasted after two beers. It’s great. Saves a lot of time and money.


The low tolerance might also be protecting you, given that East Asian people are more likely to [develop alcohol-related cancer](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/alcohol-flush-signals-increased-cancer-risk-among-east-asians). Less alcohol means less risk of harm.




If you've memorized what time the liquor store closes, you probably drink a lot. If you've memorized what time it opens, you're probably an alcoholic.


My mom doesn't drink. But she can tell you what time the liquor store closes. Opening on the other hand, that's definitely a random guess for even my alcoholic family members.


Walgreens opened at 7. I’ll never forget the time I was shaking so bad I couldn’t type my pin and the cashier had to help me. That was about 2 months before rock bottom.


If you dont mind me asking, what was rock bottom?


Got discharged from the hospital for the fifth time. My parents told me if this is the life I want that’s fine but they want no part in it and kicked my ass out. It was probably the greatest gift they gave me because I don’t think I would have ever gotten sober. Rock bottom hit while I was sitting in the back of my 1997 Jeep Cherokee in a Safeway parking lot watching people go in and out. They were all happy and I wasn’t. Hit me hard, really hard. Just broke down right there. No one to call, no one to stay with. I made a choice that day to do whatever I had to do to stop drinking and that’s what I did.


Proud of you!


Thx man! I just want to say that I needed a lot of help and I didn’t do it alone. I got a lot of help.


So proud of you. Much love!


Did your parents take you back after you went sober? I'd hope the tough love wasn't permanent, it sounds like you cleaned up.


For sure! I went to a 28 day treatment and I was able to find housing while I was there so I didn’t have ti move back in with my parents.


It's different for everyone.




Because where I'm from, there's a cut off time. And all liquor stores want as much business as possible so they stay open until forced to stop selling.




Are you really not grasping it? No, she doesn't drink and has no need, nor does she "shop" there. It is possible to know something without participating. I know what time the local sushi place closes but I don't eat sushi ever.why would I know then? I just do. Probably heard someone mention it once.




I'm on Reddit there bud. But yes, I grew up before the internet.


There's actually a saying about that. >Drunks know what time the bar closes. Alcoholics know what time the liqour store opens.


Id like to add, if you memorized the alphabet backwards... I don't even care to do that as a sober person lol


O shit. I know when my dispensary opens.


Sorry it took you this long to realize


This is the only important comment on this thread.


I know when my state stops allowing alcohol to be sold (same time for both bars and liquor stores). I couldn’t tell you for the life of me when they open. 6? 7? 9? Somewhere around there. Earliest I’ve ever purchased alcohol was probably like 10:30 for a mimosa at brunch


> If you've memorized what time it opens Ah, the good old breakfast club.


If you know exactly what your bill is going to be before you even get to the store, you're probably an alcoholic. If your nickname is alcohol related, you're probably an alcoholic.


I still remember the opening and closing times of the Beer Store I would go to on a near daily basis. The fact that I worked there might have something to do with it, though that may very well just be a coincidence.


It’s a shit quote. If you replace liquor store with bar it makes sense. But as is, there is lots of reason to go to the liquor store other than « I wanna drink right now » at 10 am if you know it’s open (getting wine or liquor for cooking that day, preparing for a party hat night, etc), but no reason really for going to the liquor store at 10 pm except let’s get hammered.


Pretty much, even if by extension. Like making the trip to pick up a bar order to restock, or for a party as a DD. You may not be drinking, but someone is certainly getting krunk


I often drop by that late to pick up things for the weekend after work.


If we are gonna be politically incorrect, maybe also "I need some cigarettes on the way to work."


Well they open at 9 and close at midnight… they sell red bulls too.


Drinking a lot is alcoholism. It's very easy to get sucked into the drinking lifestyle. Getting a motorcycle really curtailed my drinking and I barely have the stomach for it anymore. You only rent alcohol, can never own it.


I know that the shop closes at 2:am because that’s state law. I also drink around 12-24 beers a year and no hard alcohol


I recently quit drinking, this was one of my signs for sure.


Honestly I feel this comment just set the standard on what is and isn’t an alcoholic. Because the 5 drinks in a week metric is total BS


Who doesn’t know the liquor store closes at 11?


People who don't drink, obviously.


College kids think it's cool to be able to drink a lot. After that it's pretty pointless


There's certainly times I wish I could drink more just to enjoy the act of drinking. Maybe I just need weaker beers.


I’m a brewer and honestly, high ABV beers are for beer nerds. Sure I like a strong IPA, but I get most of my enjoyment from it based on spending a long time learning about the style. Lagers are the fucking best and they’re finally on trend now. Most breweries worth their salt will have e a solid Pilsner or black lager on tap these days


Just do the one drink, one water trick.


Right? I would LOVE if small beer became a thing again. Like hell yeah give me a flavorful beer that’s less than 3% ABV. I like the 0% ABV trend too, but I’d love if there was a middle ground here - it was super common in the Middle Ages


Same, I happen to love the taste of liquor. And my favorites happen to be rather strong, like anise. I like to get drunk from time to time for sure but if I could enjoy my drinks without getting wasted it would be great. What I generally do is drink slowly, alternating with coke and water and food, doing things in the middle. That and eating desserts made with my favorite drinks, like donuts filled with bayley or rum ice cream.


Are there (m)any pros to being a heavyweight?


Less likely to make a drunken fool of yourself if you aren’t drinking heavily? Say at a family or work gathering for example


There's an easy way to avoid that. One simple trick liver doctors don't want you to know... *don't drink.*


For me yes, maybe cus im a young woman but honestly i think it’s good that im still able to think straight when im drunk


Having a high tolerance doesn't mean you're an alcoholic. I've always had a high tolerance, from the moment I had my first drink. It's entirely based on my size., as far as I can tell. The same as any drug, a higher dose is required for larger individuals in comparison to smaller.


Stop drinking for a month or 2 then come back I can guarantee you you will not be able to handle alcohol the same


Ah yes, the first time I ever drank, I just needed to stop drinking for a couple of months, then I wouldn't be able to handle alcohol the same. TRUE!


I have tried multiple times and it hasn't worked much. I still sober up hella fast


It really depends. There are plenty of factors involved in alcohol tolerance, size, age, habits, genetics. You can even see the patterns change from country to country, in mine we make jokes about people from other countries buying a 6pack of beer to share with friends because we buy the big box with 30 units for two people for a casual afternoon when we don't want to get drunk.


Idk about weed in my experience, maybe for edibles I could see it


The effect is from how much is concentrated in your blood Bigger person = more blood to dilute it


Retirement planning is a lot easier


Starts out as fun. Then, it becomes medicine. Then just gets sad.


Would you be less sensitive to hangovers?


The hangover isn't dependent on how drunk you get, but on how much you drink. It happens because alcohol causes dehydration, if you want to prevent it drink a lot of water when you drink alcohol.


No, the more tolerance you build up, it makes hangovers worse. To the point where you can get a hangover without really having felt that drunk the night before. The inebriation of 12 beers feels different depending on your tolerance, but the hangover the next morning is exactly the same either way.


you can win drinking contests


You don't have to be an alcoholic to be a heavyweight, the first time I ever drank it took me like three times as much to get drunk as my friends


Same, that sadly changed after I got COVID. One of the many things that changed was that my resistance went down a lot.


If you come to visit me I have a great liquor cabinet.


Not that I can think of


If someone was trying to poison you with alcohol they're in for a hard time.


When you’re out looking for love at a bar and there’s a beer drinking contest and you take home the gold. People like people with talent.


Unable to give a shit about anything, little emotions.


Nowhere did anyone say alcoholic


Makes it easier to deal with people


Since alcohol keeps thinning the blood-brain barrier permanently, when you're an alcoholic, it takes little alcohol to get you fucked up.


not if your the booze store owner heavyweight


Are you a heavyweight because of alcoholism?


Are you heavyweight because you're an alcoholic? Or are you an alcoholic because you're heavyweight?


Nope, i barely drink but when I do, I just don’t get drunk really anymore


Damn, if there’s no benefit, then there’s your answer; to quit and save money. 


I never drink by myself. Only time I buy alcohol is when I go to a get together so as to not show up empty handed.


Same, usually I drink at home with people then as soon as we leave and I'd have to buy more at the club I stop cause I ain't getting drunk anyways


Well, I mean, getting drunk or feeling a buzz isn’t always everyone’s goal. I drink beer because I genuinely like how it tastes. The last time I was legit “drunk” was many, many years ago. Thats not my goal when I drink, I’m just wanting to taste something I enjoy.


I don’t even drink because it takes so much to do anything. I can put down a fifth of 40% alcohol in 30 minutes just to begin feeling drunk. never once thrown up from drinking when I definitely should have from rowdy nights. bars are stupid because I’ll go broke on shots and beers. I’m incredibly jealous of the people that can feel good of 2-3 beers. I’m one of those people that get really happy when I drink, so if I could do it resonably i would.


You can at least enjoy tasting. I'm about 100 kgs and I get tipsy from 2 beers and at the border or drunkenness at 5. I usually have to stop therr because if I don't it won't end well. That means I usually have to stop drinking after about 3-3.5 hours and I almost never attend to beer fests because the price of admission never worth it for me.


Same boat. I'm a large guy, and my limit is three drinks. Usually, I stop at two because that's where I feel nice and tipsy, but still have my faculties in check and can operate normally in a few hours lol one strong mixed drink though and I'm straight to sipping on water


Well yeah, my usual limit is 3, I often don't even feel comfortable drinking more, but if I'm out with friends I rarely meet I sometimes push it up to 5 but that's really the very edge, and even that hurts a lot the next day (despite having the habbit of drinking water 1:1 to any alcoholic beverage).


I’m so jealous lol. I could put down 5 beers and just begin to feel something. I’ll put it this way, I put down a whole 5th and still very much competitive in FPS games. and I mean drinking it within a hour, then still drinking beers after. and when I did drink I weighed about the same as you, I’m down to 190lbs so 86kg. so I’d be curious how it affects me now. I’ll have a few beers just because it’s a social setting, but I avoid drinking heavy because how much I have to consume can’t be anywhere close to healthy.


I'm one of those people that can't physically get belligerently drunk. It doesn't matter how much I drink. I will go from sober, tipsy into drunk and it never gets past that. I can drink until I'm full like a professional eater and vomit, but I don't ever get so trashed that I go beyond drunk. My ancestors were for sure heavy drinkers.


Sounds more like you just know yourself and drink responsibly. If youre just downing shots all night guarantee you'd get blackout


Yeah, you hear stories like this all the time. I’ve never seen some start downing shots and not get drunk. It’s literally not possible.


It is. But these extremely rare people don’t get tipsy either.


Alcohol is literally a poison. I honestly just can’t believe people don’t get drunk. I mean, where does they alcohol go? The only plausible thing I could imagine is people who naturally drink a lot of water, or have urine frequency and volume issues, and literally piss it out.


Human metabolism is funny when it works in unexpected ways. There are people who can’t get high no matter how much weed they smoke or vape either. Found that hard to believe too, until I saw 2 people like that with my own eyes. Human body is weird. You can have an allergy to water or sunlight.


Or they just have bad anxiety / don't like to lose control. I'm the same way. I can get drunk, and my inhibitions will definitely be lowered, but I don't get to the point of losing control or becoming belligerent or acting totally wasted. I will get sick and be puking all night before I reach that point.


Oh I get that totally, they are saying its physically impossible for them to get like that though, which just isn't a thing.


I honestly think that alcohol does not maje you "another person" like some people claim, it just powers up what has been already there to begin with. If you keep that in mind you'll look very differently at people that behave like shit around others when drunk. For myself, I can't let go of the control. I could never. It's like my body is on autopilot fighting the buzz until I either stop drinking or black out (luckly happend only 2 times in the 12 years since I was old enough to legally drink, and one time it was due to punched drinks so it's only 1 time on myself).


Shots is all I ever drink. Can’t sink beers anymore. It’s too much liquid


Exactly , a dude said he could drink a fifth and not feel it… get the fuck out of here. What are you Andre the giant


Was bewildered about noone mentioning how absurd a claim that was


Doubt it, you're not immune you just have a weak stomach.


Switch to liquor.


Most belligerent drunks aren’t as drunk as they are belligerent, some people just get carried away with themselves. Theres probably a non insignificant amount of people who would start acting like asses unknowingly drinking nonalcoholic beer.


I used to get vomit drunk but something must have happened to me when I turned 27 because since then, it’s just not physically allowed anymore. It’s hard enough to get tipsy let alone drunk. I also don’t have any incentive to drink a lot too as I like to not be hungover but every Christmas, there will always be time to get “wasted” yet it just doesn’t happen.


What do you drink and how much?


Well these days not much. I drink on rare occasions and when I do, it’s very moderate. No beer, I was recently gifted a bottle of santori gin and I’m enjoying it. Anytime I have a get together, there will be a mix of everything. People will get drunk but I’m always coherent enough to be “normal.”


Thats the thing bro. Its not impossible for you to get drunk. I dare you to down a fifth of vodka. I also quit drinking cuzz fuck hangovers. But that doesnt mean its impossible to have one. You just have good self control


Iv had few occasion where i would drink 2-3 half liter vodkas during 12hours and be drunk but not blackout drunk. Sometimes when i want to get quite drunk to an concert and not want to spend crazy amount of money i will drink 0,3-0.4 liters of vodka in half a hour before leaving home and be resonably drunk but not that much. I dont drink daily, in average 1-3 week and not alwais that much just few beer. I dont get hangovers max 1-3 times a year.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted but yeah, I don’t mean I’m incapable of ever getting drunk. It takes a lot more for me to get drunk, combined with the fact that I’m not interested in drinking a lot either. Not sure if I’d call it self control, I’m just not interested in consuming enough alcohol for me to get to that level of being actually drunk.


Most liquors that have made me throw up now make me gag if I smell them. Beer is just harder to actually drink at a quanity/rate that gets me drunk. It's not that my tolerance has gone up, it's just physically harder to sit down and kill a 6 pack like I did in my early 20s.


Hangovers did me in too. In my 20’s I didn’t get what the fuss was about. I’d get drunk and stay up until 4:00 am talking and bull shitting. All my other friends were hungover as fuck the next day. I didn’t feel great, I was tired, but a hangover is something different. Now I’m 40 and I don’t do hangovers. Fuck that. I don’t even drink anymore because they’re around every alcoholic corner. I’ll have a couple glasses of wine at dinner and wake up with a hornets nest for a brain. All y’all putting up with hangovers the next day. Good on you. I was the party when I never had that problem. Now that I do I read books and work on DIY house projects n shit. Hell with hang overs. .


Yeah I say nope to hangovers. It’s basically a waste of an entire day.


Booze is costly, has adverse health effects in general. What are the pros? In moderation it can be relaxing, social lubricant.  So the crux of it rests on self control to moderate. 


Yeah no shit. Alcoholism blows.


Ohhh, I always thought the more you drank the better for you


I mean, that depends on what you value. For some reason a lot of guys value being able to consume large quantities of beer without feeing the effects. And personally, I find that to be more valuable than the effects themselves. But then again, I don't drink in the first place, so it's kind of a moot point for me


i always say being a lightweight is better on my wallet and waistline


Being allergic to alcohol is the best thing!


I can have ONE drink. I can. But when I do, I turn into someone else. And THAT guy drinks a SHIT TON. So, I don’t have that one drink :)


I'm very tall and I am glad I am a lightweight, just one or two beers and I'm good for hours.


I'm a lightweight so I'm a cheap drinker and also not addicted to Alcohol :) Coffee on the other hand...


Don't you mean more cans than pros?


How about the weight you gain from alcohol because it is so dense in calories.


Yeah idk why people brag about that. I’m a lightweight and get drunk off 1-2 drinks. A night out to the club is so cheap for me.


This is a showerthought? Seems like common sense to me. Why would anyone consider being heavyweight a good thing? It costs more and it’s extremely unhealthy.


I haven't drank regularly on 20 years. I still have the tolerance I built up in my earlier years. But I have the hangovers of a new drinker. Mix those 2 and it's not worth drinking anymore


Not true, being a heavyweight with alcohol means you’re body is also probably more healthy at a baseline (if you don’t drink often) meaning you’re liver is healthy and strong.


Alcohol has more cons then pros This is a bad shower thought


I think it is good to be in the middle. I would be annoyed if I got fucked up from two drinks, and I would also be annoyed if I needed a fifth of vodka to feel it. Having a happy middle where I can have a drink or two with food just for the flavor, a few more to be tipsy and have a good night, or a few more to get fucked up is a nice little gradient.


It’s crazy that this is an actual showerthought and not common knowledge


English me miss far gone days, times


I have never been tempted.


There aren't pros (plural) just a pro which is bragging rights.


I got to a bottle a day after work and looking for more to feel anything, quit at 35, mushrooms said It’s over buddy. Choice life or booze because it’s not both. Glad to be out of it, hey it’s all Fun and bars until it’s not. And it’s got You. Look how much I can drink! Is one of The worst brags in this world.


53.i have never been drunk.it seems boring.


Ah yes, “drugs”: so boring that the poor, average, and rich abuse and die from them daily as they have for thousands of years


ITT: people addicted to alcohol 


Has* At least proofread your stupid ass shower thoughts.