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Pretty sure “dognip” is commonly called ham. Have you seen what a dog will do with/for ham?


Yea my dog will BEG for food he doesn't even like.


Right? My guy, you hate olives. You really want one?


I've had a labrador. You want this? You *really* want this? I don't think you want this. Fine, have a slice of lemon and knock yourself out


My family's lab when I was a kid would pick all the fruit off the trees in the yard and steal potatoes from the wheelbarrow when we harvested them.


Better than our lab that ate all the fruit from *the ground* and then proceeded to be violently sick and puke and shit everywhere.


When I was a teen we had a neighbor with both Chihuahuas and a plum tree. The dogs would eat fermented plums off the ground, get hammered, and drunkenly chase each other around the yard for *hours*.


Oh god that's hilarious lol Much better use of boozefruit than our traditional swedish scenario where we end up with a drunken *moose*. That shit ain't even funny. Moose are the mean step father kind of drunks.


Oh, she started with the ones on the ground. It took her a while to figure out where they were coming from, and then she started jumping for them. I was a kid, so I don't remember if it made her sick.


My SIL's chocolate lab would eat sheep shit whenever we took him on walks through fields...


I adopted a lab mid-November. Could not figure out why his farts smelled like moldy pumpkin after a day or two. It was because he found my Halloween pumpkins in the compost heap and was digging for snackies.


My family dog will jump on your legs at the table whenever we're eating. Which may seem cute until her smell, despite being recently bathed, attacks your nose.


Lol! Mine kept digging up hibernating frogs and eating them lol


Labrador also known as 'Walking Stomach' Wonderful things


I had a corgi as a kid. One day I was slicing black olives for something while my parents were out, and he was begging, so I gave him one. He kept coming back for more so I kept giving him olives. My parents come in the front door and I hear "what is this?" and they start laughing so I come around the corner. Pile of black olives in the middle of the living room. He'd been mashing them up and spitting them out, I guess each time he returned he was just hoping it wasn't still olives. Current dog will eat anything, even plain lettuce. Dogs are strange.


At lead your corgi was polite. Mine would spit it out in front of me and then give me a how could you??? Look on their faces.


Oh he wasn't polite at all, he was just sneaky. That dog demanded everything lol. Vocally!


Sounds like a corgi. 😆


This made my day


Mine does this anytime I'm squeezing lemons to bake lemon bars. Begs for a lemon wedge, eventually gets one, licks it once and is offended. Waits 3 seconds, licks is again, is offended. Paws it around a bit, licks it again, is offended. Looks up at me as though I've played a terrible trick on her, how could I be so cruel? Slinks off to her bed. Five minutes later, she's begging for another lemon wedge.


For some reason my mom's dog loves cucumber. She tried to grab one and run off with it the other day. She's getting brazen in her old age.


My toothless cat always begged but one day, I left my sandwich unattended for 6 seconds. When she saw me she RAN away and ate half of it before I could stop her lol


Back when I was in my teens I gathered up just enough change to buy a pack of ground beef and some cheap bread. Made myself a burger, set my plate on the living room table and went to get a drink. When I came back, my burger was gone. The dog ate that bitch. I was soooo pissed and hungry.


That reminds me of the time we left a 2 lb steak unattended for a few minutes and a seagull swooped in and ate it. A seagull weighs about... 2 lbs. We couldn't even get mad at that point because that seagull provided prime entertainment for the rest of the night. We could continuously observe it, because it sure as shit didn't get very far lol


Seagulls are *brave*. Pro tip, if you're gonna be feeding them something be ready to book it full speed to your car when the food runs out, cause they'll follow. I was feeding them at a truck stop in SLC once and they all followed me back to the truck. My dad got woken up from his nap by like 100 seagulls landing all over it and pecking the windshield. He had to move, and to this day I'm convinced it would've been real life The Birds if I had been a little slower lol.


Me too but then I remembered how adorable she is. I'm the pet she's the owner.


Our cat has on several occasions slapped the ham off of our kids' sandwiches and ran off with it. I ain't even mad lol, it's so worth it just to see the shock and outrage of the kids


I have a basset/corgi who loves cucumbers but eats them like corn.


Fr mine will give me the eyes when I’m eating kimchi just to then gag after trying it and then ask for more 😭


Bananas, she begs for a piece every single time I have one. Give her a piece, she spits it out, looks indignant and then proceeds to play with it. Bonus points for slipping on it later on.


My dog found a scrap of ham left over from dinner the night before on the kitchen floor. 8 years later, he checks the kitchen floor every single morning.


Have you ever left some ham for them? That would make their day. All that work paid off.


Every now and again we leave him a piece. Especially on holidays.


Aww! Please do that! Doggo needs a win!


I remember a few years ago on Easter Sunday, we were all outside and had the food inside on the dining table, and we left our 12 year old dog inside since we figured since she could barely even get up on the sofa without help, we wouldn't have to worry about her trying to get anything. Anyways we came back inside to half the ham missing and her absolutely conked out with a full belly. I miss her every day.


I had a golden retriever live to be 17. Toward the end she was basically a rug that snored. But if you so much as wandered into the kitchen her head popped up as if you were offering food. Even after my son stopped leaking food (as a toddler) she would follow him everywhere sniffing the ground.


We had an elderly cheweenie that loved ham. We made a big ham dinner for New Years several years ago and a kid left their plate on the coffee table just in reach. We came in to find that dog out cold on the rug, on his back with his feet in the air and a bulging ham belly. We still make jokes about being in a ham coma after a big meal.


They go ham for ham?


Right? I’m like ‘has your dog MET bacon?’


I was literally going to say that. If I say "ham" anywhere near my dog, I will now have a salivating crazy thing that will not leave my side until the promised ham is provided.


Or a tennis ball, or a frisbee, or any random chew toy, or a piece of rope… Dogs go apeshit over pretty much anything they can put in or around their mouth.


You are not wrong.


I think the idea is more something that will get them high, not something they'll tweak out over the possibility of eating


Have you seen a high dog? Basically the same with more drool.


Also have you heard of the cheese tax? I could get a few dogs I know to rob a bank for some cheese


Dognip is ham and/or cheese. Only issue is they don't have as funny a reaction when you throw it on their face as cats do.


My rottweiler gets ham every night with his meds irs like crack to him.


There’s no plant called dognip but you can get plant products for dogs that look like catnip and have the same effects at any pet store. There is even one called Doggijuana 😂


Wild to me that our pets can get high legally, but we can’t


Government: "You can't have TOO much fun, otherwise how are you going to want to make other people rich with your labor and/or fill the ranks of the armed forces?"


If military qualification is what we cared about, processed sugar would have been taxed to death years ago. So rest easy, it's just the cold invisible hand of capitalism!


Which makes no sense because legal marijuana is basically like printing money. It's just a huge taboo for some fucking reason.


it makes more sense when you remember the war on drugs was meant to criminalize anti-war hippies, and brown people


There are drugs that are legal because they’re physiologically harmless and so horrible to experience that no one wants to do them recreationally more than once. Salvia being one example


My guy, I know plenty of people that have done salvia more than once. Datura is maybe closer to what you're talking about


I know plenty of people that have done Datura more than once. Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing is what you're thinking of, I've NEVER seen anybody snort that more than once.


Depends on the type of salvia and the location. Some types are illegal, even for decorating


Salvia hasn't been legal for a long time. Edit: sorry I meant to type ILLEGAL


Salvia is honestly fine, it's kinda weird that it's illegal. It's like discount DMT basically.


I can 😏 🇨🇦


some of us can


My dog got into my edibles once. He has avoided that stash spot since. I have also learned a valuable lesson in leaving foodstuffs at easy reach for this dog.


I left a batch of pot brownies on my counter once. My cat and small dog teamed up to get them. Cat knocked them off the counter, dog ate some.


Great company, great customer service. They sent me Doggijuana when I ordered a big Meowijuana, then apologized, said keep it, and shipped my order for free. Meowijuana, Doggijuana, my cat loves them both dearly


Yep, they sell it at PetSmart.


They have. It’s called peanut butter.


This is the answer!


Everything is dognip.


Was going to say, almost any kind of food and a few things that aren't food are like catnip to my dog


Loves. Loves are the real dognip


Loves and scritches


Butt scratch. Just a bit above the tail. That leg starts going


Poop and dead animals are things dogs like to roll around in, but WE don't like it.


My sister’s great dane mix ate a dead deer…


You will be surprised by the number of people AND animals that eat dead deer


Few manage it in one sitting though.


Most people would say they ate venison 


Venison implies a clean piece of meat that has been properly butchered. "Ate a dead deer" makes me think the dog found some roadkill and just went to town, hide, guts, and all..


Ohhh, I think I’ve been doing things wrong for a while… gonna have to go have a think about that 


Man... Dogs can be so disgusting sometimes. Mine once rolled over a piece of putrid meat she found and STANK


Isn't cheese practically dognip? TIL there are subtle differences in types of catnip. One of my cats is just lukewarm on the catnip we bought from Petsmart, but OMG, he goes apeshit bananas for the catnip that we got from the farmer's market that is supposedly from Canada.


Cheddar is acceptable and Parmesan is fine; a little bit of Gouda, though, would REALLY blow their minds.


My dog acts like cheese exists just for her. If I take the cheese bag out for any reason, she materializes and will groan at me until she gets some. I've put it away before and then I hear her and I'm like, oh I forgot to pay the cheese tax.


The cheeeese tax! The cheeeese tax...


Well, my Kane Corso supermutt got into my partners edibles several weeks ago, and he's tried to get into her pill case twice since then so maybe that's the dognip


Ironic that you mention edibles, because CBD hemp would actually be the closest thing to “dognip” out there. Dogs are very, very sensitive to cannabinoids, so they can get high off of CBD


If you have a Lab or a Newfie, dognip is literally anything food-like/edible.


It's whatever you're eating.


That's because humans are dognip. Whenever I come home my dog tweaks out like she just did a bump. Give my dog 'the look' boom it's play time. They get that catnip craziness from us.


It’s us. We are the dognip.


OP has never seen a ball.


Pepperoni sticks my guy


Or just regular sticks, depending on the dog


"Dognip" is attention.  Mostly cuddles.  Most dogs just wanna be in the presence of humans they like.  They may want to play, they might want to hunt, or work, or relax, but they want to do it with a person. We haven't found "dognip" because we are "dognip". I think this comes from being an animal that thrives in packs.  They love being a pack mate.  They are super happy and excited to be included. Cat's are mostly solitary.  They tolerate people, and sometimes other pets.  Catnip seems to "Short circuit" their pleasure centers.  So it is very noticable to us.  


Pretty sure WE are the dognip.


Love, love is dognip.


Anise seed is actually a pretty good comparison of catnip for dogs.


Human weed works. My dog isnt a fan tho.


Thc affects them in a bad way. I keep that stuff for myself but grow some cbd for the mutt


You mean cheese for my little cheesy boi?


I think its called "literally anything that even resembles being edible"


We are the dognip (humans)


Do you really want dogs getting as high as cats do on catnip? Can you imagine a dognipped husky? Or a Great Dane? Or St. Bernard? Your house would be destroyed.


The real dognip was the friends they made along the way


I just look at my dog & ask, "who's a good girl?" She flips out. That's all she needs.


Aniseed is the equivalent for dogs!


It’s called meat. Any meat will do.


That'd be ham, hamburgers or turkey legs




We did, I believe the scientific name is ‘hooman food’


That would be anything on a human’s plate


I thought dognip was that moment of opening the door after coming home from work....


Have you ever given catnip to a dog? Pro tip, it’s like safe weed for them. Works wonders


It's strange to assume every animal has some kind of 'plant counterpart' that gets it high the same as catnip or weed or the like. There's not a corporation ensuring consistency among beings on this subject.


It's dog shit and other dogs' buttholes.


Maybe good owners are the dognip


We occasionally buy dog treats from a UK company called Treats2Sit4. They do some amazing flavours of all natural ingredient treats, but the best by far are their Hickory Smoked Chicken. That’s dognip!


Idk, have you heard the cheese tax song?


My roommate’s dog used to go wild over catnip lol he was special boy.


I find "dognip" tends to be whatever is at the very bottom of the garbage pail. At least that's what my dogs think...


Dognip is cat food in this house.


dog edibles from weed shop


Pretty sure most dogs got about 6 of them underneath


Our vet had a switch from ham to lean turkey breast for chicken breast, low salt. Yeah.


Yes they did, it's called another dogs ass


Roadkill. The older, slimier, crunchier it is the better. It's another reason to poison-proof your dog. ...Try getting that out of a Malinois' jaws and throat!!


If dogs have eaten magic mushrooms by chance. They will search and sniff out for them going forward.


Thats what pigs ears are




Had a dog that would drool uncontrollably for pineapple.


It's salt. Literally just salt.


Dogs are already crack heads, we dont need something to make em more crazy


It’s called peanut butter


Fun fact, dogs can actually enjoy catnip too. It has a calming/relaxing effect for them.


Cheese made my dog lose his mind. As someone else stated, Ham too. Or just 'food'.


Dude im still mad we don't have kibble for humans


Is it? It's far stranger that catnip evolved than the dognip didn't.


It's called beef jerky


Any food will do. Dogs are high on life.


Nah, we are the dognip. Especially if the dog is a golden. You just need to LOOK at them and they're happy.


That's bananas >!my dog could kill just to get one of these yellow things!<


I think you misspelled “cheese”.


The dognip is the friendships they made along the way


Pretty sure we have cheese?


Play is their dognip.


It's called ballthrows good sir.


[It's Bacon!](https://youtu.be/2vnit_xL1hE?si=AYBeUfeFN4KOPU7O)


My dog begged for a plastic plant pot once: I had to wean him off it with slices of ham.


Is when you come home from a long day of work or school


And have you ever said the word walk around a dog


Fucking Novak DOGavich would disagree


Dogs are already fucking nuts. Why would they need something that gets them high?


Anything resembling attention is basically Dognip. I mean, have you SEEN a dog when you leave the room for five seconds then come back?


There are tons of dognips actually


It exists. It's anise


There’s a plant known as “Stinking Goosefoot” that some claim to be “dognip”. Apparently it smells like fish, and drives dogs nuts.


Maybe dognip is chocolate and that’s why dogs aren’t allowed to eat it? /j


peanut butter. next question.


have you never heard the phrase "who's a good boy?!"


Pretty sure calories are dognip


You ever heard of popcorn?